[Music] Great Galactic friends of Earth, it is I, Zandi. Many on your planet still believe in the illusion of separation, and with it comes fear—fear of abandonment, retaliation, and loss. What you believe and actuate becomes your reality.
But remember, my dear ones, you are not bound by this illusion; you have the power to unlearn what does not serve your higher purpose. Every thought system is born from the center of what you believe you are. If that center holds truth, only truth will extend from it.
If it is based on deception, only more false beliefs will follow. Transformation will begin to take the deepest root in your earthly experience—not with a sudden shift, but with a spark of motivation. When your heart is moved to seek Source, your journey of ascension truly unfolds.
Motivation is the key to lasting change, and especially so spiritually. It is your mind that must first be purified, for it holds the power to reshape your reality. Prime Creator's light seeks to flow through you at all times, and in this process of purification, the energies of the past will be washed away.
[Music] As you evolve now, as you head into the later part of this calendar year, many more of you will come to understand that giving and receiving are one. The more you give love, the more you embody love. At first, this may seem challenging as you work through the conflicting thoughts in your mind, but know that you are divinely guided.
The first step on this path may feel like an uphill battle, but it is here that your true power begins to emerge. You are moving toward a deeper understanding of your Divine Essence, so remove yourself from the distractions of politics; it is simply theater and distraction to your Divine Ascension. Always remember that the only power the shadows of the dark have over you is to convince you that you are not the light.
Everything they do is centered around this and always will be. We in the galactic higher realms do indeed have a little chuckle at this, as you are literally the suns on your planet. Could a cloud convince the sun that it cannot shine?
Then why are you still allowing yourself to play in the arena of materialism and illusion? Stop complaining about the state of play and change the game. You have all the power now, and it's time to activate the ego.
That voice of separation within you may try to convince you that this journey is impossible, but the ego's illusions are no match for the pure light of the Creator flowing through you. When you seek peace, when you slow down and really seek peace, you will become it. This is the second step on your path to higher consciousness, dear ones.
Remember that you are co-creators of your reality, and as you head into the next chapter, focus on balance, peace, and harmony within yourself, and join with your spiritual partners to create a synergy that offsets the negative energies in the world. You are anchors of light, creating safe havens amidst the chaos. Trust in the perfection of the universal plan and know that you are supported in every step of your journey by us, the Lyons and all of the Galactic Federation.
I look forward to speaking with you again. I am Zandi of Lyra.