The Kybalion Secrets | 7 Ancient Principles for Raising Your Vibe

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Clark Kegley
This video will teach you 7 hermetic principles from the kybalion. The Kybalion distills knowledge f...
Video Transcript:
so you want some ancient knowledge how about wisdom that's tens of thousands of years old this is not a self-help book that was published ten years ago some say these seven laws that you're going to learn govern the entire universe we're going over seven harmonic principles from the kabali the principles of truth are seven he who knows these understandingly possesses the magic key before those we touch all the doors of the temple fly open the wisdom in this book comes from what is called the emerald tablet these day back to over 36 000 years bc the date not before cove the emerald tablets were written by the egyptian god south also known as the atlantic ancient greece later called him hermes for thousands of years these were passed down through symbolism and word of mouth so what's actually in the kabulian let's dive in and go a little deeper together a good place to start is actually the intro in which it says when the ears of the student are ready to hear then cometh the lips to fill with the wisdom so what that is actually saying is that these seven principles you're in a position of life of self-growth so we're actually ready for the wisdom and ready to hear them so congratulations principle number one the principle of mentalism the all is mind the universe is mental that's not just something your british friend says universe is mental man unpacking it there's three realms the physical the mental and the spiritual each one of those realms has its own observable laws meaning when you're on the lower planes the mental and the physical sometimes understanding that spiritual realm can be hard to comprehend there are some things we just can't comprehend on this level of existence that's why it's called faith principle number two the principle of correspondence as above so below as below so above when you look at life it creates and pass trees have roots that go down they take in co2 we have lungs that go up we breathe out co2 we take in oxygen the flower of life the fibonacci spiral the solar system versus an atom the helix nebula versus the eye a galaxy versus a hurricane creation nature seems to mimic a pattern building on this you can't travel within standing still without basically meaning that as you start to do some of this inner work and learn more and peel back layers and go deeper within yourself as above so below you get to these deeper layers it's going to start changing the way you operate and go through life your personality creates your personal reality this is why we talk so much about shifting and creating that ideal version of you that's already within you you just have to shut off the layers the baggage the limiting beliefs the ex-girlfriends who told you you couldn't you weren't good enough the parents the teachers all the programming you start shedding the layers off getting to that true core of who you are principle number three the principle of vibration nothing rests everything moves everything vibrates if i hold up this rock right now what would you is this vibrating what the heck clark no this thing is solid as can be it's literally solid as a rock zoomed in at the smallest quantum level these particles are vibrating building on this nikola tesla said that if you want to know the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration vibration's a term that gets in my opinion overused raising your vibe there's a vibe about this person but knowing that everything does have a vibration it's not too far off it's not just the hippie whole foods saying that someone's going to come up to you and tell you everything's energy man building on this even more you can actually apply this to emotion what they find is that energy is like love peace belonging higher ones they're called higher emotional states because they carry a higher vibrational charge with them versus you have lower ones fear anger shame guilt pride they have a lower vibration that's why when you feel happier you feel more energetic don't you versus if you've ever been low and like depressed and just out of it right you don't feel like you're having a lot of energy you're not vibrating hermeticism knew about raising your vibe tens of thousands of years ago which brings us into principle number four the principle of polarity i'll give you the first part of this and then we'll talk about the second part of this number four everything is dual everything has poles everything has its pair of opposites everything has an opposite polarity night and day up down east west male female on off hot cold that's a very dualistic understanding there's good and evil love and hate fear and courage and we want life to be so simple but haven't you noticed that everything's sort of a spectrum given an example you might think that hot and cold are polar opposites literally polar opposites if you go to a thermometer in your house when does hot start becoming cold right if they're opposites if they're two different things shouldn't there be a definite point at where it's no longer hot and it is cold you can't really draw the line anywhere because it seems arbitrary if you're on one side or the other just by a little bit and it's not quite hot it's not quite cold yet the deeper understanding of that would say that hot and cold are on the same thing they're really the same principle number four continues like and unlike are the same opposites are identical in nature but different in degree extremes mean all truths are but half truths all paradoxes may be reconciled applying this to your personal life maybe you've had an experience where you really really loved someone you were dating head over heels in love and you thought they could do no wrong you thought they could not hurt you everything was great you're on cloud nine then you break up and you start to say things like i hate that person that person really hurts me what's going on there aren't those two different polar opposite emotions that's because love and hate are the same emotion only varying in degree personally this is my favorite principle so we'll spend a little extra time here relating this to manifesting that you know you might be in a stage of your life of where you really want something an opportunity maybe you want to change you want your life to be different than it is now perhaps i went through that too when i was building this youtube channel um i was 30 000 in debt i was in my mom's basement and i picked up a camera i started writing videos i wasn't getting any results it was so disheartening and yeah you're not supposed to be attached to results but damn it kind of hurts when you see five views and you know that three of them are you and the other two are probably your mom but i shifted my perspective and i knew that as soon as i was on the path of becoming a youtuber who had over 800 000 subscribers close to a million people watching which is insane every step on that path was the actual path every dollar you make on your journey to a million dollars is you becoming a millionaire every relationship you're in is you finally working your way to finding the right person and finding love every job that doesn't work out is teaching me lessons that go and roll over into the next job and so i knew if i could just stay on the path even though it wasn't mine yet the silver play button of a hundred thousand subscribers youtube send your award i knew that every single video was on that path and if i didn't give up i would get there to me it changes the perspective on the journey and on lack because you're really never lacking anything if you're on the path principle number five the principle of rhythm everything flows out and in everything has its tights all things rise and fall the pendulum swing manifests and everything the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left the rhythm compensates do this with me right now take a deep breath okay even your breath has a rhythm to it you have an inhale you pause and you exhale you could argue that when things don't have a rhythm to it that's when it ceases to exist that life force within you that keeps your heart beating when you don't have that rhythm what happens you die but you could even argue there that as soon as you die you decompose and you give life to other things that do have the rhythm so there's no stagnation the whole universe is in a dance it's an ongoing track that's been going for billions of years without a pause button it's not like we can just hit pause and stop the whole show it goes on with or without us i always tell my metamorphic clients when i'm coaching and you know it's natural to go through funks or feeling out of it or maybe even you even describe it as depression or you're feeling low oh man i just don't know how to get out of this another day same thing here we go life's a then you die if you don't know what to do do the opposite of what you feel if you just take the word depression what does that conjure up you're depressing yourself you're hunching over you're breathing shallow you're oh you're making yourself smaller what is the opposite of depression i don't think it's happiness because i say this a lot but there's so many things you could do that make you happy but not fulfilled that's not lasting happiness like go blast off at the clubs get drunk at 2 a. m technically you feel happy but that's not what you want that could exacerbate the problem because you're living on an extreme that's just going to come down with a hard crash opposite of depression is expression expressing yourself and that it's really really really really hard to feel that level of ick when you're fully expressing that inner 2. 0 version of you that you have within if you're feeling low energy you're feeling tired what's the opposite of that energized how do you get energized by being in motion go for a walk drink water eat healthy find that a lot of times that clears up the tiredness nothing's stagnant everything has an opposite it's actually two sides of the same coin depression expression tired energized find the opposite and do it self-help advice from 38 000 years ago the principle of cause and effect every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause everything happens according to law chance is but a name for law not recognized there are many places of causation but nothing escapes the law you ever thought of someone and then the next day they call you really freaky or i see it all the time working and coaching closely with people literally week two of our metamorphic program we have people create what i call a manifesto so this is where you design specifically the 2.
0 version of you people go in sometimes they're like well i don't know who the 2. 0 me is you don't need to know the how it's going to happen how you're going to get in a relationship how are you going to start that business how are you going to get clients how you're going to get in shape how you're going to move to a new city you gotta get really clear on the why and the what something magical i hate to use that word but it fits here happens there's a sort of alchemy when you put your thoughts and desires and manifestations out into the universe synchronicities show up clark it's crazy i wanted to change up my environment and then all of a sudden i got a job offer in the dream city in london that i wanted to live in i wrote that in my manifesto clark i really wanted someone who was caring and supportive a partner that i've never had and i went on this awesome date and now we're dating after week five and i see them post photos on their facebook page and they're like traveling around europe these synchronicities show up time and time and time again when you just give yourself the permission to think greater than your current environment but most people they get so caught up in the past i can't because i failed in the past i can't because i don't have the resources i can't because i have unsupportive people in my life and it reinforces the narrative of why you can't and so that becomes your reality that's what you're reinforcing giving yourself just the space for 10 freaking minutes that's all you got to really sit down and design your dream life and not just skip over it like it's some corny thing in a youtube video that you've heard a million times okay give me the new cutting edge give me the new secret sauce but have you ever done it if you're looking at successful people that you admire and look up to removing chance and luck from that something that they did where they got super clear on the direction they wanted to go and they started acting and moving with it that's the secret if you want some help you can apply for a free coaching call down below our metamorphic program walks you through that whole process in 10 weeks literally start to finish it's the perfect road map that's why we call it creating and shifting into the 2.
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