7 AWFUL Habits That Instantly Make People Look Down on You | STOIC PHILOSOPHY

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James The Stoic
#stoicwisdom #stoicism #innergrowth Want to know why some people just don't respect you? In this vi...
Video Transcript:
you ever wonder why some people just can't stand being around you okay maybe that's a bit harsh but let's be real we all have those habits that secretly make people roll their eyes the moment we walk in the room I know I do today I'm spilling the tea on awful habits that are making people look down on you yes you and guess what I've been guilty of most of these myself so if you're brave enough to stick around we're diving in it's going to be controversial brutally honest and a whole lot of fun ready to
find out if you're accidentally the worst let's go one gossiping all right let's talk about gossip we all do it right don't lie I see you there nodding whether it's a little workplace tea or spilling about someone's latest relationship drama it feels innocent enough and come on who doesn't love being in the no it's like we're wired for it but here's the cold hard truth when you're the one dishing out the dirt guess what everyone else is thinking if they're talking about so and so behind their back what do they say about me when I'm
not around yep gossip creates a cycle of distrust I found this out the hard way so let me be real with you I used to think gossiping was a bonding experience like if I shared the latest scoop people would see me as fun and relatable but you know what actually happened I started noticing people avoiding deeper conversations with me they'd keep things surface level because they didn't trust me I became the person who knew everyone's business but didn't have any real friends ouch right and it's not just that when you're always talking about others you're
avoiding dealing with your own stuff it's like this weird distraction from your own issues the more I focused on what other people were doing wrong the less I was focusing on what I needed to fix in my own life gossiping isn't just harmful to your relationships it's toxic to you it breeds insecurity and negativity instead of lifting people up you're subtly tearing them down and in the process you're bringing yourself down too I realized that if I wanted real meaningful connections with people I had to stop using gossip as a crutch for connection so if
you're out here gossiping thinking it's harmless fun news flash it's not people notice they remember and they definitely start distancing themselves trust me I've been there and guess what there's way more power in shutting down gossip than there is in spreading it next time someone tries to pull you into the latest drama try saying nah I'm good and watch how fast you start gaining real respect because hey at the end of the day we all have our own mess to clean up let's stop focusing on everyone else's two being passive aggressive oh passive aggression the
art of not saying what you mean but totally expecting people to understand you anyway you know what I'm talking about the classic I'm fine with that Stone Cold face that says everything but fine or when someone asks you to do something and you go yeah sure whatever but inside you're plotting their downfall we've all been there and it's like this Twisted version of emotional Warfare now I used to think passive aggression was this genius way of avoiding confrontation like why argue when you can just drop subtle hints and make them feel bad for not reading
your mind right wrong I learned the hard way that people aren't mind readers and if they are they're ignoring those signals on purpose real talk I used to be the queen of passive aggressive texts someone would flake on plans and instead of just saying hey that kind of sucked I'd hit them with a wow must be nice to be so busy or if a friend did something that annoyed me I'd give them the silent treatment waiting for them to magically know why I was upset and you know what happened no one figured it out I
just looked like an immature drama queen here's the thing with passive aggression it's like emotional dodgeball you think you're avoiding the problem but really you're just hitting people with frustration without giving them a chance to fix it it's exhausting for you and it's exhausting for everyone around you the worst part it makes people see you as difficult manipulative or just straight up childish no one wants to deal with someone who can't say what they really mean passive aggression is a fear of vulnerability plain and simple we think we're protecting ourselves from conflict but what we're
really doing is sabotaging our relationships instead of saying hey that hurt or I'm upset because we play these Mind Games expecting others to figure it out and here's the tough pill to swallow it's not their job to guess your feelings it's your job to communicate them I remember the day it hit me I was in a huge fight with a friend and I kept giving these passive aggressive Jabs hoping they'd finally get the point instead they just looked at me and said if you can't tell me what's actually wrong I can't help you and it
hit me like a truck I wasn't being strong or clever by holding back my feelings I was just being a coward since then I've made it a point to actually say what's on my mind crazy I know and guess what it's terrifying at first but then it feels so good when you stop playing emotional dodgeball and start having real conversations things get better people respect honesty even when it's hard to hear and more importantly you respect yourself for not hiding behind those passive aggressive walls so next time you're tempted to to fire off that shady
I guess that's fine text or give someone the cold shoulder ask yourself do you want to keep dodging the problem or do you want to grow up and face it head on trust me life gets so much easier when you stop expecting people to decode your emotions and just tell them what's up and who knows maybe they'll surprise you and actually fix the problem wild right three never taking responsibility all right let's talk about a classic never taking responsibility you know the type nothing is ever their fault Mr deadline well it's because the Wi-Fi was
down failed a test that teacher hates me and hey I've been there I've done that I was the master of the excuse game and let's be honest it feels good to deflect responsibility blaming external stuff makes us feel less well guilty it's like a mental get out of jail free card but here's the brutal truth when you're always shifting blame you're basically screaming I can't handle my own life and people start seeing you as unreliable immature and honestly kind of a mess I'll give you an example from my own life back in school I was
Notorious for not doing my homework but I always had an excuse ready to go the printer broke or I had too much work from my other classes and my personal favorite I didn't know it was due today eventually one of my teachers pulled me aside and said you know your name every time you have an excuse you're robbing yourself of a chance to grow you'll never improve if you never own up to your mistakes and man that hit me like a truck because here's the thing excuses feel safe they Shield us from criticism from feeling
like we've failed but you know what they also trap us in this cycle of mediocrity when you don't take responsibility you give up your power to change things if everything's always someone else's fault how are you ever going to get better spoiler you're not I realized that my constant excuses weren't protecting me they were holding me back every time I blame something or someone else I was avoiding the hard truth that maybe I just didn't put in the effort maybe I could have done better and guess what that's not a bad thing real growth comes
from saying yeah I messed up and I'm going to learn from it responsibility is freedom when you own your mistakes you can actually do something about them I remember the first time I actually owned up to a mistake at work I missed a deadline and instead of coming up with my usual laundry list of excuses I just said hey I didn't manage my time well I'll do better next time and you know what happened my boss didn't flip out no one threw me out of the building in fact they respected me more for taking ownership
I learned that people don't expect you to be perfect they just want you to be honest and accountable but listen I get it taking responsibility sucks in the moment no one likes feeling like they dropped the ball but long term it's a GameChanger when you stop making excuses people start trusting you more and you start trusting yourself more too and honestly isn't it better to own your mistakes than to live in constant fear of being found out plus let's be real life gets so much easier when you stop juggling all those excuses no more mental
gymnastics trying to remember what your latest excuse was just take the hit learn from it and move move on so next time you're tempted to blame the dog the weather or the universe for your screw up try this instead own it it's scary at first but trust me it feels so much better in the end and hey people might actually start respecting you for it wild concept huh now go out there and start taking some responsibility your future self will thank you fourth lack of basic high genene all right folks it's time to address the
elephant in the room or maybe the odor in the room yep we're talking about basic hygiene and yes I know this is one of those we shouldn't have to talk about it topics but clearly we do you'd think after years of civilization everyone would have mastered the art of soap and water but apparently some folks just haven't now let's be real no one wants to be the person that others are actively avoiding because of um a certain smell but it happens and look I'm not here to judge okay maybe a little but more importantly I'm
here to help you avoid being that person I'll give you a personal confession when I was younger like middle school I went through a phase where I thought deodorant was optional I figured hey if I don't feel sweaty then it's all good right wrong I didn't realize until one day someone kindly but awkwardly suggested I try a new brand of body spray yeah that was my wakeup call nothing like the horror of realizing you've been walking around stinking up the place to make you rethink Your Life Choices trust me I rushed home that day and
stocked up on every product in the hygiene aisle but here's where it gets controversial when we talk about hygiene it's not just just about smelling good it's about showing respect not just for others but for yourself because here's the harsh truth if you're not taking care of basic hygiene people start to question what else you're neglecting it's like a silent red flag waving saying if they can't handle a shower how can they handle bigger responsibilities it's not fair but it's how people think and it's not just about body odor we're talking un brushed teeth greasy
hair dirty clothes the whole package if you're walking around looking like you've just rolled out of bed for the third day in a row people start to wonder are they okay are they even trying and here's the deeper part sometimes a lack of hygiene can be a sign of something more depression burnout low self-esteem it's all connected when I was going through a rough patch I noticed I'd skipped the basic thinking what's the point but the thing is not taking care of yourself physically can drag you down even further mentally there was a time in
my life when I was so overwhelmed with work and stress that my self-care took a back seat I'd skip showers throw on the same clothes from the day before and hope no one noticed but guess what people noticed and it wasn't until a close friend pulled me aside and said hey are you okay you've seemed a little off lately that I realized how far I'd let things slip that wakeup call helped me understand that neglecting hygiene was a symptom of a bigger issue I wasn't taking care of my mental health either hygiene isn't just about
looking or smelling good it's a form of self-respect it's the first step in showing the world and yourself that you value who you are when you let go of the Basics it's like you're telling yourself I'm not worth the effort and that can spiral into deeper feelings of self-doubt but here's the good news taking small steps like brushing your teeth or washing your hair can give you that boost you need to start feeling better overall it's weird how something so simple can have such a big impact on your mindset so yeah I get it some
days the idea of dragging yourself into the shower feels like climbing Mount Everest but trust me once you do you'll feel like a whole new person and hey the people around you will thank you too it's a win-win and let's be real there's nothing more satisfying than that fresh and clean feeling when you step out of the shower so do yourself and everyone else a favor soap up slap on some deodorant brush those teeth and go out there smelling like the Champion you are remember good hygiene isn't just about impressing others it's about taking care
of you so if you're still debating whether or not to hop in the shower today Here's your sign go ahead you'll feel better for it five constant complaining all right let's get real for a second we all know that one person who just complains about everything I mean they could be sitting on a tropical beach cocktail in hand and still find something to gripe about GH it's too sunny or this sand is too Sandy you know the type right and here's the thing if you're sitting there thinking wait I don't know anyone like that uh-oh
you might be that person but don't worry we've all been guilty of it at some point Yours Truly included I went through a phase as especially when I was stressed out where I complained constantly and not even about big things I'd walk into work like GH why is it so cold in here or why is this coffee so bad it was like I couldn't stop myself but then one day a friend straight up told me you know you complain more than anyone I've ever met right and that stung I didn't even realize how negative I
was being and let's be real constant complaining is exhausting for you and everyone around you it's like negativity is contagious and when you're always focusing on what's wrong people start to see you as a dark cloud worse they start avoiding you trust me when people see you coming and their first instinct is to duck into the nearest room to avoid hearing another rant it's not a good sign now here's where this gets a little uncomfortable complaining feels good in the moment it's like venting out the frustration but the truth is constant complaining isn't harmless it
creates this Loop where you focus only on the negative and that's all you start to see it's like you train your brain to ignore anything good happening around you and if you're constantly bringing negativity to the table people start to look down on you thinking if they're always unhappy maybe they're the problem out right here's the deeper issue constant complaining is often a mask for something bigger when I was going through my complaining phase it wasn't really about the bad coffee or the cold office it was about feeling overwhelmed stressed and not in control of
my life complaining was an outlet but it wasn't helping if anything it made me feel worse I was amplifying the negativity of my life rather than finding a solution I realized that when I focused on complaining I wasn't solving any problems I was just broadcasting them and no one wants to hear a broken record of negativity so I started doing something wild whenever I felt like complaining I'd stop and ask myself okay what can I do about this if I couldn't fix it I'd let it go and if I could I'd stop complaining and actually
take action it was hard at first but over time I noticed a huge shift in how people responded to me and how I felt about myself here's the thing life is always going to throw curve balls things are always going to go wrong sometimes that's just reality but constantly focusing on what's wrong stops you from seeing what's right it blocks gratitude and gratitude that's the antidote to complaining the more you practice finding what's good the less you feel the need to complain and guess what you start attracting more positivity people want to be around you
because you lift them up instead of dragging them down so if you're finding yourself complaining about everything from the weather to the Wi-Fi maybe it's time to take a step back and ask am I actually trying to solve this or am I just stuck in a habit of whining because let's be honest the constant complaining it's not cute and it's definitely not helping anyone next time you're about to drop another complaint bomb try switching it up find something anything to be thankful for you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel and trust me the people
around you will thank you too remember complaining may feel like the easy route but finding the good now that's a real power move being chronically late all right let's tackle a habit that's more common than you might think being chronically late you know the drill there's always that one person who's perpetually running behind the classic I'm just 5 minutes away that somehow turns into 20 or the I'm on my way text that you send from your couch while still in pajamas yep we're talking about those who always seem to be in a Time Warp now
before you start throwing excuses at me let's get real I've been that person I was the champion of fashionably late except it was never fashion and it definitely wasn't stylish it was just late I thought it was my little Rebellion against the clock guess what it wasn't Chic it was just inconsiderate I used to have a terrible habit of being late to everything meetings dates family dinners didn't matter I thought I was somehow immune to the normal constraints of time until one day my best friend called me out she said you know being late isn't
just about showing up late it's about showing me that you don't value my time ouch that hit me hard I'd never thought about it like that I was so wrapped up in my own time management mess that I didn't realize how disrespectful it was to others and let's face it chronic leness isn't just a personal Quirk it's a major red flag to others it says my time is more important than yours whether it's a job interview a dinner with friends or just a simple meeting if you're always late people start to see you as unreliable
disorganized and yes a bit disrespectful and here's a spicy truth being late often masks deeper issues for some it's about a lack of respect but for others it's a way of avoiding commitment or confrontation sometimes we're late because we're secretly dragging our feet or because we don't really want to be there we think if I'm late enough maybe they'll think I'm just busy or something but what it really does is make people question your integrity and your interest I had to face that uncomfortable TR truth myself I wasn't just late because I had a bad
sense of time I was late because I was scared of facing certain situations I realized I was using lateness as a buffer an excuse to avoid being fully present once I recognize that I started working on my time management and being more honest about why I was really avoiding things being chronically late is more than just a bad habit it's a symptom of deeper issues like time management self-respect and consideration for others when you're late you're not just messing up your schedule you're showing others that you don't value their time or their efforts and that's
a tough thing to overcome but it's so worth it I started setting reminders planning ahead and even getting to places early to counteract my lateness it wasn't easy but it made a huge difference people started to trust me more and I felt better about myself I was no longer known as that person who's always late I was someone people could count on so here's the challenge if you're the chronically late one in your group it's time to step up your game start small set your clocks 5 minutes ahead plan your outfit the night before or
just leave earlier and watch how your relationships and your reputation improve because let's be honest being on time isn't just about respect it's about not missing out on life's moments so stop playing catchup and start showing up on time trust me it'll make all the difference seven playing the victim all right let's dive into a habit that's a real crowd pleaser playing the victim you know the type they've got a NeverEnding list of woes and no matter what happens it's always someone else's fault if something goes wrong they're the first to say why does this
always happen to me well here's a truth bomb sometimes it's not the universe conspiring against you it's your own mindset now before you start getting defensive I get it life throws curveballs and sometimes it feels like you're the only one catching them but here's where it gets interesting playing the victim can actually be a sneaky way of avoiding responsibility and genuine growth and let's face it it's just not a fun vibe to be around I was definitely guilty of this at one point I'd moan about how nothing ever went my way missed a promotion at
work oh it's just because my boss hates me relationship troubles I must be cursed and guess what I didn't realize how much I was sinking into this victim mentality until a friend had a heart tohe heart with me she said you know you always see yourself as the victim but have you ever thought about how much you're contributing to these situations that stung but it was a wakeup call and here's the kicker playing the victim can become a habit it's like wearing a cloak of Perpetual Doom you start to believe that everything is happening to
you rather than for you it's exhausting for everyone around you and can seriously limit your personal growth when you're always looking for someone to blame you're not looking for Solutions or opportunities to learn here's a spicy truth sometimes playing the victim is easier than facing the uncomfortable truths about ourselves it's a way to dodge accountability it's way more comfortable to point fingers and say it's not my fault than to look in the mirror and ask what could I have done differently but let's be real that's not empowering it's disempowering power ing I found this out
the hard way there was a time when I was constantly blaming everyone else for my career setbacks it wasn't until I started taking ownership of my actions and decisions that things began to change I stopped seeing myself as a victim and started seeing myself as an active participant in my own life it was liberating instead of waiting for things to get better on their own I started making changes setting goals and actively working towards them playing the victim is like being stuck in a hamster wheel you run and run but you're not really going anywhere
when you stop playing the victim and start taking responsibility you break free from that cycle it doesn't mean that life's challenges go away but it does mean that you're better equipped to handle them it's about shifting from a mindset of helplessness to one of empowerment so if you catch yourself slipping into that victim mentality try this instead of asking why is this happening to me ask what can I do about this Empower yourself to be the hero of your own story it's a lot more rewarding than being the victim next time you're tempted to play
the victim card remember you've got the power to change the game take charge and watch how your life and your relationships transform and hey if you need a reminder just come back and re-watch this video I promise no victim mentality here just a dose of tough love all right folks that's a wrap we've gone through some of the worst habits that can make people look down on you whether it's gossiping being passive aggressive never taking responsibility skipping hygiene or you know complaining about everything and hey if you re recognized yourself in any of these don't
sweat it the good news is these are habits we can all change Life's too short to stay stuck in patterns that don't serve us or anyone else around us now I'm not saying you have to be perfect far from it but a little self-awareness goes a long way and making even the smallest changes can have a huge impact on your relationships your confidence and how you show up in the world plus let's be real no one's ever complained about being around someone who's honest accountable and smells great right so here's the challenge I'm leaving you
with think about one habit you could shift this week maybe it's owning up to a mistake maybe it's putting that negativity in check or maybe it's just a quick shower baby steps people thanks for sticking with me through this one if you got got some laughs a little insight or even a cringeworthy moment of self-reflection hit that like button subscribe and share it with someone who might need a gentle nudge themselves We're All in This Together nobody's perfect but we can all be better and remember next time you feel like gossiping or complaining just think
what would I say about me that's usually a pretty good place to start catch you next time e e e e for
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