Chosen One: You Have a Heart of Gold – Don’t make This Mistake.

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A Word of Wisdom
Chosen one’s, You have a heart of gold – Don’t make this mistake. In this important message, I spea...
Video Transcript:
chosen ones what you are about to hear is not just a word it is a Divine message from almighty God it is a message of urgency a message of power for God never lie God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good listen everything you hear today will surely come to pass this message demands your attention hear me well chosen ones there is no turning back after this
there is no maybe or later the weight of our nation the future of your people and the destiny of this generation rests upon your shoulders so prepare yourself and listen carefully to this Divine instruction from God I stand before you today not as an ordinary speaker but as a fire starter a carrier of divine div Revelation sent to ignite the flame that God has already placed deep within your spirit hear me chosen ones for this is no ordinary moment this is a sacred appointment with Destiny the heavens are open and the spirit of God is
ready to pour out fresh anointing fresh Grace and a new level of power upon your life I stand here with a word of fire that will not only set your heart Ablaze but will catapult you into the destiny that God has prepared for you since the foundation of the world this is not just another message this is a Divine instruction the new month is here and with it comes a new season of breakthroughs opportunities and favor I am speaking directly to those who know in their hearts that they are chosen you are not here by
accident you are here because God has placed a calling on your life and this new month is your time to rise it is your time to step into the fullness of God's purpose for you let the spirit of God burn away every doubt every fear Every Chain of mediocrity and let him fill you with his fire his purpose and his power the question is are you ready are you prepared to step into the fire and come out as pure gold if you are then let's walk together into this new month knowing that it is filled
with divine possibilities favor and unimaginable breakthroughs welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to date with the word of God chosen ones you must understand that this new month is not just another set of 31 days on a calendar no this is a divinely orchestrated season of Grace and when I I say grace I'm talking about the UNM merited overwhelming abundant favor of God that is about to hit your life like a mighty rushing wind Isaiah 43: 19
declares behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it can you see it chosen ones do you feel the shift in the atmosphere the spirit of God is doing something new and it's happening right now you don't have to wait for it it's already here but here's the key you must perceive it you must recognize the new thing that God is doing in your life and align yourself with it this new month carries with it a new level of Grace and that Grace is not just for surviving it's
for thriving whatever happened last month is now irrelevant because Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22-23 tells us his mercies are new every morning God's Mercy is fresh for you every single day and with every Sunrise he is pouring out new Grace new favor and new possibilities think of Grace Like An Open Door God has swung it wide open for you but you must walk through it this is the month where you will not only step through the door but run through it this grace is a force a Divine empowerment that will Propel you from forward into
Realms you've never accessed before it's time to leave behind every weight every burden and every hindrance from the past season God's grace is making all things new now hear me chosen ones this grace is not passive it is a fiery Grace it is the kind of Grace that burns away the impurities the doubts the fears and everything that's been holding you back it's the grace that empowers you to walk into places where others Fear To Tread you are not stepping into this month timidly you are stepping in with boldness with fire in your eyes and
with the assurance that God's favor is already resting on your shoulders will you receive it this is your moment to trust in the Divine orchestration of God's plan for your life I'm not talking about Blind Faith I'm talking about the kind of faith that knows that God is already at work behind the scenes aligning everything for your good Jeremiah 29:1 declares for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future you see chosen ones God's plan for your life is
greater than anything you could ever dream or imagine you may have experienced disappointments setbacks and delays in the last season but I'm here to tell you that every single one one of those moments was part of God's master plan he is the ultimate architect and he has been constructing something beautiful out of what you thought were broken pieces this new month brings with it new opportunities some of you have been waiting for open doors for God to reveal the next step in your journey and I declare to you today that this is the month where
those doors will swing wide open but here's the secret those opportunities aren't just coming they're already here God has been working on your behalf while you were sleeping while you were praying while you were wondering if he even heard your cries he's been moving people circumstances and resources into position for your breakthrough but chosen ones you must trust him you must trust his timing trust his process and Trust his plan some of you have been looking for signs waiting for confirmation s but God is saying step out in faith this is not the time for
hesitation this is the time to move forward with boldness you don't have to see the full picture to trust that God has already written the story the opportunities of this new month are not just natural they are Supernatural God is Not confined by time or space he can move mountains open doors and create opportunities where there seem to be none but you must align your heart with his plan and trust that he is working all things together for your good this is your month of divine opportunity step into it let me speak directly to your
spirit chosen ones God has given you Authority and this is the month where you will walk in it like never before some of you have been living beneath your god-given Authority but no more this is the time for you to rise up and take take your rightful place as a child of God as a warrior in the Kingdom in Luke 10: 19 Jesus said I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you this is not just a metaphor this is your
reality you have been given Divine authority to overcome every obstacle every attack and every scheme of the enemy but here's the truth Authority is only as powerful as the one who wields it you must stand up and declare I am Chosen and I will walk in the authority that God has given me God has been preparing you for greater things some of you have been going through seasons of trial and you've been wondering God why am I going through this but let me tell you something the trial was the training ground the fire you've been
walking through was not not meant to destroy you it was meant to refine you to prepare you for the greater things that God has in store for you in this new month you see chosen ones Authority is not something that's given lightly it's earned through the process of refinement Through The Crucible of trial but now you are standing on the other side of that fire and God is saying it's time it's time for you to walk in the authority that I've been preparing you for this month is not just about breakthrough it's about walking in
a new level of authority you will declare things and they will come to pass you will speak to mountains and they will move you will walk into situations and the atmosphere will shift because of the authority that you carry but you must believe it you must own the authority that God has placed within you the enemy has been trying to keep you down because he knows the power you carry he knows that when you step into your Authority you become Unstoppable but this is your month to rise up chosen ones this is your month to
take your place in the kingdom and walk in the full authority of God do not shrink back do not doubt God has already equipped you for this season and now it's time to walk in it as we stand at the threshold of this new month I feel the Holy Spirit saying renew your faith some of you have been carrying the weight of the last season and it has left you weary you've been walking through valleys facing battles and wondering if you have the strength to keep going but I'm here to tell you that God is
about to renew your strength like never before in Isaiah 40:31 it says but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint this is not just a promise it is your inheritance God is about to Breathe new life into your spirit he is about to give you Supernatural strength for the journey ahead let me be real with you the journey ahead may not be easy there will be challenges trials and moments where you feel
like giving up but God is saying to you today I will be your strength you don't have to rely on your own abilities your own power or your own resources God himself will carry you through this season but here's the key you must renew your faith you must come to God every day and say Lord fill me with fresh strength fill me with fresh Faith fill me with the power of your spirit so that I can walk in Victory this is not the time to grow weary this is the time to soore Like an Eagle
to rise above the storms and fly on the wings of the spirit some of you have been in a season where you felt like you've been crawling just trying to survive but God is saying to you today no more crawling it's time to fly the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you and he is empowering you to walk through this new month with strength with power and with renewed faith and now chosen ones I challenge you do not settle for less than what God has promised you this is your month
of breakthrough and the only thing that can stop it is your own unbelief the enemy wants you to settle for mediocrity to be content with small victories but I am here to declare to you today that God has greater things in store for you Ephesians 3:2 says now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us God is not just able to meet your needs he is able to exceed them but you must expect it you must believe that God
is working behind the scenes to bring about a breakthrough that will blow your mind some of you have been praying for a breakthrough for so long that you've begun to settle for less you've started to think maybe this is all there is maybe God's plan for me is smaller than I thought but let me tell you something the devil is a liar God's plan for you is greater than anything you could ever imagine and this is the month where you will see it come to pass but you must not settle you must not allow the
enemy to make you comfortable with mediocrity God has called you to Greatness and this is the month where you will step into it expect the impossible expect the miraculous expect the supernatural this is your time for breakthrough chosen ones I stand before you today to declare that this new month is not just another page on the calendar it is a Divine moment of Destiny the heavens are open over your life and God is pouring out new Grace New Opportunities new Authority and new Strength this is your time to rise up to walk in the fullness
of God's calling and to experience the Breakthrough that he has prepared for you you are chosen you are called and this is your season to step into everything that God has for you walk into this new month with fire in your heart faith in your spirit and the authority of the Holy Spirit resting upon your shoulders the world is waiting for you to take your place now go forth and conquer for the Lord is with you let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family heavenly father I come before you right now standing in
the gap for every chosen one who hears this message Lord I declare your Mighty presence to fall upon them right now wherever they are in the name of Jesus almighty God you are the consuming fire and I ask that you burn away every chain every burden and every hindrance that has been holding your people back father let your fire descend like a hammer that breaks every Rock of Doubt Fear And Delay into pieces in the mighty name of Jesus I speak to the dry bones in their lives and I command them to come alive I
declare that this new month is their season of divine grace Divine favor and Supernatural breakthrough Lord just as you promised in your word your mercies are new every morning and right now I declare fresh Mercy fresh Grace and fresh power to pour out over every person listening to this prayer let your spirit move like a mighty rushing wind father I pray that they will walk in new levels of Faith Authority and Power in this new month no weapon formed against them shall prosper and every door that has been closed to them will now swing open
by the authority of Jesus Christ father you said in your word that you know the plans you have for them plans to prosper them not to harm them I decree and declare that your divine plan for their lives is now unfolding in ways they never imagined Let Your Divine orchestration begin to manifest in their finances in their relationships in their health and in their calling in the name of Jesus father I come against every scheme every plot every attack of the enemy that has tried to delay or destroy the destiny of your chosen ones in
the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of confusion the spirit of fear the spirit of delay and I release your anointing that breaks every yoke right now I speak new Strength into their hearts Lord those who have been weary those who have been tired from the battles of the last season renew their strength right now let them soar on wings like eagles let them run and not grow weary let them walk and not faint fill them Lord with the supernatural strength of your spirit Lord as they step into this new month let them step
into their Authority you have given them the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and I declare that every enemy enemy under their feet is crushed by the power of your word this is the month where they will rise above every challenge every obstacle and every hindrance they are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus Lord let them walk boldly into their Destiny with no fear no hesitation and no doubt father I speak Divine favor over their lives right now I declare that they are walking into open doors opportunities and Divine connections that will propel them
into their god-given Destiny Lord let this month be marked by Supernatural breakthroughs I declare healing over their bodies Clarity over their minds and financial overflow in their households and now Lord I lift up those who will share this message who will subscribe like and comment Amen to this message father I pray for a double portion of your favor to rest upon them just as they seow this word into the lives of others may they receive a multiplied harvest in their own lives Lord I declare that those who share this message will experience Supernatural blessings open
doors and favor beyond anything they could ask or imagine bless their hands bless their efforts and bless their obedience to share the fire of your word with others for every person who subscribes Lord let let them be connected to a fresh well of Living Water through this ministry let them experience a continual outpouring of Revelation encouragement and divine breakthrough I pray that their hearts will be ignited their faith will be strengthened and their Journey with you will go to deeper dimensions for every Armen that is typed I declare that it is not just a word
but it is a declaration of agreement in the spirit and your word says where two or three are gathered in your name there you are in the midst so father I ask that you show up mightily in their lives and may their agreement with this word unlock the doors of Heaven over them Father let your fire fall on every person under the sound of my voice stir up the gifts inside of them stir up their passion their purpose their calling Let the Fire of the Holy Spirit burn within them so strongly that they cannot remain
silent I declare that they will walk into this month with fresh Vision fresh power and fresh Authority no more shrinking back no more doubting Lord they are chosen and this is their time in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I seal this prayer and I declare that it is done amen amen and and amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to
someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work [Music]
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