You NEED The “3 Ts” So Reality NEVER Gets You Down AGAIN

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Nero Knowledge
How do I persist in my desired reality? How do I maintain frequency? It’s all here, and it’s all s...
Video Transcript:
reality is getting you down now of course I missed the is there but who cares chances are you clicked on this video because at this particular moment in time you're going through some type of difficulty and you're thinking how do I maintain my frequency how do I maintain my desired reality I don't want to throw away all that hard work that I've been doing up until this point don't worry I got you and with that being said what I'm going to break down in this video something you never heard of because once again this is
something that I came up with myself and this is what call the three T's of reality Alchemy the three T's will allow you to take a condition of reality that is difficult stressing you displeasure and transmute it into a reality in the same way the ancient Alchemist would turn lead to Gold that's what we're going to do and at some point in this video you're going to learn the three TS but that's not the only thing I'm going to give you you're going to get some you're going to get more than some I'm also going
to give you the double lws now nah I ain't giving you a Rolls words so let's slow down the double is also kind of interl with the 3 TS of alchemy so with that being said let's get straight into it as you guys already know everything is an inner game everything is an entire inner game understanding that reality is nothing more than a delayed mirror reflection reality is nothing more than the equivalent of a radio station that you experience depending upon the frequency you're in we can play with this and it's just all about about
rearranging the inner world the moment you begin to rearrange the inner world the outer world will change I spoke about this in my other videos damn dropped a pen and by the way somebody said there is no agent when I'm just talking you think I'm you think I got imaginary friends AG is a real guy like like he's the other guy that I do this with like he's my editor and videographer I'm not crazy I know most of the time when you see spiritual online they got spiritual psychosis I ain't one of them so I
Amin crazy now the 3 TS before we get into the 3ts there's actually something that I want you to know when it comes to actually utilizing the 3 TS because this is stuff that I teach to my clients so if you're an entrepreneur that's stuck at a revenue ceiling and you want to break out in the next 5 to 7 weeks and double your Revenue Link in the description but what I'm about to teach you has to be followed through the entire way so it's important you don't just you know disappear right because you you're
going to need all three parts to this and also make sure you drop them notes in the comments now the first of the three T's transcend now what you have to understand is the particular situation that you're going through of difficulty that's really testing your frequency and testing everything that you've been going through it has has to First be transcended the mistake that you're probably making is trying to change that situation without first following the steps in order and transcend simply means to be above and unfortunately until you can be above the difficulty that you're
going through first vibrationally that will never translate over physically because before anything can materialize to the physical plane it first exists on the mental plane it first exists vibrationally so before anything can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally so when it comes to you being able to get out the situation you're in the first thing that you need to do is to First be above the situation you're in from a point of vibration and the way you need to understand it is like this when we're talking about transcending above Rising Above So Long As
You Are below your situation from a point of frequency from a point of vibration you will be below it in reality but if you can get above the condition or difficulty that you're going through from a point of vibration it will alter your reality your world that you're in now when we're talking about transcending what you have to understand is this there is a particular default programming that you've been given to react to this difficulty that you're going in that you're going through sorry so the difficulty that you're going through has a default programming that
is set on the software that is your mind and you need to be able to rise above the default and enter design the aim isn't to live Reality by default it's To Live By Design which is why you're here and as I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity I ain't here reading you cards nigg and speaking whatever madeup alien language these are doing I feel like some some spiritual people are so weird so weird it's like the more spiritual you are the less spiritual you are in it it's like
just be normal but anyways the condition of difficulty that you're going through whatever is testing you at this particular moment in time what you have to understand is you've been programmed to have a particular default reaction and that default reaction is probably frustration is probably annoyance is probably anger and it's probably despair despair is such a sad word don't you think such a sad word these are the emotions that you've been programmed to experience whenever difficulty pops up in your reality and until you can First Rise Above these particular emotions you will not be above
the difficulty that you're going through as I said when we're talking about transcending it it it's all a system that's interconnected and understanding the default measure that you've been given to go into despair to go into frustration annoyance anger and probably hopelessness too you need to be able to rise the above these emotions because if you cannot rise above these emotions you will continue to stay within the difficulty that you're in because what these emotions are are a particular type of glue and they are a glue to the difficulty because these emotions are energy emotions
with have which have energetic signatures which emit a vibration which then energetically builds up into a frequency which then glues you to that difficulty so the first thing I want you to understand is this is the worst thing you can be doing when you're going through it when you're going through it and you're getting frustrated annoyed angry despair hopeless that's the worst thing because you are gluing yourself to that particular type of frequency you're in and this is actually great because here's here's something something that I want you to understand and I'm so excited to
show this let me show you slow down you're going to get some you're going to get some you're going to get some relax relax relax relax relax I know you're eager relax relax relax off the point of what I was just saying about emotions in particular and how those emotions act as a particular form of glue to your old frequency it's important that you understand this simple graph because this simple graph is probably why 98 % people across the world are going to continue to stay stuck within the realities that they were born in and
not have the ability to alter the vibration of their realities to experience their desired realities and it all comes down to this and this is this is really like a this is really like a bird's eye view of the Simplicity of how people are trapped in their realities by themselves so if I can control your emotion and bear in mind this is reality by way if I can if I can get you frustrated hopeless sad angry despaired if I can control your emotion I control your energy emotion if I control your energy emotion I control
your vibration when vibration energetically builds up and stacks it becomes a frequency if I can control your emotion I can control your energy motion if I can control your energy motion I can control your vibration if I can control your vibration I can control your frequency and if I can control your frequency boy oh boy I can control your reality so the top level understanding is this is the number one thing that your old frequency is going to Target it is going to Target this because of the domino effect that it has on everything else
so I want you to think about those people that attract in a particular state of emotion I can come and press your buttons If I know what pisses you off I all I got to do is come press your buttons If I know what triggers you into anger I'm going to come do that if I know what triggers you into frustration I'm going to come do that and this is how the old frequency thinks because it's an entity that exists and it uses these tricky games to keep you stuck to it which is why Transcendence
is so important because if you cannot rise above the emotion that you're programmed to experience and the way that you react to reality at the beginning the drop- down effect trickles all the way down to your reality and then when your reality is it's over for you that's the truth look how dangerous it is not to be able to transcend the difficulty that is coming your way and don't don't don't get me wrong I've been through it too happens to me like I know you guys regard me as your teacher but I'm just a student
and don't follow me cuz I could lead you to a cult and have you doing crazy stuff no Diddy now you have to understand the domino effect that emotion has all the way down to your reality and until you truly understand the severity of emotion and the role that it actually plays being the language of God and then ends up being the product code through the frequency of the reality that you're given you will remain trapped in this particular step which is why when we're talking about step number one Transcendence you have to be able
to transcend the internal chaos that AR rises from the difficulty that you're going in if you want to talk about maintaining this frequency and making sure all the work that you've done up until this point isn't wasted then you need to be able to be you need to be able to rise above the inner chaos because so long as you cannot rise above the inner chaos the outer chaos will continue to will continue to destroy you anytime that's anytime that anybody in reality is going through it on the outside I know internally they're completely and
it's because your internal world is simply reflected out into your outer world there's no difference between them the most dangerous thing and please please please please please write this down the most dangerous thing you could do is to see a separation between your mind and your reality the most dangerous thing you could do is to see a separation between your mind and your reality that is the most dangerous thing because the two are interconnected through what I call the invisible light now because you have an understanding that there is an invisible line the line is
somewhat faint to you and you can see it some people never get to see this line and because they never get to see it their mind is detached from what they're seeing and because their mind is detached from what they're seeing when happens to them they can't even comprehend that somewhere somehow it existed within them so when we talk about transcending the in inner chaos how that looks like is this non reaction and non judgment that is step one when whatever you're going through right now or for future when something goes wrong because something will
go wrong I want you to understand that what people conceptualize to be this type of information is something that means they're never going to have problems again you're going to have problems for the rest of your life this is the nature of the universe this is the Hermetic law of Rhythm within Rhythm there's highs and there's lows you cannot avoid those lows you can't and I'm not one of them spiritual that's going to gas you up with Shia but and C and tell you that everything's going to be all right cuz it's not and all
that weird that they do isn't going to help you so I need you to understand what I'm saying this information isn't a magical one that gets rid of anything you're going through what it does is give you tools to navigate these particular situations so that when you go through them the way that you experience them from a point of frequency puts you in a position to actually move into your desired reality that's all I'm here to do get you to your desired reality nothing more nothing less and the first step to Transcendence and actually transcending
the first T out of the three T's is non-reaction and non-judgment when something pops up in your reality you need to maintain an elevated level of perspective to the fact that this condition is not a permanent fixated thing all it is is a temporary condition based upon a delayed form of Consciousness this is nothing more than your old frequency materializing this is nothing more than your old Frozen this is nothing more than your Frozen imagination from your old self freezing nothing more nothing less and you need to be able to maintain this elevated perspective in
your perception towards this difficulty that you're going through to understand this is nothing more than an illusion and it's an illusion regardless of how bad it is that will pass because what this old frequency will do it will trick you into thinking it's over when you're going through it you think it's over you're like nah man I'm not busting case on this one this one is game over but it's not and it's a temporary condition of reality that will pass but the mere fact that your creation the world that you walk in is nothing more
than the delayed creation of your State of Consciousness all you have to remind yourself of is that it's the creation of the old frequency and nothing more cuz that puts you in a position where you're not going to react to in a particular way and the way that I always conceptualize it is of course parents sometimes get caught out by their kids but for the most part when a parent is internally calm and their kid is throwing a tantrum the way that they react and navigate that particular tantrum is going to be from a different
perspective cuz they understand it for what it is of course I'm not talking about when you're when you're mad to and then you end up getting into it but it's that maintaining of elevated perspective think about it like when people are walking their dogs when two people are walking their dogs and their dogs start barking at each other the owners will be like smiling at each other laughing because they understand that these dogs are just going off nothing more than Instinct and they have a higher elevated perspective so they're not going to start barking and
getting angry at the other dog cuz they're like nah it's cool and that's the perspective you need to have and then how else you need to have it is to please I can't emphas I can't emphasize this enough refrain from judging the reality that you're going through I'm going to make a video on this I'm going to make a video on this because you don't even realize how what you're doing is destroying you the worst thing you could do is to complain that's the worst thing you could do because through complaining what you're not realizing
is that the frequency of a particular complaint emphasizes to the universe that you are free from responsibility in your own creation so the universe takes the piss out of you because you're taking the piss out of yourself but not realizing that you're complaining about a condition of reality that you created even more within complaints there's a negative form of emotion which acts as what glue to whatever it is that you're actually complaining about because where attention goes energy flows take that attention take that emotion combine it and you have consistent Creation in reality that's why
so long as you keep complaining about the difficulty that you're going through how life is hard how life is unfair how it's Peak for you right right now you're going to keep creating it so you need to be able to break away from complaining and step into an aspect of non judgment and this is really and truly the beginning of transcendence in terms of the third dimensional realm because when you free yourself from being able to judge and categorize reality which is what the ego wants to do you actually Elevate yourself above the lower polarity
and Duality instead of seeing things as separate and seeing everything as one and once you step into that phase you begin closer to see reality from the God's eye point of view instead of the human eye point of view so that's the first te transcend somebody asked me what type of music do I listen to feel like I'm about to disappoint all the spiritual right now I listen to all types of stuff um my favorite genre of music is '90s R&B it's my favorite undefeated error I don't think music has been that good since then
um as far as rap like boss man dowo he's up right now future Metro's album was hard shout out AJ I'm not talking to my imaginary friend he's literally right there um py I know that one hurt the spiritual Bobby schm the computers and rowy rebel that's like the best song ever if you haven't heard computers that might be the best song ever created and I know some spiritual like oh no he listens to all that rap music that rap music is going to alter his frequency and alter his vibration I don't know I guess
it's over for me you know spiritual are too serious man ease up man relax take a deep breath now transcending out the way now we go into the second T of the three T's of alchemy don't worries you're going to get the double law like I said I ain't giving you a Rolls-Royce bro I'm not giving you a Rolls-Royce so don't think don't think you're going to get that the second te transmute transmutation if you look at the definition is the changing of one particular state to another so in the ancient Alchemist traditions this is
the example of when they used to turn lead to Gold that particular ability that's what we're going to do without you realizing that in fact before you can transform lead to Gold you must first have something more important which is inner gold and the inner gold is the understanding of what I'm about to give you right now through utilizing the Hermetic law of polarity to transmute the difficulty that you're going through right now into something more pleasurable pause oh you guys can see the equipment it's it's mashed up over here man it's tough it's tough
sponsor us man un sponsor us yesh that's supposed to say pleasure I don't know why that looks so mashed up yeah pleasureable cool so here's what you have to understand when it comes to transmutation it's all directly linked to what's considered the hermetic law polarity now when we're talking about polarity polarity is another way of saying Duality and this is only a law that exists within the third dimensional realm as you transcend reality and move to the higher PLS of existence you step into a state of Oneness this is what in quantum physics they call
quantum entanglement which is the idea that when two particles are separated no no matter how far across the universe they are they always remain one and they're always able to exchange information and what you do to one will instantly happen to the other because this is outside the time space constraint illusions of things so when we're talking about polarity this is something that only exists within the third dimensional realm another way of saying polarity is separation and you can think about this in the most classic examples of things so you can think of heart cold
you can think of masculine feminine um you can think of negative positive Rich poor and in your case difficult and opposite of difficult why easy so easy and difficult some girl commented I'm glazed like a donut I can't lie you need to yeah take a cold shower just take a cold shower now what you have to understand about this particular law as we move into the most ancient things polarity what you have to understand is that even though these appear to be separate they are really one and I'm going to give you an example of
what I mean so if we take the concept of what is considered to be negative and positive why they appear to be separate within the the third dimensional realm the truth of the matter is and you have to understand this because there's no way you're going to be able to get all this difficult hard that you've been going through right now all this beating that you've been getting pause and transmute it without you first understanding the mechanics of how reality works from a point of vibration and polarity what we consider to be negative and positive
and this goes for any of these it's the same energy the only difference is their of vibration and if you have a difficult time conceptualizing this then take the concept of steam and Ice Steam and Ice are the same energy their only difference is their rate of vibration but because of their vibration the state that they're in is different but it's the same energy this is the same thing with negative positive masculine feminine um Rich poor easy and difficult emphasis on easy and difficult because in order for you to actually transmute the reality that you're
going through you first have to know it for what it is so then if we think about difficult over here and we think about easy over here it is the same energy the only difference is you're supposed to say re vibration see AJ that's why they think I'm talking to an imaginary figure cuz you w't even reply to me it's crazy but anyway anyways difficult easy it's the same energy only differences their vibratory rate that's the only difference now understanding that if you're going through a particularly difficult time right now and you're thinking how do
I maintain all this hard work I've been doing all that means is that you're on the side of difficulty if they're the same energy and the only difference is their rate of vibration what would you need to change in order to get over to the easy easy side you would need to change your vibration if you could just change your vibration the difficult that you're going through right now would put you over here how do I change my vibration Nero you're going to get some relax the way that you go about changing you got me
on my knees here pause the way that you go about changing your vibration is through an alteration of your concentration now whether you realize this or not you have been concentrating on the difficulty that you're going through you've been giving your attention to the difficulty that you're going through you've been looking at your real ity through the lens of the difficulty you've been going through and this is something more often than not that is unconscious and what you have to understand is that the untrained mind is like an untrained animal and it will run circles
around you so you need to take control of your mind by first taking control of your concentration through an alteration of your concentration you alter your vibration through an alteration of your vibration you place yourself on the opposite side of the same energy that you're experiencing which the only difference is their vibratory rate so you need to begin concentrating on on the aspects of your reality that is easy that is calm that is Problem free even saying Problem free is still giving attention to problem you get the point the difficulty that you're going through right
now is nothing more than a a phase and unless you allow it to phase you it will be more than a phase that's why I should write that down you need to be able to look at your reality in this is going to require some introspection which is the beauty of what I do because I'm not trying to spoon feed you I'm not trying to do that I'm trying to get you to use your own mind to utilize and think to yourself hm what is actually easy and calm about my reality because the more that
you're able to concentrate upon that element and centralize your concentration to that element I need you to understand that concentration is powerful enough to start a fire take a magnifying glass and put a ray of sun through it and it can start a fire your concentration is more powerful than you've ever known the issue is you think you have a problem with concentration but the actual issue is you're not aware of what you're concentrating on that's another bar make sure you write that down I want to see these comments by the way cuz I see
all of them and I reply to some of them some of you like take the piss and I li that you have to understand with whatever it is that you're going through right now it's not going to be obvious to you but there is an element in the difficulty that you're going through that has an inside of positivity ease Serenity and once you find that little what do they call it a Nook in the cranny or some like that once you find that small aspect of that particular element and you centralize your attention towards it
you're centralizing your energy towards it and that energy builds momentum vibration to frequency to reality before something can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally and that is trans mute make sense cool I know it's a good video and I see this nodding his head uh this is crazy guys this is this is insane man this is insane AJ's got me in his sweat shop out here just in fact you got me in a sweat shop just printing videos out here destroying my my resources by the way I really do love it when you guys
um you're like repost yourself watching my content and tag me on insta feel free to tag me on insta feel free to DM me too don't expect to reply I'll tell you that right now cuz I know sometimes get entitled and I'm not the if you're going to get that with me you're in for a rude awakening my friend you're in for a rude awakening but if I'm if I'm free and I see it I definitely will reply I love the messages that you love send and I love the fact that you are actually cool
you're not like not like these you know what I'm saying like these spiritual weird that just do too much I really do enjoy that I think I've cultivated something beautiful so thank you now the final te to alchemizing the difficulty that you're going through is transform now I want to ask you a question does a butterfly do what a caterpillar does what the hell is this Nero guy talking about relax you're going to get something just relax does the butterfly do what the caterpillar does of course of course not why because it has transformed its
state and what is the indication to a transformation in the state the indication is through following things that only align with the identity of what it is that you're shifting towards another way of helping you conceptualize this question that I'm about to pose to you is what slash how would my design loud reality react do say speak believe give his attention to her attention to you have to understand the final part of the three TS is really the solidification and it's the solidification of your new frequency and the way that you solidify your new frequency
to allow it to materialize to become a reality is by being congruent and following through with the identity of everything that that particular new frequency does a cat a butterfly does not do what a caterpillar does why because its state has changed away from what it used to be so if you're going to do things that a caterpillar does then that means you're a caterpillar of course extrapolate this to the concepts to which I'm speaking about in regards to your old frequency new frequency so on and so forth so you need to make sure that
what you're doing is aligned with your new desired reality because this is the true indication of transformation when something is transformed state it does not necessarily revert back to the old state so if you're reverting back to the old State then that means that you are within the old state which means that you're going to have to be extremely conscious and really and truly let your new frequency be the lens through which you see reality because once you change the way you look at life life changes the way it looks at you and once life
changes the way it looks at you it gives you the opportunity to follow through with your new identity but best believe this new identity is going to be tested because anytime that you step out to create a new frequency the universe is going to test you it's going to it's going to gcheck you to see if you're really about the frequency that you're say you're about now here's what you have to understand what you have to understand is this even though we've gone through TR oh what was the first one what was the first one
remind me what was the first one transcend transmute and now transform even though these are the three T's in a sense you're going to have to understand that there is a second part to this and I really want you to break this down because I kind of referred and alluded to it earlier when I was speaking about complaints but I'm really going to have to break it down for you in a way that you understand here right now because these are the double laws so it's not the Rolls-Royce but it's the Double L that is
going to actually help you get to the Rolls-Royce if that's what you want and please if you're one of them spiritual that's about to say wow would you want something materialistic like a car n going to walk everywhere to be fair I don't even like driving the one thing I did miss when I was driving though was listening to my to my songs oh yes the artist that I was listening that I listen to nines scraps pot paper these are UK artist so like I know most of you guys are American so you welcome in
advance when you go look at those type of artists and Shout out vills too vills he's hard PA yeah he's hard store cool I saw this one comment somebody said something like I can't trust your knowledge if I can't see your eyes so here [Laughter] psych you for I don't I don't care I don't care Oh anyways the double RS now chances are whenever difficulty arises in your reality you're going to fall into two categories and one of these categories is going to lead you directly back to your old reality and one of them is
going to take you to your new reality so please lock in right now because you're going to see a pattern of something that you've been doing that is destroying your reality without you even realizing you've been doing a lot of hard work lately you've been taking those notes you've been doing your work so please don't mess it up because unfortunately all the work that you might be doing the meditation the visualization affirmations the vision board without this in place without this protective measure in place you're going to fall directly back into your old reality and
end up in a cycle where you're just mad at all the time and there's nothing worse than angry spiritual nothing worse so the two parts go as follows you can either react or you can respond what is the difference Nero they seem very similar yes they do seem very similar but I'm going to make them so completely different that each and every single time you're going to do one not the other now as I said reactions will lead you back to your old frequency and your old frequency will lead you back to where your old
reality because reality is nothing more than the solidification and the materialization of frequency matter and mind are completely the same the same energy only differences their vibratory rate in the same way that Steam and Ice are the same energy different vibratory rate they're one people say mind over matter no mind is matter and matter is mind that's a bar write that down now responding will lead you to your new frequency and your new frequency will lead you to your where New Reality understanding this now you have to be very particular about what you do so
the way that I Define reacting is to allow the external to imbalance the internal that is how I Define reacting so anytime something in reality can come and completely shake you up internally it has temporarily altered your internal State and unfortunately reality reflects your internal state so really and truly if your in if your external has the capability to imbalance you internally then that's going to lead to your external also being imbalan to the degree that you were able to be shaken up and the way that that comes through typically it's through everything we spoke
about earlier so the emotions of frustration annoyance anger uh what's that really sad one yeah despair yeah despair is such a sad word like it's just such a sad word anyways that's the difference between reacting so anytime that something happens to you and it has the ability to throw you off your frequency and to make you temporarily frustrated annoyed angry or put you in a state of state of despair or hopelessness you have reacted to it without realizing what you need to do is to respond and what is responding responding is the complete opposite so
that's to allow the internal to balance the external that says external I don't know why it looks crazy but you get the point don't be extra responding is to allow the internal to balance the external and the way that you go about allowing the internal and going from the internal is back to that one question of how would what would my desired reality do in this particular situation what would your desired reality start bugging out over something that doesn't bother it no and that's the lens through which you're going to have to see reality because
the more that you can frame everything that you do through your desired reality the more you're putting on the lens of your desired reality and the lens through which you see reality is your perception and your perception equates out to your projection this is why a lot of people get trapped in the perception projection Loop a lot of people allow their perception to be altered and when their perception is altered because the way they're looking at life life looks at them the same way then without realizing they're projecting that reality so then they end up
getting caught in a particular cycle you need to break that cycle by first altering your perception to be that of the lens of your desired reality how would my desired reality respond to this what would they do in this situation the more you can ask yourself these and this is something that you must consciously be asking yourself of every single time that you're going through it I want you after this video whenever something pops up or something happens or any difficulty or turbulence is throwing you away I want you to frame everything through what your
desired reality and how that desired reality would respond in that particular situation because the more you can do that the more you are putting on the lens of that particular frequency and once you're able to see reality through that frequency your reality will be altered because once you change the way you look at reality reality will change the way it looks at you now this is something that I tell my clients to do by the way um they're always actually getting on to me because they're like yo why are you giving these guys everything that
you're teaching us behind closed doors and I'm like yo they got to learn man they got to learn I strive I strive for these kind of videos to be so good that you guys don't need to go buy anything you know unless you really want to but that's it really and I do that because I like you well some of you some of you just fly out crazy just absolutely Bonkers and no for whatever reason some people keep commenting are you from Baltimore no I'm not from Baltimore I'm from the UK specifically a place in
the UK called the West Midlands I've never been to the states I will be going soon though so this is more of a practical one in regards to money because you know why not if you're somebody who has a money guilt complex go watch my video um you need to get rich as possible if you want to activate the god m in this particular society we live in there's just no way around that what I get my clients to do to utilize the 3ts is this and this could be something you do if you're going
through any type of financial difficulties now what I get them to do is typically it's always revolving around the bank account and most of us that grow up in the ghetto we we grow up in these particular environments where we're broke so we have this kind of uncomfortability with seeing our bank account empty so let's say you've got a amount of money in your bank account that's making you uncomfortable and it's kind of making you a bit uneasy here's what I want you to do remember the three T's transcend transmute M and this this is
going to be a practical application so you can actually move on from there the first thing that you want to do if you got an empty bank account or a bank account that's making you feel uncomfortable You' got particular cash flow issues in your business or your bank account is just it's just on Ean like this is what you got to do I want you to stare at your bank balance I want you to stare at your bank balance till you don't feel uncomfortable anymore I do this all the time if my funds ever go
low keep telling you I'm broke I was literally St my bank balance until all that uncomfortability and negativity that unconsciously I've been avoiding because I don't want to deal with the pain of that particular issue I stare at it until I get to a point of neutrality and the reason I do this is because the mistake that a lot of spiritual people make when it comes to altering their reality from negativity to positivity is that they will try to do this massive jump from positive to negative which takes up way too much energy that they
don't particularly have and then when they fall they fall back down into their old frequency and then become frustrated that they' Fallen back what I do and what you're going to do from now on and forth is to first shift from negativity to neutrality because once you go from negativity to neutrality the energy that it takes to go from neutrality to positivity is way less energy than takes to do this entire jumping in once so stare at your bank account until you actually feel nothing anymore that might take you 2 hours niggaer it might take
you 20 minutes I think once it took me like 47 minutes or something like that and I was literally just staring at it you'd think I'm crazy like you think I'm like brain just absolutely iPad kid gone but I'm literally just staring at it until all these negative emotions and all these negative thoughts they begin to quiet down and disappear because then when I'm at a point of neutrality then I need to begin to focus on the positive elements in regards to where I'm at in regards to money right now because through alteration of my
concentration I alter the vibration and when you alter the concentration altering the vibration you alter the frequency you alter the reality that's how you actually shift it in a way that makes sense and then once you've shifted eventually from positivity from negativity to neutrality to positivity then it's about transforming and making sure that all my actions are in alignment with what somebody and congruent with what somebody in my new new desired reality would do those are the three T's that's the double La no Rolls-Royce have a good day
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Do You Know who You Are? | Bob Proctor
Proctor Gallagher Institute
Star Way Healing
How To BUILD “Manifestation Muscle”
How To BUILD “Manifestation Muscle”
Nero Knowledge
Your Subconscious Mind is Ridiculously Powerful | here's how you reprogram it (ft. Dr Joseph Murphy)
Your Subconscious Mind is Ridiculously Pow...
Overcome Yourself
Ex-Occultist: "They Call it "THE MASTER KEY Of The Universe”
Ex-Occultist: "They Call it "THE MASTER KE...
Be Inspired
NEVER Have Another “Prayer“ Ignored AGAIN
NEVER Have Another “Prayer“ Ignored AGAIN
Nero Knowledge
Once you breathe like this, God reveals himself.
Once you breathe like this, God reveals hi...
Quazi Johir
You CAN’T Control “Reality” Until You Can Control PEOPLE
You CAN’T Control “Reality” Until You Can ...
Nero Knowledge
How To Employ The Law Of Attraction To Get What You Want In Life In 2023
How To Employ The Law Of Attraction To Get...
Proctor Gallagher Institute
Once You Fully Surrender, The Shift Happens.
Once You Fully Surrender, The Shift Happens.
Quazi Johir
If Nothing Is Manifesting Then Use “HEAVENS” Blueprint
If Nothing Is Manifesting Then Use “HEAVEN...
Nero Knowledge
The Mirror Principle | If You Don't Change This, Reality Will Never Change
The Mirror Principle | If You Don't Change...
Spiritual Dive
How to OUTSMART The Game of “Reality”
How to OUTSMART The Game of “Reality”
Nero Knowledge
“Pass” These 2 Tests And It Has No CHOICE but to MANIFEST
“Pass” These 2 Tests And It Has No CHOICE ...
Nero Knowledge
Do You Live In The Spiritual Plane? ft.Nero S2 Ep5
Do You Live In The Spiritual Plane? ft.Ner...
The Energizer Pod
Inside America’s Largest Open-Air Drug Market – Kensington (Philadelphia)  🇺🇸
Inside America’s Largest Open-Air Drug Mar...
Peter Santenello
How To Force Your Brain To Crave Doing Hard Things
How To Force Your Brain To Crave Doing Har...
Rian Doris
You NEED To Be A “BAD” Person To Manifest
You NEED To Be A “BAD” Person To Manifest
Nero Knowledge
God Sounds Delusional, The Devil Sounds Realistic
God Sounds Delusional, The Devil Sounds Re...
Nero Knowledge
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