Becoming insanely RICH is easy once you know these 6 simple rules

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Jason Lee
Brutally honest advice on how to actually get rich (in 12 minutes) ➤ Do you need help? https://go.h...
Video Transcript:
have you ever felt like you're still grinding and hustling while everyone else is getting rich you're scrolling Instagram and you see somebody going on another luxury vacation another startup success story another person buying their first Dreamhouse we're constantly bombarded with luxury Lifestyles 247 now some people say it's toxic but you know what I see it differently to me it's pure motivation cuz I believe when you see success it becomes real to you it's just like that old saying seeing is believing it makes you start thinking how can I do that too but the first question
you need to ask is is it even possible for me to get rich and I remember asking myself this exact question about 7 years ago when I was just starting out now you got to realize that getting wealthy is possible it's been done before it means that what you want in terms of success has been done by another human being if you want to make six figures you want time Freedom you want to be financially free that's all been done before by people just like you so you have to first understand that it is possible
but just knowing that is possible is not enough you see there's a gap between wanting to be rich and actually making it happen and you're probably in that Gap right now you've got the desire you've seen what's possible but something's holding you back now I've been there before and I've made that journey and now having made quite a few million in the process I want to share six lessons that will help you bridge that Gap and gain some clarity on your path to wealth and it's actually not as hard as you think number one is
you don't need to be a genius you don't need a PhD to get rich it's not about IQ in fact many professors you see are not really focused on making the most amount of money I mean how many professors do you know that are driving Ferraris or flying private jets and that's fine we all have different interests and different drivers your desire and making money is just as valid as someone else's passion for quantum physics so it's not about IQ but it's about understanding yourself and figuring out how to solve real problems for real people
so look at this guy Steven Kora a guy who who built a mobile app called Puff count to help people quit nicotine basically helping people to quit vaping right and he makes $40,000 a month and guess what he doesn't even know how to code he's not a developer so it's not about being a genius it's about solving real problems for real people number two imperfection equals opportunity so everything I mean everything is imperfect businesses governments technology all of it now this idea might be more challenging for the younger generation you know growing up with all
the latest gadgets technology it's easy to feel like we're living in a perfect world where we can't make any more improvements but guess what the world around us is actually imperfect and that is gold for entrepreneurs why because imperfection equals opportunity now your job is to find these imperfections and create Solutions so the next time you're looking at an Apple product don't say wow this is such a perfect product but you need to ask how can I make this better let me give you an example remember Photoshop for years or decades it was the king
of graphic design software it seems like the market was satisfied with this product right I mean who could compete with Adobe meet Melanie Perkins she saw something different and she saw an imperfection yes Photoshop was super powerful but it was also complicated expensive and quite intimidating for the average person so she came in and thought how can I make this better what if I could create a design tool that is simple and affordable for non-designers and that's how canva was born and now it's valued at $40 billion all because she was able to spot an
imperfection when other people saw a saturated Market but it's not always about big disruptive ideas sometimes it's just about improving something small so take this example warie Parker they noticed that the process of buying glasses is inconvenient and a lot of times expensive right so they created a way for people to try glasses at home and cut out the middleman and today they are a billion dollar company they didn't in V glasses they just made the process better so the key here is to train your mind to see problems as opportunities every complaint you hear
every frustration you feel that is a potential gold mine so you can start by keeping a problem Journal where you can write down everything that annoys you today then brainstorm Solutions and you'll be surprised at what you come up with and remember the world is always changing whatever you see today is just a temporary solution what was working yesterday might not work tomorrow and that means new problems New Opportunities will always exist number three competition is not your real problem so if you're worried about competition don't be most people are not even in the game
so instead of stressing about competitors focus on the billions of people with problems waiting to be solved cuz your success depends on how well you identify and solve these problems look at Airbnb when they first started the hotel industry was massive but Airbnb didn't try to compete with hotels but instead they focused on customers who wanted a more local or homey experience and by doing this they were not competing with hotels but they created an entirely new market now here's the thing obsessing over competition is like driving while staring at the car next to you
instead of the road ahead guaranteed accident it's just a waste of time and energy instead you want to focus on your customers what do they need what are they struggling with how can you serve them better than anyone else this is where your energy should go now let's talk about something that a lot of entrepreneurs are also worried about Market saturation now you probably hear people say the market is oversaturated there's no room for new players but here's the truth saturation is actually a myth and let me prove this to you so think about cookbooks
they've been around for probably 100 years right now if the market is truly saturated we wouldn't see any new cookbooks today they will all look like this but that's not the case is it every year we see new cookbooks coming out why because there's always room for New Perspectives new diet Trends and new cooking techniques and this same principle applies to any other market so no matter how crowded it seems there's always room for Innovation for a fresh take or for someone who can solve the problem better or differently so don't try to be a
better version of your competitors but be a different version that solves the problem in a unique way and that's how you stand out that's how you win so whether you're selling products building a YouTube channel or you're building a startup to disrupt an industry there's always space for someone who brings real value if you focus on that you're going to find that the market is not as crowded as you thought number four is finding your path so how do you find your own thing how do you find the imperfections in the market that allows you
to create a solution the answer is observations and experiences yes you can be books smart you might have read all the books on how to get rich but nothing beats having real life experience so you need to go out and experience things go and travel and observe different cultures cuz when you do that you're going to start to identify problems and that's when you develop real solutions so let me give you an example we all know Starbucks but do you know how they became successful so it all started when Howard Schultz went on a trip
to Italy in 1983 and when he got there he was blown away by the local coffee scene you know the aroma the Baristas the sense of community around coffee and at that point he realized that Starbucks wasn't just about selling coffee but it was about creating a place for people to connect over coffee so he took that idea and transer form Starbucks based on that inspiration that he got in Italy and today as you know they are a coffee Empire with over 30,000 stores in 80 countries all because one guy took a trip and saw
that opportunity now it's not just about the experience you get through traveling but what's also important is the experience you gain from actually doing the work so when I started out about 10 years ago I was just as confused as doubtful as you might be now I didn't have a million dooll idea I just wanted to make some extra money and be financially independent so I started with freelancing providing Web Design Services made a way of money but realized that it wasn't actually creating real value so then I moved on to e-commerce which was slightly
more exciting but still it wasn't something that I was passionate about but each step of that Journey got me the valuable experience that I needed the fundamental knowledge I had were important but it was The Real World experience the successes the failures the late nights all the lessons I got from actually doing the work that was really valuable it's like learning how to write bicycle you can read about it all day but until you get on and start doing it you're not actually learning anything now if you're new or just starting out here's one piece
of advice that can save you years of trial and error find a good Mentor a good Mentor is like a shortcut to success they've been where you are and they know exactly the road that you're taking cuz they can share with you all the mistakes they've made which will help you avoid making those same mistakes this alone can save you years or even thousands of dollars but it's not just about avoiding mistakes a good Mentor can guide you in the right direction and help you focus on strategies and tactics that actually work and because they've
gone through so many things themselves they can immediately tell you between what sounds good in theory and what actually works in practice so don't try to do it alone seek someone who is Achieve what you want to achieve and learn from their experience so let's talk about a mindset shift that will help you achieve your goals faster you want to stop comparing and start collaborating now if you look at social media it's easier to compare yourself with other successful people but you see when you're busy comparing yourself to other people you're just wasting energy that
you can spend on growing your own business plus you're only seeing their wins and not the struggles and the failures that they had to go through so instead of comparing you want to start collaborating so reach out to other entrepreneurs even the ones that you might view as competitors cuz you'll be surprised on how many people are willing to share partner up or even Mentor you now for some reason if you can't find anyone to reach out to you can attend industry events or or join online communities the goal here is to build relationships cuz
when you join a community of people who have the same goals you get New Perspectives it opens up a lot of new opportunities and it can lead to ideas that you never come up with on your own but remember the pie is not fixed so by collaborating you're not dividing the pie but you're actually making it bigger for everyone number six failure is a data point so let's talk about failure it's pretty scary for most people but here's the truth I think that failure is your best teacher think of of every failure as a blessing
in disguise it's not just about learning what doesn't work but it's about understanding why and how to make it work next time so take this example James Dyson everybody knows the Dyson vacuum right but the thing that not many people know about is the story that he actually made 5,26 failed prototypes before he created the Dyson vacuum that's right 5100 failures and each failure taught him something new and now obviously he's worth billions of dollars so failure is just a step in your path to success and here's my advice don't be scared of failing embrace
it Go and launch that product start that business that you've been thinking about if it fails great you just got a master class in what not to do but here's the key it's not enough to just fail you need to fail forward and that means studying every possible lesson from each failure so every time you fail you want to ask yourself what went wrong why what assumptions did I make that were off what can I do differently next time cuz remember failure is only final if you quit so re frame how you see failure is
not a reason to quit it's a data point it's feedback in fact if you're not failing you're probably not pushing yourself hard enough so you see you're not going to get rich by sitting on your couch dreaming about it but it's going to happen when you actually get out there and start applying these principles remember every successful entrepreneur that you admire started exactly where you are right now the only difference is that they took that first step and then another so think about your next move maybe it's reaching out to a potential Mentor or maybe
it's finally launching that side hustle that you've been thinking about or it could be as simple as joining a community whatever it is do it today not tomorrow not next week today but here's the truth while you're waiting for that perfect moment someone else out there is taking action
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