🔶️Boy Reincarnates In A World Ruled By Women And Shows Who's Boss!

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Name: Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu / Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome ...
Video Transcript:
after being blackmailed by his sister the protagonist spends all his efforts on defeating an Autumn game he hates it because in the game women have all the power the characters are pretentious and the World building is very strange he manages to complete the game and decides to get something to eat but he falls down the stairs and is reincarnated his name is Leon Fu barfort and he has lost his memories from his previous life but after learning about this world he regains his memories and realizes that he is in the same game he hated 10
years have passed and Leon has realized that the BART fort family he's a part of was not in the game he played meaning that he's just a background character or mob he thought of using all the knowledge he had of the game to dominate but as his life continued all his ambition disappeared and he decided that he should just look for happiness as a mob one day a woman named Zola whom lian's father had married in order for the survival of their family tells Leon that she is a range of marriage for him the one
he is being married to is the daughter of a court Noble that Zola owes a great deal to but the problem is that the woman is a 50 year old fat woman who has already been married seven times and all of her husbands died in battle making Leon believe that she is only marrying him because she wants his Survivor pension Leon says that he plans to go to the academy and that is where people usually find who they want to marry but Zola tells her that it costs a lot of money to go to the
academy and she isn't going to spend any on him she plans to send him to become a soldier if he refuses this proposal as women in this world usually don't marry anyone over the age of 20. Leon realizes that his future will be over if he listens to her and remembers an ancient spaceship that he found while playing this game so he decides to look for it as it will earn a lot of money which he will use to go to the academy he takes his father's flying ship and starts looking but when he finds
its location a cyclone swallows and destroys the ship he wakes up on the ground starts looking for the ship and finds the same routes he used to walk when he played the game he finds a robot on the lookout and remembers that the robots are weak to electricity so if he hits it with an electric bullet and defeats it Leia now finds dead bodies and takes the card from the body which he uses to get inside the ship that he was looking for as he enters the the ship he is interrupted by another robot but
when Leon hits it with his electric bullets the robot shows no sign of damage Leon first tries to trick the robot by showing him the card he had taken but the robot realizes that the person on the card is different from Leon and attacks him Leon uses an electric grenade but the robot is still not damaged instead it deploys a magic barrier to protect itself from further such attacks Leon throws another grenade and the robot tells him that magic grenades won't work anymore but Leon's grenade is a regular bomb that manages to bypass the shield
and reach the robot but it still isn't damaged the robot grabs Leon and asks him with a year is according to the new calendar but after hearing Leon say that he doesn't know any new calendar the robot realizes that the new humans have defeated the old humans with magic samavi's mission is to defeat the new humans but first he will eliminate Leon the robot squeezes Leon's body making him bleed but Leon throws a sword toward the robot's eyes defeating it Leo now scans his hand on the ship which recognizes him as its new master but
is surprised by seeing that Leon has both the attributes of the new and old humans Liam aims the ship luxion as it was the name it had in the game but now he is very badly injured and passes out from his wounds three months have passed and back at his home Zola says that Leon was an idiot because he refused the marriage proposal and ran away and now might be dead because he hasn't contacted his family for three months at that moment Leon arrives with his ship in a great amount of treasure which pisses off
Zola with this money Leon now enrolls in the academy Leon is now staying on an island that he found on his way home he is now an independent Knight and has the rank of baronet a small round flying robot from the ship is beside Leon who tells Leon that this island might earn him money in the future and suggests that he could also build Hot Springs Leia likes this idea and the robot reveals that it has already started the process and the hot springs will be ready in a few months Liam is granted the rank
of Baron but he's unhappy about it because it means that he has to Now find a wife of a high rank probably around the same rank that Zola has Leon attends the academy and sees the prince and his group who were the main romantic interests in the game and then sees Angelica the Rival of the protagonist after attending the opening ceremony Leon sees a girl slapping The Prince and remembers that this is the same scene that was in the game but is surprised to see that the girl is not the protagonist because in the game
this dialogue was done between the protagonist and the prince Liam now holds a tea party along with his friends Daniel and Raymond in hopes that some girls will attend their party Leon sees that the prince is standing up for the girl that slapped him named Marie against his fiancee Angelica but this scene further confuses Leon as originally the prince was supposed to protect the protagonist in this scene Leon while taking a class about tea party etiquette isn't paying attention when the teacher calls him to the front of the class to teach in a lesson Liam
gets very impressed by the teacher's tea party and decides to throw one of his own but this time he does everything on his own unlike the last time when he decided to let others do all the work he had invited one girl who arrives with some other friends but they only came to pass their time and leave after eating the snacks in the hallway Leon sees that a girl is being bullied and decides to offer her tea when he he realizes that she is the main protagonist of the game Olivia after spending some time with
her he realizes she's very kind and decides to help her by taking her to his sister who advises her to introduce herself to the most popular girl in the class Angelica Leon's sister also tells her to buy some expensive snacks for Angelica but Olivia is poor so Leon offers to pay Olivia number strangelica who is impressed that she had the courage to introduce herself but when Olivia asks if she can stay at the Academy Angelica tells her that she doesn't want to kick her out and that she doesn't even like to behave rudely with others
upon Angelica's asking Olivia tells her that Leon told her to introduce herself which impresses Angelica but she is worried that people might start using Leon for their good Liam attends an exploration class with Olivia but sees Angelica fighting with Marie the prince comes to the aid of Marie and instead of going with his fiance he takes Marie with him the teacher tells everyone to go ahead and search for crystals while avoiding the monster but everyone tells Leon and Olivia to go ahead because they are not rich they encounter monsters in the dungeon which Liam defeats
easily but when a monster attacks Olivia he jumps in front of her and gets injured The Prince and his group arrive and defeat All the Monsters but the prince is slightly injured so Marie uses healing magic to cater to his wounds now Angelica comes and pushes Maria's side to help the prince but he tells her and he doesn't need her help and leaves holding Marie's hands which causes the prince's friends who are the other main romantic interests of the game to get jealous Prince Julius questions Angelica about the incident where a group of girls bullied
Marie and burnt his things and told the prince that Angelica ordered them to do so but she denies any involvement in this matter the prince warns Angelica to stay away from him and Maria at the Academy because their engagement is only outside of the academy Liam goes to a library to question Olivia about what kind of girl Marie is but she gets the wrong idea and asks Leon if he likes girls like Marie when Leon tells her that he hates Marie they now hear some noise and when they inspect it they see Marie kissing one
of the boys from the prince's Group after leaving the library Marie meets with the prince and his friend joke who offer to buy a servant for her because she can't afford one Marie now thinks how easy it is to live in this world and that she is going to dominate this otone game revealing that she is also not from this world Leia and his friends go to a party and are determined to find a wife for themselves but everyone rejects them meanwhile Angelica again gets into an argument with the prince telling him that she saw
Marie holding hands with another boy but he doesn't seem to care Angelica tells the prince's group of friends that Maria is involved with every one of them but they reveal that they already know it and each one of them expresses their love for Marie when the prince says he loves her more than anyone and no one can replace her Angelica throws her glove and Marie challenging her to a duel the prince tells her to pick up the glove and offers to be her Champion but all his friends say that they can't let him get the
spotlight and also offer to fight for her on the other hand no one is willing to fight for Angelica when Leon steps up because he remembers that in this scene when the protagonist wins Angelica goes and marries a low ranked Noble and lives her life in misery also he hates all the main romantic interests in the game they decide that if Leon wins The Prince and Marie will break up but if they win Angelica will even alone Leon suggests an armored duel in the arena and they offer him to gather five people to compete against
them but Leon says that he alone is enough for them afterward Leon goes to his room which has been vandalized but the footage has been captured by luxion which shows that the students even made his friends Daniel and Raymond vandalize Leon is now summoned by Angelica who tells him to drop out of the duel because he doesn't need to risk his life for her but Leon reassures that he can win and tells her that he isn't fighting so that he can ask for a favor from her father the Duke his fighting because he hates those
guys at the arena all five of Leon's opponents have their big armored robots standing behind them but when Leon's armor robot arrives everyone starts laughing because of its shape Olivia isn't sure why everyone is laughing at Leon's armor so Angelica explains to her that Leon's armor is most likely a lost item that cannot be made using the new technology but even though it's rare it doesn't mean it's strong Liam's armor is very bulky whereas the new armors including the armors of his opponents are made so that they are very fast Liam now jumps into his
robot and asks luction to give him blade number one in the backpack but he is given a shovel because the last time he took the robot out he was digging and forgot to replace the blade but Leon is confident that he can defeat his opponent using only the shovel in the first match Leon faces Brad who decides to attack using the drones on the robot's back but Liam Dodges them easily and defeats Brad with one attack which shocks everyone now for the second opponent Greg comes forward and tells Leon that he only won because his
armor is strong and then attacks with his weapon but Leon manages to deflect all his attacks and breaks his weapon Leo now proceeds to dismantle the robot but Greg wants to continue the fight without his armor when Leon says that he doesn't like bullying weak guys and tells him that he's a nobody and if he torments a nobody will leave a bad taste in his mouth Leon's next opponent is Chris and just as the match starts Leon steps back and deploys the drones on the robot's back which shoots Chris robot Chris does a jump attack
with his sword but Leon grabs and breaks it in half defeating Chris Chris can't believe that he has lost and questions his defeat saying that he worked so hard but still lost when Leon says that he should tell Marie about all this hard work so she might pity him the next opponent is joke but before the match he uses Jenna Leon's sister to plan explosives into Leon's robot lakshin tells Leon about the situation which doesn't bother him as he knows the strength of the robot's armor as the match begins joke flies into the air and
attacks Leon but realizing that his attacks that could easily destroy a standard robot armor aren't working on Leon he detonates the explosives but is shocked to see that there isn't a scratch on Leon joke now threatens Leon's family and says to him that his days is a noble are over but Leon tells him the person whose days of being a noble are over as him because he has recorded him threatening his family and also knows that he planted explosives on his robot so if he were to tell the prince and Marie about this they would
surely hate him Leon uses his shovel and pummel's joke onto the ground defeating him which further worries Marie who can't believe the mob character is going to ruin her plan the prince reassures Marie that he will defeat Leon because his armor is made from the Kingdom's greatest technology but Mary thinks about how the others also said this before before getting beaten Marie remembers that these guys were also weak in the game that's why she let her brother defeat the game for her before the last match begins Leon asks The Prince about her thoughts about Olivia
but he says that he has never spoken with her so he doesn't have any opinion Leon and the prince now Clash against one another as Leon Praises Julius for being more of a fight than the other opponents Leon tells Julius that he has been tricked by Marie who doesn't really love her but Julius can't hear anything against the love of his life and says that she is unlike the other women that he has met in the Royal Palace and she really sees and loves him for what he really is Leon tells him that Angelica also
loves him but Julius says that if she really loves him she would want him to be happy and won't come near him ever again Julius asks Leon how he feels looking down on people and lecturing them and Leon to even further anger the prince says that it feels awesome and that even though he is arrogant he still can't be beaten by him Leon tells Julius that he should think about his actions of going against Angelica and the Redgrave family that she's a part of because it can affect his Noble status and you might be stripped
his right to the throne but Julius says that he doesn't care about any of that as long as he can be with Marie Leon realizes that there is no changing julius's mind so he uses a powerful attack and completely breaks julius's robot armor everyone is in shock and booze Leon so Olivia asks him why he was so cruel to The Prince and his friends because now everyone hates him but Leon tells her that he isn't going to be in the academy for very long so it doesn't matter Angelica now goes to check up on the
prince but the prince tells her that he can't ever love her because Maria is the true love of his life so Angelica leaves him saying that she will pray for his happiness Liam goes to the head of the Redgrave family who is Angelica's father and tells him that you will give up his title of night and reject the Barony he is being offered so he requests him to clear up the mess he has cause he wants his life to be spare in his family not to be held responsible for any of his actions Angelica's father
says that he is the only one that fought for his daughter so he will do whatever he can to help him another man standing beside Angelica's father says that Leon could have avoided all of this mess if he didn't fight The Prince and asks him what he really wants Leon thinks about how he did all this because he is irritated by The Prince and his friends but he says that he did it for the Kingdom's good as he couldn't stand watching the prince get deceived by Marie Angelica's father requests Leon to take his daughter to
rest in the countryside because she is defeated right now so Leon takes Angelica and Olivia to his home he shows them to the hot springs he had built and after enjoying that the three of them start talking with each other when Angelica says that she's a horrible person because she is still thinking about getting revenge on Marie Leon says that he has a great idea of how to get revenge and when asked by Angelica he says that the best revenge she could possibly take is by becoming Happy on the other hand The Prince and all
her friends have been disinherited by their families and have lost their Noble status they are not affected by it but Mary can't believe that her dream of living in the Royal Palace is destroyed in Liam's home a messenger arrives saying that they won't be held responsible for any of Leon's actions instead Leon's Royal ranking has increased the upper sixth rank which messes up his plan because he wanted to get rid of his ranks so he doesn't want to go to the academy but now that the royal family has recognize him he has to attend the
academy at the Academy luction tells Leon that Marie and Julius and his friends have decided to stay together but they are no longer lovers and are taking on dungeons they are training to become stronger and defeat Leon and are funding themselves because they have lost their families backing all of them are happy except for Marie Leon is irritated by having to attend the academy again but is happy that he can be around Olivia Angelica but knows that he can't do anything with them a school Festival starts in the academy and Leanne decides to open a
cafe along with his friends Daniel and Raymond Angelica and Olivia also work in the cafe as maids and when Leon sees them in their maid outfits he starts crying because he can't have anything romantic with them due to the setting of The Game Leon's sister comes and asks him to help her as she got in a fight with a girl over a boy but she is in the wrong because the other girl had her eyes set on the boy but she stole him from right under her nose she asked Leon to threaten her so she
will leave him alone but Olivia tells her that that's wrong when Leanne's sister tells her to shut up which upsets both Angelica and Leon and they tell her to leave the prince in his friends along with Marie also open a cafe beside Leon's which becomes very popular even though they are charging 100 Daya for just tea and snacks when they visit their Cafe Marie insults them saying that no one will come to their Cafe so they will use it as a break room Olivia now tries to advertise their Cafe but everyone ignores or insults her
for being with Leon except for a girl named Carla who says their Cafe looks fun on the day of the festivals as they are about to open the cafe a teacher comes and tells Angelica that she's being summoned by the executive committee where she has met with a lady Mylene the queen of the Kingdom who requests Angelica to take her to meet Leanne just as Angelica and Lady Myleene enter Leon's Cafe they see that a girl along with her servants is giving a hard time to Leon she throws the teacup at Leon telling him that
it's lukewarm and when Leon bows down to clean the mess she steps on his head and says that he should be the one who should pay her for drinking this tea Angelica comes to Leon's Aid and pushes her aside but unlike the other girls she isn't afraid of Angelica and Angelica realizes that she is Count offering's daughter who is a rival from her own family she starts insulting Angelica when Olivia steps in and tells her to stop but she tells her that she is just a pet of Angelica and shouldn't think she's a big shot
just because she knows Angelica she now makes her servants hit Leon seeing Which lady Mylene tells them to leave but the girl doesn't know who she is and tells her servants to throw her out when Leon starts laughing because now he has caused a fight back he says that they are picking a fight with the queen of the Kingdom so he will protect her and starts beating the servants Angelica realizes that he has gone out of control so she calls his tea party teacher who he considers his master to calm him down afterward lady Mylene
says that she is angry with Leon who drops down to his knees and asks her spare his family but she says that's not what she meant and asks Angelica to help who tells her that Leon is only making fun of her lady Mylene complains to Leon about the way he fought in the duel against Julius and tells him that he has made many enemies in the Royal Palace Leon doesn't seem to care she now requests Leon to help her make some memories at the Academy because she didn't attend it herself Liam realizes that the queen
is very beautiful and doesn't look like someone who is in her 30s so he asks her to marry him but seeing this Julius hits Leon and takes away his mother and julius's Cafe the queen asks him to bring Marie in front of her but Julius says that he can't do so because of her attitude which angers her she says that Julius called Leon greedy but he is the one charging 100 Daya for low quality tea and snacks and he also called Leon a coward but he is the one who is still with Marie even after
losing the duel Carla comes to Leon's Cafe but when Leon says that they are closed she asks Olivia to introduce her to him and then she asked Leon to save her family later lakshin asked Leon if he is going to help Carlo or not and Leon says that if he doesn't help her Olivia will lose face because she introduced her so he will help her after the school Festival now in the academy there is a flying by Grace Angelica is on the executive committee for the race she tells Olivia that a third year student named
Dan and joke are the favorites to win the race they both wonder if Liam will also participate in this race but know that you will most likely bet on these races than participating as the races start Leon uses luxion to bet on the winning bikes and keeps making money but in the race where joke is participating other members of the race keep attacking him Liam is worried because he bet his money on joke to win who somehow manages to win but breaks his bone in the process and isn't able to participate in the next match
jokes X fancy Claris arrives and reveals that she is the one who is responsible for the attacks because she will make him pay for leaving her for Marie Marie says that she shouldn't seek revenge but Claris tells her to shut up and the way Marie behaves like a saint in front of others makes Leon think of his sister after Claris leaves Marie suggests that Leon should participate in the race as it will affect Angelica's reputation if she can't find another first year student to replace joke because she is on the executive committee Liam decides to
participate in the race and beforehand runs into Dan who reveals that Claris used to care very much for jilk but he broke up with her using only a letter and refuses to meet her afterward lakshin asks Leon if he still plans to win in after hearing what Dan said and Leon says that he also hates joke for what he did but he will still win because he wants to see the faces of all the people who want him to lose as the race begins everyone including the people who aren't followers of Claris start attacking Leon
because they are in debt because of him all the audience including the commentators also pray for his downfall meanwhile count off for his daughter again approaches Angelica and starts bad-mouthing her when Olivia tells her to stop being mean count offer's daughter tells Olivia that Angelica used to look down on commoners like her which hurts Olivia's feelings and she runs away she now calls Olivia a which angers Angelica and she attacks her as everyone else tries to break up their fight in the race Leon manages to win using the modification done by luction to the bike
but afterward his bike breaks down and as Leon starts falling thinking he's going to die Dan catches him on his bike Leo now goes to joke to make him repay his debt for replacing him in the race and when jilk asks what he should do Leon makes him apologize face to face to Claris for everything he has done to her after Jill leaves Claris tells Leon about the fight that Angelica had and how Olivia ran off so he goes to Olivia who asks him if she can be friends with Angelica Leon says that it will
be difficult because they are so different and Angelica was probably with them because she lost her followers but Olivia says that Angelica is not that kind of person so Leon tells her that if she believes that then it isn't an issue Olivia now waits in a room thinking that if she communicates her feelings with Angelica they can surely be friends when Carlo arrives to talk with her Carla says that even though at first she just wanted her to introduce her to Leon but now she wants her to also be involved because she can help but
Olivia says that even though she first agreed to it now she thinks that Leon shouldn't get involved in her matters when count offer his daughter also comes into the room she tells Olivia that she will go along with whatever she says otherwise she will make the lives of those around her miserable and she also tells Carla to get her act together otherwise she will destroy her family Olivia refuses to help her so to convince her count offer his daughter further degrades her saying that she is just a pet and Angelica and Lee and don't consider
her their friend and Leon is probably just after her body the next day Leon tells luxon that Sky Pirates are rampaging through Carla's land so he is going to help her and when luction asks that shouldn't the Royal Palace help her in this matter Leon reveals that the Pirates have one of the three items that the protagonist of the game Olivia needs to awaken her powers as a saint one of the items is a holy bracelet hidden in the palace dungeon and the second item is the holy necklace in possession of the sky pirates that
he's going to fight and the third is the holy staff in the Kingdom's Temple Leon says that the sky pirate event happens two or three years into the story of the game and what happens next differs according to the protagonist asks for help from their love interest the count offers daughter Stephanie's behind the sky Pirates and she does so because she hates how Olivia being a commoner who is making a name for herself but that's not the case anymore because now she is doing so because she hates Leon luction says that Leon should let Olivia
solve this matter but he says that she isn't capable of handling it right now so it's more effective if he defeats of himself when luction thinks about how Leon is taking away every opportunity for Olivia to grow without even knowing Carla now comes with Olivia and tells Leon that she also asks for help from others because of which Brad and Greg came Brad reveals that he accepted this request because Stephanie is his ex fiancie and also the money he will gain from this will help Marie meanwhile at the Academy Angelica goes to see Olivia to
make up but seeing that her door has been vandalized she is concerned for Olivia's safety when Stephanie arrives and reveals how she has sent Olivia to fight the sky Pirates which angers Angelica who grabs her by the throat and threatens to end her if anything happens to Olivia Liam and everyone are on a ship that luxion created named partner and Liam is playing cards with Greg and Brad when luction informs them that two pirate ships are attacking them Leon tells Greg and Brad here ready for battle but they have no idea what to do so
he tells them to just wait Leon uses his robot armor name arrogance and easily defeats the Pirates but when luction asks why he didn't just destroy them Leon says that he can't just kill anyone they now arrive at the island where Carla resides but just as they land they are surrounded by a group of people comrade fuway and the father of Carla recognizes Brad and asks what they are doing here when Leon tells him about how his daughter recruited them to fight the pirates that are attacking their land but Conrad reveals that no one is
attacking them Cameron asks Carlo what's going on when she lies saying that she didn't do anything and it was all Olivia's fault Leon steps in for Olivia telling Conrad about how she recruited them and told them that they would be paid which further angers her father who asks her about the truth later after getting the truth out from Carla about how Stephanie told him to do this Liam goes to Olivia but she has been brainwashed by Stephanie she asked Leon if he is after her body and says that she is not just their pet but
is a human Leon standing on the roof of the ship thinks about what Olivia just said to him when luction tells him that he has been taking away every opportunity for her growth but when luction says that she was just a doormat for Leon he becomes angry and punches luction Brad also comes to the roof to practice his swordsmanship and tells Liam that he is working hard so the next time they fight he can defeat him but Leon says that he isn't going to fight him again so he will always be a loser luxion sends
a robot with two wooden swords which causes Leon to fight against Brad but he manages to defeat Brad easily Brad reveals that he is the weakest one of the group that's why he is working hard so that he won't get outshined by the rest when they are with Marie the next morning Brad and Greg ask Leon about his plan to deal with the sky Pirates when they are suddenly attacked by the Pirates Leon tells Brad and Greg to wait inside the ship but seeing that they really want to fight he provides them with the robots
that they capture from the Pirates meanwhile Olivia sits in her room feeling bad about all the horrible things she sent to Leon when the ship starts shaking and she goes outside to see Leon fighting against the Pirates robots when Liam gets Blown Away by one of the Pirates Olivia goes outside to help but the pirate boss with his robot stops her and is about to take her with him when Brad arrives and saves her election informs Leon that Olivia is in danger but when he sees Brad and Greg fighting to save her Liam thinks that
things should have been this way from the start but Greg and Brad are not strong enough to defeat the boss so Leon interferes and destroys the robot the pirate boss us seeing that he has been defeated surrenders and asks Leon to spare him who further torments him before grabbing the holy necklace the pirate ships sway the White Flag signaling their surrender and Leon takes all the treasure the Pirates have looted so far Leah now plans to become a background character again because he has already interfered so much in the setting of the game he reports
to the Royal Palace that he only assisted Greg and Brad due to which they get all the money of the bounty that was on the Pirates Leon also talks with their family to get them reinstated and now he plans to distance himself from Olivia and Angelica Brad and Greg taught with the Royal Palace increased Leon's rank from upper 6 to lower five which they consider a kind deed but for Leon it is the worst possible outcome he gets some more bad news when he receives a letter from the family of Claris telling him that when
he has graduated he will be promoted to the rank of upper Fifth and he is also gifted an air bike Daniel and Raymond tell Leon that because of his promotion girls are starting to look at him but Leon knows that they just want him for his status they tell Leon that a school trip is coming so they can try and find a wife there when Leon remembers that on the school trip you go with your romantic interest to increase your score in the game Leon selects to go to the southern floating island as he wants
to obtain an item that is present there Olivia and Angelica also go on the same island after arriving at the island Olivia thinks about how good it would have been had she been here with Angelica and Leanne Olivia sees a shrine goes to it where Leon is already present and Angelica also arrives shortly after the three of them stand in complete silence when a little girl who works at The Shrine arrives and tells them that this Shrine is dedicated to marriage the three of them after making an offering pray for what they want but Liam
loudly starts praying for a wife that has common sense but is also sexy and a little naughty Angelica stops him telling him to watch his language as this is a holy place so they make their wishes in silence afterward the little girl gives them three charms which was the item that Leon wish to find here that's why he also pulled some strings so that he could come to the southern Islands these are randomly Acquired and included good luck charm a war Fortune charm and a blessing of element talismans he takes all three charms when the
little girl tells him that it's for all three of them so they all should take one but Olivia and Angelica say that Leon can keep them if he wants he shares the charms and after opening them Olivia and Angelica get the red and white blessing of the element Talisman while Leon gets the war Fortune charm which increases one's physical attributes and close combat skills the next morning Chris approaches Leon and challenges him to a sword fight but their conversation is cut short when a ship thereon suddenly gets attacked by monsters having the crest of the
Thanos took him Thanos dookitum originally belonged to a Duke of the Kingdom but they declared their independence and now call themselves a nation Liam is surprised to see them because they didn't appear in the game until the end so he wonders what he has done wrong that they have appeared so early Angelica tells Leon that they are led by princess hertrude who she has met before hershrid makes an announcement to everyone present on the ship telling them that she is declaring war on the hallford Kingdom so if a Nobles on the ship want to survive
they should surrender a man named gallic comes on the ship and says that they are going to imprison everyone with a rank of Aaron or higher but Angelica comes forward and surrenders herself saying that she is the daughter of the Duke so she alone should be enough as a hostage Leon and Olivia try to stop her but all the other students only think about themselves and hold back both of them Olivia is slapped by some girls while Leon is beaten badly by the students on the Monster Ship of hertrude Angelica asks her why she is
doing this because she knows that the hallford kingdom is much stronger than them gallat asks protrude about what he should do with the rest of the Nobles and she tells him that she has no need for them meanwhile Leon has been thrown into his cell by the students when Chris comes and asks Leon to help them but Liam refuses saying that he isn't going to fight for someone who isn't willing to fight for themselves Chris tries to motivate everyone to fight but no one agrees with him when Leon comes forward with a gun and starts
insulting them saying that they all are one of nobles hearing is Andrew is the daughter of count roseblade here Dr Fu roseblade whose family excluding the Duke is the most influential in the ship but Leon doesn't care about that and says that their forefathers were true Nobles but they would be ashamed of the Behavior everyone is showing he questions whether their ancestors adventure-filled blood even runs in their veins which motivates them as they prepare to fight Deirdre who was insulting Leon moments ago now becomes impressed by him and says that he's fantastic and his Brazen
attitude is very thrilling Leon prepares to go to a Monster Ship and fight while hertruth says to Angelica that she will show her how she is planning to overcome the difference in strength between the two Nations and starts using a flute Leon on his way to the enemy's ship remembers that the princess had a Magic Flute in the game so he decides to steal it when he saves Angelica back on the ship Chris along with other students jump into the armor robots that are available and start destroying the monsters attacking the ship while the other
students use their magic to protect the ship the enemy's ship now starts firing cannons that damage the ship but Olivia in a moment of desperation casts a barrier big enough to protect the whole ship the barrier also starts firing at the monster seeing this Leon finally cannot worry about them and decides to enter the ship through the mouth of the monster carrying it firstly he hits Gillette and then proceeds to take the princess hostage along with her Magic Flute while luxion removes gallop's mustache as they reach her own ship Leon says that they will keep
the princess hostage and take the ship back home but the enemy doesn't care about the princess who reveals that they will continue to attack because she can easily be replaced the princess sets All the Monsters free from her control and tells Leon that the monsters will now attack the one who was controlling her which is her and as she is on their ship the monsters will destroy them too Leah now tries to buy some time while Angelica takes care of Olivia who has drained herself because of casting such a big spell Olivia says that she
only wanted to be seen as an equal to Angelica and Leon and didn't want to slow them down but Angelica tells her that she never did anything like that a monster attacks the ship which causes it to lose balance and throws Angelica almost out of the ship but she manages to hold on to the edge her grip starts slipping but Olivia saves her but in the process she is thrown out of the ship Leon arrives and saves Olivia from falling who tells him that she is in love with him and wants to be with him
he takes her back on the ship ship when Leon's ship partner arrives and starts destroying the enemy Liam also gets into arrogance his robotic armor and goes to defeat the rest of the enemies seeing this one of the enemies suggests to Gillette that they should retreat but he says that they can't just leave now because they have lost the princess and the flute but gelat remembers that they still have their most powerful Heroes serve Vandal the Black Knight Leon comes face to face with a black knight whose robot armor is still below what Leon has
but his piloting skills are a league above Leon's they exchange blows with each other but the Black Knight manages to pierce Leon's armor which puts extra stress on his body luck should advises Leon to get out of the robot because armor performance is down by 30 percent but he ignores luxion's advice and continues the fight the black knight now puts his sword through the robot and Leon gets out of the robot which makes the Black Knight think that he is forfeiting but the robot now controlled by luxion grabs hold of the black Knight's robot and
lien goes up to his Pilot seats and puts a gun to his face winning the match Gillette seeing this decides to fire a flare which gathers all the monsters in one place as hopes that they will destroy everything but Leon tells luction to use the main ship which Reigns fire from the sky and kills all the monsters Leon spares the Black Knight telling him that he should now retire because he's just lost to a kid and back at his kingdom he should tell everyone how strong Leon is after reaching home Liam decides to give all
the credit to Chris so that he will be reinstated by his family and now as a tea party with Olivia and Angelica meanwhile The Prince and his group create another robot armor and challenge Leon to another duel with the demand that he will not come between Marie and the many more Greg Pilots the robot and Leon says to luction that he will lose on purpose because Olivia is too good for them so if they want to be with Marie they can do so just as the fight begins luction tells Liam that Greg's robot is about
to blow up so he should tell him to get out but Greg doesn't listen to him which makes Leon destroy the robot to save Greg which again results in his victory Liam now attends a ceremony where he is given the title of a Viscount and afterward he meets with Olivia who says to him that when she told him that she loved him she was being serious so she hopes she will someday give her his answer Olivia and Angelica now wait for Leon who thinks that even though he's in mom character he still wants to be
with the two of them no matter how hard it is to do so in this Odom game world
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