Prayer & Fasting: Dr. Myles Munroe's Guide To Spiritual Influence On Earth |

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Join Dr. Myles Munroe in 'How Prayer and Fasting Influence Earth,' a profound exploration of the tra...
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[Music] thank you for joining us for another powerp packed Message from Dr Miles Monroe provided by Monroe Global Incorporated and monr we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message prayer is the most misunderstood um of The Human Experience everybody prays Buddhist pray Hindus pray Muslims pray scientologists pray humanists pray to themselves everybody prays and so prayer is not unique to any specific religion I think prayer is unique
to humans the human spirit has to somehow look outside himself for help that's a normal human response and this is why even when an atheist gets in an accident he say oh my God inside of the human DNA there is something which says I need help outside of myself outside of this world and this is why people pray however not all prayers are answered now some people think that prayer is is just a suspicion it's it doesn't work matter of fact there are people who are so skeptical about prayer that they don't they don't even
ascribe to it they say that prayer is really a waste of time prayer is not real it doesn't work and in some ways I could appreciate that comments because if you had a bad experience exp erience with something you develop a skepticism about it but prayer is the most important activity of humanity first of all let me just correct a couple of Concepts about prayer number one prayer is not a religious act religions use it but prayer in its original context is not an original not not a religious act it's actually a governmental activity it's
a political act why because the word prayer when you read the Bible the word that is used for prayer is the word that is kind of a strange word it means petition to petition and petitions are only presented to governments or to an authority the word that is used for prayer is a governmental activity so when you talk about petitioning there has to be some specific things involved you cannot petition unless you have laws and constitutions so constitutional rights are necessary in order for citizens to petition a government this is why when the Bible talks
about the coming of the Messiah it had to say For unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders he's coming with a government on his shoulders and then it says he shall reign Reign means it is Authority on the throne of David which means that is a governmental position and he shall establish his kingdom which is a government and a country and he shall establish it on peace and righteousness prayer is therefore the petitioning of an authority for rights that are guaranteed in
a constitution prayer is the petitioning of Authority for rights guaranteed in the Constitution when I did my research on the word prayer all the Hebrew words that are used are interesting words and they have to do with asking for something from someone who you believe has it in other words you go to your boss and pray for a raise the word prayer would be used there in the Hebrew language if you went to go and ask for a raise on your job the word prayer would be used there because you are going to an authority
who you believe has the capacity to answer your request but it has to be an Authority with the ability so prayer is not really a a a religious experience it is actually a legal activity and this is why prayer is misunderstood here's the Hebrew word that is used for prayer in most of the texts matter of fact there are about seven words that are translated from the word prayer but this one is the most powerful one and this word and Texas is also from a root word deis and these two words in Hebrew means petition
or to entreat now you entreat someone if they are a governmental Authority you you entreat them because you believe they have what you need and and you have a right to get it so prayer involves a number of things that has to be in place there has to be a an authority there has to be laws there has to be a constitutional rights situation and then you got to know what they have and know that you have a right to it it's prayer prayer therefore is petitioning the authority let me give you a couple of
thoughts to think about prayer and if you can't keep up with me here uh write as fast as you can but after the meeting run to that table over to your right and get a copy of this session on DVD and CD if you wish to get all the notes the power of the human is necessary in understanding prayer listen carefully please when God created the Earth he gave legal Authority in the earth to humans you remember God speaking in Genesis 1:26 uh about the making of you he says let us let us make a
species called man in our own image and in our likeness and let them have dominion over the Earth he didn't say let us have dominion he said let them have dominion over the Earth that means he was shifting control over the Earth from himself to his children now one of the issues in the Bible that becomes very very sensitive is the fact that when God speaks his words become LW like any other King except he's the king of kings so when God speaks his word becomes law so when God says let them have dominion over
the Earth he was literally creating a law in the Earth where them become the authority them is referring to humans now a human is a mystery and I mentioned this last time a human is a composite of of dirt and spirit the word humus means Earth or dust write that down it means dirt humus the word man is the word god used to describe the spirit being that he created the Hebrew word there is the word ish man ish mankind God made a spirit being out of himself and put it in a dirt body which
he formed from the ground and called it man and because he is in humus he is called called humus man or human now that is the creature God gave authority in the earth to he gave authority in the earth to a spirit being living in a dirt body that is the law therefore it means then that the only creatures that have legal right to function on Earth with authority are spirits with a body so if you don't have a body in this planet a physical body you are illegal on Earth this is why demons are
illegal that's why God says you can cast them out cuz you the one with the legal Authority they don't have legal Authority this is also why demons are trying to get into your body because they're trying to get the legal power casting out a demon makes the demon illegal this is why every time Jesus encountered a demon the demon begged to stay cuz he knew if he left he's illegal well you remember the story about the man who was in the graveyard when Christ met him and he was possessed with all these demons and and
he said his name was Legion that's a lot of demons and They begged Christ they said do not cast us out but if you do cast us out put us in another dirt body the pigs and it's amazing that Jesus cast them out and they went into the pigs why the pigs Pig's body is dirt even the pigs didn't want them I don't know how humans could I mean humans just kind of sit around with demons on the inside but the pigs ran into the ocean and kill themselves why they didn't want no demon living
in them right even the pigs got sense but you see demons are illegal now here's the problem any Spirit without a body is illegal on Earth and God will never violate his own laws that is why for example God couldn't come into the Earth legally without a body the Incarnation everybody say Incarnation write that word down as a big word I can't spell it incarnation the word caral means flesh or dirt carnal Incarnation means the coming into a dirt body of God that is why in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 9 it says these words Isaiah
says the Virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son and his name Shall be Called Immanuel m means in man is Mankind and L is Elohim he says God is going to actually come in a dirt body many people who are Skeptics about Jesus and being God and all that stuff they don't understand that God was working on protecting a law that's why Jesus Christ had Authority on Earth because he had a body as a matter of fact this is why you have authority on Earth today because you have a body when you
lose your body you become illegal and that's why you leave if you die physically today your spirit have to leave the planet absent from the body you got to get out of here now some of you folks think you saw your auntie last night and saw your cousin and your uncle and that ain't true you remember the Bible talks about Saul going to Samuel because he wanted to see the dead Spirit of Samuel you know the prophet who was his prophet and Samuel was dead physically and Saul went to a witch a medium Voodoo witchcraft
ju guu I got all the words there okay he R to a medium and he says take me to the cemetery and call the spirit of Samuel back because I want to talk to him so the King was led by this medium to the graveyard to talk cuz he wanted to get consultation from a dead person sounds familiar and the Bible say says he went to the cemetery and the medium did a little coochie coochie coochie thing and the spirit appeared and said I am Samuel and began to talk and the Bible says then the
Lord spoke and said this is not Samuel this is a familiar Spirit now familiar spirit means a demon that is familiar with you that means they know your personality they know your mannerisms they follow you all day some of them following you right now they can't get inside cuz you're born again but they they know how you sit how you talk how you suck your teeth they know everything they pick up they become familiar with your behavior and they can impersonate you when you leave so you thought you saw your uncle when you lose your
body you are illegal you can't function here you remember Jesus told a story he said that there was a man who was a rich rich man man and he treated a poor man Lazarus very badly and they both died one went where the demons are one went in the bosom of Abraham in heaven and the Bible says they couldn't talk and the and they says the rich man was in torment now watch this he says the rich man cried out and said if I could just go back to Earth and warn them see when you
go you can't come back matter of fact even Jesus Christ cannot come back to this earth without a body that's why he was resurrected to make sure he could and that body was not a spirit body it was a physical body the disciples thought he was a spirit they said this is a spirit he said no touch me then he says flesh and Bone do not have this kind of material if I'm if I'm a spirit and they touched him that's why you're going to be raised again from the dead so you can come back
to the Earth WR Rule now why am I telling you this because your body is the key to your Authority on earth now here's the bottom line then God doesn't have a spirit he is spirit and God chose to make himself illegal that was his prerogative don't ask me why I think it's because he wants you to share his power he says the highest Heavens belong to the Lord but the Earth he gave to the sons of men in other words he wants the kids to feel how how rulership is so he has his territory
he gave you yours he says now you handle yours I handle mine and then he says whenever you want me to come into yours I got to get legal permission through you prayer therefore is man giving God legal access to Earth through through his faith prayer is necessary because nothing happens on Earth without the cooperation of a human God cannot just come into Earth and do what he feels like if he could he should have fixed the murders in our country long time ago he should have gotten rid of all the Iraq War and all
the terrorists you think God's enjoying a bus being blown up on Thursday with children in it in Iran he's not a bloodthirsty God enjoying all the killing but the problem is he can't come in unless a human gives him access cuz the human got the body and God ain't got the body that's why God says if my people which are called by my name would humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear where from heaven I'm in heaven and I will forgive their sins and come in
and heal their land but the first word is if there's a condition if I can find a human who will cooperate with me I can impact the planet prayer is therefore necessary for Earth to be influenced by Heaven Matthew chapter 14 you know uh is prayer really real someone asked me the other day are demons real my answer to them was if demons are not real then Jesus Christ was very misguided cuz he cast out things that are not real if you don't believe in Jesus being a demon releaser casting out demons then demons must
not exist either Christ was completely confused or demons are real in other words whatever Jesus did confirms what is cuz he's God in the flesh but what about Jesus in prayer did Jesus pray I mean should you pray did he pray is prayer important to him let's look at Matthew Chapter 14 verse 23 it says after he had dismissed the disciples he ran up on a mountain side by himself to what pray and when evening came he was there what Alone by the way I want to just say this now Jesus seemed to always always
pray alone and I think that's an important thing to study because most of us love to pray in a group because we have no private prayer life you need to develop your personal prayer life when no one is with you just like fasting some of you wait till the corporate fast before you fast well don't wait for a corporate fast of course a corporate fast is very scriptural they've done it many times but you should do it privately Jesus did it he fasted privately for 40 days he prayed alone and if you can't have a
private prayer life your public prayer life will be very weak look at this one Mark 6:45 after leaving them it says he went up on a mountain again to pray I mean constantly he he does what he leaves them private praying is more important than public praying because corporate praying is only as strong as your private prayer life you bring to the corporate what you are in private here's another one Mark 14:33 32 rather it says they went to a place called Gethsemane okay we know about that but watch this and he said to his
disciples sit here in other words yall wait here he left him again while I go to pray and you remember what they did they did what some of you feel like doing right now they slept hit your neighbor he neighbor don't miss this word he said because the spirit is willing but that body which is your most legal power is weak the spirit depends on your body and so you got to keep your body alert so the spirit could do activity on Earth the key to affecting heaven on Earth is prayer that's the point I
want to make today pray without ceasing say that with me pray without this statement is found a few times in the Bible matter of fact in Old and New Testament interesting stat said pray without ceasing ceasing means don't stop doing this activity what is prayer petitioning constantly asking the government to do what is in the Constitution prayer is what asking the government to do what's in the Constitution he says never stop doing that don't cease it well here's why If Heaven cannot do anything on Earth without your permission then you got to keep permitting it
sa the minute you stop praying Heaven stops interfering I told you all about maybe 15 years ago when I understood why the World Turns and why the world goes around the Sun God is smart you know of course he's smart but I mean I just figured it out see God is so cool God has the Sun the world earth going around the Sun in the middle right but he also has the Earth spinning while while it's going the way that the reason why he do that is you see he knows that this planet will only
be able to be influenced by Heaven if humans are always praying so he fixed the planet in such a way that it turns but it also turns R is turning so that somebody's always up so right now in Australia they sleeping but we got our hands worshiping God God praying and believing God and then when we go to bed they get up and they start so God always got something coming up come on give God a praise he's he he said don't pray and stop don't stop praying pray without ceasing this is why all night
prayer meetings you know uh uh are are quite good they're not necessary but they're good all night prayer meetings means that you catch God both day and night but if you get tired you go sleep somebody else up in England somebody else up in China they were working on some stuff see and so because you can't stay up all the time but he says as long as you up you pray without ceasing here's something that Jesus said about that in the book of uh Luke chapter 18 you want to turn there and read that it
says and he spoke a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and never faint Paul said these words Paul says Rejoice all the time why because you should pray without ceasing now now there's a reason for this I think you understand reason now the reason is when you stop he stops did you get that connection when you stop giving permission he stops making Invasion so he depends on you and you depend on him what you need fix you can't fix he who could fix can't fix unless you allow him to
fix so both of you all got to get you know in harmony so that when now let me say it another way Jesus said look wherever any two of you shall touch and agree concerning anything on the earth then it shall be done of my father who is in heaven for whatever you bind on Earth then Heaven Got permission to bind it whatever you loose on Earth or allow Heaven Will Allow it in other words Heaven depends on you to influence Earth so if he wants to impact this country or your city or your family
or your nation or your home or your business there's got to be someone standing in the middle you are the intercessor constantly that's why the Bible has no such thing as a Ministry of intercession let me say it again cuz some of you all think that's a Ministry there's no gift of intercession quiet find it in the Bible gift of Prophecy is there gift of tongues gift of Miracles gift of healing Gifts of wisdom word of knowledge no gift of intercession let me tell you why cuz everyone supposed to be all the time praying now
the reason why we thank God for intercessors is because while you sleeping lazy thing you not you the one behind you please don't get some folks don't want to pray somebody got to be up God never chose specific people to pray read your whole Bible he says men ought always to pray he says men period All Humans ought always to pray now if men always praying we don't need nobody to pray for us but the reason why people got to pray for us because we who are men ain't ought always give God a hand for
your grandma who was praying while you was doing dumb stuff come on give God a hand for your mama who praying for you while you was out there doing stuff in the club your mama was in between God and you saying God zip him my mother had 10 kids you know she needed prayer 10 of us 11 of us she had to pray all the time she couldn't know what we was doing all over the neighborhood everybody all Lord wherever they are keep them and she did well everybody got saved praise God this is also
important for you to understand about your own family members who are not close to God they can't God can't get to them so you can pray for them that's why you pray for men everywhere Paul says you pray for them because they ain't praying for themselves that's how important this week is to us look at this this is a a powerful one here Matthew chapter 26 Jesus said these words he says to disciples while they were about to sleep he says watch and pray now prayer prevents Temptation I I think you need to thank God
for this verse for a minute let me tell you why you keep wondering why am I always going back into drugs going back into sex going back into all this pornography going back into all this adultery going back why am I always going back God says here's a secret Jesus said the he said look watch and pray so that you enter not into temptation the safest way out of Temptation is stop praying knock yourself in the cross start praying she can't find you there and you can't see the computer there you start praying there ain't
no way you could sin it's impossible for you to sin and pray you got to finish sinning first so Jesus telling the disciples look if you guys don't join me in prayer in this Garden you're going to fall in temptation of running when the pressure comes they went to sleep and they ran my friends it is important therefore for you to know that one of the greatest secrets to avoiding temptation is what you doing this week prayer and do it daily Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 Jesus said these words and this is a interesting verse
he says and when you pray do not be like the Hypocrites write the word hypocrite down hypo means actor you know uh the church probably has the largest Academy Awards teams in the world if we ever had Academy Award we'd win all Hollywood is a joke to the church anyone I'm talking about we could act we could listen man religious people are the best actors in the world Jesus said that he said to the disciple I me to the Pharisees of scr he said you Hypocrites the word is actors he said you actors you are
good at acting he said when you pray do not act don't put on an act interesting for they love to be standing praying in the synagogue where everybody could see them by the way the word synagogue means Community Center it's not a worship center only it was a community everyone came every weekend to know what's going going on it was like Community Center T to walk around in the community center oh boy Bishop m is Holy isn't he look at that publicly Christ say no when you're doing petitioning to the government you ain't got to
do it in public why he says because the government is indivisible is invisible read it he says don't stand on the street corners for men to see you praying that's an act I tell you the truth they have received their rewards already why because people think they are holy that's the reward they wanted look at verse six but when you pray everybody say but when now notice what I got to underline say it with me when you pray what's that what's the other one when you pray he didn't say if you pray he expects you
to pray being a kingdom citizen the culture of your your life is prayer you will pray it's like saying when you eat you you have to eat when you drink water you have to drink water so when you pray it's as natural as drinking water and eating food if you don't pray you are starving yourself from interference of heaven when you pray go into your room your closet close the door and pray to your father who is unseen it didn't say he doesn't exist never never confuse invisible with non-existent you can't see him he says
but your father who sees what is done in secret will do what reward you how do it openly look at verse seven I love this verse it says and when you pray he repeats it three times and when you pray you must pray he says and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans now the word Pagan here means religious people stop babbling you know I I I don't want to offend peoples and I try not to but you got to you got to deal with issues you know uh have you ever seen
a person pray and and they were their prayer was so interesting you were impressed all wise omnipotent omnipresent holy matchless Divine creator that I humbl unworthy servant come to die on the strings of his mer I mean you go this is good that's an act and people think that praying long praying hard praying loud praying with many deep words will get God's attention it doesn't let me let me tell you what prayer is like it's like coming in a courtroom come on lawyers let's talk for a second when you go into the courtroom you ever
heard the judge say get to the point in other words you bobbling all that stuff clap your hands somebody CU look get to the point you come to get your laws and your rights don't go on with no long story all wise omnipotent all holy God said I know all of that they trying to impress God no those prayers are to impress the people in the room if someone ever come and say but that was a good prayer you better start praying cuz prayer is not a performance for a compliment they supposed to compliment you
when you see the answer every let me tell this is so funny this is good I just saw in my spirit okay you in cour I'm your lawyer and I give a great dissertation to the judge and we lose the case you can compliment me about how good I talked brother I lost the case that's how we pray we stand for God for two hours yeah get nothing God said what are you doing he says these words look at these words he says when you pray you must not keep on babbling like pagans for they
think they will be heard because of their much speaking Jesus Oh Lord God said look you sett down just tell me what you want now don't get me wrong there may be moments in your prayer when you get emotional but you know how judges are when you become emotional in the courtroom they is AD jooin the case for 15 minutes go and gather yourself the judge say and come back in 15 minutes we'll talk again praise God everybody getting this yeah this is this is praise is prayer is doing business with a government and you
got to bring the laws to a government the Constitution is the power with the government not your emotions and prayer is you coming to God Jesus says and don't come with a bunch of words and all these impressive statements and these big scientific you know words from college he said look bring my words clapman he said bring my words bring the Constitution Hallelujah here's another one uh and this is a very serious statement here but I I told you that God needs Earth in order to invade Earth I wanted to leave this thought with you
god did nothing without the cooperation of a human on earth when you read the Bible you'll find that in all these instances where God did great acts on Earth he had to find a human to work with here's a verse I thought was interesting when I was in college I read this one I laugh Exodus chapter 3 now uh we get about half a million people living in Egypt in slavery and God prophesied that they would be there for 400 years well God looked at his watch and it was 430 years so God okay it's
time to go get them now watch this if God is God and he's sovereign and he can do anything he wants without getting permission he can just come right in and set him free then why didn't God do that watch what God says here in this verse it says he says to Moses I have heard the cries of the people I heard their groanings then God said and I have come to you Moses to go and get them for me here's the statement he made to him he says go I want to rescue them you
go verse eight is a dependency statement so I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them out of the land that statement is amazing God says I have come down okay then come down the next statement is dependency in other words I am ready to do something in your neighborhood I want to bring some changes in your business changes in your city in your Society I want to bring change in the world he said I've come down to fix some things he says but I need you Mo
let me tell you how bad God needs a human for two chapters God argued with the guy to convince him to cooperate God could have said look you complain too much let me go find somebody else he stayed with him that's why God won't let you go you are his secret weapon you sin God forgive you get back up why I need you to pray man I got to use you to get into the Earth you mess up you go through divorce you make commit adultery you drink liquor come back take drugs God say I
forgive you why I need your body man Moses gave God so much stress I can't talk I'm not born in the right Clan I a com from the right family God I still work with you I need you and it took four chapters in the fourth chapter God became angry it's almost like a spiritual slap God says Moses shut up and just go why I have come down but I can't go get them without your permission prayer is necessary for God to change what's happening in our lives on Earth this is why we have to
pray and we pray without ceasing look at this look at this statement he says in Exodus chapter 3 read all loud for me read go go go so now go who and I send you go ahead now see I don't know if you understand the confusion here verse eight says I came down to do it okay do it then God said no no no you go so you got I and you I come but you got to go I want to deliver them but Pharaoh need a human for me to get to him God wants
to do so much but he needs you I hope today I stimulate you to pray right now that you start thinking about everything that's not going right in your country in your neighborhood in your house your children your business your school work whatever it just and say Lord please interfere one of our members sitting here today said to me last week she says I got a case in court and I and I just found that that I that I I wanton this case it's a case of some kind of a financial renumeration and she said
how do I pray for that I said just use anything in the word that has to do with your rights she said I can't I don't know I said just stop it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want for anything I said I said how about this one to Welter the wicked Hallelujah it's later right in other words you got to start giving God permission to fulfill those words in your situation Moses I need you to go please go and if you read that chapter 4 of Exodus when you go home you'll see
the argument between God and Moses get to a point where God just won't let the guy go at the end God just got mad and the Bible says the anger of God burned within him and he he said to Moses go why as mad as I am I still can't go without you now if you study the whole story you will see that everything that God did Moses had to do first God says you tell Pharaoh they're going to be Locust go and announce it for me I can I got the Locust I made them
I control them but I can't release them without a human pronouncing it lift your right hand say Lord Lord go into this week go into this week every day every day and open every door open every door with my name on it my name on it see now you just gave release to go into every day Monday Tuesday that's how you pray let me tell you what you just said the Bible says and he the Messiah will open doors that no man can shut but you got to tell him open them give God a praise
they opening on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Hallelujah that means there were some people already in Wy who was blocking your move but your prees now sent the power of God into the future he's opening the door when you arrive on Wednesday the door just open you walk right through that's the power of prayer that's why you pray in order to see results in the future God wanted you know uh it's the greatest story thing I I read about leadership Moses sees Pharaoh coming in the back 5 million people behind him and water in
the front This Guy's in a bad situation these folks ain't never fought for 400 years they didn't even know how to fight they're slaves they don't know how to fight an army he has an army that's well trained with horses and guns D not guns dagers and shields and Spears and all these you know the swords and stuff they're coming to kill and they outnumbered and Moses looks at the water looks at Pharaoh looks at the people they're looking at him watch Moses the Bible says and Moses stood upon a rock and said unto the
people be at peace that means be cool calm down calm cu the folks was afraid he says calm down who's talking a man is talking when you start talking Heaven gets up oh boy somebody talking Hallelujah doc he said someone talking Moses says be at peace and then he says I promise you all today anybody got a promise from God didn't God tell you he's going to bring you through so why you getting scared now stand up and say something got I tell him I promised the situation it must change God told Moses at that
rock and that bush that he was going to deliver the people and Moses stood that day and leaned on that promise real hard he says I promise you all today that when the sun sets before the sun sets he says none of those egyp you see coming will be alive the Bible said then Moses ran behind a bush and said unto the Lord Lord did you hear what I told them come on I sound like prayer that sound like prayer to me let me tell you something what prayer is prayer is not begging God to
do something prayer is announcing what God's going to do come on scream for a second just scream David didn't just say the Lord as my shepherd he announce I shall not want so you put pressure on God let me tell you what you got to do and tomorrow and Tuesday right through the week we come here to pray please use your Bible a little bit more and talk to situations from the word God said to Moses his answer why comest thou to me this is a great story The the Army coming the people scared he
do make announcement he hiding behind the bush and God tell him what you come to me for watch the next statement go and do like you said oh Jesus Lord have mercy let me write this down I want to tell you what God Said just now write this down I got your back come on somebody praise the Lord tell neighbor he got you back when you make announcements in prayer Heaven Is Under Pressure you're going to meet some things this week that going to be real challenging people and situations matter of fact some of you
going into tomorrow and you ain't sure but some things going to happen I want you to use the next few minutes May me get out here to just announce some things to the thing see that the thing for Moses was those soldiers that was his thing he announced something about the thing he said they shall not be alive at Sunset so I want you to talk to your thing before we leave here my business shall turn around before the sun sets Friday me just say something by the promises God Made You and the Bible says
Moses left the book oan went out before the people he start up on a rock and God said okay now I can't open this water unless you give me permission I got the power you got the permission I'm G say it again I got the power you got the permission let me say one more time I got the power to open it but you got the permission to allow me why couldn't God just open the water because he had no permission so God says Moses help me out here stand up on the Rock Point the
wood over the water and say open come on you all getting ready to go total dependency that's prayer that's petitioning and the Bible says Moses stood up and stretched his Rod over the water and said open it said suddenly I got a funny feeling matter of fact it happening to me right now in my life some sudden things are happening when you announce permission granted Heaven I loose the water that means I allow the water to be open it says A Mighty Wind suddenly came now here's here's the proof of what I'm saying the water
opened the people went through and they turned around and the water stayed open remember that that's important why cuz all Moses said was open I going home now oh don't miss tomorrow night Hallelujah some of y'all have left some things open you hav enclosed some things man the water just stayed open and guess what Pharaoh coming see you can understand there some things you left open and the devil's still coming cuz heaven depends on you to also close the Bible said the Lord told Moses turn around Stretch Your Rod again why I can't close it
without human command Hallelujah I want you to use your mind let the Holy Spirit help you remember some things you didn't close it didn't close some things relationships business deals hurts unforgiveness you got to close them he can close them if you don't release them the power for God to influence Earth is in your hands it's in your hands I want to close with a verse of scripture that I thought was so amazing I when I went to all Rob University I got to meet Kenneth Hagen one time and uh he was teaching that night
on this verse and I want to give you this verse it's matter of fact uh uh turn to Isaiah chapter 45 I want to close with this and then we pick up here to tomorrow night all of the visitors you invited back please please come back tomorrow we' be happy to have you Isaiah 45:1 everybody read it Al loud look on the board I want you to find it underlined in your Bible though underline it it's a very important verse here's God's word to Isaiah and this is our closing verse 45:1 read out loud go
thus says the Lord the Holy One of Israel and his maker asks of me the things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me I have made the Earth and created man upon it I even my hands have stretched out over the heavens and all their host have I commanded I have raised him up in righteousness and I will direct his way talking about you he shall build the city back okay want you take a look at this verse first of all he says ask me about the things
to come he's talking about prayer here prayer is taking God's Constitution what he promised you he promised me these things so these are my future promises he says and then Accord uh concerning the work of my hand command me the Hebrew word here means it's it's a military term like it's like a a sergeant saying to a c go he said that's the word god uses here command me like a sergeant commanding a corpo let me put another way tell me what to do concerning the things I already promis you the most beautiful part of
this is this he says because I made the whole earth in other words I own this place this is mine and what I do down here I can move anything I want to move shift anything I want to move but you have the license I like the last part he says I command the host of Earth host means armies authorities God says you command me what to do and I will do it tell me what to do that I told you I want to do and I will do what I told you I want to
do that I want you to tell me to do on earth power of prayer first John 5:1 15 what a beautiful verse it says if we pray according to his will then we know that he hears us how do you pray what is his will his word where's his word in your hand right now so he says I want you to take my will you got to guess my will take my constitutional laws present them back to me and then you know I hear you the next verse says and if you know he hears you
then you have the confidence that you know you have that which you petition from him close your Bibles thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe Global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
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