I Suspected My Wife Was Planning A Divorce, So I Moved My Assets. Two Weeks Later....-Reddit Family

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I Suspected My Wife Was Planning A Divorce, So I Moved My Assets. Two Weeks Later....-Reddit Family ...
Video Transcript:
I suspected my wife was planning a divorce so I moved my assets two weeks later she filed then backtracked when her plan backfired hello everyone before we start today's video I need your help we've noticed that the channel is losing traction and subscribing is one of the best ways you can help us it's quick free and allows us to continue bringing you great content your support means everything let's keep this Channel Growing together thank you very much now let's begin the video hello people I've been skimming through the posts here for a while believing I'd
never have my own tale to tell however life has a way of shocking you and I've been lugging this about for months I need to let it out let me be clear I've never been the sort to jump to conclusions or assume the worst my wife let's call her M and I have been together for 6 years and married for four things were solid or so I thought we experienced the typical ups and downs but nothing that made me think oh there's a problem here in reality throughout the majority of our relationship we were that
couple completely committed colleagues we laughed at stupid inside jokes argued for hours about which movie to watch and had a Cadence that just worked she'd organize elaborate date nights and I'd treat her to her favorite takeout after a long day it felt effortless as if we had figured out the whole love thing that is why what occurred next struck me like a ton of bricks the shift around 6 months ago things began to alter at first it was Minor Details things you'd likely miss Miss if you weren't paying attention she began carrying her phone everywhere
even when she was only going to the kitchen or folding clothes before this her phone would sit on the coffee table for hours and she didn't mind who picked it up one day I made this joke what are you running some secret spy ring now she chuckled and added no Works been emailing me a lot okay fine but a few days later she created a password that one caught me off surprised because she had never used it before when I casually inquired why she responded something vague about security and hackers I didn't press it since
I didn't want to appear paranoid but it simply felt off and it did not end there she began taking calls outside the room which she had never done before it wasn't subtle either her phone would ring and she'd say oh let me just grab this real quick before disappearing into the bedroom or outside on the porch if I inquired who it was she would just say just a friend from work then I noticed a new habit keeping her face down on the table I had no idea that was a thing until I reached over to
give her something and she hastily moved her phone out of the way it was one of those blink and you miss it moments yet it stayed with me growing distance however it wasn't all about the phone she started to feel distant conversations that used to flow easily now felt like pulling teeth if I brought up future plans such as where should we go for our anniversary or do you think we should start saving for a new car she'd simply nod and say yeah we'll see before shifting the subject it all came together for me on
a random Wednesday she informed me that she was seeing a buddy for coffee after work it didn't sound strange she does that occasionally I happened to be running errands in the same area so I figured why not surprise her it will be cute when I arrived however she was not with her friend she stood outside the cafe walking back and forth her phone placed against her ear I remained in my car because something about the way she spoke seemed serious I didn't intend to Eaves drop but I overheard phrases like it's almost ready and starting
fresh soon my stomach sank I couldn't figure out what she was saying but it didn't sound like job or friend conflict it sounded grander like something she had planned when she returned home I asked her how her coffee date went attempting to maintain a casual tone she told me a complete narrative about her pal complaining about her boyfriend it was such an unexpected comment that I just gazed at her for a second what do you mean I inquired she Shrugged I just think we should have everything in one place you know like all our account
info passwords documents that kind of thing just in case of emergency I wasn't sure what to say this was something we'd never discussed before and the timing seemed strange given everything else I'd noticed what kind of emergencies I inquired attempting to keep my tone casual she Shrugged again it's just smart isn't it what if something happens to one of us or what if we need to make a big financial decision quickly her argument made sense on the surface but something about the way she expressed it made me nervous it was too rehearsed and Polished as
if she had been waiting for the appropriate time to bring it up I nodded and murmured something like yeah I guess that's a good idea but within alarms were ringing why now why are we suddenly concerned about arranging our finances when we've always kept them separate and loose that night my mind kept reliving her words attempting to figure out what it meant was this just typical adult behavior and was I reading too much into it but then I remembered the phone calls the talk I overheard in the cafe and how distant she'd been recently it
all began to mount up and I did not like the image it was painting until then I had done nothing about it a few days later she mentioned it again we were in the kitchen I was making a sandwich and she was looking through her phone when she remarked have you thought more about organizing the bank stuff like do you know where all the account details are I lowered the knife and turned to face her okay what's going on I inquired attempting to keep my tone light but firm you've been bringing up the finances a
lot lately is there something we need to talk about she finally looked up from her phone astonished that I had pressed her on it no nothing's wrong she responded hastily making me giggle I just think it's important that's all you know for emergencies emergencies like what she Shrugged her expression unreadable I don't know just life stuff it's not a big deal I promise I just think it's something we should get on top of her response seemed ambiguous too vague I nodded and Let It Go but the way she avoided providing a direct answer made me
even more suspicious it didn't seem like a casual suggestion anymore it felt like she was concealing something but I had no idea what it was so the next day while she was at work I decided to look into our finances I opened our joint account online and discovered something unexpected over the last month a few tiny moves had taken place nothing large but small quantities that did not appear to have a clear purpose they were not designated for bills groceries or anything similar I didn't want to jump to conclusions but it appeared that she had
been withdrawing money from the account for some reason which I couldn't figure out I considered addressing her but something told me to wait if I was wrong I'd look ridiculous and if I was correct I had to be careful it was eating at me so I contacted someone I trusted an old college friend who also happens to be a lawyer I told him what i' discovered while trying not to sound like a conspiracy theorist look he remarked after I'd explained everything I'm not saying something is absolutely going on but you're not insane for wanting to
be ready if you're concerned about protecting your assets now is the moment to do so better safe than sorry he walked me through what I could do simple procedures to ensure my finances were protected if something happened I'll admit that taking such drastic action felt out of the ordinary it felt like I was preparing for something Dreadful even though I wasn't sure what was wrong but the more I considered it the more it made sense if she was really up to something and I was beginning to suspect she was I needed to defend myself it
was not an easy decision to make however this wasn't just about money or assets it was about the life we had created together I kept repeating images in my head our wedding day the late night conversations about our dreams and the weird little jokes we shared how did we arrive here is this what our marriage had come to the prospect of taking these measures felt like conceding defeat as if I was officially abandoning the trust we previously shared that evening While She Was Out I sat at my desk and took out my laptop my hand
shook as I opened the computer and began browsing through everything bank accounts investment accounts and the property deed each paper I studied felt like a betrayal but a persistent voice in my head reminded me that this was about surviv not sabotage I didn't mean to hurt her I couldn't get rid of the idea that if I didn't act now I'd regret it later I compiled a list of everything I could transfer and how to do it without raising suspicion as I typed I felt a crushing weight settle against my chest I had entirely trusted her
for years and now here I was playing defense against the person I thought would always have my back then I called my mother and explained why I needed her help but not in detail I need you to hold on to some things for me for a while if it's nothing bad just something I need to do to protect myself just in case she was silent for a minute likely trying to figure out what I wasn't saying are you okay her voice was filled with anxiety yeah I lied it's just a precaution nothing to worry about
she didn't press me but I could hear the pause in her voice when she responded of course sweetheart whatever you need I hung up the phone with an odd mix of relief and shame I despised engaging her in this mess but knowing had my back provided some steadiness in an otherwise chaotic environment by the time em arrived home I had already begun the process I move the majority of my assets our cash Investments and even the house to my mother's name I kept enough in our joint account to keep up appearances but the rest was
locked down she didn't notice anything she walked in kissed my cheek and asked if I wanted to watch a movie I appeared okay but inside I was a wreck part of me felt awful as if I had betrayed her trust but Another Part Of Me felt relieved as if I was finally gaining control of a situation that had spiraled out of my control over the next 3 days I tried to maintain a normal routine I didn't want to let her know that anything had changed she appeared satisfied even unusually cheery at times however rather than
putting me at ease it increased my suspicion if she was plotting something she did an excellent job of concealing it what stood out however was that she never brought up the finances again not even after I questioned her the last last time it was as if the subject had evaporated from her memory at first I believed I had overreacted and she dismissed the subject since it wasn't relevant but the more I thought about it the more I realized she was avoiding it almost as if she was afraid to bring it up again after I pressed
her I noticed her staring at me a few times as if she was assessing my mood or contemplating whether to say something every time I noticed she'd quickly return her attention to whatever she was doing her phone the TV a book it was slight but it was present it felt like she was waiting for me to bring it up as if she didn't want to push the issue again the silence only made me feel more anxious it wasn't like her to drop anything she considered essential and the way she avoided it suddenly appeared deliberate if
she was testing the waters she was not going in if she was waiting for something I was not about to give her the goahead whatever her next move was I knew I had to be one step ahead something was coming but I didn't know when or how all I could do was prepare that night I made certain that everything was solid I glanced over the paperwork again double-checking every aspect of my mother's asset transfers the house the savings the Investments everything was now legally in her name sealed in an uncontested trust I even called her
to confirm that she had all of the necessary papers two weeks had passed and everything appeared normal to normal frankly she was acting more loving even starting to talk about unrelated topics like jobs or what we should eat for the evening it threw me off because she'd been aloof for months and avoiding anything more than superficial conversations part of me began to question whether I had been overreacting all along maybe the strange conduct was merely stress or something I didn't comprehend but then one random Friday night she sat me down on the couch turned off
the television and said we need to talk my stomach fell quickly I knew what she was going to say before she did I think we should get a divorce she replied her voice so calm it seemed prepared it wasn't Furious or emotional it was simply frigid as if she had told me we had run out of milk I stared at her Unsure how to respond as she explained her argument she mentioned needing space wanting to figure herself out and feeling like she'd lost her identity in the marriage standard breakup phrases that didn't really explain anything
but then she said something that struck a different tone you know I've made a lot of sacrifices for you over the years and I don't think you really appreciate them I deserve more that last part stung it wasn't just that she wanted out it was that she framed it as if I owed her something that everything was my fault and she was simply claiming what was properly hers as I sat there trying to understand what she was saying a new question arose why now then she said something that made everything start to make sense A
friend of mine has been helping me see things more clearly she continued not looking at me a friend I remained still letting her speak but my mind was racing who was this friend why were they so involved in my my marriage the way she stated it was not casual it seemed like someone had been hyping her up convincing her that leaving me wasn't simply a choice but a strategy she needed to implement and the more she talked about how she deserved more because of her sacrifices the more I became skeptical sacrifices what kind of sacrifice
she was happy with me or so she said I worked hard to offer her the life she desired and it wasn't just about money when she asked to move closer to her job I agreed even though it meant a lengthier commute for me when she wanted to attend that pricey Yoga Retreat last year I made sure we budgeted for it even for going a vacation I was looking forward to so she could go I backed her when she changed careers twice telling her it was fine to take the risk because I wanted her happy I
believed being a decent husband meant putting her first whenever possible and it wasn't as if I was an unresponsive distant partner I showed up I remembered birthdays and random things she had mentioned loving when she mentioned feeling caught in a rut I suggested Dayton nights I listened to her complain about her job friends and family I didn't always get it right but I did try that's why her eye deserve more line hurt so much I didn't even consider buying it she was not upset due to anything I did or did not do she was upset
because something had changed in her perhaps it was the acquaintance she kept bringing up or something else but the lady sitting in front of me was not the woman I married and I was not going to let her rewrite our marriage tale to fit her new narrative I didn't press her at the moment instead I nodded and said something innocuous such as if that's how you feel I guess we should figure out the next steps she seemed startled that I wasn't arguing or begging her to stay but I didn't mind my attention had already changed
I needed to know who or what was causing her sudden planned shift in conduct she didn't just wake up one day and decide she wanted out this was something greater and I wasn't going to let it surprise me any more than it had already after that chat she went into her own apartment and I received the divorce papers on Monday let me tell you they didn't only want to stop the relationship they were planning to take everything half the house my savings my assets and the car she wanted it all plus some ambiguous spousal support
Clauses that made little sense given her High salary it seemed as if she was expecting me to give her all I had worked for at first I assumed she was just being vengeful but the way she articulated her demands so specific and aggressive reassured me that she had someone guiding her through this so I started digging I couldn't just ask her who she'd been talking to so I had to be clever I began with her social media she hadn't blocked me and even though she didn't post frequently I searched through her tagged photographs and comments
looking for someone new that's when I discovered the pattern Jake repeatedly liked and commented on her posts nothing obscene but enough to make me pause I clicked on his profile which was public at first glance he didn't appear to be much more than a 30-year-old marketing professional but as I scrolled down I spotted something unusual he posted a photo at the same Cafe I'd seen her at weeks before on the same day I overheard her discussing starting a fresh my gut churned as I continued scrolling more subtle signals were a comment on one of her
pictures that read you've got this as well as a selfie he'd taken from what appeared to be her new residence none of it was substantial evidence but it was enough to raise my suspicion I wasn't sure what to do with this information but I knew I couldn't just sit there and wait for solutions to come my way her statement of a friend who helped her get through things remained with me and I wanted to know who it was I decided to contact one of our mutual acquaintances Lisa she and my wife had been friends for
years so she knew what was going on I kept the conversation light at first asking if she'd lately spoken with my wife or if anything seems strange Lisa reacted swiftly saying she had no idea about the friend or any suggestions I asked a few more probing questions but she cut the conversation off defensively claiming she couldn't help me the entire situation felt rushed as if she was trying to avoid becoming engaged not willing to give up I called another buddy Emily I followed the same pattern stating that I was simply trying to make sense of
things she was apprehensive at first responding vaguely to my questions when I pressed her more she quickly ended the call leaving me even more skeptical than before I sat there frustrated trying to figure out my next move then to my astonishment Emily called back she told me she needed to make sure what she said didn't come back to her I assured it wouldn't and after a long pause she revealed what she knew apparently my wife had been spending a lot of time with someone named Jake whom she had met at work Emily claimed she didn't
know much else but from what she'd heard Jake was very active in the divorce advice my wife was receiving hearing that name felt like a puzzle piece fitting into place it was evident that this was more than just her need for space or to find herself someone else was in the picture directing her decisions and I was eager to discover why I choose to confront it in my own manner that Saturday I headed to her apartment building and parked a block away trying to confirm what I already suspected a few hours later she and Jake
stepped out of the building they did not hold hands or anything but the way they walked together close leaning in to talk was plenty they got into his car and drove away leaving me sitting there staring at the spot where they had been I did not follow them I did not need to at that point it was evident she hadn't simply stopped loving me she'd been preparing to go with someone else and now everything made sense the unexpected distancing the money questions the forceful demands and the divorce papers she wasn't simply abandoning me she was
leaving me with nothing and she was accompanied by someone at all times I went home that night my head racing with everything I'd learned the Betrayal burned but what hurt the most was how premeditated everything was she was using the divorce as a stepping stone to whatever life she was creating with Jake but she had no idea what I had planned for her the first mediation session felt strained from the time we stepped in her lawyer arrived with a binder so thick that it appeared they were bringing a case against a Fortune 500 firm he
began listing her demands as if they were entirely reasonable half the house the money my assets the car and even some gibberish about spousal support I remained silent seeming to listen but I was waiting for my attorney to make his move when it was finally our turn he handed a stack of paperwork across the table and said before we proceed I think it's important for everyone to review these her lawyer took the papers and skimmed through them his confident posture changed fast as he flipped through the pages his brow furrowing harder with each one what
is this he inquired gazing at my lawyer these documents show the transfer of all major assets into a trust under my client's mother's name my lawyer said calmly the transfers were completed several weeks before the divorce filing and the trust is fully legal and irrevocable the room became utterly silent her lawyer looked at her confused confused and frustrated you didn't mention this he stated flatly she snatched the papers from his hands and flipped through them her face flushing this can't be real she said staring at the notorized signatures and dates then she turned to me
her countenance changing from incredulity to rage you planned this she muttered gazing at me as if I'd committed a heinous crime you knew I was going to file and you set this up to screw me over I did not respond I just sat there and let her connect the dots on her own her lawyer apparently agitated requested my counsel to elaborate so he did slowly deliberately and with every piece of evidence necessary to make the transfers irrefutable the dates aligned exactly indicating that I had transferred everything well before she filed the signatures were duly notorized
and the confidence was solid there was nothing they could do to challenge it she was Furious your unbelievable she said leaning forward in her chair I can't believe you'd do something like this to me I still did not say anything what was there to say this was not about me doing anything to her this was to defend myself because she had made it apparent she was not going quietly the conference finished with her lawyer saying something about needing to rethink their strategy but everyone in the room knew they had no further moves to make when
we walked out of the building she took me aside in the hallway her expression a mix of rage and Desperation this isn't over she added her tone low you're going to regret this I just looked at her and said I already regret trusting you that's the only regret I have things escalated faster than I had anticipated following the mediation session she went into complete meltdown mode almost instantly it began with the calls endless calls at first she appeared calm even remorseful leaving voicemails that began I think we just need to talk or I know this
got messy but we can fix it when I did not answer the tone Changed by the second day her messages alternated between sobbing and screaming one voicemail would be her lamenting about making a mistake and not wanting to lose what we had created together then she'd launch into a furious tiate accusing me of being stingy and cruel blaming me for everything that was wrong in her life I ignored it all my lawyer told me not to engage and I honestly did not want to I was finished playing her games but she was not when the
calls and texts did not work she began telling stories mutual friends informed me that she had been telling people that the divorce was a hoax and that it was all part of a larger farce a prank I mean who would believe that the flaws in her story quickly became apparent friends began to ask questions like if it was a prank why did you file actual legal paperwork or why hire a lawyer and make such specific demands if it wasn't serious when others didn't instantly accept the hoax justification she doubled down she said it was not
a joke but rather a test of our relationship strength she began casting herself as the victim claiming that my reaction had hurt and betrayed her that had gone too far and broken our marriage's trust at first some individuals seemed to believe her stories I'd get strange emails or comments from acquaintances like wow I didn't realize things were so rough for her even her brother lashed out saying you should have just talked it out instead of being so drastic it was annoying but I knew the truth would eventually come out and it did due to a
common buddy let us call him Matt Matt and I were not particularly close but we had always been nice a few weeks after to the mediation he messaged me unexpectedly stating he had something I needed to see when we met he brought out his phone and showed me a series of text messages between her and Jake I was confused at first how did you even get these I inquired scanning through the messages Matt revealed that he and Jake shared a mutual buddy who had heard their talks apparently this common acquaintance had grown concerned about the
way things were going especially when Jake began gloating about how he was assisting her in securing her future it didn't take long for that common buddy to figure out what securing her future really meant trying to bleed me dry feeling awful about remaining silent the Buddy grabbed screenshots of the texts and sent them to Matt believing he had a better relationship with me and could warn me this guy's been playing both sides Matt replied shaking his head he's been hyping her up to take you for everything while making her believe he'd be there for her
afterward Matt gave me the text and said I thought you should know you don't deserve this man the texts were terrible she wasn't just raning to Jake about the divorce she was actively planning her future steps with him and he was guiding her through them a message she left read once the settlement's done we'll have everything we need I just need him to agree to the terms Jake responded don't back down make him feel guilty if you have to he owes you we'll start fresh once you've got the money I sat there staring at Matt's
phone and trying to understand what I was reading this was neither a misunderstanding or an emotional response to a failed marriage this was a cold deliberate manipulation I thanked Matt and he left but my thoughts were racing everything made sense now her abrupt isolation her fixation with our finances and her harsh demands throughout the divorce it was all part of a plan one she had been developing with Jake behind the scenes the text soon circulated among our mutual friends Matt shared them with a few friends and they quickly spread her story suddenly ceased to be
credible people who had previously been indifferent or even supportive of her began to distance themselves and the change was nearly immediate people who had previously defended her or remained neutral suddenly recognized her for who she truly was even her closest allies started to distance themselves by the time the divorce was finalized she had only her personal things her lawyer quietly dismissed her complaint after recognizing there was no legal basis to stand on all of those bold requests had crumbled under the weight of the documents I had produced and the trust I had established with my
mother was unbreakable Jake seemed to vanish as soon as things began to unravel I wouldn't be surprised if he used her as much as she did me from what I could tell he'd been feeding her fantasies of Independence and a new beginning but the moment it became evident she wasn't going away with anything he was gone without Jake in her Corner her confidence plummeted the calls and texts continued but they became increasingly desperate she was not accusing me anymore she begged can we just talk please I'll do anything to fix this one voicemail stated a
different opinion you don't have to forgive me but can't we just settle this and move on I'll drop everything if you just talk to me I did not respond I could not it was too late to reverse the harm even her family began to drift away her brother contacted me at one time apologizing for some of the things he had said before when he believed her side of the story I didn't know what she was doing to you he said I'm sorry I ever took her word for it as for me I received the house
my savings and something I hadn't experienced in a long time peace of mind my mother as usual was my rock she arrived with buckets of paint and a list of suggestions to help me reclaim the area as mine now life feels like it's mine again no more second guessing every small interaction no longer feeling betrayed just peace she is a chapter from my history that I no longer read and the remainder of the story is entirely up to me to write thank you thank you for watching if you haven't subscribed yet please do so and
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