there's nothing worse than if your baby just won't stop crying and it's a really common thing to happen especially with newborns and we find it often in the evenings commonly called colic or if we have babies that have gas or reflux so i am going to show you some of the best ways to ensure you can get all that gas out of your baby and to stop them crying now i have got my special assistant down here with me my three and a half month old baby clara i'll get her up in a second and
these tips work really well for her she has got reflux she has got cosmic protein allergy she's also got a touch of what they call colic at the moment which just means excessive crying with no particular rhyme or reason to it often attributed to gas in babies she is my third so i have plenty of practice and i also used to work as a nanny and i work now as a parent coach and i also have my youtube channel of course and my instagram so if you're not part of our family then please do subscribe
to the channel come along and join us on instagram or facebook if that's your preferred social media platform so let's get stuck into burping tips this is home clara and the normal thing that people do when they burp their baby is put them on their shoulder like this and give them a little pat like this now there's nothing wrong with that but if you want to make sure that your baby is burped thoroughly you need to make sure that you're using a firm pat so that is the first thing to remember does that feel good
the pat has got to be nice and firm no light little taps it won't do anything the next thing you can do as well as patting your baby while they're in this position is rubbing their back too so pat and a rub and you can try moving them around to slightly different positions sometimes having them higher up so their stomach is resting against your shoulder is a really good one the next thing that you can do is try putting them in a tummy position now lots of newborn babies don't like tummy time don't worry that's
not what we're doing i mean it is tummy time but it's not laying them on the floor on their stomachs what you can do is hold your baby like this so you put your arm in between their legs and you hold them if they're a newborn then you'll have to support their head with your thumb and finger like this as well and then you can also do the same thing there so there's lots of patting and rubbing but it's just different positions so doing a pat and a rub like this in this position really helps
if you can't do that for whatever reason then laying them over your lap so that their stomach is resting on your knees and then you can do the same thing make sure of course that you have a muscle in here because they are quite often sick after they've burped when they're in this position so the next thing you can do is get your baby sitting upright on your knee you can do this even with a newborn baby just make sure that you are supporting the back of their head with your hands like this is that
funny clara and then what you're going to do oh good fur well demonstrated what you're going to do is just slowly start moving them around in circles like this so this really helps to work out the gas bubbles that are stuck inside so round in circles you could do some rocking back and forth or side to side if you want to you can have them leaning forwards and put their head on your hand and again you can do the patting or rubbing like this when they're sitting upright that sometimes helps rather than being on your
shoulder if those things aren't working then i would recommend getting up and doing some walking around sometimes your movement can help stimulate that gas to come out walking up the stairs is one that often works particularly well these will not only help your baby with their gas of course but if they're crying they will quite often stop them from crying one of the other things that you can do that really will help your baby with their gas pens is getting some movement in their torso now often we see recommended recommended to rub our babies stomachs
like this which can be helpful but often it doesn't really do that much what you really need to do is get some movement in their hips so what you can do is lift their hips ever so slightly and you can do some rocks from side to side you can do some circular movements as you can see they really like it both ways and you could also do some figure of eight movements too and then the last tip really that works well for legs is getting those legs moving and bicycling so what i like to do
is do a little bit of a bicycle and then every so often just bring the legs up and push them very gently not hard at all just push them up and then that releases all the tension here and you'll often get trumps coming out so the gas comes out the other way here rather than as burps often it comes out the other side so lots of nice movements and circular motions and a little push-up and wiggle is that fun last tip i have for you is really great if you have an exercise ball i'm just
going to grab mine so you could use a normal exercise ball this is actually a pregnancy ball and then the same kind of idea what you can do is pop your baby on and just get them moving around because this movement will really help to work out the gas and you can do some bouncing you can do some rocking back and forth you could even if you wanted to have them on their stomach like this and you can also pat and rub while they're on the ball and that pressure of the ball on their stomach
is really soothing and relieving for them especially if they're suffering with reflux and it will help to work that gas out i hope these tips were helpful for you if you have any more of your own that you think work really well with your refluxy or colicky baby then leave a comment down below to help others if you have any questions about relieving colic or reflux then you can ask down below just remember i'm not a medical expert just a seasoned mum sometimes though it is nice to get advice from other people in the same
position isn't it do you like this video if you liked it it really does help to just boost me up in that good old youtube algorithm and show my channel to more people and then we can keep on making videos like this can't we check back for more soon and we'll see you next time bye everybody