3 Scary TRUE Night Shift Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
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thank you to cook Unity for sponsoring this video this video topic is night shift horror stories some of you may work the night shift and preparing your meals for work may be a luxury you don't have in your schedule cook Unity is your solution cook Unity is the first chef to Consumer platform delivering fresh prepared restaurant quality food from award-winning chefs straight to your door every week cook Unity connects a diverse group of talented chefs that cook delicious inventive meals fresh everyday in Regional micro kitchen not Warehouse production facilities these chefs offer a wide range of meals with over seven different dietary preference filters including vegan paleo and gluten-free options the subscription is super flexible and you can pause skip weeks or cancel at any time one of the meals I received was Adobo chicken and chizo paa with saffron aoli made by Chef Jose gares and it's been my favorite so far meals are delivered fully cooked so all you have to do is heat them up no more cleanup or meal prepping go to cookunity nightmare 50 or click the link in the description and use my code nightmare 50 to get 50% off your first order of cook Unity meals to try them out for [Music] yourself I regrettably used to work at a hotel in our town our town had gotten hit by a hurricane a few months back and a lot of houses were badly damaged so a lot of people vacated the place the hotel is about a 20 minute walk from my house the town and hotel name I'll leave out of this as I really just don't want anything traced back to me the hotel was a very standard bed and breakfast type place you know where they serve wet scrambled eggs frozen sausages and assorted cereals the hotel had a busy month after the hurricane as some people were out of their houses due to damages but after a while things quieted down if anything quieter than before the hurricane I always worked nights from 6:00 p. m. to 2:00 a.
m. then someone would relieve me at at 2: a. m.
and they'd work till 10: or 11:00 a. m. I could always see how many people were checked into the hotel and at the time it was only maybe 9 rooms which wasn't a lot at all I could go the whole night sometimes without seeing anyone there was a back break room for employees with a coffee machine fridge table and a couple sofa type chairs the employee bathroom was also back here at night I spent most of my time back here there was a bell at the front desk that people would ring if they needed anything I was in in the back when I heard a deep voice from the lobby saying hello repeatedly I got up and went through the door leading to behind the counter and saw a man on the other side of the glass there was a glass barrier with an opening underneath about 10 in high he said he needed towels I grabbed him a couple extra towels and slid them under the glass for him he grabbed them rather aggressively shot me this weird look then walked to the rooms hallway I stayed in the lobby now sitting in the rolling chair by the monitors and I just watched that man on the camera walk down the hallway he was looking around weirdly then he started rubbing the towels on his face I said out loud what in the world then he got in the elevator so I went back to the break room it was maybe 10 minutes later when I heard a voice again from the lobby it was the same voice I walked back out and that man was standing on the other side again he said very loudly my key card is broken I asked what his room number was he said it was something random like 2C something with a letter in it our hotel room strictly had numbers no letters so I knew this man was lying I told him sir our rooms don't have letters are you sure you're staying here his reaction was not something I was expecting nor was it something I wish I ever had to be victim to he threw the towels on the floor started smiling slightly tilting his head as he got closer to the glass when his face was practically pressed up on the glass he said I'm going to K kill you still with a smile on his face then he said it again louder and again each time he said it it got louder until it was almost a scream I screamed back at him I'm calling the police and I did I picked up the phone and showed him as I dialed 911 he kept his disturbing Smile as he now started mocking me calling the police as I spoke to the dispatcher on the phone explaining very loudly what was happening in front of my face the sick man laughed and headed for the door in a slow walk I told the dispatcher he was leaving and when he was gone through the doors and out of sight I said he was gone she asked me if I still wanted an officer to show up and I said no it's all right so the next couple hours of my shift went slow I decided for obvious reasons to hang around in the lobby now instead of the break room there was one guest who checked in during this time at around 2: a.
m. my relief came I clocked out and was free to go home I walked outside to the parking lot it was cold out I remember wishing I brought my coat I walked with my hands in the pockets of my light jacket and my hood up then I Heard a Voice in the parking lot I turned around there was a line of bushes that covered the first floor Windows of the hotel it came from the bushes I don't know what the voice said I didn't care I walked faster now once I got out of the parking lot I was on a main road for a brief minute but there were no cars on the road in this quiet town at this hour after a minute I turned left down a residential street that would eventually turn onto my block it was dead silent out not even the sound of any distant traffic just the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement and then the sound of someone else's shoes hitting the pavement behind me only it was the sound of someone running as if on their tiptoes trying to be quiet by the time I turned around they stopped there was a car right behind me and I almost knew that there was someone hiding behind it I heard laughing and then a familiar voice saying quietly I'm going to kill you without even seeing him I knew it was that man I looked around planning out my next move I couldn't outrun a man let alone wearing my work shoes I looked at the nearest house it had an upstairs light on someone was awake I would go run and ring the doorbell for help I looked back at the car and I saw him that man peeking his eyes out from behind the car as he inched around it to the front when he got to the hood the rest of his face and upper body were exposed and I could see his disgusting crazy smile again I ran for the house screaming help me I made it to the front door and rang the bell at least three times and that's when the man grabbed me and started choking me whispering in my ear die in that moment I thought my life was flashing before my eyes and then an angel in the form of a man opened the front door to the house and screamed hey at the man choking me the man's grip was released from my neck and I fell to the floor I never turned to watch the man run away but the man from the house helped me up and brought me inside he gave me water and called the police for me and I explained the whole story to the police they collected the CCTV footage of the man from the hotel and put feelers out to track him I was called into the police station when they did a lineup of people who looked similar to the man on the CCTV footage and I was asked to point out which man I thought was him I looked at all five of them for like 5 minutes and I ultimately said it wasn't any of them I don't know if the pressure and nerves got to me but in the moment I truly didn't recognize him to be in that lineup I hope to this day I didn't make a mistake and let that man roam [Music] free I work in the Pro Department of a home improvement company I worked the closing shift with another cashier who I'll call Nicole Nicole's a really kind but quite timid cashier she's also very pretty so she has a lot of contractors hit on her it's usually not that worrisome though a few compliments maybe a dinner invite which she'd politely decline I would probably ask her out as well if it wasn't for one detail Nicole does have a girlfriend so being hit on by guys on a daily basis makes her rather uncomfortable when we first met I told her she ought to tell those guys about being gay but she kept saying it wasn't any of their business so she kept that part to herself Nicole has become my best friend and having another cashier there with you keeps things from getting lonely we even cover for each other's lunch breaks one day when I came back from lunch Nicole started telling me about this rather creepy guy who was flirting with her she said she politely turned him down saying she was with someone already and while he didn't seem happy he did leave I Shrugged it off as nothing more than the usual horny guy and laughed it off but later that day the man came back Nicole wasn't there as she had left help a customer find some Lumber so it was just me he looked rather normal probably handsome to most women but he acted off after looking around the area I asked him if I could help him with anything I'm here to see Nicole he told me I asked him how he knew her and he said he had come in earlier and asked her out to which he said yes so he had come back in to pick her up I told him she had left for the day a usual lie everyone tells to cover for their friends his smile went away as he started looking annoyed he said he wanted to speak to Nicole and ask her out again which contradicted what he had just told me about accepting his previous invite I told him he could not do that which caused him to cross his arms and ask me why not I'm not the best liar when it comes to making up excuses on the spot however I didn't want to tell him Nicole was gay if she didn't want him to know it so I just blurted out that Nicole was my fiance his annoyed look went to confusion as he asked me how someone as pretty as she is could go out with someone like me I'm not a Jason MOA or anything but I don't think I'm that badl looking I told him it didn't matter and that her and I were getting married in a couple months so he needed to back off he gave me a death look but didn't say anything after an awkward silence he left after Nicole had gotten back I told her what went down she asked me to describe him and after I told her what he looked like she said that was the same guy who came in before she was a bit creeped out by what went down but she found the fiance excuse rather funny she even stated she'd rather be engaged to me than go out with him which I'm guessing was a compliment a couple of weeks went by and we had all but forgotten about the man at this point but one night after it had gotten dark Nicole and I were getting the trash together so we could close down the registers and go home just then we hear a bang at the door causing both of us to nearly jump out of our skins it was the guy again he had a wild look in his eyes as he kept his face pressed against the glass we're closed I tell him but he insists he needs to come in Nicole yells again to tell him she's not interested and for him to go away and leave her alone but he yells that he's not here for her he's here for me he then says that if he can quote unquote take out her husband then she'd be all his based on that he wanted to kill me I tell Nicole to run to the manager's office and call the police and I'll stay here and watch him I won't lie though I was pretty afraid to be in that tiny little area if the guy is able to get in he wasn't the biggest guy but he could have had a weapon on him plus the store doesn't allow us to have self-defense items on us so I was on my own here the guy then started ramming the sliding doors like he was crazy the doors were rattling I could have sworn we're going to come off its base just then Nicole comes running back around the corner with a 2x4 in her hand yelling that the cops are on their way finally the man decided to leave the closing manager met the officers when they came and he took them to review the cameras thankfully the man was caught and arrested rested but Nicole nor I felt safe working there any longer we're still friends and even attend the same College together but we do have separate jobs now while we pay our way through classes I'm glad she was there to help me with the Rogue man as I hate to imagine what he might have done to me or Worse what he might have done to her she says she's glad I was there for her as well as having a guy around tends to make men like him less confident in what they might try it was a wakeup call for me as to how dangerous it can be for some girls when an interested guy just doesn't want to take no for an [Music] answer so this happened a little over 2 years ago now and I wanted to share it somewhere just to look back on it one day and never forget the lesson I learned it was 2016 and I had just started a new job at a motel it was low pay but I needed an office job one of my friends Michael got me this job job for a few days I did training with the owner in the mornings for two nights Michael trained me our job was the 11:00 p. m.
to 7 a. m. shift nothing exciting checking guests in and doing paperwork my boss or the owner went away with his wife on vacation for a week which is attributed to the Swift training I had to endure so it was my first night alone on the night shift there was a monitor with security cameras around the motel's property and large glass windows all around the office building with a glass door there was no night window like most motels have it was fairly early in the night at about 1:00 a.
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