the Hermetic tradition is a system of knowledge rooted in Antiquity and associated with Hermes trismogistus a legendary and enigmatic figure who embodies the fusion of Egyptian and Greek knowledge his name is a combination of Hermes the Greek god of communication and Thoth the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing Hermes is often described as a sage and master of alchemy astrology medicine and philosophy who is believed to have lived at some point between ancient Egypt and the Hellenistic period he is known for his teachings on the Hermetic principles also known as the seven hermetic laws which
govern the entire universe these laws have spread throughout the world and survived the test of time influencing everything from philosophy and astrology to the Realms of the occult and even the Christian and Islamic religions great philosophers like Socrates and Plato were also influenced by these powerful principles which when applied correctly can have unimaginable impacts the principle of mentalism the all is mind the universe is mental the first and most important hermetic law concerns the power of thought according to it the mind is the Matrix of all reality the universe we experience along with all our
perceptions of reality is primarily a manifestation of the mind this encompasses not only nature but also our own actions and even our bodies when we cultivate positive and constructive thoughts we attract positive events and circumstances the power of thought is capable of shaping and changing our reality the principle of Correspondence As Above So Below as below so Above This implies a connection between the physical mental and spiritual planes there is correspondence in the universe for everything what happens in one area of our life can reflect or influence other areas for instance if we are facing
challenges in our personal relationships we can consider how our thought patterns and behaviors in other areas such as work or health might be affecting these relationships the principle of vibration nothing rests everything moves everything vibrates everything is in constant motion and vibration becoming aware of our personal vibrations involves monitoring our emotional states and thoughts we must be conscious of the energy we emit when we find ourselves in negative States like anger or fear we can seek ways to raise our vibration such as practicing gratitude meditation or spending time in nature applying this principle involves cultivating
positive emotional and energetic states that affect our quality of life and interactions with the world around us the principle of polarity everything is Jewel everything has poles Duality is a fundamental part of existence opposites exist in all aspects of Life light and darkness joy and sorrow are inseparable aspects of life applying this principle involves accepting the highs and lows with Equanimity knowing that challenges are opportunities for growth by embracing The Duality within ourselves recognizing and balancing our aspects of light and Shadow we can achieve a deeper Inner Harmony the principle of Rhythm everything flows out
and in everything has its Tides all things rise and fall this principle reminds us that everything follows a rhythmic pattern life cycles include moments of expansion and contraction applying this principle in our lives involves developing patience and accepting the natural fluctuations we experience during challenging or trying times it's important to remember that these phases are temporary and will be followed by periods of growth and prosperity by recognizing this principle we can learn to flow with these Cycles maintaining a balanced and adaptable mindset the principle of cause and effect every cause has its effect every effect
has its cause every action has a reaction therefore it's essential to consider the consequences of our choices and actions before acting practicing responsibility and thoughtfulness helps us avoid unwanted outcomes this understanding helps us make more conscious choices aligned with our goals and values this principle also teaches us to be compassionate and empathetic as we recognize that our actions affect not only ourselves but also those around us the principle of gender gender is in everything and manifests on all planes masculine and feminine Duality exists in all things in our Earthly Journey it is important to seek
balance between these elements we all carry both masculine and feminine qualities within us in practice we can cultivate understanding and Harmony between these aspects allowing our creativity and intuition to flow freely in all creations we can identify the influence of a duality between masculine and feminine forces that combine to give rise to diversity and Harmony in the universe are you ready to apply this wisdom in your life share in the comments to never miss any videos don't forget to subscribe [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign