Zero to $10k As A Small Creator in 30 Days

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It's actually not that hard if you follow some basic steps to go from 0 - $10k as a creator. 👉 8 We...
Video Transcript:
I remember when I first started my creator journey around seven, eight years ago. I actually legitimately, with all of my heart thought, people telling other people out there how to make money, especially online, are just full of shit. 100%.
I did not believe a single thing. I thought it's just impossible to make money because I tried so many things and nothing ever worked. And I came to the conclusion that probably you need a huge audience in order to make any kind of money.
Now, long story short, at some point I actually needed money very, very fast, and I didn't have the time to wait. And boy, turns out, if you really need it, your brain can actually come up with super creative solutions and strategies that are actually not so creative after all. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you today.
I'm going to help you make at least five grand in dollars, ideally 10, in just 30 days, even if you have a small audience below 10,000 followers. I'll show you the steps that I did back then, as well as some of my clients who actually hit that mark, the 10K dollar mark with just 2,500 followers. And if you actually have more than that, even better.
Even though, to some extent, I actually believe smaller creators sort of have an advantage over bigger ones. People seem to just trust smaller, more honest, more authentic creators more and more. And for some reason, conversion rates seem to be a little bit higher sometimes, even tracking some of my newer creators who just started out.
For example, and yes, I know it might sound crazy to you right now, but it's actually a hundred percent true. I've had some clients making $1 million with around 3,500 followers, 3,500 followers, which, yeah, I give you that. It's a very special case, a very high, especially unique case, a pretty big outlier, but they also use the exact same system pretty much that I show you today.
And it's actually quite simple. So for the visual people, we're going to be breaking this whole thing down into two phases, the planning phase, and then the execution of that plan, obviously, because the small details of this whole plan, right, we first have to build a plan, will actually dictate your whole content strategy. And that's a whole side effect of this whole strategy.
Even if you have a small following and you built this up, you will not only make money with it, but actually as a result of that, as a natural result of that, you're going to see your followers rise, actually good targeted followers rise as well, which is just a win triple win situation, if you will. So let's get into the planning. Okay.
So the precursor of all of this is obviously your niche and your target audience. Now it's seeing as you want to make money fast, you probably need to adapt some things because some approaches just are not primed for the way to make money, especially maximize the whole money output. Because if you think about it, and it's basically money-making one-on-one, who do I give my money to?
Right? The person, the one who actually solves my problem, whatever that is. And on in any stage, basically of your life, if you think about it, I don't want to walk, what am I going to do?
I'm going to buy a car, or am I going to give the bus driver my money to bring me somewhere? I don't want to starve. I buy food, you know, as simple as that.
And obviously, there's always multiple ways to get to whatever problem you have. For example, I want to lose weight, million ways to get there, buy a gym membership, get a personal trainer, you know, the drill. So for the first step, we actually need to figure out what problems your audience actually has that you can solve to some extent.
This in itself is sometimes a big issue for a lot of creators that I talk to. And they kind of have some limiting beliefs about that. But ideally, you just sit down and think about all the obstacles you've overcome yourself up until this point, right?
We're not going to get into figuring out your niche at this point, let me know, type niche down below in the comment section, if you want me to help you nail down or even find a niche. For example, did you ever have a goal, and you managed to actually hit that goal? Could be also any type of skill that you have, doesn't matter.
List out all the skills that you have, or even formal education. Yeah, really, it really doesn't matter. Anything goes, almost.
But at the basic level, fill out the gaps here. I can get my audience from A, what is that? To B, what is that?
Right? And like I said, the way you get them from A to B could be literally anything, could be a service, any type of solution, any type of help, a system, for example, like the creator mentorship, my mentorship program, or coaching or some package. And because we don't want to waste any time to get to our goal of making money fast, right?
Because we obviously need money at some point, especially in the beginning, it's easy to basically go ahead and map out a few creators, creators in the same space that you are in, and actually see what they sell, right? Because actually, you want to be selling something very, very similar, right? Don't come up with anything revolutionary just yet.
Again, business 101, we want to sell stuff that already sells, taking out the whole guesswork out of the whole equation right there. And the way I go about that actually all the time still was also the same when I made my first $10,000 as a creator years ago is to basically reverse engineer, you know, wherever you want to go and basically work your way up to there. It's always important just to have that, at least for me, to have it in the back of your head or actually in the front of your face to see it somewhere visually for me.
Because for example, I was very guilty of thinking things would just magically blow up and I'd be just rich someday, right? Because the internet, anything is possible on the internet. A lot of people, for example, come to me wanting to sell a, I want to sell an ebook, Dominic for 15, $20, something like that.
But just based on pure math, simple math, as a small creator, you're not going to make any money with it because it just doesn't add up. There's just not so many people. Let me explain.
The main principle of making any money, basically mostly online, because that's my expertise is more or less threefold. You got traffic, AKA your reach, right? Your views or whatever that is.
Then you have an offer somewhere, right? Your product or service, whatever that is. We're going to figure that out in a second.
And then obviously you're going to have some sort of conversions, AKA sales equaling money at the end. That's all. We just need to kind of take one step at a time and try to get everything up.
So let's say you have 2000 followers because a lot of people have 2000 followers, targeted followers, by the way, you know, actual people who watch you consistently. And by the way, I know it's not really about followers. It's more about how many people you consistently reach with your content.
So even if you don't have 2000 followers, if you reach 2000 people on average targeted people, that's enough as well. But let's say on average, 2000 people watch your stuff. What's Based off of my experience, usually, and it's kind of a broad range when I took a look at the numbers just right before, usually zero between 0.
5% and 8% of those people buy your offers. Again, it is a very big range, but we're going to get into that in a second on how to kind of get this conversion rate up. But let's just assume because you're a beginner and you have a small audience and you've never done this before, your offers kind of all everything together.
Let's assume just 0. 5% of, you know, your 2000 people buy your ebook for $15. You'd get 150 bucks, right?
Amazing. And it actually might be amazing for you because that's how a lot of people think, especially smaller creators. They're happy about $80, but any shilling, because they were probably conditioned to, I don't know, you know, you just need a huge audience in order to make money, but you actually don't.
So just based off of that, let's say to get to your goal of $10,000 with this ebook, you would need to sell, you know, with a 0. 5%, you'd need to sell about 667 copies of this ebook, which is just not in the cards at all. You'd just be wasting your time and effort and basically everything.
And just based on the same sort of bad conversion rates, you'd need an audience of over 130,000 people to get $10,000 one-off, right? Obviously you don't want to do that, which means the smart people hopefully already figured it out by now. We basically have two variables in place.
We need to figure out how to get the conversion rate up, right? Cause there's a huge lever in there. And then we kind of need to create some sort of offer we can ask ideally way more than $15 for getting really dark here.
So let me just turn on the light back there. Wow. That made so much of a difference, but yeah, thankfully the world's around for a while.
So we basically have a list to choose from offers that you can sell for more than a thousand dollars for, for example, starting with prostitutes. Just kidding. Obviously, just kidding.
Even though actually works as well, actually do have some clients, especially talking about the OF stuff actually works pretty well. But with that being said, you more or less have these options. And this is how I started out.
First of all, selling a service. I started out with selling websites, landing pages, stuff like this, or marketing services, stuff like this, or the other thing that I then transitioned into. And then I would also advise you to do the same if you have some sort of skill.
And again, the skill doesn't need to be top of the line level. Even if let's say in that area, you're a three or a four, you can still teach coach, show people basically the path you took from zero to four, or it could also be a mix of both, which is something I currently have basically with a greater mentorship where we basically help people build a whole content strategy based off of their goals and situations. And then, you know, help them execute it.
Some parts are actually more service-based, like lots of research that we do setting up the initial strategy, you know, stuff like that, then basically helping people execute it the right way. And, you know, just another thing, we're actually starting a special 10 weeks cohort program of the greater mentorship, where we walk you through the whole system from zero to a lot, basically. Yeah.
Starting on April 21, very limited spots here, right? Is it going to be a very close knit group? And we're going to be working very closely together, you and me as well.
So you actually need to apply down below, you know, link is down there. But like I said before, the thing you want to sell needs to be any type of solution, right? Based off of this simple sentence, I help them get from point A to point B, just fill in the variables basically here.
And generally speaking, the more hands-on you work with somebody, the higher you can sell this for, right? Obviously it's also outcome oriented. If you help somebody scale their business to 50K a month, obviously you can ask for more than, you know, helping them knitting three pieces per week, stuff like this.
But, and we're not going to get into that as well. There's always ways to kind of package your offer in a different way. So for example, the knitting niche, if you're like, I'll help you knit three pieces in a week, you can say, I'll help you sell three pieces in a week, stuff like that.
But anyway, based on the research that you did then, and what we talked about with your competitors, mapping out similar products, you're going to most likely see, actually, you're going to see that, I guarantee you that high value, high quality packages in any industry, even in the knitting area, you know, actually real example, usually go for at least a thousand dollars and above, ideally more. I know a lot of people are really afraid to ask for that kind of money because there's just some sort of blockage in their minds. In this case, just believe me, right?
If you have some sort of expertise, it is worth that. And contrary, the other thing I see a lot of people say, well, 999 wouldn't be a great number for your offer because 999, marketing psychology, stuff like that. But for example, for me personally, I have noticed that this number just doesn't work at all for what I do, right?
It kind of feels cheapish. I kind of would feel bad, you know, for example, for a career midship to have something like 999. So just for the sake of this whole example, you're going to make a product, an offer for $1,500, service, whatever that is, system, six weeks, consulting package, whatever.
So let's do some maths. Let's plug the numbers in our existing formula, you know, with a very bad conversion rate of 0. 5%.
You have 2000 followers like before the same sort of bad conversion rate and the product that goes to offer that goes for $1,500. So based off of simple math, you know, you can kind of expect 10 sales if the sales process is right, which would be right there, $15,000 with your 2000 followers. And you might be like, no, this can't be true.
It is actually true. You know, do it yourself. We've done the process so many times.
The brain is just weird to just limit your beliefs or something like that. I did, like I said, I began in the beginning, I couldn't believe anything about all of these things until I figured it out myself. Now, I would even say that the 0 .
5% is actually pretty bad conversion if your audience is especially primed the right way for the right content, obviously. And that's the precursor to that. Again, your content audience fit really needs to be aligned.
But once you have that, now it's actually time to craft the actual, you know, hands -on strategy and to get these conversions up. So how do you go about it? And there's a pretty simple system behind it, if you ask me, which by the way, another amazing thing, I just launched something brand new called the Creator Club Pro, which not only contains basically all of my courses, like the IG Black File, and it contains live sessions with my team and me.
But we also have an amazing community where we talk about something, where we have discussions, where we have some feedback, stuff like this. And I asked actually some people in there before making this video, what are your struggles with making money as a content creator? And, you know, Lucas, for example, from inside the group said something very surprising.
The funnels are going to be hell, right? Basically, all the steps that you shove people through in order to make them convert, aka give you their money. Now, let me tell you one thing I have figured out over and over again over the past eight years.
Simpler is actually almost always better. You don't need these elaborate, complicated funnels. Yes, probably you do if you want to scale it up to eight figures, which is far away, which is also a way for me, you know, but especially for $10,000 a month, you don't need any bells and whistles.
It needs to be simple and straightforward. I'm going to show you right now. So obviously you have your content, right?
Your content that you put out, your reels with different content pillars, different topics. Obviously, again, this all needs to be aligned with the need of your potential buyers by focusing on some specific outcome, showing authority, you know, basically subconsciously a little bit and showing that you're actually not just somebody making shit up. Like a lot of people, social proof, stuff like that are all elements that you kind of need to sprinkle in and your content, whether it's your reels or your story highlights as well, basically to naturally just based off of that, get your conversion rate up and get basically people primed for whatever it is that you sell.
Use your content, not just as a way to get new people in, which obviously is an important thing to be sustainable, but also to warm them people up constantly. And then basically, once we have that machine going with awesome content actually triggers people in the right sense, we then want to obviously want to filter from those people. Let's say those 2000 people, we want to filter potential buyers out, you know, getting in their email so we can actually hit them up with more content through email, through your DMS, actually making them want to buy trust you more.
And you actually get the, again, the conversion rate a lot more up by the way, again, I just want to make it as easy for you as possible. My creator club, which also has a very special launch offer right now. I do have some of these funnels in there that I used, especially the beginning stages that you can literally copy inside there.
For example, I break down exactly how I launched my course, the IG black file for the first time, making around $35,000 with an audience of just 2,400 people. We have the whole email sequences, everything that I basically did in order to get to that goal. The next step basically is what I call, it's not just me, everybody calls it that you need to create a lead magnet or a freebie, but let's call it lead magnet, right?
Something to kind of catch them to send you a DM to get you their email. And this could be, and should be anything really related to your offer, right? Anything that hits basically in the same problems or pain points or needs of your audience.
For example, a lot of people create these PDF checklists, which is still great, still works, right? However, I still, I do encourage you to think a little bit outside the box. It's been done so many times before PDF.
For me, my brain, it's already some sort of old thing, some, some data thing. So it could think outside the box, could be free video series, three free videos, or a deep dive newsletter like my insider club, right? Or it could be templates, templates, checklist, notion.
Ooh, notion. That's a new kind of thing, but anything that basically hits the same pain points, you can't do anything wrong really. And so far so good.
This is what a lot of people kind of know and kind of do, but this is the exact point where most people go horribly wrong. And then they end up making no money whatsoever with a big audience. And then they get confused, angry, and then they started thinking everybody is full of shit.
So actually let me show you something, especially on Instagram or TikTok anywhere. Most people think they just need to paste their link in the bio and then say, Hey, check out the link in the bio. Cause people have been doing that for years, those influencers, or, you know, in the story with the link stickers saying download now, get the free report, check the link in the bio again, something like that.
And I understand it looks cool. You know, back in the days, remember when you had to have 10,000 followers to have that link sticker? Now everybody can use it.
And everybody uses it like back in the days where the cool influencers kind of made the game and yeah, it doesn't work like that anymore. If you do that, use link stickers, use your link in your bio to some extent, but you will lose sales. Not only sales, you will actually lose reach, which is even worse, obviously.
And I actually crunched some numbers from some of my clients and some of my own stats. And some of our clients have up to 50% less views on their Instagram stories if they just use a link sticker. And in addition to that, almost nobody clicks on these link stickers.
Now, obviously it depends. I know there's people where it still works kind of okay. But on average, I can say it doesn't work really anymore.
So just an example here from one of my clients, let's say you get 500 views on your stories usually, which with 2,000 followers is actually good. It's actually normal sometimes, especially if you just grew them recently. Using a link sticker will give you roughly around between 250 and 300 views only if usually you get 500.
And then let's say, you know, and these are actual numbers out of those 300 views, only around three to four people will click. Yes. And if it's 10, it's still just 10 people coming over from your audience, 2,000.
Horrible. So long story short, what you want to do, and that's actually been the thing for at least a year now, you want to use DM automation, basically setting up Manny Chat, you know, with some sort of trigger work. For example, you're going to, actually you can do, use exactly the same template right now.
You can say, I'm looking for five people in the next 30 days that I helped go from A to B, right? Like we said before, reply to the story with coconut and then basically send them the link or engage them in DM stuff like this, or even better, that's sort of a crazy thing, and some dedicated reels. You tell them to come comment a trigger word, right?
And then with the Manny Chat automation, you know, DM them something valuable or whatever you teased in your content. And believe it or not, a lot of the times, if you use Manny Chat DM automation, you're going to see your story reach be actually higher than usual. If you have people actually actively replying to it.
We recently had a client who had 500 story views on average, had three to four people click with this link sticker, suddenly use DM automation the right way. And with this strategy, suddenly started to hit 1,300 views with their stories. And around 70% of those people actually replied again or gave their email, which is just crazy.
Here's another client just this week talking about her Manny Chat results, all with Instagram, by the way, right? So yeah, if you repeat just this process for a few weeks, you know, creating valuable content, sprinkling in DM automation, call to actions in your stories, as well as in your reels, especially focusing on getting people to sort of micro commit and comment as the side effect, you're also going to see your reach go up and up. And sometimes that is actually the why that is actually why some people blow up, right?
Because as a lot of people comment on your stuff, the algorithm is going to trigger it and it's going to see, well, it seems to be valuable, kind of making it blow up. That's just one nugget I want you to take away here from this video that just works really, really well, especially in Instagram right now, that makes our clients blow up again and again. And suddenly, let's say you do this over a period of three weeks.
Like I said, it's not out of the world. It's something that you have 5,000 followers after three, four weeks and a lot more people DMing you, you know, equaling a lot more money. I'll show you in a second what to do.
But once you have a lot of people who are interested, once you have a lot of people who have DMed you, stuff like this, now it's obviously time to hit them up with some offer that's so good. They can't refuse it. Right.
And we're not going to get into that right now. It would take forever. You know, we'd have to create a whole workshop, which maybe you should at some point, but I totally recommend Alex Ramosi's book, obviously, you know, if you haven't heard about that before, $100 million offers.
And if you remember $2,000, 0. 5 % conversion rate, let's say just by doing this, you up your conversion rate to 1 . 5%.
Right. And I've had clients closely to 8% conversion rate, right? The one with a million dollars made with just $3,500.
But now just say you get it up to 1. 5%. Suddenly you potentially make with 2,000 people in the $1,500 offer $45,000, which is just unbelievable to some people, which is by the way, the exact same reason why people from my hometown, right.
Or friends from school actually all think I'm doing something illegal or something that's not, you know, just something crooked because it's just out of the world of some people was for me, like I said, too, for the longest amount of time. Now, of course, none of this is going to help you at all. If your audience is just all over the place or they don't trust you, or you're just starting out and you have actually no idea how to warm those people up to become potential buyers.
So make sure to watch this video actually next to set your content up, set yourself apart and start attracting an audience that will make you rich.
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