Ancient Aliens: TOP 10 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS OF 2023 | PART 1

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zanto Mexico May 3rd 1975 after dropping off passengers at this Seaport town on the Pacific coast pilot Carlos De Los Santos embarks on a return trip to Mexico City in his Piper pa24 commanche the weather conditions are clear and visibility is good as de los Santos cruises at 10,000 ft one hour into the flight he Witnesses something unusual a gray wingless object off the left side of his plane and as he approaches Mexico City he notices basically a small Flying Saucer just above his left wing it's not as large as his aircraft and he's flying
a fairly small aircraft and he's like what is this and then he looks over to his right and he sees another one and then he looks ahead of them and there's one coming at him it goes below his aircraft and he feels a bump under his aircraft and he's scared out of his mind anyone would be he then realizes that he's not really in control of his aircraft his aircraft is moving in a way that seems to respond to these objects not to him he goes to move the Yoke and the yoke is moving on
itself the plane starts climbing to 3,000 M that's the ceiling of the piper if it climbs any further it will stall out he will lose control the plane will fall out of the sky is actually becoming afraid because his cabin's not pressurized you get to a certain altitude he's going to have a hard time breathing the theory is that the UFO that came under the plane took control contr of his plane and the UFO's own magnetic envelope is lifting the plane higher and higher and higher to Los santis is in a panic he's giving Mayday
[Music] calls he's telling them there are these unidentified objects at my wing tips and below me and I don't know what to do as the private plane races towards a mountainous area the three uaps disengage from Carlos's plane and Veer off toward the mount poata pedal volcano at lightning speed as the objects disappear from sight Carlos regains control of the plane but he quickly realizes his ordeal isn't over you can't initiate his landing gear because of the impact that one of these objects made on his aircraft he has to circle around the airport uh about
10 times and he uses a screwdriver to push the lever to get his uh landing gear to come down and he successfully lands his aircraft it's kind of an amazing thing there so he lands his aircraft and the story doesn't end here now he would have had his whole career reputation ruined probably with this except for the fact that Mexican Air Traffic Control tracked these objects also and this came out to support him this story became a huge news story in Mexico didn't really make much impact in the United States but it was a very
big story in Mexico years later de los Santos revealed that in the aftermath of the event he was twice approached by mysterious figures warning him not to speak about his experience the first occasion was just before he was scheduled to be interviewed by a Mexican television station the second happened when de los Santos was sent to meet with the famous UFO investigator Jay Allen heinik heinik was into the case a lot of people were following this case and just before he was going to meet with hinek at some Hotel he gets another encounter from um
one of these men in black these tall pasty white-skinned guys who warned him don't talk about this he was threatened and he did actually stop talking about this for a little while after that but as time went by he he he's talked about it it's just one of the most incredible Aviation UAP stories that you're ever going to hear and he got out of it alive pilot Carlos De Los Santos ultimately emerged from his her hering midair encounter unscathed but similar confrontations between civilian planes and UFOs have led to tragic consequences including injuries crashes and
even loss of [Applause] life yaka flat Nevada May 19th 1953 at 5:05 a.m. one of a series of nuclear tests under the umbrella Cod named upshot knole is set [Music] off within seconds of the blast a disc-shaped object is seen rapidly descending from the sky headed South toward Las Vegas then disappearing into the mountains just 2 days after this event government officials secretly gathered a team of scientists for a curious assignment they were to to investigate the crash of an unidentified flying object on the outskirts of Kingman Arizona a city 175 Mi south of the
nuclear test site there were 40 Engineers that boarded a bus and they took a long 3 and 1 half hour ride from Phoenix to Kingman when they got there it was nighttime there were MPS on all corners of the craft it's about a 40ft diam dis shaped craft that was perfectly intact there wasn't a scratch on it there were four beings associated with this craft and they shipped it to groom Lake Groom Lake is the area 51 region in Nevada when Area 51 was just Bare Bones they took the craft and the aliens out to
that location in the middle of the Nevada desert because it was so remote and around that they build Area 51 hidden within a ring of mountains deep in the Nevada desert Area 51 is a top secret military installation that has long been rumored to hold evidence of alien technology and there are even stories that a special facility at Area 51 once held a survivor of the 1953 Kingman UFO crash an alien entity known as jrod jrod is an alien who allegedly work worked at Area 51 over a period of years and it was jrod's mission
or duty to help reverse engineer technology that was apparently from the 1953 Kingman UFO crash jrod was one of the crash survivors and worked directly with our own government Captain Bill U house a former Navy pilot who later worked for the US Air Force performing experimental testing on aircraft was assigned to Area 51 in the mid 1960s and he claims that he not only studied the craft that allegedly crashed in Kingman Arizona but also had Direct contact with jrod we had a long period of introduction into meeting you know an alien and I I called
him jrod that's the name that the linguist gave him and he talked he would talk but he'd sound just like if you spoke he'd sound like you you know he he's like one of the you parrot but but he'd try and answer your question you know basically it was only engineering advice or science advice there's also another whistleblower by the name of Dan beish and Dan beish said that he was hired as a microbiologist to basically care for jrod ensuring that he remained healthy and uh this went on for years and years and years according
to Dan beish and Bill U house jrod was housed in a special underground chamber at Area 51 and there have been numerous other accounts of extraterrestrials working with the United States government there's a lot of stories that we worked with the aliens at Area 51 or uh some say at a base nearby kind of in the desert out there and we've been working with them in underground labs and they have been sharing information for us to enhance our Technologies is it possible that the United States government has met with and worked with entities like jron
and other alien visitors since at least the 1950s according to UFO researchers there is evidence that extraterrestrials have not only been held at secret military bases but have even met face to face with the commander-in-chief inside the walls of the [Applause] Pentagon pilot Theo Chesley has reported one of the most significant and credible UFO sightings in recent Alaskan history the incident caught the attention of author and researcher David chras who traveled to Anchorage to meet with Chanley and examined the evidence of his heroine encounter hi Theo hi David nice to meet you nice to meet
you I understand you have a very interesting story to tell well I do and it happened right here in this aircraft you've been flying here for quite a few years right yeah about 35 years so when was this first occurrence well uh we had a flight back in October 2019 we were Northeast of the mountain now we were probably 30 m from the mountain we spotted something in the sky and this is what we saw did it seem to have a a cloud around it or no it had like a tail on it a little
bit of a wisp coming out of the back so I'm looking at it going okay what is that as we started to come towards the mountain and fly by it this horizontal disc turned vertical and came over and sort of parked by the mountain and held it shape so it had been moving and then it stopped it stopped by the volcano so I'm like looking at going okay if this is a smoke ring it's not going to hold its shape it's not going to stop it's going to dissipate it held its shape the whole time
and had you ever seen anything like this before uh i' been flying well 35 years and 15,000 hours of flighttime uh most of them in Alaska and I had never seen anything like this then we had something fly out of the Mountain uh now the mountain a second object a second object so this object flies out of the mountain and at the same time we're still watching the the sphere that's vertically parked and it's like it's right over here matter of fact I'll show you another picture here that kind of just puts it all together
okay okay so then this appeared on the side of the mountain this green orb shows up on the side of the mountain in a lower spot the next picture we take this is what happened to the vertical sphere in the sky something flew inside of it and pulled it out of shape you see these two little I don't know there's like two little wings out there and we like looked at that and I said no we're done here we're we are leaving the scene here and to be honest uh you know my concern level was
going about through the roof at that point did it seem like a very large object then this is a big mountain and this was something that caught our eye 40 to 50 mil away okay that's it's like 40 50 mil away so this had to be almost I want to guess half a mile wide wow that's fascinating and you know when it comes to UFO type objects around volcanoes that's a common thing one of the first modern UFO sightings on record involved an entire Squadron of vehicles that appeared to enter a volcano on June 24th
1947 Kenneth Arnold was flying his private plane near Mount reneer in Washington when he witnessed nine disc-shaped objects move at an impossible speed across the Horizon then disappear into a nearby volcano called Mount Adams there has been a lot of UFO sightings around volcanoes and we've seen this in the Canary Islands in Mexico in South America you have other places like say Mount Shasta and we're seeing it in Hawaii too where UFOs are seen and there's a lot of activity I mean it definitely makes you wonder okay what's in this volcano what is the attraction
here and the crazy thing is is uh this was just the first occurrence we had a second occurrence okay 6 months later I'm by myself in a different aircraft and uh I looked out of my left window and all of a sudden there is a huge cloud formation that came out of nowhere and that's right kind of above the volcano above and east of the mountain but I've never seen anything like this in my life it was a clear sky without anything and suddenly you saw this well you saw the picture the that picture that
I took clear sky was a minute before this decided to sh so the crazy part is this Cloud morphed into several different shapes there looks like something black inside there an object underneath this thing yeah during the occurrence uh I had the aircraft on autopilot and the aircraft was flying straight and my rot of flight took me back by the mountain again as I'm coming back I have the aircraft on autopilot and I look down and I noticed I'm 35° off course heading towards the mountain I shut the autopilot off reset the heading set the
airplane back up on of course and okay yeah we're fine and I'm looking around again trying to see if there's anything and I look down we're heading back towards the mountain again it happened two times so at that point I go oh no this something's not right here I'm going to hand fly the aircraft and worked fine uh hand flying the airplane but I've never had that happened to me on an autopilot just pulled the aircraft you know start pulling the aircraft somewhere where it's not supposed to me so the autopilot then was somehow sensing
some weird magnetic thing and pulling you then exactly something internally in the aircraft was feeling a magnetic pole this sounds a lot like other things that have happened like say in the Berita triangle or something like where their instruments do go Haywire or they're being taken off you know course without even knowing it and suddenly they vanish right very much so to me this is very important story I'm so glad that you've been able to get these good photographs you've got other Witnesses and for 70 years there have been planes Vanishing even military planes this
all fits so squarely into the mystery which is Alaska Alaska November 17th 1986 Japan Airlines flight 1628 is carrying cargo from Paris France to Narita international airport near Tokyo the threers crew is led by Captain kenju terauchi an exf fighter pilot with over 10,000 hours of flight time as the 747 approaches Anchorage Captain terauchi notices two strange lights out of his cockpit window it's dark it's uh very early morning Before Sunrise the these lights are clearly maneuvering they are in relationship to each other one is on top of the other and they move directly in
front of his aircraft now he's flying at about 500 mph these things are pacing him Captain terauchi realizes the lights are strange oval-shaped flying objects and they're getting dangerously close to his aircraft as bright lights fill the cockpit Captain terauchi radios the Anchorage Air Traffic Control Center and asks if they can identify the objects nearest [Applause] plane we not we as terrai attempts a series of evasive maneuvers to avoid a potential Collision the two UFOs suddenly disappear in their place is another object one so large it dwarfs the 747 his words for describing it were
gigantic spaceship the size of maybe two aircraft carriers just immense terauchi sees his massive thing in the sky and he's scared concerned by Captain Tera uchi's report the air traffic controller calls NORAD the North American Aerospace Defense command based at at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage communication specialists at the airbase confirm that there is a very large unidentified object on their radar screens traffic control told them that they could actually take whatever evasive actions they needed to to avoid collision and they even dropped down to 4,000 ft above sea level and the thing continued
to follow them Air Traffic Control diverted another commercial flight to come look at this UFO and by the time they got there UFO was completely gone one of the reasons why the Jal report is such a big deal is because the corroborating evidence is overwhelming not only are there eyewitness reports but there is the records of the communication systems that Teri was in touch with actual dialogue that happened hey we are up here we see this are you you guys seeing this on your radar all this stuff is recorded once safely grounded Captain terauchi his
co-pilot and flight engineer were immediately interviewed by Alaska Federal Aviation Administration officials and other special agents there's an FAA investigation into this there's lots of documentation uh there's no real hard and fast conclusion about this and so the pilot perhaps out of frustration talks to the media in December 1986 one month after the encounter Captain terauchi contacted Kyoto news and said he believed the mysterious crafts were of extraterrestrial origin the unauthorized statements prompted Japan Airlines officials to remove captain terauchi from Pilot Duty and assign him to a desk job a around the same time John
Callahan the faa's division chief of the accidents and investigations Branch learned of the incident and deemed it worthy of Investigation John Callahan went to DC about this and there was a meeting that was chaired by one of the top people of the FAA this meeting was also attended by representatives of the FBI representatives of the CIA and representatives of President Reagan's White House they had audio tapes that were played between the pilot and air traffic control describing everything that was happening and written reports and at the end of the meeting one of the CIA uh
agents stood up and said this meeting never happened and we're confiscating all of the data that has been shared here now a Callahan use a little slide but he was within his rights they never asked me he said if I had a copy of any of this myself he said which I did he had a copy of the audio recordings if nothing else and a little over a decade later shared that with the public John Callahan came away with the feeling that there was essentially a kind of coverup the FAA didn't want the fact that
this incident had occurred to get out I've spoken to pilots who have seen amazing things out there but never reported because of the fear of being disbelieved being ridiculed and perhaps being grounded you won't be flying anymore so what did they say most times nothing you have countless commercial and private airline pilots who spend an exorbitant amount of time up in the sky and in my opinion I think think they're the best people to discern what is natural and what is not as far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned UFO encounters reported by civilian Pilots
provide some of the most compelling evidence that there is an extraterrestrial presence in the skies above Earth and according to some Pilots what they've witnessed presents a serious Danger Mexico City Beneath the current day capital of Mexico lie the ruins of the ancient Aztec Metropolis known as tadan the Aztecs dominated much of central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century ad and tanadon is considered to be their first official settlement an incredibly sophisticated City featuring a grid system of canals and causeways but according to their historical texts the Aztec civilization did not originate here
the Aztec say they started from this place up in the north called Chiki moak it was a cave and inside that cave it had seven different caverns and there were said to be seven different tribes and the Aztec say they were part of the seven tribes that came from the seven chambers of chikim moo while Chico moo was once thought to be a mythological Place some scholars believe archaeological evidence suggests that it really did exist and is located at the site of the ancient pyramid complex known today as teot tiaan the place of seven caves
we think maybe that has actually been located archaeologically at the site of the main Temple of teoton called the Pyramid of the sun which sits just north of the valley of Mexico underneath it is actually a cave with seven different spots that it extends out into and that's where the Aztecs said their original ancestors came from in the 16th century Spanish chronicler gono deetta recorded the legends of the local native population according to their accounts the Aztec believed that they were fashioned by a group of stranded Gods Within These seven caves Manda wrote an account
of Aztec Legend in this report he describes a giant Flint knife land landing on the Earth and the Earth was trembling and shaking as this enormous Flint knife landed then some 1600 Gods disgorged from this thing and they are responsible for launching Aztec civilization the Aztecs talk about the many gods coming down to earth and creating humans they create them out of Bones own Ash and their own blood and they make them somewhat in their own image but they make them specifically so that they will honor them and they will serve them all of a
sudden there is a description of a giant Flint knife that descended from the sky and somebody emerged out of it one has to wonder whether or not our ancestors were with witness to a landing of some type of a craft if so then the AED story suggests that at some point in our history extraterrestrials created Mankind and something very strange was going on at teot hukan located just 30 m Northeast of Mexico City the taakan complex encompasses nearly 8 square miles and is dated to the 1st Century ad it is the oldest and most sophisticated
city of meso America an area that extends from northern Mexico down through Central America the civilization predated the Maya by at least 100 years at its peak it was said to have supported nearly 100,000 residents it was also the largest city in the entire entire Western Hemisphere prior to the 15th century and served as the major Commerce and religious center for the region the significance of teot wakan cannot be overstated it is the Rome of meso America the things that teot wakan did set the pattern for all other city states after it the central features
of the complex are two large pyramids known as the Pyramid of the sun and the Pyramid of the Moon as well as a Temple dedicated to ketle quad The Feathered Serpent these structures stand alongside a thoroughfare referred to as the Avenue of the Dead over 200 smaller buildings platforms and pyramids are found adjacent to the Avenue and there are thousands of living quarters just outside the complex but as incredible as teot wakan is no one knows exactly who built this Metropolis or what happened to its occupants teoton despite its size has no hieroglyphs whatsoever there
are other cultures in meso America that were using writing systems there's nothing like that at teot wakan so we don't really have a clear history of what happened at teoton and we can't really find evidence of their rulers we don't know who were the original tacanos we don't know where they came from we do not know how they were able to develop a complete huge complex Citadel in the middle of nowhere and able to sustain thousand of inhabitants we have such a sophisticated site that embodies engineering principles craftsmanship art where did it originate where are
the smaller versions of this while we don't find any so we don't have a progression an evolution to show where this came from so we have to ask where did it come from we become conditioned look at these awesome works of stone architecture and think oh primitive people did that and they use primitive methods with primitive technology but we have to rethink the fundamental assumptions and come to a greater and greater level of understanding that the technology required to build these artifacts in fact is greater than anything that they [Music] possessed
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