Former Crooked Cop Shares POWERFUL Testimony of Jesus!
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[Music] so I was born on the souths side of Chicago um Bridgeport which is right near white sock Stadium uh grew up Catholic I went to uh Catholic grammar school my whole life I graduated Catholic grammar school I went to an all boys Catholic High School of St Rita um I was an alter boy graduated ated 2000 and upon graduating I became a uh construction worker Union laborer now at the age of 18 I was making $800 a week and I would blow all my money uh drugs alcohol purchased a vehicle had spinning rims and TVs and sound system in the back and had a lot of money as a as a team teenager as a as a young 20 some I was the life of the party and and people like to hang around me because I had everything that this world said you need to have in order to have joy and peace and I had it it was around the age of 25 that uh I was getting laid off for my construction job and I said I need to do something with my life I can't I can't have this job because I keep getting laid off I need a career and um I'd always wanted to be a police officer and so uh set out to get my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I took some online classes and in two years had a bachelor's degree and I started testing with police departments and uh I was hired I was I was a police officer I got hired with the village of shamberg and uh set out to do Patrol work Patrol is basically uh uniform squad car and I was really good I was a really good police officer uh in fact I was I was so good I was so productive as a police officer that I was promoted to the special investigations unit now what the special investigations unit is undercover police work and so just how you would imagine just how you see on TV you know undercover plain closed you know vest and raming doors police search warrant get on the ground guns out I was purchasing drugs undercover and and you know flipping snitches and working our way up to try to build bigger cases like that's what I was that's what I was doing I was really good at it and now you take all the money and the drugs and and the cars and the clothes in the jewelry that I had had working as a construction worker and now you multiply it because along with that comes power comes respect comes Authority I'm a police officer and an undercover police officer that's like the cream of the crop uh didn't have to wait in lines to get in bars or clubs often time wouldn't even have to pay the tab because you know the bartenders and the managers knew who I was everyone wanted to be around me and so if I thought I had everything this world had to offer as a construction worker I really had everything this world had to offer as a police officer uh owned my own home had vehicles and and a motor cycle and a bank account and a pension and benefits and power and friends and in literally everything and in January uh 16th 2013 I was arrested uh myself and my two partners in the undercover Unit were arrested we were arrested by the DEA the FBI several other police agencies and we were accused of stealing drugs and then using informants to sell those drugs and make profit and so you take this person who has the world who has everything this world has to offer and then you take it from them and I found myself going from this position to this position to Rock Bottom I am now in a jail cell uh solitary confinement because I couldn't be let out with the other other jailmates because I was a police officer they would kill me and so I was all over the internet all over the news uh it was a very high-profile case and so uh myself and my partners were were in jail and my cell was maybe 8 by 6 feet um and so that was the lowest most Rock Bottom hopeless time of my life because literally everything was gone my bank account froze my home ended up being uh foreclosed on my uh vehicle seized my job gone benefits gone Insurance gone retirement gone friends gone my life gone done and I was facing a minimum 24 years in prison and my bond at that time was $750,000 full cash that's more than they give to some people sometimes for murder and so I'm in there solitary confinement my whole world completely turned upside down I didn't get let out for anything if I wanted to eat they would wheel F food to my door if I wanted to make a phone call they we wheel a phone to my door I got two showers I was literally in this box no books no TV no one came and preached the gospel to me no one witnessed to me it was it it was just me and it was it was interesting because I knew I was there for something different I was in that solitary confinement cell for a total of 21 days but it was on the 17th day the night before my bond hearing so bond hearing is when my lawyer would go before the judge and argue that Bond was too high provided the crimes that I was alleged of committing now this is the night before this bond hearing January 31st 2013 which just goes to show you how prideful and arrogant I was how how much I enjoyed sin how worldly I was it took 17 days in solitary confinement before I wholeheartedly called out to this God that I had grown up knowing my head with all of my heart and it was real as if he opened my eyes and revealed to me the reason that I was where I was in this solitary confinement cell wasn't so much for the crimes that I was alleged of committing but it was for a a deeper purpose and I begin to see all the things that I have done wrong in my life all all the women that I had betrayed and lied to and cheated on the drugs the alcohol the the sin The Pride the arrogance was all laid out before me and I looked at this life and I said God I don't want to do this no more I don't I don't want this life and I literally just said God I need help that's all I said I need help and it was in that moment that I physically felt this presence come over me me it was like it was like warm syrup it was it it started at the top of my head and it and it came down to my feet and I could physically feel it and there was a voice um it wasn't audible it was it wasn't in my head it was it was so clear and this voice said this is the holy spirit everything's going to be okay and in my mind like I'm very rational downto Earth Common Sense type person okay but I grew up Catholic and so this whole thing is is unknown to me and so while this is happening while I'm experienced this peace and this presence I'm thinking I'm able to to intellectually think what is this what what what is going on like I didn't fall out or start convulsing I was very aware of what was going on I didn't know but at the same time I knew and it was so interesting because I'm an emotional person and so when something is wrong I'll lose sleep over it when something's wrong I won't eat the night before my second bond hearing I'm about to find out if my Bond's going to be reduced after having my entire life taken from me I go to sleep it was so weird as I laid my head down on the pillow I'm thinking how can I go to sleep right now and I woke up the next morning and I I ate breakfast and again I'm thinking how can I eat breakfast right now and the guard comes to my cell and he he he's going to walk me down the hall to go to court now there's this long Corridor behind all the courtrooms that the inmates are walked with uh walked behind and um the guard escorts them because they're they're inmates and um so I'm walking and this this Corridor is very narrow it's like 6 feet wide and it's like a 100 yards long and I'm walking and I'm just I'm praying Psalm 23 starts coming out of my mouth but I didn't know Psalm 23 words started coming out that I did not know and all I kept saying was for you are with me for you are with me for you are with me and I I'm walking down this hallway and I can feel the guard walking with me like I I felt a presence with me and I believed it to be the guard because guards walk with prisoners and I get to the end of the hallway where my courtroom is and I wait for instructions from the guard but there was no guard with me but there was a presence that I felt walk with me and again I'm very aware of this it's still all very new but it was very real so my bond gets reduced from $750,000 to $225,000 my lawyer said that's the most bond has ever been reduced in in his life 5 days later I I get out of jail but just because I've had this spiritual experience in jail and just because I got bonded out doesn't mean that I'm free from the consequences of the alleged crimes that um I was accused of committing but my life was different I knew I needed God I knew I had something happen to me in that jail cell and so from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed from cover to cover I'm just I'm reading the Bible and it wasn't just reading it like this thing was alive and it was speaking to me and I'm reading things that have happened to me and I and I get to 2 Corinthians and I read you know if anyone is in Christ he's a new creation the old is gone and the new has become and I said that's what happened to me that's what happened in jail like like I was born again my old life is is is dead that's what happened in there and this this new life this Holy Spirit coming in and giving me a new heart that's what happened and so the word is teaching me what happened to me again no one preach the gospel to me no no one no one shared the Romans road to Salvation no one came and visited me in prison and said you need God it was just me and God he brought me to that moment where I realized I needed him and it was in that that he showed up but again this doesn't remove me from any penalty or Consequences of the alleged crime and so I'm out of jail I'm in the word I'm going to church I'm in these Bible studies and it's now October 2013 and uh my lawyer at asks me he says John I need you to consider how many years you'll be willing to serve um it's a hard question to answer because no one wants to serve prison time but I was okay with going to prison to be honest with you because I had this new life and I knew that God was with me I knew that God was real and so October 2013 I I pray and I say God what do you want me to do what do you want me to do my lawyer had asked me he said hey do you want to take a deal or do you want to fight this till the end and I said I don't know I I have to pray about this and so I pray and I say God what do you want me to do if if you want me to take a plea deal I'll do that if you want me to fight this till the end I'll do that I just need to know what you want me to do and it was around that time that there was a song playing on the radio it was mandisa's overcomer and there's a line in the song that says um stay in the fight till the final round you're not going under God is holding you right now and um they played that song so much that um I didn't like listening to it because it was just overplayed but I woke up one Sunday morning and I turned the radio on and the very first words to come out of the radio were stay in the fight to the final round you're not going under God is holding you right now but again they played that song so much I just dismissed it but it was interesting that those were the first words I go to church cuz it was Sunday and and after service I sat down to send out some emails and I turned the radio on and the very first words that come out of the radio were stay in the fight to the final round you're not going under cuz God is holding you right now and that was very interesting because twice now in the same day I heard the same words come out of the radio with the very first words and so now the wheels are starting to turn in my head and I'm like is is God revealing something but again they played the song so much I I kind of dismissed it the same night I'm sitting on my couch and I'm going back and forth in my head I'm like man it would be really cool if if I went upstairs and I played the radio and I heard those words and I say to myself no there's no way that would happen and you know I talked to myself back and forth for about 5 10 minutes so finally I go upstairs and I'm like okay I'm going to turn the radio on we'll see what happens man I push play on the radio and the very first words that come out stay in the fight till the final round you're not going under God is holding you right now and so for three times in the same day the very first words to come out of the radio when I turned it on were stay in the fight till the final round you're not going under God is holding you right now which translated to John go to trial you're not going to prison I got you that was God's promise to me that's how God spoke to me and so I had this promise but just because I have this promise from God doesn't automatically remove me from the consequences I'm facing God had had given me a word of no prison but on paper according to judges according to Media according to newspapers according to Witnesses according to possible evidence according to my own thinking I very well should be going to prison and so God's promise in my reality did not Li line up fast forward to February 2014 my lawyer approaches me and says John I know you said you wanted to go to trial in order to go to trial I need $117,000 more on top of the $20,000 that was already paid and I had no money I had no job but I knew I had a word from God and so when he told me I needed $177,000 more I just said okay and I remember I went in my car and it was a simple prayer it says I say God I believe you called me to go to trial I believe you're going to deliver me from this for reasons that I can't fully understand yet according to your character according to your word I need you to provide and I didn't tell anyone anything I didn't tell anyone that I needed any money I didn't send out no emails no text messages I didn't start a GoFundMe I needed to know that if um I need to know that this money was from God because I believed he spoke to me and if he spoke to me then he would have to provide and so I didn't want any human involvement whatsoever this needed to be from God and God can do anything so I was expecting a random check in the mail I was expecting to win the lottery I was expecting $100 bills to just rain in my room who's to say God can't do that but I didn't tell anyone anything and it was right around that time that this girl from church um had heard my t testimony that I had shared when I was baptized and she said you know what um I feel as though God wants me to give you money and I said no you're crazy uh there's no way that you think this you're just an emotional female and you were moved by the testimony you know there's no way and she didn't know I needed money but I just dismissed her and I was given a deadline end of February and as the days went on and the we weeks went on and I was squeezed and pressed and no money was coming in I began to seriously doubt and fear and worry maybe God's not real maybe I didn't hear from him maybe I'm not saved maybe I am going to prison but this girl just lingered around the timeline Drw near she saids n listen I believe God wants me to give you money and I said okay we get together and we pray and I say God this girl believes that you want her to give me money if you want her to give me money then I need you God to send me this Bible verse in the morning I need to hear these song lyrics at this time in the day I need to see these license plates I put God in this box and I I threw this fleece out and I say Okay God if this is from you you got to do these things because again this is 177,000 this is 20 plus years of my life that is on the line I needed to know that God was in this or not and so we pray that prayer in the very next day everything that I asked God to do was not done and I was absolutely terrified because God had always answered my prayers up until that point and here I am calling out to him based on his character and my faith and and he's not answering and it's okay this is this is not true this girl is not from God this word's not from God I'm I'm everything's done every everything's everything's over I'm going to prison rightfully so and it was right around that time that my friend Michael came in perfect time God ordained and he said John God doesn't have to tell you anything if he wants to bless you he's going to bless you you just have to humble yourself and accept it and I was like dang and so we got got back together with that girl and we prayed and I said God this girl believes you want her to give me money whatever you want to give me through her I'll accept it and we said amen and she still didn't know the amount and the very next day that I woke up everything that I asked God to do he did the Bible verse that I asked him to send to my phone he sent it the song lyrics that I asked him to to play for me on the radio at a specific time I heard it 3 days later I had a check in my hand for $117,000 that that girl had written and when that girl had given me the check she said John you have to realize that God is at work in my life too and I have two jobs and I really love money and so I have been praying for God to test me to see who I love more him or money I asked for God to be involved in something big and he laid this on my heart and so there I had it $117,000 in my hand a check from God which meant the word that he given me I heard correctly and I remember that day when I was holding that check in my hand I was scared because up until that point my faith consisted of cool coincidences God sent me a Bible verse I'm thinking this and I'm sent this or I'm I'm going through this and I have a conversation and it speaks to this or I heard a cool song and it was just cool coincidences that weren't really coincidences there's no such thing as a coincidence with the Sovereign God but that's what it consisted of but holding that check God had physically shown up and I remember being afraid because it was a reality that set in that it's like I am communicating with a being that is beyond me and he really is listening to me and he really is responding and I'm holding the evidence in my hand and I was I I don't want to say I was scared of God but there was this healthy fear and reverence of this is more this is more than just cool Bible verses and emotional prayers I am God and I am real and I am active and I am involved in your life and I'm going to deliver you from this but just because I have had a word from God just because I had the provision to move forward didn't remove me from the consequences and the penalties of the alleged crimes I was still very much involved in that case we fast forward October 2014 my lawyer approaches me now at this point my two partners are in prison my two partners they're out right now but at that time they were serving prison sentences I believe of 15 and 12 years 15 for one 12 for another and I believe this deal that they were offering me was 6 years and my lawyer said Janna I need to consider what you want to do here and I said well I can't do anything without prayer man I remember that month spiritual warfare was Heavy the enemy was using my lawyer to get to me I remember having a meeting with my lawyer and he is not a Christian not a spiritual man believes in a higher power but I remember him saying things like this how do you know that God didn't give you that promise back then and then provide the funds to get you to this point to have mercy on you how do you know that God's not having mercy on you by way of this plea deal and I was like oh my gosh that could be very well a possibility I mean it's one thing to have a word from God and operate in the faith realm to have a physical person sit across from you with a piece of paper and a stack of evidence and to read things on the on on the internet and hear judges say things like if you're found guilty on any charge I'm sending you to prison it's one thing to believe God another thing to to have a person again sit across from you and say this is what's going to happen so the spiritual warfare the doubt was so heavy in October 2014 but I was so pursuant on God and came to the point of God is not man that he should lie or son of man that he should change his mind has he spoken it will will he not fulfill it has he said and will he not done it no God said he's going to deliver me he said he was going to deliver me then he's going to deliver me in the future and so this deal is not Mercy this deal is a trap and I remember praying One Night in absolute fear because again to read an email from a physical person that says this is what's going to happen it's scary man I didn't need an email from a lawyer to tell me what was going to happen my own thoughts my own experience my own knowledge brought about paralyzing fear of prison but I prayed and I say God what do you want me to do what is this deal is this deal should I take this what do you want me to do now every morning I get a Bible verse sent to my phone as most Christians do the Holy Spirit moved within me that night cuz it was after midnight and he said check your phone the Holy Spirit moved within me that night to check that verse and it was Proverbs 29:25 which says the fear of man lays a snare but those who trust in the Lord are safe now I had known that how God spoke to me up until this point and so I knew the heaviness and I'm checking all different translations and commentaries on this verse because I need to know what does this mean I remember going to sleep and I'm awoken out of a dead sleep at 3:33 in the morning with this voice not audible in my head very clear in its said the fear of man lays a snare but those who trust in the Lord are safe this this word woke me up out of a deep sleep that same day I went to a Bible study now the Holy Spirit a week prior moved within me and said you need to be present on this day because the speaker is going to have something for you and so I didn't want to go I didn't want to go I'm in this spiritual war I have anxiety and fear I didn't want to go and often times when you don't want to do what you know you have to do is when you have to do what you have to do because God did in fact have a word for me I went to this Bible study and in the speaker's message he references Proverbs 29:25 which says the fear of man lays a snare but those who trust in the Lord are safe I had to leave the Bible study and stand outside and weep because for three times in the same day again God had spoke to me the fear of man your fear of prison John this deal is a trap it's a trap don't take it trust in me continue to trust in me and I will deliver you and so God guided me I knew this deal wasn't of God and I had spoke to that speaker who spoke at that night and I said hey you referenced Proverbs 29:25 you know not many pastors referenced that when did you put that in there last night I changed the message last night and I put that verse in there I said man God used you to speak to me but again just because God gave me a promise and provided and guided didn't remove me I'm still involved in that case I still have to go through trial and face these consequences and the interesting thing is while all this is going on while this whole trial is going on facing 20 plus years in prison a Ministry was developed I was called and I started preaching in December 2014 I had no idea how to preach I never went to sem I was a Catholic I I was I was a dirty corrupt cop that was saved in prison and and I get a call from a pastor that says hey can you come and preach can you come and fill for me I'm not going to be there I'm like I have no idea how to do this and so I prepare a sermon and I preach it and then you know anytime he went on vacation he called me back and I come and preach it and then that developed into um being brought on as a youth pastor and so I'm I'm pastoring Youth and that led to being a camp pastor and I start recording these sermons that I'm preaching because I know this ain't of me I don't know how to do this stuff and I start posting these on YouTube under my name and people start listening and and subscribing and things start things start growing but I couldn't show my face because the judge says you can't put your face out there and so I'm secretly recording all these videos documenting what's going on in my life because God is real and I want everyone to know it's just so interesting that I want to stop and and and tell you no human being on the face of this planet can preach joy and Hope hope and love and forgiveness and restoration while going through a season of anxiety and pain and suffering and fear facing 20 plus years in prison if there was not a presence Beyond him with him and so I'm preaching these things I'm encouraging people while I'm facing 20 years in prison that's impossible with man but With God all things are possible and so a minute Miner was birthed I'm pastoring and preaching while waiting trial 5 years go on from the moment I'm arrested until my my my end date um there's a lot that transpired in those 5 years one year the state's attorney became Pregnant and So trial got postponed and then another year some evidence was found out of nowhere and they didn't give us enough time to respond and so things were prolonged and we begin to go to pre-trial motions one year now pre-trial motions is when we argue where the state argues what evidence should be allowed in and we argue that it should not be allowed in and the judge had ruled so favorably on my behalf that the state appealed that judge's decision to the appet court so that took a year the Appellate Court appell the judge's decision which was saying how he ruled on my behalf was correct the state then appealed that decision to the Supreme Court the Illinois Supreme Court so my name my case has been in the Illinois Supreme Court um and the Supreme Court that took another year they ruled that the judge was correct and so the case came back down and we were set to go to trial February 2018 I remember it it was February 11th at 2:11 p. m. exactly I had my phone turned off all day because we were set to go to trial on the 13th February 11th was a Sunday and I had my phone turned off because I was scared you know just because God had given me a word and provided and guided and become real to my life I'm still very much human you know still struggle the flesh was weak and I I I doubted at times I was I was I was I was afraid and I knew trial was coming I didn't want to I didn't want to talk to no one I didn't want to be bothered by anyone it was so interesting because that Sunday the pastor calls me and says hey I can't I can't preach today I'm sick can you preach for me and I'm like man I got trial in two days like I ain't my mind ain't right you know and I said God what do you want me to say and God moved within me and I knew what he wanted me to say it was a message on you know God's promises will always come to pass regardless of circumstances regardless of people regardless of you regardless of your faith and I'm like God this message the the church is is is maturity level at that point this they can't this ain't for them and it wasn't it wasn't for them it was for me and so that Sunday I'm telling people God's promises are always going to come to pass regardless of circumstances regardless of people around you regardless of your own faith God's going to do what God says he's going to do but it was hard to believe and so I go home my phone's on silent the one time that I pick up my phone and look at it my lawyer's name is on there and I'm like you got to be kidding me man my phone's on silent all day the one time I pick it up his name's on there at 2:11 p.
m. no such thing as a coincidence God moved within me to look at that phone at that exact time and I answer the phone and I'm like hey and he's like man you're never going to guess what happened you know so and so said this and I was I was in a meeting with this person and you know this happened and I seen this and this and I'm like man when's this going to end like tell me this thing's getting pushed back again and he goes on you know I was in a meeting and this that and well this is what's going on I said what he said the state's attorney is dropping all charges against you and I would love to tell you that in that moment I fell on my face and cried I would love to tell you that I jumped for joy and was elated but to be honest with you I wasn't neither of those I simply responded with yeah I've been telling you this I've been telling everyone this all along I've been telling everyone that God's going to deliver me I've been telling everyone how he spoke to me and how he saved me and how he provided and how he guided I've been telling everyone this everyone that I've come in contact with I i' I've been telling and so I wasn't surprised two days later we go to court and everything was dropped and what was interesting is the news articles that came after the headlines were you know incredible situation they had no idea why everything was dropped and they said you know something with the witness and something with evidence and the state's attorney was I don't know what they said but what I know is God saved me he delivered me physically spiritually emotionally mentally I was redeemed for purposes that are Beyond me for reasons that are still being being revealed to me today God saved me for such a time as this and He restored me a month after everything gets dropped I Get Married to the girl who stuck with me the whole time we have two babies 4-year-old a 2-year-old one on the way and now I'm out here at this church families of Faith as the lead Pastor I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I never went to school for this I never applied to be this man I was off in the world living the dream God showed up absolutely broke me to build me to build a new life on the Rock On Christ and everything that you see everything that you hear everything that is around me is all God L it's all God inspired he gets all the glory I've done none of this I shouldn't be here I shouldn't be here and here I am and if you're watching this I want to ask you why God is in absolute control of everything and he moved within you to see this message what are you going through that you need to hear as real as God has been and is to me he wants to be to you God is real and a relationship with him through Christ is real it's more real than anything you will ever experience again how else could I have known what was going to happen before it happened unless I had a source reveal it to me I don't just tell you this story on the back end I was telling this story all along I was recording videos all along I was making a documentary of evidence of God's activity in my life all along so no I'm not just some guy that's going to give glory to God now that everything's over no God was getting glory in the midst of it now explain to me if God's not real if this is fake if this is just how was I able to get through what I got through without a source within me without the presence of God within me how could I know how' I know to go to trial how did I know I was going to be delivered where did the money come from where' the guidance come from where' the Deliverance come from if it's not God then where' it come from cuz I would love to know if I am following a false god if none of this is real then please help me help me understand what what's Real Lead me to what's true brother sister tell me but if you're watching this and you have no explanation you won't have any explanation it's because God is real God is real and he wants you to know him John who is Jesus to you you know I knew you were going to ask that question cuz I watch these testimonies and I know that's how you close who's Jesus to you and I'm I would love to tell you but I can't the reason I can't is because the words don't exist that's how amazing that's how fulfilling that's how joyful that's how peaceful that's how hopeful that's how assuring that's how that's how life he is the words that I need to explain who Jesus is don't exist John for the people who are watching your testimony right now and want to have a relationship with Jesus could you pray for them as they're watching right now Absolutely I'll pray before I pray I would love to just do one thing I would love to tell the people that are watching that God created you to be in a relationship with him that's why you were created that's your purpose in life is to know God in a personal intimate love relationship and so to keep us in that relationship God God gave us rules and standards and commands to adhere to and abide by so that we would remain in that relationship but each and every one of us has gone our own way we've all lied and cheated and stolen and taken his name in vain and what that has done is is is that has separated us from God that's called sin and sin eternally separates us from God and there's nothing that we can do on our own to get back right with him there is this void in our life that we try to fill with money sex drugs Fame Fortune followers but nothing works we are on an endless hamster wheel of nothingness nothing fills nothing satisfies because the only thing that satisfies is God himself and and and God knows this God knows that we are eternally separated from him so what he did is he sent his only son Jesus Christ who himself is God In the Flesh and Jesus lived the perfect life the life that God requires of us to live Jesus lived it for us and he offered himself as a sacrifice taking your punishment your penalty your condemnation upon himself as he died he was buried and he rose from the dead because he's God because he did that God can now offer you if you want it the relationship that you were created to have he can now offer you if you want it fulfillment Joy hope peace security everything that you're Eternal Soul Longs for is found in a relationship with Christ you can have it right now all you have to do is repent change your thinking the way you think about God the way you think about this world the way you think about life you come to the end of yourself and you realize God you are real and I am a sinner and I am separated and there's there is this void and I do need a saving Jesus please save me Holy Spirit please come into my life cause me to be born again give me a new heart God I want to know you the way that this guy says you created me to know you and I want to lead you in prayer that's how I want to close this because again I have nothing for you but Christ and so if you hear this you watch this you made it to the end and you are that person you realize you're empty and I need God won't you pray this prayer with me you say dear God I believe you're real God I know I'm a sinner God I I I am sorry for my sins Jesus I believe in you I believe that you are God In the Flesh I believe you live the perfect life I believe you offered yourself as a sacrifice for my sins I believe you raised on the third day Holy Spirit I believe in you please come into my life cause me to be born again give me a new heart lead me to walk in ways that are pleasing to the father all these things we pray is in Jesus name amen Hi family thank you so much for watching and supporting Dela testimonies you may be wondering who are these people listed on the screen well these are all of the people who donated in the month of August towards the production of these testimonies as a special thank you we've decided to highlight your names at the end of each testimony for the entire month of September you may or may not know but we are a crowdfunded Ministry that is fueled by your support so if you would like to partner with us and see your name in the ending credits for the month of October head over to Mission de.