HOW TO MANIFEST ANYTHING USING FEMININE ENERGY ✨ create your dream life get what you want!

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Jillz Guerin
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have you ever thought that maybe the reason why you haven't been manifesting all the things you want in your life is not because you need to work harder you need to push harder you need to be smarter or prettier or better there's a good chance that the reason why your manifestations never happen is because of something else and that's what we're talking about today we're talking about the feminine energy side to manifesting the part that most people struggle to grasp what makes the biggest difference in their life and what actually facilitates that ease I've manifested
love jobs my home I live in my past homes I lived in my car trips even money and I'm going to show you how to do it Hello friends and welcome back if you're new here my name is jills and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their best self create their dream life so if that's something you want to do you should probably subscribe and stick around okay so first of all before I dive in today's topic if you are a regular around here you'll notice I am
in a new little setting this is my new studio I'm super excited about it I think it's really cute I'm still kind of figuring out the camera settings and all that but I'm really excited about it and she looks so cute back there this is like a designated room in my house now so it just makes it so much easier and I think it's really cozy so let me know what you guys think all right let's talk about manifesting and getting things we want in life and how this corresponds with feminine energy and all that
so when we grow up most of us are taught that if we want something that this is how we get it for example if we want to have our own successful business we need to start up said business and work hard until it's successful and if it's not successful yeah that we need to work harder push harder have more late nights work more hours until it is and this is the kind of formula we're taught for getting more things in life and this is the masculine approach to manifestation I'm not saying that this can't ever
work because it can but it likely won't feel that great it can feel exhausting and draining and by the time you do reach your goal you might not even be sure if it was worth it anymore or for example if you want to find your future husband your soul mate manifest marriage and all that the masculine approach is to go on as many dates as humanly possible and statistically you will eventually find him and you probably will doing it that way again this can work sometimes but more is not always better and there's a missing
piece here that we're not taught growing up that's because you're missing the feminine energy side of all of it the part that actually attracts those manifestations to you so let's briefly talk about manifesting in The Law of Attraction and how masculine and feminine Energy play into this so you can understand this better so manifesting means turning something from an idea in our head to reality to our physical reality and this is usually something that we want in life and manifestation involves both masculine and feminine energy or at least it should the masculine side of manifestation
is the action part you can think of it as like the external part you going out into the world and taking action on whatever it is so that you can get there whatever it is that you want there's usually some sort of at least small action that is involved the feminine side of manifestation is the internal part it is the energetic part it's your state of being it's all about being in alignment and acting as a magnet to that manifestation and in my opinion this is the easiest and also the hardest part at the same
time because although you don't necessarily have to go do anything out in the world a lot of people struggle with this as did I and again we've already been taught the masculine side the going out and taking action this is actually pretty simple and straightforward because it's like you either do it or you don't but you need both of these energies to manifest let's go back to starting the business example it doesn't matter how many times you visualize it doesn't matter how many affirmations you do if you don't actually start said business there will be
no successful business or if you're trying to manifest your soulmate it doesn't matter how much inner work you've done or how aligned you are if you just sit in your house and watch Netflix all day and never get out into the world then he's not going to be able to find you you have to actually get out and date so you really do for maybe not every manifestation but 99.9 of them need both of these energies however when you master the feminine energy side of manifesting your manifestations can come into your life so much faster
and with so much more ease this is when you start attracting what you want versus just pushing and forcing for it to happen so let's talk about how to use your feminine energy and the feminine side of manifesting to get what you want okay so facts you would attract what you are and you create what you are and you can kind of think about life and your manifestations like Amir and if you attract what you are that means that you have to be in the energy of having that thing before you actually have it manifestation
is not just about what you're doing it's about who you're being who you're showing up as every day not just in the physical sense but also in the energetic sense the internal sense what do you think about what do you believe and what does your subconscious mind think about what you want this is so important are you an energetic alignment with that thing that you're trying to manifest or not feminine energy is the being energy and masculine energy is the doing energy and for you to attract what you want and use your feminine energy to
manifest you cannot ignore this being energy and I know I know this is hard to understand and it's hard to implement I get it don't worry we're gonna talk about this but I want you to really think think back to certain instances in your life where you've got things that you wanted easily you didn't have to really try that hard for it was just kind of easy and I'm not saying you didn't have to work at all for it but like it just happened there was flow to it you didn't really have to constantly stress
about it for me that was my relationship I met my husband a long time ago he sought me out I didn't really have to do that much of anything except for you know show up and be open he was basically exactly what I wanted with maybe a few sprinkles of surprises in there and I've been with him for a long time and it's not like we haven't put work in our relationship it's not like there haven't been highs and lows but overall there was a lot of ease in that area of my life it felt
like it just kind of happened I didn't feel like I had to force anything so think about what's been easy for you what's felt like it just happened and go back to that time how did you feel around that thing did you have resistance to that thing or did it feel natural to you did you think you were worthy of that thing did you feel anxiety around that thing or did you allow yourself to go with the flow did you feel anxiously attached to the outcome or have a healthy level of Detachment did you feel
stress around that thing or did you have fun excited happy energy did you have space for that thing to come into your life were you open energetically to that thing were you open to actually receiving that thing just think about how you felt and then compare that to something that you feel like you've always really struggled to manifest something you've struggled with for a long time maybe it's money that's a big one for a lot of people ask yourself all those same questions what's the difference what's the difference in the way that you're being the
way that you're feeling the way that you are energetically with money or whatever it is you're struggling with versus the way that you were being with that thing that you got so easily in the past your state of being is likely different and it might be subtle but there's usually a difference there's likely a feeling of lack or anxiety or stress or pressure or doubt around what you've been struggling to manifest and you're likely not truly energetically aligned with that thing not because you don't deserve it but because your thoughts and your subconscious mind and
your limiting beliefs are making it so that you and that thing that you want are are not an energetic match so how do you be in the energy to attract what you want how do you be an energetic alignment how do you change your state of being here is how I've done it so first thing the reason you struggle to be in the energy and be an energetic alignment is because usually it doesn't feel natural to you like if you've been trying to manifest wealth for a long time but you've been the opposite of wealthy
for a long time then your energetic state is going to be feelings of like lack and scarcity and the opposite of what you're trying to manifest right that feeling of wealth that being in wealth is not natural at least to you in this very moment and that's preventing you from attracting it into your life so the first thing is when it's applicable be around other people as much as you can who do have that energy where it is natural for them and just also by being in certain environments where it is natural or it feels
natural and so this is obviously going to depend on what you want to manifest like for example when I was trying to manifest my Jeep Grand Cherokee I didn't just hang around with people who had Jeep Grand Cherokees but our manifestations and our goals and our desires usually tend to fall into three big categories there's money love and health those are our big three categories in our life and side note there's usually one that we tend to struggle with the most not like oh one of those areas in your life is always going to be
bad I mean one where if you don't stay kind of on top of it it can start to easily start falling downhill and so for me that one is health I had a lot of health issues in the past and if I don't stay on top of my health that part of my life can easily start to get worse and cause problems for me let me know what yours is by the way so anyway you want to be around other people or situations where having that thing is natural so let's take money it's just a
really easy example and money tends to be a big part of manifestation because money is oftentimes how we get things in the material world right like a new house or taking trips or getting a cute new handbag we usually get most of these things through money so if you want to manifest wealth for example and you've been struggling with this for a long time you're just not aligned you have to start situating yourself around wealth you have to start going to the places where you are surrounded by wealth and people who have wealth people wear
wealth and luxury and comfort feels natural to them it's just their state of being and you have to start getting comfortable with wealth where it just becomes your state of being before you actually have it yet for example Cole and I went to Miami a few months ago and it was great and we had a good time and we went to this one place for dinner it was really yummy but they didn't have anything that looked good on the dessert menu so we decided to venture out somewhere else to find some dessert and I'd heard
about the Four Seasons Surf Club and how it was great and I really wanted to check it out and we were really close by so we figured we would walk over there and get some dessert at the bar or whatever so we went to the Champagne Bar there that's what it's called The Champagne Bar and it was amazing we loved it it was such a good vibe really good dessert too if you're ever in the area I highly recommend but we just sat down to get some dessert there and Cole and I were just like
yes like we were very happy being there everyone was dressed very nicely everyone was very put together and you could tell that most of these people had a lot of money you know how you can just like tell sometimes you could tell some of these people just like radiated wealth and money and comfort and luxury and we loved it we were in an environment where wealth was natural where wealth was the energy and that's something that's really important to us and our goals and so we loved it so much we came back the next night
anyone could go and get a drink there or a dessert or a cup of tea you didn't have to spend thousands of dollars to do so anyone could go hang out in a fancy hotel lobby and read a book find things that surround you in the energy of what you want and how you want to feel and do this a lot and if you're someone who struggles with money your first instinct might be to run away from a place like that to run away from that kind of stuff because it feels uncomfortable to you it
feels unnatural to you but that's just further pushing you away from what you want further teaching yourself and your subconscious mind that you don't belong there that you shouldn't have wealth go to the coffee shop in the bougie area of town walk down that street where all the fancy stores are even though you're not gonna buy anything right now pop into the fancy hotels even if you're not staying there go for walks in super wealthy neighborhoods or drive through them regularly I did this all the time this is a good little manifestation story for you
back when I was living in La many years ago and working my corporate job I really wanted to manifest moving to this small little neighborhood in La that I loved it was just really cute really beautiful very safe and a little bougie well I took my dog bow the one laying on the ground right there and we went to that neighborhood every single weekend and went for a walk even though it was like a 30 or 40 minute drive away sometimes and we did that almost every weekend for a few months and you know what
I got assigned to a new client in that exact neighborhood which is statistically very unlikely La is a very very big place and this neighborhood was Tiny and there were only like probably a total of like five Office Buildings there not a lot it was mostly homes and my job was working out of the client's office so then I went to that neighborhood every single day Monday through Friday for work and then I eventually ended up moving there a few months later if you want to buy a house in a certain neighborhood go for walks
there go to open houses there that are in that neighborhood even though you're not gonna buy a house yet drive by that neighborhood all the time if you want to start a business be around other entrepreneurs get yourself somehow where you can be in that energy you want to attract a healthy relationship because you feel like you've only had a bunch of toxic chaotic ones hang around with people you know who have wonderful loving relationships or like if all your friends are single or have like terrible boyfriends find some new friends that have healthy relationships
it doesn't even have to be like boyfriend different girlfriend relationships it can be like familial relationships friendly relationships people who just have really good relationships in their life to expose yourself to that if your best friend's parents have literally the most pure wonderful loving marriage and relationship ever go hang out their house more like seriously go be a part of their barbecues or something I don't know be around that somehow be around that to get more comfortable with that so that the healthy relationships start to feel more natural than the chaotic ones and here's a
little something you might need to write down your state of being is highly correlated with what feels natural to you that's why kids who grow up wealthy even if their parents don't help them later on in life are generally more likely to be financially successful when they're an adult and it's not just because like oh they had more opportunities that might be a part of it of course but at its core it's because wealth is natural to them they are naturally energetically aligned with wealth that's why if you're trying to be healthy and heal your
body naturally if you're constantly surrounded by people who don't care about their health only eat fast food never get up off the couch don't believe in natural healing you're more likely not going to be able to manifest good health because being vibrantly healthy and healing yourself is not natural in that environment and it can affect your own energy but once you shift your environment to be around other people who prioritize health and healing and taking care of themselves and being happy you start to manifest it because it becomes the norm in your environment it starts
to become the norm to your subconscious mind and then your energy shifts and you become more in energetic alignment you become more of an energetic match for that you want it's not because you're around other people like that it's because being around other people like that shifts your subconscious mind around what is normal what is possible for you what is natural what is achievable for you and what is not if you want to start being in that energy and shifting your energy you have to find ways to do this in one big way is by
getting out there being in environments where that energy is natural being near people or with people where that energy is natural you will pick up on that energy since your beliefs and your thoughts including your conscious and subconscious thoughts are so important for shifting your energy your state of being your vibration the second way to shift your state of being is to do the inner work you have to remember that again your world is a mirror and if you completely overwhelm yourself with negative thoughts and crappy beliefs then that's what you're going to experience in
the world that's what the universe is gonna give to you or show to you and so your thoughts and beliefs are the biggest thing holding you back or the biggest thing propelling you forward because your state of being that energy and vibration you sit in every single day is based off of that it's formed from that now shifting this is not overnight it can take some time and if you've ever seen anyone who's manifested something really quickly like in a day or a week it's probably because they were already in energetic alignment they probably either
have done the inner work already or they did have to do it to begin with maybe they've even taken some action steps already and in that case things can happen really quickly so some tools for changing your state of being include things like visualization journaling scripting I do scripting on and off if you don't know what scripting is just type in like scripting for manifestation and Google affirmations EFT tapping meditations like Joe dispenza meditation there's a lot of different tools and you have to find what works for you and just kind of feel like what
you feel intuitively drawn to but you can't just do these like one day and then expect to see like these massive results this is something that you just have to incorporate into your life make it a lifestyle and do it every day and at first you might feel like this is stupid nothing's working nothing's changing my manifestation isn't coming to me but just keep going I felt that way with scripting but then like I went back to like a year ago my scripting notes and I basically like checked off everything on that list like check
check manifested this got this got that these tools do work they just take time because it takes time to shift your subconscious beliefs it's a journey don't try to force it too much so to wrap up this very long point I'm going to remind you masculine energy is the doing energy feminine energy is the being energy Master the being energy and you will start attracting things into your life and the action that you do take will be Amplified by like a hundred all right now moving on when it comes to manifesting using your feminine energy
a big differentiator between masculine energy and feminine energy is that the masculine energy is more of the energy of the mind right it's the thinking energy The Logical energy the feminine energy is the feeling energy the heart energy the intuitive energy and I've talked about this a ton in the past where if you want to get more in touch with your feminine energy one thing is you need to get more in touch with your feelings because a lot of us are taught to squash those growing up because those aren't important a lot of us have
been taught to shut that down but when it comes to manifesting specifically manifesting using feminine energy you got to bring those feelings those emotions back up you have to get into the feeling State the way that you feel around your manifestations matter and you have to be able to feel really feel what it's like to actually have that thing without having it yet you have to use that feeling side to your advantage this is a great thing to do when you're visualizing your manifestations and some people make the mistake that when they're visualizing they're just
thinking about everything that they want they're going through the motions and they're thinking about all the details of everything that they want and that's great but you also have to think about how those things make you feel this is a crucial part I do this a lot when I go for walks I like to visualize what I want in my life and I do go through the details and stuff like that but more importantly I visualize how those manifestations would make me feel I try to feel that feeling deep in my bones like what would
my energy be like and those feelings should make you feel good like if thinking about what you want makes you feel anxious or angry or sad that you don't have those things yet then you're doing it wrong you're not feeling what it's like to have it you're feeling what it's like to not have it or have doubt around it feel what it's like to have it how would it feel in your body how would it feel in your heart how would it feel in your mind how would it feel in your soul bask in that
feeling as long as you can and take that feeling with you as you go about your day your feelings massively shift your energy they are powerful and again manifesting using your feminine energy is all about attracting in what you want by being an energetic match by being in the right energy but now we gotta talk about Detachment because Detachment is a big part of manifesting too and it's also very important when it comes to feminine energy because feminine energy is the surrender energy it's the energy of releasing control and letting go and we have to
do this with our manifestations too we have to give things space to come to us and to come into our lives and release that resistance because naturally the more that you chase something and the more desperate you are for something the more that you repel it away in relationships in life and also in manifesting you have to be able to put whatever it is you want out into the universe get into alignment with it and trust that what you want or something better is coming your way again this doesn't mean that you don't take any
action doesn't mean that you just sit in your bed for a month straight and watch reality TV but there's an element of trust and release that you have to embody to know that it's coming for you literally just like Envision yourself throwing it out into the universe letting it go visualize yourself releasing it to the universe to God to the little manifestation Angels whatever not because you don't want it anymore but so you can let go of the fear and worry around it a lot of women who struggle to be in their feminine energy struggle
because they can't seem to let go of their need for control and yes sometimes you can get what you want by being in control and pushing and forcing it to happen and your manifestations can come into existence but it's never easy it's never fun it's never enjoyable it never feels good there's no ease there no flow if you want to be in your magnetic feminine energy but also start magnetizing your manifestations to you there is an aspect of surrender that you have to embody and a big thing to help with this is to not take
life too seriously feminine energy is the playful energy be a little bit playful with your manifestations think about life more like a movie than this like heavy serious thing be able to laugh at your mistakes or any of the weird stuff that comes into your life and I know it's a lot harder to be playful with your manifestations when you're trying to manifest more serious things right like when you're trying to manifest next month's rent or try to manifest your soulmate because you really want to settle down get married have kids but try to be
as light-hearted and playful and trusting as you can again just to clarify this doesn't mean that you don't take the action you need to but combining whatever action that's needed with a little bit of trust and playfulness and release that's Sweet Spot it's also really important to realize that our manifestations don't always come into our lives the exact way that we expect them to mine almost never do I have been surprised many many times and so being able to surrender release let go of control this allows us to be more open in the way that
we receive them so we don't miss them and I will say sometimes for us to manifest what we want sometimes it feels like we have to take five or ten steps backward to go 50 steps forward like if we're trying to manifest some big change in our life where something feels worse and heavy and stressful first but it's actually just realigning you to where you want to go trust the process this has happened to me many times my husband even some of my friends tons of times where we think things are going bad for us
and it might feel really sucky temporarily but in the long run it was the best thing ever and leading us to what we wanted like if you're trying to manifest love and marriage and your new boyfriend cheats on you and so you obviously dump him right but then one minute month later you meet your actual soul mate and you live happily ever after because you breaking up with him made it so you had space for that person to come into your life you had to get rid of him first or else you would have missed
this new guy or you get rejected from a job opportunity and you're really bummed but a way better one comes three weeks later this happens be able to trust and release and detach from your manifestations and not get so caught up in the details caught up in the mind you have to remind yourself that what you want wants you what you want is meant for you and what you want you want for a reason it's not random and your soul knows this next thing you have to actually be open to receiving those manifestations meaning you
need to get comfortable receiving good things in your life it doesn't matter how much you are trying to manifest and how good of a job you're doing if you block those things from coming to you because you feel uncomfortable receiving them because you for some reason don't want to receive them and I know that sounds weird but it's it's not that weird it's quite common feminine energy is the receiving energy it's a very important part of the feminine and for the most part in order to receive we have to be able to surrender we also
have to know that we are worthy of that receiving whatever it is we want wealth health love whatever you truly have to feel comfortable and again going back to my first point feel natural in that receive it you can't feel bad about receiving money you can't feel bad about receiving love you can't feel bad about receiving what you want if you actually want to get something in your life you can't feel bad about receiving that thing if you feel uncomfortable or heavy when you receive love for some reason then it's gonna make it a lot
harder for you to manifest your soulmate if you feel uncomfortable receiving material items or money for some reason because of some limiting beliefs in your head that money is the root of all evil or money is bad or luxury is bad then your subconscious mind is going to close you off from manifesting those things your subconscious mind will not let you receive those things it's just too contradictory some common practical signs that you struggle with receiving in general is resisting any sort of help or assistance from anyone not being able to take a compliment not
being able to fully take in a hug from a loved one like if you feel really like stiff and awkward or if you just receive anything that benefits you in any way instead of it making you feel happy it makes you feel anxious and hesitant for some reason in short to get what you want you have to be able to receive it you have to be able to allow it into your life you have to let those walls down so to wrap this all up to be able to really manifest your desires and get what
you want in life there's two parts there's your actions your masculine energy or the masculine energy side of manifesting and the energy your alignment your feminine energy and for you to be able to manifest to the fullest capacity with the most ease these two energies have to come together it takes action and energetic alignment but that energetic alignment piece is what creates that ease that flow and allows you to stay in that softer energy while still getting what you want leave a comment down below with what you're manifesting right now I'd love to know or
if you have any other thoughts on the video leave a comment if you like this video please give it a like it really helps me out or share it with a friend and if you're not subscribed and you like this video you should probably subscribe because you'll probably like a lot of my other videos so you should stick around thank you guys so much for watching until the very end I appreciate you love ya and I will see you next time bye
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