Inside The $50 Million Miniature World

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Supercar Blondie
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what's up we're at the world's largest miniature world where basically it took over 1 million man hours to make over 45 million this is also the world's largest RC scale train Railway in the world there's also a miniature airport a lot going on over 1 th000 trains and today I'm going to show you guys around so uh let's have a closer look later I've traveled to Hamburg Germany to check out the impressive miniature Wonderland an intricate miniature world that's as big as London's hide Park 12 separate sections representing different areas around the world are connected
by a Guinness Book of World Records longest model Railway that's 16 km of railway tracks which is like two Mount Everest stacked on top of each other and if you combine all the mileage on the trains it's enough to go around the world 26 times a total of40 trains 12,000 wagons over 10,000 buildings and more than 300,000 little miniature human figurines populate this tiny universe we're about to walk around this huge miniature World check out the behind the scenes of how this incredible operation has kept running and meet the creators who by the way even
created a little miniature Supercar Blondie herself which will remain part of miniature Wonderland's Monaco section forever so if you ever go see if you can find her our first first stop on the miniature Wonderland train journey ningan International Airport which took an incredible €4 million and6 years to build all right now this is the world's largest miniature airport it's also the world's first miniatur airport so you have over 400 planes in miniature Wonderland take a look you have Air France you have Condor you have FedEx planes you have lansa you have Europe car here for
your car rentals he's going to take off [Music] ready and he's off now the airport is called ningan airport it's made up but it took over 6 years to build over4 million and it's over 150 M squared you're going to see there's over 45 different airplanes you have a380s you have CNAs you have Star Wars craft you know you have everyone doing their job you have the you know storage trucks driving around you have the airplanes taxiing for takeoff you have people handling the luggage the gas over there so let's go through this all right
look so we're underneath miniature Wonderland right now so you can see kind of the bones so here a lot less decorated but you have you know wooden columns you can see that the surface is actually just kind of like a plaster and you still have the trains and cars kind of driving around you have some in the back going about their business and what's cool is that all the individual trucks and cars when they run out of battery they're programmed to drive through the back and charge themselves so if you look closely for example the
fir truck has these little metallic bits on the sides so these metallic bits that stick up they run through here and they get charged through these other metal plates and when they're done charging they Reverse by themselves get out of here and go back to the airport it's super impressive there's so much sof software engineering behind all of this like it from the outside it looks easy and it just flows right but you have Tech everywhere you know the software is built inhouse the hardware is built in-house basically we have all this programming that makes
everything work when we go to the other side you're going to see the behind the scenes so when an airplane takes off from the public view it goes through kind of that little cloth lands here and then it'll do the cycle all over again it's so funny if I didn't know I would literally think that the security screen yeah is like an actual Airport [Music] moving on from singan airport I then headed over to Scandinavia and checked out the fjords this took 140,000 hours and it's got a surface area of 300 square m you have
actually 30,000 L of real water look at the size of this cruise ship huge this if you flipped it over if you poked a hole in it it would actually sink 30,000 L of real water it completely goes end to end on the other side is a snowy area and it's got 2 km of railroads so you're going to see that going this way but throughout Scandinavia 2 km 2,000 [Music] M the railway runs throughout the whole of Wonderland traveling through Hamburg Italy and into the USA where we checked out Las Vegas and Florida and
then my favorite Area 51 so moving past the Nevada desert you have Vegas so in the middle you have the luxer that's the pyramid and then you have all the whole kind of amusement parks inside the city King Kong's at the top of the tower do you see that in the middle King Kong and then you have your Drive-In Cinema I think that's going to turn turn on oh can you imagine they played a whole movie now Rocket's taken off this is cool and to be honest I had some expectations of miniature Wonderland but I
didn't think that it would go into this much detail It's So Sophisticated anyways let's move on now below Mount Rushmore you have this little base but doesn't look like much is going on but here we have a button that says Area 51 so watch what happens if I press it cuz it's actually underground just like the real thing so there you have like a spaceship maybe being reverse engineered maybe some American black projects you know top secret right here you have the little planning board right there like you have a portal opening up maybe they
discovered how to travel to different dimension are realities and look there's some aliens inside the portal that's cool dudes with hazmat suits working on something suspicious down there and they have a cow you know we never know what's going on in there but on the other side you have this sign International world domination this represents like a secret underground military bunker where look they film the moon landing this is kind of like the conspiracy corner so even on a miniature level you have the elites trying to dominate the world look if if you look very
closely it says Illuminati and one of the panels right there it says Illuminati that's pretty funny and there's the uh like a laus monster submarine for you guys to get an understanding of how big this place is they even had to build a bridge and expand into another building so we're literally Crossing to see Rio de Janeiro so we have obviously the beach we have Christ the Redeemer up there one of the Seven Wonders of the World and this is about 46 square m of surface area you're going to see it go all the way
to the end and it was built in collaboration with South American model Builders the Martinez family one of the best in the business and this is what you get it looks great makes me want to go to the beach being real need to have a [Music] carnival oh yeah this is on my bucket list over here the favellas you know this is where Neymar came from so we can thank the faas for making Neymar they should have a little football pitch somewhere around here all right this is the area this is where some of the
best football players in the world are made mini football pitches in the favellas in Brazil next up on my trip around this miniature world was Switzerland I think this is one of the most visually impressive parts of the entire Wonderland because of how high up it goes it's actually two floors you can see people up there on the kind of a balcony I poke my head out right behind that bridge the beginning of the video so next to the mountainous region what is Switzerland also known for it's chocolate and they have a chocolate factory it's
actually a lint Chocolate Factory and when I press this button the machines start turning and over here you can see how unwrapped chocolate gets wrapped through this little machine right there so it goes in gets wrapped and then if I'm lucky I'll be able to get a little piece of chocolate for myself there you go and this is not just for show I mean this you open it up it's actually wrapped and you have real lint chocolate okay right take a look little Swiss concert going on lights are going to go down and the concert's
going to start okay if you want you can press it to activate DJ Bobo it's DJ boo that's right [Music] B I was Keen to see how a miniature world is even made so I met up with Garrett Brun one of the co-creators who together with his twin brother Frederick and A friend brought this incredible world to life all right guys we're here with Garrett who is one of the um hi one of the co-founders he actually founded this with his twin brother and uh one of his friends yes so okay how did you go
about starting all of this um we had a nightclub dancing all the nights and my twin brother was ready for for doing something on the day and not at night okay and he had the idea it was a phone call and he told me Garrett I have the idea to build the biggest model railroad in the world that's that's our our future wow okay okay did you guys have any kind of background in that space not really we played with our model trains being a child is everything made by hand you guys nearly the small
figurines not all you can buy them but um most of the things we build by our own because this is literally I mean Flamingo is being placed one by one and that's a lot of flamingos I mean many good we designed them on the computer and it's 3D printing the colors and uh everything else is made by hand so you painted the flamingos if you consider the the scale of the entire miniature world just even even drilling the Ho by hand one by one it just yeah it's a lot of 3,000 times yeah yeah yeah
and over here we have some cars so obviously as a superar page this is kind of right up our alley a few years ago we we could buy these cars yeah but today um no manufacturer um gets in um takes $100,000 to build in um the first one to bring it to the market so we have to do it by our own create them on the computer then 3D printing then painting and put together you can't buy them so this is made in house totally there you go Tesla so here you see the the new
electric cars from Kia hyai Volkswagen you you can't buy them because at the moment we're trying to um to put many electric cars on the layout because um in the normal word two or 3% are electric on our layout nothing because no man there are no manufacturers for electric models so we have to do it by our own I'd also heard that miniature Wonderland had created something one of a kind just for superar blondie so I couldn't wait to chat to the model makers to find out what this was all right so let's speak now
with Theresa she's one of the model makers hello so uh she's working on a very special project right now she's actually working let me see if you guys can guess who this is ready take a closer look does that ring a bell that looks awfully familiar with the hat and the blonde hair and the pants but you know the black pants they look too plain I think that they're missing something you know yeah the dots the dots that's right there we go now the pants have become designer pants now it's starting to look more like
Alex the price the price of the pants just went up the little things alive that's right that's right it's amazing what a couple of dots can do that's that actually looks a lot more like Alex now there you go Alex's new home was going to be miniature Monaco which boasts a stunning Marina with 175 luxurious yats the picturesque Old Town of monoville and St Nicholas Cathedral and the crown jewel of this miniature Marvel the Formula 1 circuit a highlight that's been in the works for over 11 years and cost5 million to create what's crazy is
that even the Formula 1 races are live streamed on these little tiny mini TVs and when there's a winner it's also announced and celebrated on the podium just like the real thing so we'll get her reviewing here yeah yeah yeah yeah like she's reviewing a car in the middle of Monaco that's actually believable and there she is so ready and she's set in stone that's pretty cool so guys that is what $45 million of miniature world looks like hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope mini Alex enjoys her new Mini
home as I said earlier if you ever go see if you can find her let us know in the comments what your favorite area was make sure to like the video subscribe and see you next time [Music]
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