π Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation - Letters D and T | #TeacherRicardoFilgueira
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In the third video of our Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation Guide, you'll learn the sounds of the c...
Video Transcript:
Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation guide consonants D and T hi I'm hi fera you're Portuguese teacher in this video I'll show you the sounds of the consonants D and T let's start with the letter D the letter D will always have the sound the the before the vowels a o and O examples data data which means date and this D has the same sound as the D in document dog doy doy Duna Duna now let's see the consonant the with the vowel a if the is not in the end of a word we pronounce the letter the
as in English look they do now let's see the e in the end of a word if the pa the E appears in the end of a word we pronounce it this way you take the J sound as in jet plus the e sound as in it then we have this sound G G but look don't make this e sound too long it's not g it's brief g g examples s s g g now let's see the consonant the with the vowel e went together the letters d and e have always that same sound G
look [Music] g g p now let's learn how to pronounce the letter T before the vowels A O and U the letter T has the same sound as in English as in taste topic examples tapa tapa ta ta tat T so far no problem right but if t comes before e or if t comes before a in the end of a word then we have a different and weird sound that's the sound ch ch and guess we have it in English yeah as in check Fetch and in Portuguese we have chia saoi sapi now let's
see the e in the end of a word El no okay that's the end of our lesson in the next video I'll show you the sounds of the consonant a one of the most difficult sounds for English speakers so if you don't want to lose a thing subscribe thanks for the company and see you soon ciao