Build an AI Real Estate Cold Caller in 10 minutes | Vapi Tutorial For Beginners

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Jannis Moore | AI Automation
In this video, I will create an AI cold calling agent in just a few minutes! This step-by-step tutor...
Video Transcript:
what I'm about to show you is going to be the easiest quickest and most cost-effective way how you can build an AI cold calling agent and there's literally no similar setup out there and the best part of it you get access to all of the manuals and templates completely for free so that you can literally copy that whole setup and use it inside of your own business after watching this video you will be able to build a complete AI caller that can call thousands of numbers within a few seconds it will also be able to completely personalize the data so that you can get a higher conversion rate on these leads and the best part of it is that you can implement it in literally any kind of industry for any kind of business and I promise you there is no similar setup out there so this video is literally everything you need for getting started with the best AI call calling agent all right that's it with the talking let's get right into it to get started we need a couple of tools number one is V AI which is basically our infrastructure provider for us to create AI cold calling agents the second tool is make. com which is basically a workflow automation tool that allows us to connect different Services together so that they can talk to each other number three is very obvious it's Google Sheets which is what we are going to use as our lead database and last last ly the fourth tool we're going to use is Json out which you have probably heard from my previous videos it is a tool that I created for you guys completely for free which allows you to validate Json construct so that you can structure data from a simple text now to actually get started with it simply head over to hindus. comom which is my resource up where I'm sharing all kinds of templates prompts and files whatever you can see inside of my YouTube videos completely for free so that you can simply copy it once logged in you will find a manual that looks something like this which says AI cold color in whatever minutes and you will see also the amount the tools you need so you can simply click on these links and just sign up for them then you can also import me.
com templates and you will find a couple of more prompts but we go through every of those tools step by step the first thing we going to do is basically set up the AI call calling infrastructure which runs on vy. a to do that you simply head over to vy. a and you create an account I obviously already did that so I'm just going to log in so the first step you want to do is obviously purchase a phone number so I have already done that here but if you haven't all you need to do is click on Buy number and you can enter an area code from the US or Canada and just purchase a number through V or if you're using tlio or vage you can add your very own credentials as well once you have done that it looks something like this you will have your number here available you will have an ID that is right here and you will be able to select an assistant which is not what we going to do cuz that doesn't matter in our case all we are going to do is we wanted to purchase the phone number and now we already starting creating an assistant so I already have one here but if you're new you simply click on create new assistant you choose whatever kind of version you want you can basically start with the appointment setter and then just to replace the values click on continue give this whole thing a name basically whatever the AI assistant is called and then create it in my case I already did that and as you can see here we have a first message prompt and a system prompt you will get access to both of those prompts as well inside of my resource app so you can simply go over here and just copy them directly from within the resource app and then paste them inside of Vy if you don't know and if you haven't worked with VY before it basically allows you to create an AI Voice Assistant visually right within here um I'm not going to go much over the settings I will just quickly fly over them because there are a couple of things that you might be confused if you have worked with v before which is this part here a dynamic Tech because by default doesn't support Dynamic tchs so everything I'm going to give you today is actually optimized so that you can use Dynamic text directly inside of Vy to create a call calling agent that supports those Dynamic decks for more personalization so this is a feature I built into the workflows I'm going to show you as well once we set it up once you have set up your prompts you can also adjust the transcriber if you want to I would just leave most of that stuff by as a default for 11 laps I chose Sarah you don't need to have any functions for this kind of Bot or this cold caller and for the advanced setting you can adjust one part which is down here which we going to adjust once we actually have that make URL in the next step we are going to set up the Google lead sheet which is basically where we store all of the leads or users we want to call to and where we want to basically validate the information since I haven't mentioned it in the beginning the agent we are basically going to build is a real estate code calling agent that can call a user and just ask them if they want to sell the property and what kind of property type it is that they're currently having so those kind of information we simply feed into a Google sheet that looks something like this you will also have access to that directly inside of our resource app so you can simply download and copy it and you will have the exact same setup here so as you can see it has a couple of columns it has a phone number first name status wants to sell and the extra property details the phone number is pretty clear which is basically the user that you would like to call so in case you have a lead list you simply add all of the phone numbers right within here along with their first names if you have one and for the status that is basically the definition of whenever we would like to make a call so let's say you put in the information and you want to now start the call for that user all you do is you simply set this to not- called and then within a time frame of 15 minutes this AI agent will call this number and will basically ask him the questions and then after automatically fills this information which basically tells you if the user wants to sell which can be either yes or in the future or not at all the extra property details is basically everything validated what the assistant can gather from that user that he had a call with and and this is literally it so nothing else we need to do here this is the whole setup I'm going to give this whole thing a name and obviously here I have my number so I just hit it a little bit so you cannot see my number and we're going to call this lead for example Alex so this is Alex we would like to call and ask about the property since we haven't activated any scenarios this is what we're going to go in the what we're going to do in The Next Step um but actually before going onto make.
com we need to do one more thing which is create an account on Json out the platform that I created for you so that you can validate invalid Json constructs that are basically coming from open AI or any other kind of llm I'm not going to go too deep into it what it is but all you need to do is you simply create an account and once you logged in you will find an API key right here which is literally all you need so in the next step what you need to do is you need to set uh create a make. com account and create two scenarios you can create a scenario by clicking on scenario then you will see a button up here for creating the scenario and that's it so after that you simply head into the resource app you can download both of those mac. com templates right here and you can import them one by one in one scenario you're going to click on the on the button down here you click on import blueprint print and you import that first scenario which is the dynamic call call of VAP scenario so once you have done that as you can see here it is looks pretty complex but don't be afraid you don't need to configure much I try to make it as simple as possible the first thing you do is obviously you connect your Google sheet with that Google sheet of the Google lead sheet that we just created I have done that right here call calling database which is exactly that one where we basically added our leads once you have done that you can simply click okay and there are four more things that we need to configure number one is obviously the assistant ID which is the ID of the assistant that we created inside of papy so to get that you simply head into your assistant you copy that ID you head back into this template and you paste this one right within here then you also add your VAP API key which I'm not going to show you now but you will find this VAP API key inside of your account under the API key section right here then you also need to set up the phone number ID which is a very similar process which is located in the phone number under the phone number ID which is this one that you cannot really see here but there is a copy icon next to it so you simply copy that and paste it inside of here click okay and then move one the last thing we need to adjust right within here is that Dynamic variable setup which basically defines the dynamic text we want to use inside of the assistant if you are fine with having only the first name and the current time Tex you don't need to adjust anything you can just leave it the way it is otherwise you could adjust it and basically just add multiple texts here additionally I'm just going to show you quickly how you can do that you simply copy the Json string there is a free tool called Json editor online.
org you just open that up and in any of those fields you just paste this code as you can see here and we then literally can just duplicate this code and can say something like that set this to lastore name within the double quotes and then you can remove this information and then map this automatically inside of B inside of make. com when you set this thing up again so as you can see here we have last name now you can basically map the dynamic value if you would collect it inside of your lead database or inside of your lead sheet just edit here and it's done I'm not going to save it cuz I'm fine with these two text so if you don't need to adjust anything else there this this is literally it you don't need to adjust anything else in here it is completely Dynamic all you do is click on Save and you click on scheduling down here then we are heading over to the next scenario so you're going again to scenario you create a new scenario you're going to download the other blueprint that you will find inside of the resource up right here this Dynamic call color sync data you're going to import it as well again with here more import blueprint and you will see something like this right in here there are only three things that you need to configure which is the first one obviously to again just connect your Cod calling database lead sheet nothing else to do you simply click on okay you create a connection with your open AI account everything else is already configured so you don't need to touch anything once you have selected it you can click okay and you are done and lastly you need to add your Json note API key right here which of like I mentioned you will find inside of your Json not account right here after you've done that you again click on Save and you just schedule this scenario so now you can already test this thing and this whole thing is already functional there's literally nothing else you need to to do for that and to actually test it what you need to do is you go into your Cod calling database you add a lead for example in that case I already did that for me so what I'm going to do now is I basically call myself through that AI caller so now I set it to not- call so if I'm going to run the scenario manually and I haven't scheduled it yet by the way um with scheduling it means that make. com checks every 15 minutes if there is a new row inside of your Google sheet that's why I mentioned every 15 minutes the maximum of 15 minutes Is What It Takes until the scenario basically calls this caller or calls with the AI that user so to actually test it all I'm going to do is click on run once to run the scenario once and you will see on my phone now that once the scenario ended we will get a phone call from our AI info calling agent and now I can reply to it and talk to it how are you doing today hey I'm pretty good how are you I'm doing well thanks for asking I'm reaching out to see if you've considered selling your property uh have you thought about it at all um not at the moment but maybe in the future gotcha could you tell me a bit more about your property like its type and location uh sure yeah it's a penthouse with three bedrooms in Portland that sounds great Portland is a lovely area what's the reason you're considering selling in the future uh I just don't want to live there anymore but that's it I don't want to share more details thank you so I'm just going to cut the call and now basically just wait until the transcript is over because the make.
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