my daughter falsely accused me sending me to prison for 15 years that's when I stopped seeing her as mine before everything fell apart my life was relatively calm almost routine I had a stable job as a civil engineer a job that allowed me to live comfortably every day upon waking I felt grateful for having a United Family a wife who had always been the pillar of my life despite the inevitable ups and downs of marriage our 20 years together had been marked by respect and love we also had Natalya our teenage daughter a girl who
although she was in that difficult stage of Life had always been our pride or so I thought before everything changed that last week before the disaster was one of the strangest everything seemed normal but there was something in the air an invisible tension I clearly remember the last time the three of us sat at the table an ordinary dinner nothing special but with something I could not identify Natalya was distracted sending messages on her phone her head down paying no attention to us Monica for her part was trying to keep the conversation afloat smiling with
that forced smile she sometimes had when something was not right Natalia how was school today I asked trying to break the ice normal dad nothing interesting she replied without looking at me with the typical weary tone of teenagers Monica gave her a look the one only a mother knows how to give a look that suggested she she was tired of her daughter not showing more interest you should talk more with your father he makes an effort to be present Monica told her her voice soft but firm oh Mom you always do this why do not
you leave me alone Natalya grumbled before abruptly getting up from the table and disappearing into her room we both looked at each other exchanging a look that tried to understand what was happening we knew it was a phase but deep down something did not feel right we did not imagine that those gestures of innocent Rebellion were signs of something much darker Brewing inside her that was the last dinner we shared as a United Family the day everything changed started like any other the morning was quiet I got up early made my coffee and started reviewing
some plans for a new project I was involved in everything seemed fine even when Natalya entered the room she had that sparkle in her eyes that only teenagers can have a mixture of energy and rebelliousness Dad I going out with Lucas tonight she told me bluntly Lucas I repeated to myself just hearing his name made me tense Lucas was a troubled kid one of those who always seemed to be on the verge of disaster I was never a father who imposed my ideals or how she should act but I always tried to look for the
best for her and that boy was not it it is not to discredit him but he was not the kind of man I wanted in my daughter's life every week he was involved in some assault damage or robbery in the city his name was nothing less than fear throughout the city everyone knew him they knew of his reputation and how he liked to live I remember one time when I was on my way to the supermarket to do the grocery shopping halfway there I saw a group of people surrounding a half-dead boy on the ground
apparently his bicycle had been stolen it was a very active bicycle it had tires that would go on almost any surface a cushion of the highest Comfort which helped her but feel really comfortable plus disc breaks of the highest quality I passed by and did not pay much attention but the worst was when I got home my daughter was sitting next to Lucas they seemed very comfortable with each other the caresses came and went from one side to the other it was a movie like scene I interrupted them and sent my daughter inside my daughter
reluctantly went inside Lucas on the other hand I warned him that I did not want to see him near my daughter again he just laughed and said sir it does not matter what you want as long as your daughter wants me I will always be by her side and he got on his bike and left I knew what he was saying was true I was not afraid of him or anything like that but if he had been able to steal the man's bike before he was capable of not heeding my warning and so the months
went by and my daughter secretly continued to go out with that boy I had tried several times to talk to her about how detrimental it would be for her future to get involved with someone like him but she never listened to me no I already told you I do not want you to see that boy Natalya he is not good for you I replied firmly she looked at me with defiant eyes a glint of anger appearing in her gaze you are a dictator you always want to control everything she shouted her eyes filled with rage
before getting up from the chair and slamming the door as she ran up the stairs Monica and I remained silent each lost in our thoughts it was not the first time Natalya had acted like this but this time I felt a strange sensation that something else was happening I could not stop thinking about that look of hatred she had given me something was not right but I did not know what that night I could not sleep my mind was full of questions of insecurities I was worried about Natalia's attitude but I never imagine that something
much more horrible was about to happen the next morning when I was awakened by the knocks on the door my life took an irrevocable turn it was the police they handcuffed me in front of my wife and daughter while Natalya cried inconsolably and pointed her finger accusing me of horrendous things I had never done everything I had built everything I had loved collapsed in an instant apparently while I was sleeping Monica my wife had called the police and filed a complaint against me for abuse against my daughter when I heard this my first reaction was
to laugh I thought they were playing a very bad joke on me but when I look at my daughter I see her being hugged by my wife and telling her that everything would be okay I I could not believe what was happening before my eyes my daughter had falsely accused me of abuse I said to myself this must be a mistake I told the police I could never do that to my daughter Natalya tell them this is a joke tell them the truth I shouted almost through tears my eyes read from crying the fear I
felt at that moment Natalya looked at me I thought she was going to say what was really happening that I had not done anything to her and that everything was false but instead she affirmed what her mother had said that man abused me several times not a shred of doubt in her eyes pure hatred could be seen I never thought my daughter could do such a thing we had our fights like any other family but to reach the point of falsely accusing me of abuse was unforgivable in the days following the accusation my world fell
apart my best friend Mario someone who had been like a brother to me since high school did not even bother to ask me if it was true the words he said to me were like knives Edward this is unforgivable I cannot associate with someone like you he told me over the phone his voice cold and distant Mario you know me better than anyone do you really think I am capable of something like that I begged him but he simply avoided my gaze through the phone line I do not know what to think he replied before
hanging up the phone forever the betrayals did not only come from friends even my own family turned their backs on me my parents those who had always supported me unconditionally looked at me with disdain we cannot believe you did this Eduardo How Could You My Mother Said through tears well my father looked at me with a mixture of horror and disappointment I tried to explain to them I tried to reason with them but their hearts were already full of doubts Natalia's words had been enough to tear down years of trust and love no one believed
me my life fell apart with a speed I could not comprehend at the time I lost my job I could no longer go out the places I used to frequent regularly were gradually restricted to me the hotel I was staying at threw me out as if I had really committed a crime my daughter began to spread the story more and more until it reached the local news where they branded me a child abuser I had the whole city against me for something I never did I tried to talk to my daughter and my wife but
they just put on a show to get attention I tried several times to ask my daughter why she had done that and she just kept repeating that it was all my fault I really did not understand how I was guilty of something I had not done the pain of betrayal intensified inside me but despite everything I did not come to completely hate my wife much less my daughter I remember one day while I was in a shelter trying to eat something since because of what was happening I had not eaten anything at all hunger had
not knocked on my door only Despair and tragedy I received a summons the paper read Dear Mr Peterson please appear on April 17th at 1:00 p.m. at the Detention Center to begin your trial I always thought these kinds of things were more formal and with more eloquent terms but apparently they believed I was an abuser and an idiot I continued reading failure to appear will be taken as contempt of court and you will be given another much harsher sentence so for your own well-being please appear sincerely chief judge of the Detention Center when I finished
reading the summons I did not know if it was an order a warning or if they were already in fting me what was clear was that winning this was not going to be easy a few days before the appointment I had spoken with my lawyer and unlike many of my friends and family Mr Miguel believed in my innocence he had been with me through all the ups and downs of life in the last 10 years we went through countless difficult situations together we had forged a bond that goes beyond just lawyer client he was like
my brother from another mother I am not going to lie to you he began I want you to be honest with me based on that I will decide whether to support you or let you die you decide he told me with a look that pierced every corner of my body then he looked me straight in the eyes and fired the shot as if he were a war veteran firing a rifled did you do something you regret to Natalya he said it with a cold tone you could almost feel his hostility I did not answer without
taking my eyes off his I could never do that to my own daughter his face doubled as if for a moment he had distrusted me but then he replied okay I believe you my surprised face amused him he began to laugh incredulously at what happened I asked him what he was laughing at and he said your face boy you should see it he said almost choking on his saliva I looked at him with a sigh of relief at least I have someone who believes in my innocence we had a long talk we talked about all
the things that could go against us and how we could attack we had plenty of evidence our victory was on its way when the day of the trial arrived we met Monica and Natalia they had put on a Hollywood worthy theatrical performance they had put on black clothes their faces covered with a long Veil where you could barely see their faces and they were crying it was a movie scene for a second I thought about approaching them and trying to talk to them but my lawyer Miguel advised me that it was better to keep my
distance I listened to him and we went to the courtroom while they continued to attract the cameras and spotlights that had gathered for the most famous case happening in the city the trial was a farce from the beginning my daughter's accusation was so forceful and the drama she presented before the judge so convincing that the prosecutor needed nothing more than her words to begin his attack my lawyer a man with years of experience fought Against All Odds to present the truth but it was not enough Miss Natalya could you detail the events that led to
your complaint my lawyer asked patiently she sobbed theatrically her tears falling hard before answering he would come into my room every night and do horrible things to me she would pause as she told the story to cry and wipe away her tears then she continued he would torture me and if I did not let him do what he wanted he would tell me he was going to take it out on my mom as Natalia spoke I kept looking at her my eyes filling with tears of sadness of disappointment the girl I loved most was betraying
me and I did not know what I had done wrong it was very frustrating every word from Natalya hit me like a pun in the stomach do you have any physical evidence to support these accusations my lawyer insisted no but I know what happened and I cannot keep quiet anymore she replied firmly the judge looked at me with an anger that could be felt miles away and asked me is what she is saying true no sir I replied in a strong tone but without shouting then why is your daughter saying all those things is she
lying I did not know what to answer seeing my silence one of the people sitting next to Natalia shouted damn rapist I looked at him confused then another followed you should die in prison so you pay for everything you did to the little girl what did I do to her but if I did not do anything to her I shouted my voice almost choked by my crying the judge banged the table with the gavl and called for order then he looked at me sighed and said scum like you should rot behind bars I was shocked
to hear the judge's words my lawyer tried to reply but it was no longer valid the session continued well tell me your evidence although I do not think it will change much of what has been said by your daughter remember he said shouting and looking at everyone children Never Lie your honor I began unlike you who are judging me without knowing and without evidence Dash shut up and get to the point or I will give you the sentence right now the judge interrupted me I took a deep breath and continued I have not done anything
wrong to my daughter I have only loved protected and cared for her I do not understand where this came from I was interrupted by a scream from Natalia saying it was a lie that I always forced her to do countless horrible things against her will I looked at the judge and could see how his anger was increasing I could not believe she was doing that before the judge could say a word I looked at Natalya and shouted what did I do to you to make you hate me so much Natalya I do not understand I
always loved you and took care of you I never did anything you are accusing me of I could see for a few seconds how sadness and regret were betrayed on her face the judge influenced by the emotionality of the situation and my daughter's words ignored the lack of concrete evidence returned to your seat sir he told me his tone is cold as ice I returned to my seat and the judge said seeing the contendant evidence that has been presented in this session and the few consistencies and some others for a moment I thought he was
going to agree with me that all the above was just a play to see my attitude I could not be more wrong I find you guilty of the charges of abuse assault and subjugation against a minor and you are sentenced to 15 years in New York state prison and with that I declare this case closed he finished banging his gavel on the table when he said that I could see sadness Despair and regret passed before my eyes my daughter or the one I considered as such until that moment moment laughed and enjoyed such victory in
front of me it was a heartbreaking scene from that moment on I knew that my whole life would change when I saw Monica approach Natalia and congratulate her with joy I could feel resentment and hatred taking hold in my heart I never thought I would come to experience such feelings against my wife and daughter but there they were emerging like a seed germinating in Fertile ground when the police arrived they put the handcuffs on me and were going to remove me from the room as I passed by Monica and Natalya I said I swear you
will regret what you did to me I am innocent and you know it you are demons a policeman grabbed a baton and hit me leaving me unconscious on the floor up to that point I do not remember much of what happened next when I woke up I was in a hospital bed I thought that maybe what had happened to me had just been a dream and nothing more but then the nurse looked at me and said how are you doing recruit number 23679 927 my body Panic fear began to run through every part of me
fine I replied excellent she replied rest a little longer and then they will take you to your cell I could not believe it was this really happening to me was it real what this guard just told me I asked myself but I do not understand what happened how did this happen I asked naively the guard replied apparently your daughter withdrew the lawsuit you have a wonderful daughter he said with a laugh wonderful daughter I thought my daughter was not wonderful at all she was just a capricious girl who if she did not get what she
wanted would blame others and make them pay that is what I realized in The Last 5 Years I spent in prison I now understood everything perfectly it had all been because of that time I did not let her go out with her boyfriend Lucas but that did not matter anymore now I could return to freedom I could finally get out of that damn place when the day of my release arrived I had collected my things and carried everything in my small bag it was not like I had much anyway I walked to the exit outside
they were there Monica and Natalya they both seemed repentant tears streaming down their faces I did not understand anything about the show they were putting on they approached me and Natalya tried to give me a hug I pushed her away without throwing her to the ground why the show I do not understand what you were trying to do but I will not fall for your little games I said in a cold and somber tone they looked at each other confused as if they were expecting a different reaction from me you thought that by getting me
out of prison after having falsely accused me I was going to forgive you that everything would be as if nothing had happened I said looking them in the eyes you must be really stupid to even think about something like that Natalya cried and begged me on her knees to please forgive her that it had all been a mistake of a capricious girl mistake of a capricious girl I said shouting I spent 5 years in prison because of your stupidity they did horrible things to me in there and you think a simple apology is going to
fix everything do not be an idiot Natalia Monica looked at me surprised she never thought I could talk to our daughter like that even I was surprised for the last 10 years I had been the calm and loving father the perfect husband but that changed after the accusation the hatred I felt in my heart could not be calmed with a few simple shouts I needed Revenge I needed to make them pay for everything they had put me through that day I left without saying anything else both Natalya and Monica begged me for forgiveness but I
was focused on what I wanted to do and forgiving them was not one of my priorities the first few days after leaving prison were really difficult I could not find a job since my reputation was completely tarnished by past mistakes mistakes I never made but that marked my life like a scar despite everything I was able to find a job on a farm on the outskirts of the city the pay was not really good but it was the best place to start my job was simple feed some animals and be attentive if anything needed changing
or repairing although my profession was not exactly that it was something similar well if you change creating construction plans for cleaning cow manure let us just say it was not so bad for a start after some time the owners of the land began to take a liking to me that I never felt even in my own family it was strange because I felt understood and not judged everything was going well I was doing my job wonderfully and unlike the first few months I was no longer taking care of the manure now I was supervising I
had climbed several positions and earned the trust of the owners I even started a relationship with their daughter Anna Anna was a wonderful girl she looked like an angel she took care of me like no other woman had in my life she was the perfect woman for me and although at first I was afraid to tell her about everything I had been through I decided that if I wanted to do things right I had to face the monsters that haunted me but her reaction left me stunned instead of judging me and calling me an abuser
as many of the other women I had tried to rebuild my life with had done she believed me and that filled me with amazing happiness I felt cared for protected for the first time it felt really good that someone believed me although it was to be expected since before applying for the job the first thing I did was talk to her parents sincerely thank you for accepting me but before I start or say anything I want you to know the truth about my past and although for a moment I hesitated to continue telling them I
decided that if I wanted to move forward I had to be totally honest I was falsely accused of abuse by my own daughter and wife silence invaded the room they both looked at each other I was already mentally preparing myself for rejection when Mr viua asked me and is that true no sir I answered quickly it was all a fabrication of my capricious daughter because once I did not let her go out with her boyfriend since her boyfriend seemed like a bad influence for her but she ended up accusing me of abuse uncertainty could be
seen on his face I already knew how this would end with me being thrown out like a garbage bag into the street and back to my hellish life I began to mentally prepare myself little by little so that the blow of reality would not be so strong but their reaction was quite the opposite we believe you Peterson they replied softly surprised I looked them in the eyes and said do you really believe me yes you seem like a good guy you do not look like the kind of man who goes around abusing women or doing
bad things that day I cried inconsolably in the small room they had given me to live in they were the first people who did not judge me without knowing me who believed me I felt joy in my being and so time went by I had started a relationship with Anna and we were living very well I L A Quiet life away from the bad memor memories of the past but that would change one morning when I received a summon from the court another damn time I get a summon it was from Monica and Natalya they
wanted me to appear to pay child support for the years I spent in prison and could not take care of Natalya damn it this must be a joke I shouted what devilish women I never thought they could go to these extremes but one thing was clear this time I was not going to lose like I had the previous time this time would be my Vindication I talked to Anna and her parents and they agreed to help me in any way they could I could not be happier about that I considered them my true family thus
the days went by and the day of the trial arrived Monica seemed happy she looked radiant she was wearing high heels that highlighted her black dress she looked like a typical soap opera actress I could not say the same for Natalya she seemed more careless wearing a blue sweatshirt and simple pants but what surprised me the most was her face it was marked with sadness a lament perhaps perhaps because of all the pain and suffering she made me go through while I was in prison I thought I did not give it much importance and sat
down in my seat waiting for the judge to arrive this time it was not going to be the same unlike the first time I asked for the judge to be changed since his previous performance was not correct and believing a child just for being a child is not right many times children lie just to get what they want and if they do not they put on a whining act and that makes adults believe believe wholeheartedly what they say even when they are wrong as happened in my trial in that seat would be an experienced and
renowned judge handling our case and that is how the process began apparently she was filing a lawsuit against me for child support and although it seemed absurd I decided to go along and let her finish I did not want to make the same mistakes of the past and be called an idiot or some other similar noun the process was quite long and the lawyers jumped into the field with their best arguments or so I would like to say but the reality was different Monica's lawyers ensured that I would pay child support their arguments were that
I failed to fulfill my duties as a father while I was in as you hear it in prison paying for an act I did not commit you cannot be more stupid I thought my lawyers retorted saying your honor how can they expect my client to pay for something when he was in prison it is illogical Monica's lawyers looked at each other without knowing what to say it was fascinating to see them so scared and confused for a moment I looked at Natalia unlike Monica Natalya was sad you could see the regret and disappointment on her
face I did not understand why and I did not care much either I no longer considered her my daughter and only saw her as a person who had completely ruined my life the discussion between my lawyers and Monica continued for a good while until Natalia shouted enough I am tired of this I do not want to continue the room fell completely silent everyone waited for the next words that were going to come out of Natalya's mouth Monica tried to silence her but Natalya ignored her and continued I just want my father's forgiveness I do not
want money I do not want anything I just want his forgiveness she paused and looked at me with tears in her eyes and said Dad please forgive me I am really sorry I am very sorry my eyes began to tear up although I felt hatred for her I also felt love I had Never Stopped Loving Her But as much as I wanted to I could not simply forgive her without more I looked at her coldly and said I am very sorry Natalya but I cannot I cannot forgive you I suffered a lot in prison you
ruined my life just because of a whim a simple apology is not going to fix things I turned my head towards the judge and he without prolonging the scene further said Mr Peterson I understand that hatred May re in your heart but remember that there can always be rejoicing and Reconciliation I interrupted him and said your honor although I understand your point I do not think that is for me right now please respect my decision the judge looked at me and with a deep sigh said although I cannot do much for you Natalya I can
only assure you a hug from your father would you accept Mr Peterson no I replied coldly Mr Peterson even if you do not want to you must accept that she is your daughter and even if she made that mistake you must love her come Natalya he called her come and give your father a hug I looked at him disapprovingly I am not going to hug anyone it feels like the Arctic okay Mr Peterson no one can force you what you can do is let your daughter hug you I Stood Still while Natalia squeezed Me In
Her Arms although for a moment I came to feel a little happiness everything vanished when I remembered all the torment I had gone through it was real and very up when the hug was over Natalya said to me Daddy I am sorry I am really sorry I did not say anything and went back to my seat she did the same well continued the judge since the atmosphere seems to be a little calmer let us finish this even if you do not want to pay child support it is your duty as her father and you must
fulfill it so you must give your daughter 35% of your salary monthly for The Last 5 Years I looked at him with hatred but I did say anything if that got rid of those two demons it was just a little money and so it is okay your honor I interrupted him before he slammed the table with his gavl I also want a restraining order everyone looked at me incredulously they thought that a simple hug and apology was going to make everything right the judge sighed and said okay I will give you a restraining order of
20 M but only for 6 months while you sort out your situation and go to a psychologist he finished banging the table although it did not seem like a victory I felt it as such I would not see the women who had ruined my life again and I would start my life peacefully with the people who really mattered to me the weeks passed and my life seemed to be on the right track little by little I was getting my life and my confidence back my girlfriend Anna was a fundamental pillar in my new beginning she
always showed me the support that at some point I wanted to see so much from my family and from Monica I felt ful filed I did not have luxuries to spare nor did I have a lot of money but I had what many would wish for my freedom from those horrendous women my job felt like a dream the serenity with which I led my life was very relaxing I had not felt this sensation in years and I wanted to keep it for the first time in years I felt that everything I had been through was
worth it maybe life was not so bad it was starting to smile at me and so time went by and I continued to be happy with my new life I thought nothing could ruin my moment of Happiness until Anna brought me a letter Peter look what they just sent you from the Detention Center she said on her face you could see how worry and despair went hand in hand I looked at her confused I do not understand what is this about I asked apparently the words caught in her throat they are suing you for the
third time but now it seems to be really serious if in this case you are found guilty they can give you either the maximum penalty or life imprisonment when she finished saying that she looked at me her eyes filled with tears I knew that the maximum penalty was a sentence that no one would want to live or at least go through since after being sentenced to the maximum penalty your life would end instantly it would be taken from you the maximum penalty was death I was silent for a moment the chill of the news ran
through my body like a cold winter wind I thought that after the last encounter we had everything would be settled they won money and I won my freedom but it seems they wanted more however this time everything would be different this time I would make them pay make them regret what they had done to me and everything I had to go through I thought about leaving things as they were but if they wanted War they were going to get it I talked to an his parents and they recommended a good lawyer he was a man
who had won all his cases he was known for his indomitable reputation when representing his clients he always made his opponents kneel before him that was the kind of man I needed for this job when I met with the lawyer I told him everything that had happened to me both before and after going to prison his cold and calculating personality left me a little intrigued I did not know if he was going to believe me or just throw me out on the street like a smelly dog after finishing my story I looked at him and
asked would you be willing to take my case Mr Bellini Mr Bellini was a man who besides being cold and calculating was very calm he was so calm that many times he even made the people people around him uncomfortable he looked at me and paused then he said do you think I would have you here today if I had not accepted your case his strong tone that marked Authority made me shrink in my seat I felt that the whole chair suddenly became smaller uh excuse me sir I do not understand what you mean I said
softly you mean you were planning on taking my case from the beginning Mr Bellini looked at me and laughed his scandalous laughter echoed in my ears and echoed throughout the room do not be stupid boy I am not a man who throws his trust at the first stranger who shows up at his door clamoring for help this was a request from my old friend heli he says smiling ah I was already clear about that Anna's father had interceded for me he made things much easier for me without further Ado we went straight to the point
Mr bini I came before you today to ask for your help I paused and took a deep breath before continuing I want you to help me destroy my ex-wife and my daughter I can no longer stand having them seeing them or hearing things about them he looked at me and asked are you sure that is what you want look once I start the job there is no turning back I looked at him for a few seconds rethinking what I had asked him I no longer knew if I really wanted that then Mr Bellini interrupted me
in the middle of my thoughts and said your wife I can finish her from what I see she is the one taking the most advantage of the situation but your daughter he he paused much longer than the previous ones he had made and then continued well she is your daughter you tell me if you really want me to destroy her too you have a week to think things over and tell me you really want her to suffer I asked myself for a few seconds I almost backed down from the idea but I remembered the years
of suffering that I had to go through because of her yes it was not just a matter of Freedom now it was Revenge I looked at him fixedly and without hesitation I said I have nothing to think about make her suffer too let her feel a little of the pain that I had to endure because of her I did not know what surprised me more if it was my own tone or the words that had just come out of my mouth but what I did know was that I was not going to back down once
again the Revenge plan is simple we silenced them we win when I heard him say that I laughed so hard that it could be heard from where we were which was the 10th floor down to the first floor of the building Mr Bellini's face showed no signs that what he had said had been a joke he looked at me as a lion looks at a herir it is about to eat excuse me I said and let him continue his face showed that he was not joking and what he said should be respected then he looked
me in the eyes and slowly approached where I was and said you see how easy it is to win against an opponent who thinks he is everything served on a silver platter and lets his guard down I looked at him confused I had no idea if what he was saying was good or bad or if he was threatening me but what I was clear about was was that with this man I was not going to lose we talked and he asked me for details of my relationship with my daughter and my ex-wife how I got
along with them relevant details that could give him ideas on how to Counterattack and defeat them but everything I told him believing it to be important information turned out to be complete garbage his patience was starting to wear thin his face showed it but in the midst of my darkness a light appeared I told them about Lucas the boy because of whom all this happened and that was my winning card when he heard in depth what had happened between him and my daughter he was able to put the pieces together and create the master plan
the day of the trial arrived I was a little nervous I trusted Mr bini's ability but I still felt like something was not right Anna and her family accompanied me they were the family that had really supported me all this time and had believed in me and the craziest thing is they still did they were my guardian angel in this whole hellish story when we arrived at the courthouse we could see dozens of people gathered people unrelated to all of this they were just there to report on the possible accusations against me and to smear
me I could see that she was not famous or maybe she was famous since she had gained Fame based on lies and deceit it was Monica who was being interviewed she seemed very happy to see how the spotlight was on her next to her Natalia seemed sad her gaze pointed at the ground maybe she felt the weight of everything she had cost I said to myself when the journalist saw me without paying more attention they cornered me and started asking me questions how could you do that to your own daughter you were sick all men
like you were bad damn it all women must be respected and especially children die abuser and so they continued for a long time they would not let me answer all the accusations they were making against me it was not until a woman who seemed to illuminate among all those crazy people who shouted without knowing asked me what do you have to say to all the accusations you have been charged with her soft but unwavering tone left me perplexed I did not know there were people who gave the opportunity to respond the people around her looked
at her as if she were a strange freak but she did not care she was going to do her job and she was doing it very well when I answered and said what had really happened Monica started her classic show it is all a farce by that man he had us under threat for a long time and told us that if we spoke he would kill us you must not believe him she cried inconsolably that caught the Public's attention even more and they went back to what they had initially branded me as a rapist I
did not want to give it any more importance and decided to go in and end this hell but before turning around I shouted loudly so that everyone present could hear even those who were at home watching everything on television when I get out of here it will be known who was telling the truth and who was lying and I swear that all those who never believed me will regret it I finished saying and I turned to start my path towards the freedom I so longed for the fight was really hard the arguments of both lawyers
ERS were strong and credible but what struck me most was the amount of false evidence they had gathered it was something out of this world the judge banned his gavl for the fifth time in aote a call for silence after my lawyer had given them an infallible argument and Monica's lawyers as well as Monica herself went into desperation my lawyer and I just laughed at how miserable they looked at that precise moment then Mr bini continued miss Monica could you describe in your own words how you were tortured by my client of course you do
not have to give details you just have to say something convincing for everyone that is all Monica did not know what to say or do and it was to be expected I always treated her like the only woman in my life I would give my life for her and wanted both her and Natalya to live a life full of peace and Tranquility Monica swallowed and then began between sobs he at night he would grab me by the neck and slap me he told me that if I did not accept his requests next time it would
be worse it was very hard and very terrible the life I led with that man my lawyer interrupted her but I do not understand why you did not file a lawsuit why did you wait so long to do it because he had me threatened and he said that no one would believe me I would just look like an idiot Monica could see her Victory just around the corner she already felt that I was going to rot in prison but then Mr Bellini resumed are you sure that happened Mrs Monica what do you mean Mr lawyer
how could anyone doubt a woman or a child you are crazy simple says Mr Bellini the evidence you presented in the session you had when Mr Peterson was convicted appears to be incomplete it appears he paused passing the papers to the judge it appears to be false false how is it false did not you dare call me or my daughter a liar Mr lawyer no no I do not dare to do that I do it Miss Monica we did an investigation and found that the judge who participated in your case had been an accomplice in
that session something strange is not it what do you mean Monica asked you could see how fear took over every expression on her face as you hear it Monica the judge was complicit in that crime at this moment the judge is out of town and although they are trying to track him down he does not seem to have left any Trace except for you miss Monica do not you think that is strange says Mr balini without taking his eyes off monicaa it was incredible to see how her lie was falling apart little by little on
my face you could draw a smile that reached from end to end meanwhile Monica did not know what to do or say her lawyers tried to deny what Mr bini was saying but the judge did not allow them to do so he knew that their whole little game was coming to an end the judge after seeing my lawyer words and appreciating how Monica cried inconsolably addressed me well Mr Peterson I want to hear from you now if the accusations that have been presented to me are valid I looked at him incredulously in the previous case
the judge only called me in abuser or lashed out at me without even giving me a chance to defend myself but this judge was different his face emanated light wisdom and above all security I felt calm not judged I looked him in the eyes and began your honor the women you can see there were the cause of all my pain and suffering as my lawyer mentioned in the reports he gave you while I was in prison I was the target of much abuse both physical and mental I lived a hard life thanks to those women
many times after the Aber they did to me in prison I wish to die I had nothing to live for but despite everything I endured it and today I thank these people I said pointing to Anna's family who were behind me who gave me their vote of confidence and unlike them I pointed to my family my siblings my mother and father who without prior notice believed those two women an argument began among my family they called me ungrateful a bad son and many other things but what angered me was my father calling me a pedophile
that hurt me deeply with that I knew that I would never count on them again all the hope I once had had vanished hearing such words the judge banged the table with his gavel calling for order since the room had erupted in an astonishing noise after my intervention the judge asked me to speak again when I did I finished by saying and although I had hoped that maybe Natalya and Monica would reconsider what they had done I realized that was not the case your honor I asked for justice for my life I want the women
who made me suffer to feel a little of their own medicine everyone looked at me incredulously Monica Natalya and my family called me crazy and insane I found it funny they were talking without knowing as most people do I went back to my seat the judge took a deep breath and released it forcefully then he continued seeing the evidence previously presented he paused and continued I consider Mr Peterson innocent of all the charges against him the room erupted into complete disorder my family kept shouting and saying how it was possible that they were letting a
criminal Go free Monica cried and put on her classic show wanting to attract attention the judge interrupted by banging his gavl he then added miss Monica and young Natalia you two will not go unpunished for this situation both Monica and Natalya looked at each other confused the judge continued you two must pay for the crime of falsely accusing a person damaging their reputation and attempting to take advantage of them which doing the calculation he hesitated before saying results in many years in prison and since Natalia is still a minor she will spend the rest of
her time in a juvenile detention center and then she will be transferred to prison I hope you are happy with what you have caused because the consequences were terrible he finished banging his gavel on the table I felt a sense of relief hearing those words I felt that finally my life was reaching the peace I longed for I congratulated my lawyer for his hard work but when I looked at where Monica and Natalya were I could see despair on their faces I felt a little sorry but it was what they had cost they tried to
deceive me and accuse me of something I had not done now it was their turn to see the price of their actions Natalya ran out leaving the officers who were putting handcuffs on her I saw her heading towards where I was when I had her close I felt a wave of emotions hatred resentment but also love and Nostalgia she was still my daughter and that could not change I looked her in the eyes and could see regret what do you want Natalia I asked directly she answered me instantly I want your forgiveness Dad I know
I did bad things but I do not want to spend my whole life like this I want to go back to how we were before when everything was perfect I interrupted her saying that not everything in life is perfect many times people end up showing their true intentions in moments of anger Rage or disappointment and she had done so when she falsely accused me of having touched her her heartbroken crying almost touched my heart but I resisted I turned my back and left the room as I watched them take her away it was a painful
scene but I knew that sooner or later I had to live it over time I was able to start my own family and I live a quiet life it has been more than 5 years since I last saw my daughter and ex-wife I now have two children the youngest is called Emily and my eldest son Jose I married Anna and the four of us live happily I started my own business and am living my dream life alongside the people I love most on the other hand I do not know anything about my family many times
they tried to contact me or Anna but I told them that they were no longer part of my life I did not want them near me several times they tried to justify themselves and say that I should understand them that they were not to blame everything was very sudden and since Natalya was a woman and a child they had to believe her since children Never Lie those words forged an abysmal Fury in me I kindly asked them not to contact me again and that I would not let them my children they called me ungrateful but
I did not care at all what they said anymore I wanted a new life where toxic people like them were never around on the other hand about Natalya and Monica I only know what some acquaintance told me their sentence had been shortened for good behavior but despite that they were having a hard time they were suffering a lot and it was to be expected prison was a dark and cold place I would not wish it on anyone but if that was the punishment they had to have then it was necessary every one must be punished
if they do something wrong and that was their punishment for the years of suffering I went through follow me for more stories and to grow as a community