selling digital products was one of the best decisions that I made it took me from being Brokey broke broke broke to making over six figures with my products that's why I love teaching this information and I teach it for free because it could be the key to financial Independence for a lot of you watching if you're willing to put in the work now before it was hard because you had to do everything yourself but now we have ai to help us make the money literally any amount of money that we want you don't have to
pay any mentors you don't have to buy any courses you don't need to do anything but ask chat gbt a few questions now before you probably didn't know the right questions to ask which is why you're in the financial position that you're in right now but don't worry I'm going to break it down in this video it's going to be step by step and by the end you will have the exact business plan to launch a successful digital product so this is the third video I've made about how to you know use chat gbt to
sell digital products but honestly think this one is the most important because everybody always asks me how do I Market my product how do I bring traffic you know it doesn't matter if you just create a product if nobody's on your website to buy it well this is the best video that you're going to watch about that because it's all about how to use chat TBT to learn how to Market and sell your digital product for people who are like I don't even know where to start I don't even know what I would ask chat
gbt well that's why came up with this really easy beginner prompt that we can use what questions about marketing and driving traffic might someone have who is selling digital products when you're using chat gbt I want you to use it like a personal assistant there is no question that is you know too simple to ask it just be like you don't know what to ask okay ask it what to ask and chat gbt gave me a list of the top 40 questions that someone in your position might ask so this is the digital product that
I created when I started it is a hair growth ebook specifically about arvic hair care right so these are some of the things that is inside of it a question that I might have about bringing traffic is like what is the best social media platform to you know promote my digital product so I'm going to fill in information about my own product so I'm going to say you know my product is a hair growth ebook if you guys don't have a product yet that's okay just be like okay this is my Niche or this is
what I'm thinking of selling or if you have multiple interest you can say I have multiple interests you know what platform is the best for each of those interests so let's see what chat gbt comes up with right now so chat gbt is going to tell us YouTube is the best which is actually the one that I started on and I just made videos showing how I did my hair care routine it's also going to say Pinterest because we can make infographics before and afters step-by-step guides and Link people to our product page it's also
going to say you know Instagram Tik Tok Reddit core all the stuff but I just want to look at the top two because obviously Chachi BT thought those were the most important for a reason Chachi BT is also recommending us some paid platforms like Facebook and Instagram ads for faster results now if you have money but no time you're going to want to use ads in chat TBT says Facebook and Instagram ads as well as Tik Tok are going to be the best if you have time but no money then you're going to want to
do something like YouTube or Pinterest right that's how you know where you fall into so I'll go further and I'll say I have a goal of $55,000 a month I'm thinking of posting on Pinterest and YouTube could you give me a 30-day strategy with what to post as well as how to use AI to help me because I'm a busy girl from here chat gbt is actually breaking down everything so we have we need 125 sales a month four sales a day it's telling us that this is our exact traffic strategy and it's even going
to give us some AI tool ideas and look at everything it's saying post an infographic day one about the top 10 best aric herbs posted personal testimony for the second pen and it's giving you you all the exact titles that you need to use and it's going to do the exact same thing for YouTube Here's the video ideas to post so we no longer have the excuse of I don't know what to post I don't know how to do this I'm not a social media person right there's zero excuse because you can get down to
such a specific level with chat gbt and that's what I wanted to show you guys today and now it's giving us tips for you know how to make this completely or is automated as possible using AI so it's saying use chat GPT for the for the script writing and you need to tell it exactly write a 5 minute YouTube script on this topic for the thumbnail design you can use canva if you don't even want to have your voice you can do the voice over with 11 Labs you can use the TU budy or viq
AI for video ideas do you see how this is easier than ever it doesn't even stop there it's going to tell us our weekly breakdown for a busy schedule so it's saying on Monday here's what you need to do on Tuesday here's what you need to do right there's so much we have a plan every single day so that I don't know is not a good excuse anymore it's even telling us exactly what we need to do so we need to get 10K views a month this is going to bring us 25 buyers on Pinterest
we need 50k this is going to give us 2,000 clicks so I'm going to say like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 50K monthly views is crazy how do I even get that I need you to break this down like I'm five because I'm scared right now CH chat gbt like girl breathe okay this sounds scary but it's not as hard as it seems and then it's going to break down all the steps that you need to do to get 50k monthly views on print Pinterest and to reach your goal now when it comes to you
know selling a product when we get all this traffic from Pinterest and YouTube after that we need to direct them somewhere now I used to sell an Etsy and you know my shop got shut down and that's why I always recommend selling on your own website with other website Builders like Shopify and Etsy the cost really does add up that's why I like hosting her because it's super affordable so for example with their business plan it starts at just $3.99 a month for the 48-month term and this gets you um up to a 100 websites
free email it get you the AI website builder the AI writer blog generator image generator and it gets you e-commerce features for example 0% transaction fees which if you've ever used Etsy you know like the transaction fees are so high and so for this plan all you need to do is click on choose plan and you can choose your term length so whether it's 48 months 24 months 12 months 1 month um just know that 48 months is going to get you the biggest discount and if you use my coupon on code energy then you
can get an extra discount you do need to pay this price up front for whatever you know period that you choose so if you want to do the one month plan do the one month but I suggest a 48-month just to get out of the way and for the next four years you have up to 100 websites that you could create press continue and we're ready to start building our website with hostinger you don't have to be a techy person you can just use the AI to help build your website so enter in your brand
name so I'm just going to say hair Guru when it comes to your description the more descriptive you are the better so I said I'm at agravic Hair Care brand selling digital products for hair growth tips and hair growth natural recipes and then you can go ahead and click on create a website and the AI just takes a few seconds maybe like 30 seconds is to create your website for the website the AI is going to give you like a rough draft you can change any of the colors here but we're going to customize it
more by pressing on continue and then we can edit anything that that we want so I'm going to edit this video for example by clicking on edit section and then replace video and hostinger has a bunch of videos and pictures that are free that you can choose from so I just switched it to this one because I like it more I could also change you know any of the text that I want to so right now hostinger just has like these placeholder things but I'm going to customize it by adding my own product so I'm
going to click on manage store add your product product and there's a bunch of products that we can choose from physical digital appointments but I'm just going to press on digital product and from here we can add all of our information but hostinger makes it super easy because if we just like upload some pictures of our product by clicking here upload images and then we click on generate product details the AI is actually going to fill in all of this information for us and to add your actual product just go down here to digital product
and upload files and hostinger is going to send your customer an email with the link to download your files whenever they purchase so it's pretty passive after that if you want to sign up for hostinger the link for that will be in my description thank you so much to hostinger for sponsoring this part of the video now I want to walk you quickly through how you would make something like an ebook I have a full tutorial on how to create an ebook um so I'll link that video in the description box down below but I'll
give you an overview now and again you don't have to sell ebooks you can sell courses you could sell templates you can sell you know checklist or music or whatever it's just ebook is the first one that I made so I like to use it as an example I would go to canva and I would type in ebook and you see that canva has all of these templates now for the templates there's ones that are actually for like a proper book like this one but I wouldn't really use that I would use something like this
this one Finance basics for women because it's going to be laid out exactly like you know the type of ebook that you would want to create like you know pictures and stuff infographics very simple because if you look like at the inside of my um ebook for example it looks almost exactly like you know this template with just a picture and some words and stuff like that so from here it's very easy to just press customize this template and just enter your own you know information in the text and that's how you're going to be
able to get this done in like a weekend but we can also use chat gbt to help us with this so I could say you know for my hair growth ebook create me an outline of the best things to include to teach people what I also as chat TBT is suggest how I can Max my value to charge $40 because a lot of people are like well I don't understand why people would pay you know $40 for that which is the price that I sold it okay just ask chaty BT because we don't want to
lower our price we want to raise our value because the higher you can price things the easier it's going to be for you to reach your goal like I started selling my ebook for $5 I would have never hit six figures if I had stayed at $5 like and thankfully I raised it to $40 and was able to make I think I made like 20K off of that book or something um before Etsy shut it down and I couldn't be bothered to sell it anymore so chat TBT is saying add printable guides checklist exclusive recipes
we can make our book look high-end we can focus on the transformation so not just what to do um we want readers to feel empowered and actually see results so then it's going to say break all this down AR uaic science why it works the hair growth routine the scalp treatments that you want to do the herbs and natural remedies even going down to are you a diet lifestyle and Stress Management right all of these things creating a hair growth success plan and then we have our bonus section with a hair growth workbook guided journaling
and progress tracker we have a checklist we have a discount code on aridic hair products if I want to go and create a partnership or you know I could even have an exclusive community and so it tells us why it justifies a $40 price tag and then it can say hey let's design it in Cana or we can also use Fiverr so when I'm creating my ebook I would literally just go here you know chapter one welcome and what to expect and then in my ebook when I go to the table of contents I can
just put that right here of course it's going to be you know formatted to your own design because this is an old design um from like 2020 or whatever and I can just fill that in for writing the actual ebook I would always suggest using your own knowledge but we know that you know maybe we're not writers or something so what I would do if you're like I'm not a writer I want chat to help me I would just brain dump everything into chat GPT that you know you can even do something like voice to
text if you're better at speaking than you are at writing brain dump everything and then I would ask chat gbt can you please format this properly for an ebook and then from there you can copy it and paste it into the actual book that way the book sounds like you it doesn't sound too AI but chachy BT is just helping with the formatting you know because we are not all writers so creating an ebook is doing that process over and over you can do a similar process for a course it's just that rather than writing
it down you're just going to have to film you know what you're saying of course which I honestly find easier and then we can download it and add that to our website from there all you have to do is follow the guide that chat GPT gave you you know give people value in your YouTube or your Pinterest post and they can't help but be like oh what else does this person have to offer and then go to your website and download your product I have literally poured my hard out teaching you guys all this digital
product information it's all in this playlist I'll put on the screen if you want to check it out but this is the final digital product video I will be making so if you have any questions leave them down below binge watch the playlist and now the responsibility is on you to actually take action because it works if you work it so work it cuz you're worth it let me know what other type of videos you guys want to see for me and I will see you guys in my next video