you should document your life right now (this is how I'm doing it)

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Wen Huber
Just hit record and started documenting your life. It doesn't have to be complex. Chase your dreams ...
Video Transcript:
all right let's get this Yap session on my life has completely changed just by documenting my everyday life I'm a very small content creator but it's because of content creation that I was able to meet my fiance and I was able to find my career using social media all this to say that you don't need big numbers to be able to achieve great things so just hit record I'll tell you a little bit more about that later in the video but first let's talk about you you're here because you want to create content you want
to document your life you want to get out there but what's stopping you I create content on the side for my personal things but I'm also in corporate and do create content as well just in a different format my perspectives are heavily influenced by two parts of my life the time that I freelanced and worked alongside with creators and the moment that I'm in now which is creating content for companies I think a lot of people want to document or Vlog their life but I believe that they're consumed by their fear and that's prohibiting them
from being able to take action and just start creating content and capturing those like special moments in their life for me I know the biggest thing before anybody creates content they always struggle with this the fear of being perceived the fear of failing the fear of judgment the fear of it not working out it's a totally valid fear like I've gone through this and I'm still going through this as we speak some people may tell you that that to bypass this you just need to ignore the fear I operate a little bit differently okay if
I tell myself just ignore the fear I'm also subconsciously telling myself well I know I'm ignoring the fear I know I'm pretending to ignore the fear but I actually am fearful that approach didn't work for me so what I did instead was telling myself yeah it's kind of scary creating your content and documenting your life and putting on the internet for who knows to see it is a little scary it is like very vulnerable to do and I think that people who aren't scared to do that you know it's a very scary thing so I
think validate the feeling okay understand that what you are doing is absolutely worthy of like feeling that fear okay the problem isn't having the fear the problem is when the fear prevents you from moving when you get so consumed by the fear that you can't hit record that you can't edit a video that you can't hit publish that you can't share it with your friends that's when fear becomes a problem here's how I've addressed this issue first understand that this fear isn't going to disappear in one day okay that's that's the hard truth you're going
to have this fear probably 10 videos in 20 videos in 50 videos in fear is so necessary you can't fight it but you can work alongside it you have to know that your first piece of content is probably not going to be great it's probably not and the moment you can come to that realization and be okay with that is when you'll make a lot more progress is is when you'll start to make progress faster than everybody else instead of thinking about I'm publishing this first video I am so afraid what I did was I
try to think about it like I am posting one video out of a 100 and I can't wait till I get to the point where making videos feels effortless having that long-term thinking can ease the pressure a little bit this pressure of having to be great within your first video your 10 videos your 20 videos it's a lot of pressure and even as someone like myself who creates content relatively consistent I still struggle through this you need to just put in the Reps that's exactly what I doing right now with you I am putting in
my reps I am someone who has been talking about creating content on YouTube and try to figure out the best strategy what tips I should know SEO all these things and that halted me I made no progress I just had a video that I posted two days ago hit 1,000 views which is the first time that I've had a video hit 1,000 views that quickly just because I hit record focus on telling your story in in a way that's authentic results will come and your favorite creators struggle through this too what they do to get
through this though is creating systems so that they don't fail later in the video I'm going to share a very basic blueprint of what I use to create my content and how I structure it out it's really simple it's nothing too complex I'm not going to make you download anything I'm just going to show you it's going to pop it up on the screen um so we'll talk about that in just a moment also when thinking about creating content about your life one thing that a lot of people start to fall into is this trap
of living their life for the content what I mean by that is they might do very particular things that they wouldn't have done ordinarily to try to spice it out for the content but social media has changed a lot and I think people really appreciate the natural raw authentic experiences people want to see that you live a life just like them or that um that they can achieve what you achieve given the same circumstances of their life that they might be living in as well don't live a life for your content live your life as
you would and occasionally just document it along the way I think people will feel really appreciative they'll feel like the content is more genuine um when you have this sort of approach when creating your content and also know that documenting your life does not have to be complex you don't have to research the best strategies you just need to start don't consume yourself with learning the best color grading the best editing the best SEO the best thumbnail certainly these are important things to pay attention to but the first thing that I recommend as a beginner
if you're just starting out is to just start and with each video though you can start to learn about what is needed to improve Maybe maybe the second video you work on uh the thumbnail maybe the third video you work on SEO maybe the fourth video you work on editing I wouldn't suggest trying to frontload so much of that work and research that other creators have done over the span of their career in the beginning of yours take it day by day video by video so if you can take this approach I think you're going
to have a really strong start and I can't wait to see what you create earlier in the video I know I mentioned that I met my fiance through creating content and I want to give a little context to that okay during the pandemic I started creating Tik Tok content and I created content about my life and my experience and this particular video though that I made it was about my situation um and my fiance commented on the video and saying that she had more information and that she could potentially help and I sent her an
Instagram message cuz you can't message on Tik Tok back then that feature did not exist so I sent her a message we met up and then ever since then we have not stopped hanging out and it's been now like 4 years which is crazy time time just has completely uh flown by about 1 and a half months ago is when I proposed to my girlfriend now fiance and that's just a that's a huge example I've also met so many great people some of the strongest relationships I have are with people that I met through content
creation content creation is a way to express yourself and when the algorithm hits right when it does its job it can't connect you with like-minded or different people um that you wouldn't necessarily expect but you can come together and meet people from all around the world you're not just limited to the people you see at your job school um or your grocery store you know you you your your world viiew can truly expand with the relationships that you have documenting my life has also completely influence the work that I do today I'm in the social
media space and by creating content and documenting my life I'm able to demonstrate my storytelling skills demonstrate my video editing skills Dem demonstrate my writing skills publicly and people are able to see this and see the work that I'm putting out they don't have to necess necessarily go to my portfolio in a way because of the nature of my work it is the portfolio a few years ago I was laid off and I didn't know what I was going to do I actually have a video I actually have an entire video about that here which
you can see and I didn't know what to do so I looked at myself and said it's time to do what you do best and that's documenting your life creating content and storytelling picked up the camera filmed my layoff experience published it on link and not expecting a whole ton to happen um 2 days later I get a message from a few people but one person in particular and they said that they wanted to hire me for a potential job because of the work that they saw from my content creation I never even submitted a
resume for this job I'm no longer with this company anymore but it just demonstrates the capability and the power of capturing your perspectives and capturing your life and um putting yourself out there creating content and documenting my life has also just given me a way to express myself it's really hard for me to just sit down and write in a journal and extrapolate the thoughts I have and just I find it a lot easier to just talk to a camera speak say what I'm saying out loud and it's been very helpful and it's even it's
really nice too knowing that the videos that I put out when it connects with people when you put yourself out there you come to find that that you're not the only one a lot of other people are going through very similar things um okay I'm a man of my word I told you I was going to show you the blueprint blueprint such a fancy word uh for how I create my content so here's that blueprint um I'll put a picture up so that you don't have to try to squin your eyes and look at this
but so essentially the content starts with me and I have the content separated by three big topics now I'm actually going to cross out business and switch that with Creator you're watching create this live under health I have gym lifestyle um I have running and then I have General lifestyle under that I have more specific topics like how do I train what's my diet what's the daily routine the slow growth for the next category we have self-help so we have productivity spirituality within that we have mindset tips motivational device um carving your own path for
the next one we have Creator so in this section I would talk about content creation and then maybe something like growing as a Creator I'm going to provide you a clean copy so that you can just screenshot um but this is the basic kind of like structure that I use and it's really helped me break down kind of the ideas and stories that I should be telling because it's really intimidating to figure out what you want to be known for but then I'm also a believer that you don't have to be known for just one
thing pick a few broad categories dive deeper figure out what makes those categories and then within that see if you can find a few ideas that you can put in there and these can be sort of your like North Star the directions that you lean um that you're aiming for when creating content and documenting your life you can absolutely do this you just have to hit record you just have to put in the Reps set realistic goals that you can achieve have fun with it and try not to think about the results too much if
you made it this far right now you should know a little bit about some ways that you can overcome your fears of creating content some best practices when documenting your life and hopefully with the blueprint you can detail some of the content ideas and create a system that works best for you I hope this helps I hope you enjoyed this video and I want to say by the way thank you so much for all the appreciation love and support that um y'all have been giving me the past few videos I've even gotten some DMS on
Instagram at when Huber just people asking me about my take or advice on their life so so I thought maybe that I might address some of those uh DMS publicly I'll blur out the names of course um in a YouTube video so if you have a question or a topic that maybe you don't feel comfortable commenting you can send me a DM at wi Huber and uh we can address it in a video we all have big dream so any way that I can help and uh work alongside with you um just let me know
if this this video inspires you to actually create your first video I would love to know and I would love to support as well so if I can be a small sliver in your story that would mean the world so comment down once you've uploaded all right thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one and peace
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