Treino de EMPURRAR Perfeito! (Baseado em Ciência)

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Laércio Refundini
Como fazer um treino de empurrar perfeito, um treino de peito, ombro e tríceps 🔥Meus Cursos na Musc...
Video Transcript:
There is a training system that brings together all the muscles with a pushing characteristic and puts them all in the same training, and the idea with this is to optimize muscle work. For example, if you are going to work a muscle that pushes, you are already activating the others, if you put them all in the same training, the work is more optimized, in a matter of time and training intensity. We made the pulling video on the channel, now it's time to take those pushing muscles and put them to work.
The 1st on the list will be the chest. But before you do the chest work, I want you to warm up your rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles that stabilize your shoulder. One study looked at, people who do rotator cuff work typically do not have shoulder problems.
I think it's better to do this thing, right? You will do specific rotator cuff work and one important point: I don't want you to fail. If this is the muscle that stabilizes, if it is fatigued, it will stop stabilizing.
However, enough repetitions for you to activate it, make it more connected to stabilize the shoulder. He started to burn his muscles, enough, that's enough, go to the other side, and you keep changing until you do 3 sets and then you'll have this guy ready for training. Now let's move on to the chest exercise?
No. I want you to stretch your chest, let this joint work at its best, you can achieve a large range of movement in the exercises, and this is a very important point for hypertrophy. I'll talk about him in a moment.
Hold for about 20 seconds, and it's important that you do both sides, it will be cool, and you will be ready for training. Now, let's start the chest training itself. When you train chest, and we are talking about all the muscles that push, there will be chest and other muscles too, how do we direct the work specifically to the chest?
When you train your chest, many people end up fatiguing their shoulders sooner than the chest itself. We will do a connection phase. We will make you strongly connect your brain to chest work.
You go to a machine crucifix and you will do only 1 series, and in this series I want you to focus a lot on your chest, to contract it very well, and it doesn't need to be very heavy, it's just so you can connect with it. Detail: I don't want you to fail this exercise. Once the connection is made, you might be thinking: "Wow, so much to prepare for training.
" This is a big difference between people who train and have good results and don't get injured and the vast majority who have average results and end up feeling joint pain. Let's go to the first exercise of the training. I want you to do the dumbbell press on the flat bench.
The idea is, in this exercise, to work the chest as a whole, and there is a recommendation for you: taking one set, two warm-up sets, and this is super important to do with lower loads, of 50% or so , to prepare your muscles and joints to receive a more intense load, I want you to work on this exercise with higher loads, that is, lower repetitions. You will stay in the range of 6, 8 repetitions, because I want you to activate, in this first exercise, the 1st of the 3 forms that most stimulate the muscle to grow, and it is called Mechanical Tension. The fact that you put a lot of load, or at least expose this muscle to a very high tension, and the load will help us with this, causes you to activate pressure receptors in the muscle membrane, and this causes it to be sent a stimulus for the muscle core with the message "Grow up because things here are blurry!
" As in this exercise I want you to work with higher loads, this will tire you more. You can give yourself a rest of 1 and a half minutes, up to 2 minutes, so you can enter the series well rested and perform well in it. In this exercise, you will do 3 sets with this average volume of repetitions, always maintaining a very good technique, but looking for a higher load.
Let's pay attention now to a region of the pectoral that is very difficult to develop: this clavicular part. One: there are few fibers there, and two: it is difficult to activate this thing in a good way without the shoulder getting in the way and taking away work or getting tired first. A strategy that we will use here: instead of doing an incline bench press, which is recommended for the upper part of the chest, I want you to remain in the dumbbell press, but now you will only place the bench at 30°.
We have studies showing that the 45° inclination works the anterior deltoid itself more than the clavicular pectoral. It works the clavicular pectoral , but it works the shoulder more, and if you work the shoulder more, this guy can get tired sooner, and then his chest training will suffer. The 30° bench works your chest much more.
As you already have your chest warmed up and have done this work, you can go to a normal workload. I want you to work with higher repetitions, you can go from 10, 12, up to 15 movements. Of course, the technique is always well done, as much load as you can, respecting this technique.
Here, you can take an average rest of 1 and a half minutes, 2 minutes, depending on how you are feeling. I'm tired, old man. Look: you did a dumbbell press and dumbbell press 30°.
The front of your shoulder has already done a lot of work. It is exactly at this moment that you run the risk of tiring your shoulder before your chest itself. Most people end up feeling this way.
One strategy I'm going to use is to do an exercise that works the chest, but doesn't work the shoulders. This way, we give this shoulder a rest so that it is good for the next exercise and does not harm our development. You will make me the pullover.
"Laércio, is the pullover for the chest or the back? " He works both. You can place it here and it will work very well and will rest your shoulder.
You can choose how to do the pullover, whether you do it with the horizontal bench or whether you do it with the bench across. There's no difference. It will make a difference for you.
What is more comfortable? This exercise works the chest very well, but it has one point of attention. If you complete the movement, bring this weight here on top of your chest, it will rest.
When you are lifting this weight and it reaches the line of your face, it is time to go back, and when you come back, I want you to go down as much as you can, respecting your shoulder joint, because when you stretch this fiber a lot, we have good results with it. I want you to do 3 sets here, and you can stay in this range of 8, 10, 15 movements. A minute and a half is fine.
Remember I talked about the 3 ways to stimulate hypertrophy? We work heavily on mechanical tension, right? Now let's move on to muscle hypoxia.
Basically, it consists of leaving this muscle very tense, very shortened for a long time, which causes it to have little oxygen inside, and develops a whole cascade of GH, which is a great hormone for hypertrophy. You go to the crossover. It's an exercise that works the shoulders too, you know?
But he's rested, he's 10. I want him to do a crossover, the position of your body is important for you to remain completely stable, because those swings cause the work to be wasted. - Kind of shit.
I want you to provide a tip that will make us intensify muscle hypoxia: peak tension. The next time you close, you will hold it there a little more, tighten the muscle more. Consciously, even.
This will generate much more gains, and when you return, I need you to pay close attention to stretching this fiber, because it is exactly at this moment that we will activate our 3rd way of generating a lot of hypertrophy, which is tissue damage. The microlesions. When you stretch the muscle and put tension on that stretch, you hurt it and all of this develops a whole cascade of hypertrophic stimulus.
We call it tissue damage. You need to do this to get the maximum results from this exercise. Just be careful not to force too much this stretch and hurt your shoulder.
1 and a half minutes of rest between sets is enough, you can do sets of 15 movements, up to 20 movements. We are already straying far from a more normal pattern than what you were doing. These changes in volume of repetitions are very good - to generate even more hypertrophy.
- Result is showing. As our training is all the muscles that push, we now go to the shoulder. Didn't I tell you that he already works and we even put in place a strategy to rest him a little so as not to harm his other exercises?
Now it's time to actually work this guy. Pressing with dumbbells, and will leave the bench a little inclined. This will bring comfort to your lower back, and this exercise will work the anterior part of the shoulder very well and also works the pectoral clavicular muscles.
You are doing an exercise that is for the shoulder but also works the chest, especially that area that we want to develop. Add 3 sets here too, 10 repetitions, up to 15, resting for 1 minute, 1 minute and a half, okay. As the purpose of this training is always to optimize the work, we optimized it by working the anterior part of the shoulder, and we will also optimize it by working the lateral part of this deltoid.
Normal lateral raise, with dumbbells. Just be very careful not to move your arm past your shoulder. When this happens, it causes pinching in your joint, and that, in the long term.
. . That's not cool.
It may cause you discomfort there. Another thing I see people getting wrong a lot with lateral raises is trunk movement. Some people end up doing this movement, and this swing already takes work off the shoulder and dissipates it among other muscles.
Our proposal is to optimize work, and not end up wasting work. 3 sets, and at this point I want you to do 15 to 20 repetitions. The lateral deltoids work better with higher reps, and you don't need to rest as much.
1 minute depending on the situation will be enough. But you can go up to a minute and a half if you feel like you need to - because you're still panting. - Is the lateral raise considered a pushing exercise?
Yes, because the muscle pushes. If you stop to think, if there is someone next to you, and you have your hand down, if you want to push that person, you will make a movement - to abduct your arm. - And truth.
The most interesting thing is that to work the lateral part of the shoulder, it's just that one, so we'll do another lateral raise. However, a little different. When you do lateral raises with dumbbells, you will notice that the end of the movement is very heavy, and the beginning of the movement is light, for physical reasons.
Lever, force vector; I'm going to ask you now for an exercise that will complement this lateral elevation. You go to a cable, and instead of doing it with a cable at the bottom, which would be the most conventional, I want you to place the cable at your waist height, which will make the point of least tension in the first lateral elevation will be becoming the point of greatest tension in this lateral elevation, making the two complement each other in a perfect work for the lateral part of your shoulder. It's a matter of looking at training intelligently , and not just looking at exercises like "This one works this muscle", "this one works this one", that's how I work.
And I want to invite you to be my student and experience all of this in more depth within the programs I have on the platform. Muscle 60D is the main one, an entire periodization put together with all this intelligence. You have no idea what a difference it makes there, in your body.
I will also make my entire team of specialists, personal trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists available to you on your WhatsApp. There is a link below so you can learn about the work we do. Take a look at everything you have.
We work the chest, the anterior part of the shoulder, the lateral part of the shoulder. What other muscle do we have here in the torso that also does the work of pushing? The triceps.
He worked with the chest exercises, especially the pullover, it's impressive how he works on the pullover, few people know that, and he worked on his own development. He's already had a considerable amount of work throughout the entire training session. What we're going to do is give him some more exercises, and complete the volume of training he needs.
The first of the best exercises to develop triceps: forehead curls. This exercise has a problem: some people report elbow pain. The ones that don't report pain, I even avoid going through, because it can cause pain down the road.
You will do forehead threads on the pulley. This means that we have all the benefits of this exercise, except for its negative point, which is that it demands too much from the elbow. I want you to work with higher loads.
Remember the whole thing about working with higher loads, lower repetitions, and then changing things up? Let's use it on the triceps, obviously. 3 sets, repetitions of 6 to 12 movements, and you can take a minute and a half break.
We don't want to compromise the series ahead. I now want to give you another exercise for the triceps, and let's change the dynamic. The proposal is to make this muscle stretch a lot, and when we talk about an exercise that stretches a lot, science has shown that these are the best for generating hypertrophy.
How do we stretch this triceps? Doing the position of a Frenchman. This is the exercise I want you to do now, and to change the stimulus, you will do it unilaterally, and as we want to stretch a lot, now do a longer series, 15 repetitions, 20 repetitions, and pay close attention to the stretching.
When you reach the end, let this weight really pull your arm and stretch your muscles a lot. Does it stretch when he's down there? That's when the weight is behind your head.
Here comes a tip that is actually practical: use those smaller benches to do this. If you take that height-adjusting bench , the one you used for the dumbbell press, it won't work. The weight will hit the bench and you will lose what the exercise offers you best, which is stretching.
Use smaller benches and stretch a lot. The range here will change a little. Let's imagine that you are going to do one arm, then the other, you can take a 30 second break, you have done one and when you are doing the other, that one is resting.
Give it 30 seconds, and you can start a new series. You can do 3 series and it will look great. We are going to introduce an exercise now that is an exception to the rule, but it is important to close your entire body.
There will be abs, preferably abdominal machines, because there you can modulate the load, and I want you to train this muscle intensely, and not do 50 thousand repetitions. There, you will do series of 8 to 12 movements, you really need a higher load. And a minute, a minute and a half break will be enough.
As you are going to adopt the system, you have now picked up a pushing workout. You need a pulling workout, which uses muscles like your back and biceps, and also a leg workout. Choose one of these two, and click now.
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