GUARD YOUR ENERGIES explained by Hans Wilhelm

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Hans Wilhelm
We are constantly giving away our energies! Hans Wilhelm is a mystic, author and illustrator of 200 ...
Video Transcript:
Hi, I am Hans Wilhelm. You may have heard the term “prana-suckers. ” These are people who drain our energies.
We were given a certain amount of loaned energy when we entered the cosmos of cause and effect and space and time. But since then, many of us have lost a lot of that energy, and every day we are challenged and may give energies at places and situations we would never have imagined. In this video, I want to show an area where we are giving energy away in a very big way if we are not careful.
It is our crazy fascination with stars, idols, leaders, and celebrities in politics, movies, sports, music, or even in religion and spirituality. As fans, we follow them on Twitter and other social media, watch their shows, their games, and love to read and hear about them. Many dream of actually meeting their hero one day in person, or even becoming like them.
This all sounds relatively harmless, but it is not. We are speaking of an energy drain of immense proportions. Let’s firstly look at what is missing in our lives that feeds our huge hunger and infatuation with such media personalities and leaders.
It is often loneliness, powerlessness, and lack of self-worth. It is our ego telling us that we are not good enough, not as perfect as others. Our ego loves comparing ourselves with others because it usually leads to unhappiness, depression, low self-esteem, hopelessness, and so on.
It is the ideal situation for our ego to manipulate us and also for any negative forces to influence us. To make us feel better, we cheer those who we are in awe of, our idols, our stars, our leaders. In our desire to rub shoulders with our idol, to be part of their glory and success, we eagerly and willingly give the little loaned energy that we still have left over to them.
We all know the cheering crowds at rock star events. A massive wave of energy comes from the fans and is given to the person on stage. This is a huge energy exchange—or shift of energy—from thousands of people to a single person or a small group of people who feed on it.
We have the same in politics. Remember the famous Nazi greeting in Germany? Raising their right arms toward their leader, millions shouted “Heil” and the name of their leader.
This “Heil” was a kind of intense blessing—or a blast of energy—from the masses toward one single human being. The result was that this bestowed immense energy volume, strengthening him so much that he felt emboldened to commit the most horrendous crimes in history. But politicians of today also know only too well how to play the masses and milk them for their energies and adulations.
So do sports idols, religious leaders, and also new age leaders. Loud cheering and chanting are powerful jolts of energy that many celebrities have become totally dependent on—just like a drug. Many people don’t know that the soul of such an idol, who has taken all these energies from so many others, will eventually have to return these energies back to them.
Every ounce. That is the law. In the end, we all have to return any energy that we stole or manipulated from others.
Any prana-sucker will sooner or later learn that difficult lesson. But there is something more sinister at play whenever we put another person—or group of people—above us. Let’s say here is us.
And here is the one whom we admire, idolize, or worship. This can be a famous person but also a whole group of people, like a race, a nationality, a religion, a political ideology, or whatever it is that we are in awe of and think is better than anyone else. What do we do?
We put them on a pedestal—here. If our sense of inferiority and loneliness drives us to be infatuated by another person, group of people, and so on, then our sense of superiority will instantly find other people, ideas, races, and anyone whom we think are less worthy than we are—to create a false sense of equilibrium and to make us feel better again. Therefore, we put them below us—here.
Do we see how distorted this looks? This is one of the causes of racism. Like in the earlier example, to justify their Aryan race idol-worship, the Nazis needed a group of other people whom they could look down on and thought were less worthy than themselves—and we all know how that story ended.
This is why whole groups of people, like refugees, emigrants, foreigners, people of opposite political beliefs, sexual orientations, and others, are regarded as less worthy by people who think they are superior to them—they do this so that they can feel better about themselves—in their loneliness, hopelessness, powerlessness, or distorted self-righteousness. We also have this in sports, where there always has to be a lesser team—the losing team—for the fans of the winning team to feel good and superior about themselves. The same goes for religions, as we know all the religious wars were fought against believers who were considered less worthy or heretical.
The same is true in any other field. I speak about this in my video "Why Do We Kill. " As long as we are caught up in the judgment that we—or our team, our group—are better than somebody else, we are in our ego and give away our energy.
We can ask ourselves, would God, or Love, do that? Would God have favorites? Think about that for a moment.
Would God cheer for one group of people and not for another group? Not the God I know. The God I know loves every child, every soul, every human being equally.
He does not have any preference—even for somebody who calls himself Pope, Rabbi, president, or world healer. They are all His children, and His love is equal and unlimited. We are all brothers and sisters.
In this total equality lies the freedom, the love, the unity, and the harmony. So, a balanced. .
. A person, or a spiritually aware person, would also not put another person or group of people above himself, and neither below himself. For him, everybody is his or her divine brother or sister of God.
And the same applies to the mineral kingdom, the plants, and the animals. Everything is divine. He would not prefer one animal and reject another; they are all his little brothers and sisters.
Furthermore, any evolved person also does not want devotion, adoration, or admiration. They will quickly pass any such praise on to God. But what about a person whose noble qualities, brave deeds, talent, and skill we truly admire?
I have explained that in greater detail in my video on the Law of Projection. Anything that we admire in another person is an emotional charge that tells us that we have the same quality or potential in us at the moment. We are projecting our own qualities onto the other—which may be dormant in us.
If these are good and lawful qualities, our admiration is nothing but an invitation to also develop these qualities in us as well. The other person can inspire us to grow and to develop the same qualities or skills. And, of course, the same applies to this guy here.
Anyone whom our ego thinks is less than us is merely reflecting back to us our own unloved aspects. So they both are our mirrors and our teachers. Furthermore, any animosity against a certain group or person creates a vibrational bond that could eventually pull our soul back and reincarnate in exactly that group of people we despised so much in this life.
The law of attraction in action. So, I invite us to think about whether we are still putting people or groups of people on a pedestal. Why are we doing this?
What is lacking in our life? And what are they reflecting back to us? Are there other groups of people or individuals we are looking down on?
We may have never given this matter much thought, but now we know better. Do we still want to continue with this imbalance? What does our heart say?
I will leave you with these thoughts, and I am looking forward to seeing you in my next video.
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