5 Ships Caught in Monster Waves

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5 Ships Caught in Monster Waves & Storms SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3obsVlo This video was made in p...
Video Transcript:
monster waves and rough seas can be found just about anywhere you look on this planet powerful storms can create waves over 50 feet in height able to toss even the largest of ships around like toys considering how remote many of these areas are it's safe to say that without video evidence most of us would not know moments like these exist from an oil tanker being destroyed by a heavy swell to an insane video of a bulk carrier in a force 12 typhoon here are five ships caught in monster waves the baltic sea is a body
of water located in northern europe being a fairly sheltered body of water with only one outlet between denmark and sweden it's not always known for rough weather during summer months the ocean could be rather calm gradually getting more severe as temperatures cool this was the case in january of 2021. in this video we see a large tanker traversing the baltic sea it's evident that the ocean is a bit rough but nothing compared to some of the other videos on our list wave after wave rolls over the ship soaking the deck as the crew watches on
then suddenly with little warning one wave a bit larger than the rest smashed into the ship destroying several parts of the bridge foreign yes after seeing the footage it makes me wonder if this could have been avoided had the ship been positioned differently against the waves with the ship damaged it was time to head back to land to assess thankfully everybody on board made it home safely the beaufort scale was created in 1805 to relate wind speed to observed conditions both at sea or on land there are 12 possible rankings on the scale with 12
being the most severe at this level conditions are expected to be devastating waves will reach over 46 feet or 14 meters in height and winds are expected to be of hurricane force the next video was shot in early 2021 the ship in question is a bulk carrier meant to transport unpackaged cargo such as grains or coal during its journey through the north china sea the ship found itself right in the middle of a powerful force 12 typhoon okay so oh despite bulk carriers being some of the largest ships on earth it was no match for
this typhoon wave after wave slammed into the ship causing heavy rolling and pitching the north china sea saw many typhoons over the 2021 season based on when this video was posted it's possible that this ship was caught in typhoon surrogate which was the strongest of the year so far thankfully the ship sustained no damage and there were no injuries of any kind in december of 2015 the ship hmnz otago was sailing through the southern ocean near antarctica in search of people who were illegally fishing for tooth fish this is a common mission this ship makes
with the intent of catching poachers the people on board got a bit more than they were expecting though when they found themselves in the middle of a storm then it was so cool the southern ocean is known for its extreme weather and is considered the windiest ocean on earth according to the man who filmed the video the waves were approximately 20 meters or 65 feet in height with wind reaching 80 kilometers or 50 miles per hour despite how violent the waves were everybody on board enjoyed the show and there was no damage to the ship
back in 2013 the atlantic hurricane season was in full swing despite being a relatively inactive year for tropical storms many still occurred and as you're about to see brought with them some massive waves in the atlantic ocean about 80 miles off the coast of portugal the tanker lpgc veneer was caught in the remnants of these hurricanes watch as the tanker battles wave after wave so yes so so so it's hard to get an accurate measurement of the size of the waves in the video but our sources estimate them to be at least 10 meters or
32 feet in height this video quickly went viral online with the original soon being lost in the mix only to be properly identified years later there was even a period where several british media outlets falsely claimed this footage to have been taken during the search for a missing aircraft in the indian ocean in the end the ship weathered the storm and lived to sail another day the bay of biscay is a gulf in the northeast atlantic ocean along the borders of france and spain it is a body of water that is famously known for its
extreme weather and abnormally large waves many large ships have become victims to these waves over the years and as you are about to see it's no surprise how shot in 2009 on board a navy ship this video gives us a great look into some rough conditions in the bay of biscayne so surgery the ship in question is a merchant navy ship which weighs over 12 000 tons during this video it was actually sailing through a storm force 10. this ranking is only two away from the highest possible level and is regarded by the noaa as
having very high waves with heavy rolling swells despite the commanding size of the ship you'll notice that it gets swept around with ease by the waves once docked the crew did notice some serious damage to the ship but thankfully nobody was injured in february of 2021 the united states navy was running practice drills far out in the southern ocean this ocean is located in some of the most remote and hostile areas of our planet commonly referred to as the antarctic ocean this body of water is the coldest and windiest on earth and is known far
and wide for its tough weather conditions on the day of the practice exercise they had another issue to deal with a force 12 storm this storm produced strong winds and monstrous waves the exercise was being completed by a small patrol boat that had many times seemed as if it were no match for the seas it's dangerous right evo clean the corners so the creator of this video would later go on to say that it was perhaps the wrong decision to go out in such rough seas there was a lot of danger in completing this training
mission in such conditions as it would have been a very difficult operation to rescue the crew of the patrol boat should something have happened thankfully for everyone involved nothing did happen and the crew returned safely to land imagine yourself in that situation would you have gone on that boat rough seas and monster waves can be found just about anywhere you look on our planet without seeing video of these moments you may not understand just how terrifying and incredible they can be thankfully modern ships are built to withstand such extreme conditions if you enjoyed this video
and want to see another one just like it be sure to click the link on screen now with that thanks for watching and we'll catch you in the next one you
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