starting to think that lunging to the far right while trying to sell electric vehicles might not be the best business strategy after all According to new polling out of Germany with a sample of a 100,000 respondents it is a rejection that couldn't be clearer More than 94% of T online readers said that they won't buy a Tesla again Only 3% said they would still consider a car from the former electric pioneer Around 100,000 readers voted A record turnout The message is clear Germans are turning their backs on Tesla And while it's easy to cast off
polling the actual sales numbers back up the findings Tesla sales were down a staggering 76% in Germany all while total EV sales actually climbed 31% And it wasn't just Germany either Tesla sales seem to be lagging across the world Sales in Australia are down 71% In Norway Sweden and Denmark they're down 42 to 48% In France down 26% In China the number of Teslas being manufactured dropped 49% Even while its Chinese competitor BYYD has seen sales surge by 90% and right here in the US sales dropped 11% That comes as Ford Chevy and Volkswagen all
saw sales percentages increase at the same time In other words the data is undeniable which might cast out on the sales strategy of trying to sell electric vehicles largely adopted by consumers who appreciate environmental concerns while simultaneously aligning yourself with a far-right movement that thinks climate change is a hoax and that democracy should be overhauled by a form of technocratic oligarchy And look I may not own a car company but I have a business degree from a good business school only I can't quite remember the class where we were told to find our consumer base
and then act in the single most hostile way humanly possible to that very consumer base until they stop buying your products but then I drank a lot in college so maybe I missed that class with regard to Germany specifically Elon recently threw his lot in with the far-right AFD party basically the modern iteration of the Nazi party only about 20% of German voters align themselves with the AFD party in the latest election despite Elon trying He used his considerable resources and influence to elevate the party before voters went to the polls A move that was
swiftly condemned across the German political spectrum Fore and So what resulted was decidedly not some windfall victory for the AFD but rather Europe waking up to Elon's farright bend Here for example is a float in a German parade showing Elon being dubbed Napoleon with a US flag and tatters while he foams at the mouth and a doctor chases him with a straight jacket In case the metaphor was too subtle and the most ironic part not dissimilar to the partisan attitude toward EVs here in the United States here's an ad from AFD the same party that
Elon was supporting depicting a Tesla on fire Again seems bizarre to throw your lot in for a political party that despises your product and worldview which was a question by the way that I posed to Mark Cuban during our last interview Here's what he had to say I got to ask you this about Elon because this is what kind of blows my mind you are the the CEO of an EV company and your and your and your audience your uh your your uh consumer base is presumably people who buy EVs because they have some semblance
of an understanding about climate change or whatever it is What what like how does that make sense from a business perspective to then get to completely red pill yourself to go all in to basically to to not only abandon your your core market but then throw your weight behind a political party for whom climate change isn't even a real concern because having the power to manipulate the most powerful man in the world is far more valuable than any amount of EV sales from Tesla just being able to be the puppet master Yeah And he's already
come out and said that he would work in Trump's administration Yeah And that's fine right Being you know trying to increase the efficiency I've had the same conversations with um the Harris campaign about okay what can we do to increase efficiency to make it easier for businesses etc etc right So that's all fine and good There's no knock on Elon for that But but you know if you're the wealthiest person in the world and you have control effective control you're the puppet master of the president the the most powerful person in the world Oh my
god that's about as intoxicating That is the diff the definition of power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely I mean that's why I mean I would if I was had the same goal I wouldn't care about my EV sales right I wouldn't care about my Starlink sales I you know and I know no one else is launching rockets like me Look I give Elon as an entrepreneur entrepreneur he is the entrepreneur of our generation and maybe the entrepreneur for the next five generations We don't know But but in terms of his quest for power that's
different from being an entrepreneur And you talk about insidious Yes Right You see it in Twitter you see it in his comments you see in his lack of responsibility I mean when you look at Twitter specifically right And if you don't want to go into a technical tangent just let me know No no keep going You're good Um but the way Twitter's algorithms that he's published so far effectively work is whoever has the most reach allows you to reach the most people who in turn reach more people It's like a tree right The tree algorithm
And he knows that whatever he says and does reaches the maximum amount amount of people And the people that he responds to that amplifies what they do And so everybody on Twitter's got that for you page to the left right that they see first And if you just go and create a a random burner account to see what's fed to you it's all leaning the way um Elon wants you to And there in lies the real issue Elon is clearly content to relinquish car sales as part of his quest for power He knows that he
won't get the same access if he aligned himself on the left because the left isn't willing to cowtow a budding oligarch The left isn't willing to give him what he wants on taxes The left isn't willing to overlook his disdain for his workers whom he refuses to allow to unionize But the right will and it clearly has And so if that means that he's got to sacrifice some car sales in deference to his broader quest his thirst for power then so be it And by the way what Elon's lost in individual sales he is more
than making up for in government contracts which I guess shouldn't be too much of a surprise for someone who's already taken in $ 38 billion in government handouts Just weeks ago the Trump administration's FAA sought to cancel an existing $2.4 $4 billion contract with Verizon and instead give it to surprise Elon Musk's Starlink which is to say nothing of the full-blown Tesla commercial that Trump hosted using taxpayer dollars on the White House South Lawn And so all all these cars won incredible awards So they're great cars and they're Americanmade Um and I think you know
try it you'll like it And and saying beyond the cars they're great But we have to celebrate somebody that has the courage to do this He could have said I'm not doing anything I'm not going to get involved let the country go to hell He didn't want to do that And remember he's gonna find and we're up to almost$500 billion dollars worth of waste and fraud And if it was 500 billion we give we're giving two billion here two billion not millions It was a bet If it was a million dollars or $2 million that's
a lot of money But we're talking about billions of dollars being given to defunct uh you know scams gi given to people with no with nothing They have nothing going They open up a subchapter s corporation and they put $2 billion into it from nowhere So at this point we'll see if Elon's gamble pays off wherein he abandons his entire consumer base in his breathless pursuit of political power and blatant corruption Sales are tanking in Europe His stock price is down almost 50% here in the United States and the numbers only seem to be moving
in one direction Perhaps the world is a little smarter than Elon Musk is giving them credit [Music] for Before you go first if you enjoyed this content and you want to see more and support independent media please subscribe to this channel The subscribe button will be right here on the screen But second the reality is that we're now in a political environment where this administration can lean on any of the social media platforms to suppress certain voices if they don't like critical coverage That means my longevity here is in the hands of a few tech
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