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Journey To God
It’s no longer that we are already in the end time, and like Paul said, your final salvation is clos...
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it's no longer that we are already in the end time and like Paul said your final salvation is closer now than when you first believe with every prophecy coming to pass as prophesied in the scriptures the coming of Christ is gradually Drawing Near are you wondering where to find security help and Sanity in this troubled insecure and Confused world the presence of God provides all that you need when you make maintain your connection with God your life radiates all things that pertain to life and godliness and guarantees that you will scale through this period triumphantly
in this video we shall explore vital reasons why you must get close to God in this end time and remain with him watch to the end to understand the strategy for living victoriously in this dark time but before then one way you can encourage us to bring you more of God's word is by subscribing to the channel and hitting the like button God bless you as you do so now why must you get closer to God in the end time number one to overcome trials and Temptation the Bible already stated that one of the significant
characteristics of the end time is that there will be a lot of Trials and temptations however the Bible says in James 1 23 consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance it will be difficult for you to have joy in trials and temptations without the presence of God your life reflects God's presence when you are close to God do you remember how Jesus overcame Satan when he was tempted Jesus used the word of God if he didn't know
the word he would not have been able to use it you should not be surprised that Jesus faced Temptations the devil is an unrelenting enemy and he will do whatever he can to get Believers down to hell he knows his time is short and he is not ready to accept defeat so he fights and ensures that Believers don't stay close to God so he can access their lives you may have fall into temptation because you stayed away from Christ and gave the devil a chance to come into your life it's time to turn staying close
to God gives you the courage to confront the devil it makes you conscious that you are not alone and God's grace is available to help you say no to the enemy's devices however staying away from God opens you up to fall victim to every Temptation you feel alone and abandoned you find it hard to say no to the devil even when you want to you have no word or strength to use against Satan you don't need to stay defeated rise up and come closer to God and receive the spiritual tenacity to say no to Temptations
and the patience to overcome trials number two to build your Hope and Faith to navigate uncertain time apart from trials and temptations the end time comes with many uncertainties and confusion Jesus told us there will be wars and rumors of wars you will agree with me that we are seeing that already things keep going from bad to worse with wickedness economic hardship and everything that points to the fact that the end is here already if you don't stay close to God you won't see any hope in the world you will fall under the weight of
the challenges coming your way you will not be able to look at everything and see what God is doing or hold on to hope in Christ because hope develops when you spend Time In God's Presence the Bible says even the youths shall faint and the young men will be weary but those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength they will Mount up with wings as Eagles run and not be wary walk and not faint God is your hope and present help during challenging times it is in him that you have the assurance that
the storm will not overpower you and the enemy will not win the battle outside him you you become exposed to hopelessness and intense anxiety because of the weight of all you have to bear imagine if job didn't have a relationship with God when he got the news of losing everything he had he probably would have lost his mind and had a severe mental and emotional crisis but his relationship with God strengthened him to Hope in God until his change came so stay with God to build your faith needed to overcome in this end time number
three to prepare for Christ's return you cannot prepare yourself to be a part of God's kingdom when you stay far away from Jesus think about this how can you be a part of God's kingdom without knowing him how do you inherit the kingdom of the god you don't have time for how will that work Jesus sent a message to the churches in Asia in the Book of Revelation he spoke to one of the churches about something you need to pay attention to he said in Revelation 24:5 yet I hold this against you you have forsaken
the love you had at first consider how far you have fallen repent and do the things you did at first if you do not repent I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place from these verses the people started out walking closely with God loving God with all their hearts but along the way they lost their love for God and although they were still going to church they were not close to God anymore God says they should repent and return to intimacy with him or he will remove their light and they will
end as Darkness a quick question if God removes their light will they reign with him they will be like the foolish virgin whose lamp went out before the bridegroom came the Bible says they didn't go on with him beloved staying away from God puts you at risk of losing your place in God's kingdom God already called Abraham and he was walking with God but his walk wasn't consistent and his faith dwindled that was because he hadn't gotten close to God he was still walking far away what God did was call him to a closer walk
the Bible says I am God Almighty walk before me faithfully and be blameless God is saying the same to you today you must walk closely with God to reign with Christ at the end through your intimacy with God you will be prepared for his kingdom he will take away your old nature and give you his nature he will take away anger selfishness and pride and give you his nature of humility and love the more you walk with him the more like him you'll be and the more fit for the kingdom you'll become can you see
that staying close to God is the most potent survival strategy in this end time here are more reasons why you need to stay close to God cherish your relationship with him and give your all to become and remain one with Christ number four to understand and fulfill your purpose in God's plan everything the devil does is against God's plan God has a plan for this end time and will use men to fulfill his program if you are a Christian you are a part of that plan how do you know your role in his agenda if
you don't stay close to God the Bible says in Jeremiah 2911 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future God has a plan for your life and has you at the center of his plan he says he created you for his glory and to praise His name you can do that when you walk in Your Divine Purpose Jesus knew his assignment in God's program and he fulfilled it he said I must work the works of
him that sent me while it is day the Night Comes when no one can work he knew this because he didn't break away from his relationship with God beloved you need God to live a life of purpose if you have been wondering why you can't find fulfillment joy and the essence of life perhaps it's because you have not discovered your purpose or or you've been walked away from it to know and stay on purpose you must stay close to God many people will tell you to look inward to find your purpose you can look inward
from now until eternity without discovering your true Essence remember God created you and only he has the blueprint for your life so come closer to God and let him position you in this end time so you will stop wandering and stay focused number five to receive strength to endure persecution when Jesus reached the peak of his ministry and was about to face a bitter and cruel death can you guess where he went at that moment God's presence he drew closer to God in that challenging moment and the Bible says an angel appeared to strengthen him
just imagine he went away from God and started to share his feelings with his disciples or the Pharisees they would have talked him out of the Cross when the apostles in the early church faced persecution the Bible records that they gathered together and prayed for strength to face the situation and to keep preaching the gospel with courage Paul had a thorn in his flesh and instead of allowing that to take him away from God he drew closer to God and although God didn't take away the thorn God said my grace is sufficient for you for
my strength is made perfect in weakness Ness the persecutions that will come your way are more than you can handle with human strength you will need Divine backing to endure them this strength is what you get through intimacy and connection with God when you are far away from God you won't be able to draw that strength and the persecution will take you completely away from him the Bible says those who know their God will be strong you cannot know God when you relate to him from a distance you must come close enough to get to
the point where you know him which will help you withstand all forms of persecution number six to know the truth and discern false teachings one of the prophecies about the end times is that many false teachers will emerge teaching false doctrines many people will accept this Doctrine and be deceived leading to falling out of faith and losing their place in God's kingdom this is a SC prophecy that calls for Spiritual vigilance the Bible says it will be so terrible that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect the elect here are not pre-selected
people who receive preferential treatment they choose to stay close to God and receive their leadings directly from him they are those who are led by the spirit of God who know and hear the voice of God and who can discern when something is contrary to the nature and character of God even though the false teachings are appealing because they know God they will be able to spot the falsehood you need to know God personally to avoid deception and not become a victim of the devil's tricks following what others say about God without a personal encounter
with him will lead to having a lopsided knowledge of God passed down to you so it's time to seek to know God for yourself and when you do you'll recognize false F teachings and teachers and you won't believe the lies they pedal however you can only know God through intimacy with him number seven to experience peace amidst the chaos of Life Jesus said in John 14 27 peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not
be afraid you will ser certainly face challenges in the world but how will you navigate this when it comes to it Jesus has provided peace for you as a perfect solution to the chaos in the world however you have to receive the peace you get peace when you connect to Christ not when you are far from him when you allow life situations challenges or trials to take you away from God you'll notice that your peace is one of the first virtues you'll lose you'll be become agitated and apprehensive your mind will be here and there
and you won't even see God there with you you will see the storm challenges and everything else that is not working if you don't take caution you develop Health complications just because you are worried and anxious about your life the Bible says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest look at that verse again it says come not stay away or follow from afar you have to come for you to receive rest from life's troubles staying close to God is your point of Hope survival and Assurance in
this end time for all these reasons you can see that staying away from God puts you at risk of falling out of Faith losing your place in purpose and Destiny becoming a puppet in the hands of false teachers and being overtaken by anxiety and fear in general staying far from God makes you close to other things that will harm you the Bible says draw near to me and I will draw near to you if you stay away from God he will respect your will and stay away from you God will not force himself on you
he has given you a will and a chance to choose you will have to make the decision yourself stand by that decision when you decide for Christ and don't let anyone take you away from Christ don't allow anything to come between you and that decision as you listen the question that might be on your mind is how do I get closer to God this video will not leave you hanging on that crucial matter I'm about to take you through practical steps to draw closer to God on your journey toward eternity these steps are not rocket
science you can start doing them right away which will take you closer to God and once you continue living with them they will keep you on the Lord's Side till the end first you need to repent like Jesus told the church in the Book of Revelation to come back to their first love you also need to trace your steps back to the point where you stopped following Christ closely and repent note what took your heart away from him and repent since sinly seek God's forgiveness and start your walk with him aresh now that you are
beginning aresh give your all to him don't give him a half-hearted devotion if you do it's only a matter of time you may find yourself back to your vomit when it may be difficult to return the Bible says love not the world nor the things that are in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in you when you love the World your focus will be on the world and things of the world this will make it difficult for you to drop everything and focus on building a solid relationship
with God set your focus on God and not on the things of this world build your affection on spiritual things and let that be the driving force of your life this will keep you close to God all the time the Bible says that no man who Wars entangles himself with the AFF of this world he drops everything so that he can have the strength to fight you should know that you are a soldier for Christ and you are also fighting a battle the battle is not physical but spiritual likewise your weapons of Victory Are Spiritual
but how will you wield them when you stay away from the captain and commander of the army that is why you must lay aside every weight and things that easily distract you from your consecration to God you know yourself better than anyone else your spouse friends children and neighbors might be unable to point out what makes you drift away from God but if you are honest with yourself you can point it out take a moment to think about your life and fish out the weight once you have found it lay it before Christ and ask
him to take it away whatever the weight put strict measures in place in your life so that it will will not hinder you anymore you may need to seek support group for Spiritual accountability whatever sacrifice you make to have a solid relationship with God is worth the benefits you derive from being intimate with God secondly you must spend more time with God to draw closer to him the time you spend with God is not just praying for him to give you bread and butter this is the time you dedicate to seeking his face from the
place of love and getting to know him you spend time with him because you desire to be in his company and you find joy in spending quality time with him daily when you give time to knowing god while spending time with him you will draw closer to him another strategy for getting close to God is being sincere with God many people pray and spend much time but don't connect with God because their prayers do not come from their hearts they have mastered the act of being religious and they play the card so well you don't
have to pretend before Jesus he knows everything and is only waiting for you to come out straight the Bible says that darkness is like a light before God before him everything lays bare Jesus affirmed that he did not come for the people who are well because those people don't need a physician he came for those who needed help so why do you pretend when you need help tell him your struggles and hand everything over to him if you make God your burden Bearer and go to person in tough times your relationship with him will Blossom
another way to draw close to God Is by seeking his face before doing anything the Bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight if he is direc in your path can he be far from you you are far from him or find it challenging to walk closely with him because your heart is elsewhere your trust is in yourself your abilities your family your friends and everyone but God you have forgotten that it takes God
to make the right decisions especially in these end times the end time is when the wrong seems right where the people closest to you are your enemies and they dig pits to watch you fall and perish they can go to any length to silence you yet they smile when they see you you'll need discernment to know this you'll need discernment and God's direction to know the next step you must be close to God for your discernment to be sharpened and correct you can now see that many things are at stake when you stay far away
from God and your most viable choice is to pay the price of intimacy and build a consistent life of Walking with God not the one that you walk closely with him today and tomorrow you distance yourself giving room for the devil inconsistency in your devotion and commitment to God brings a gap big enough for the devil to fill to maintain a consistent intimacy you must prioritize your relationship with God in this world mainly because you are in the end times many things are competing for your attention and daily you have to choose to give your
attention to important things as busy as you are you do things daily while you push off others for instance prayer might have been part of your daily spiritual routine regardless of how busy you are but is that the same now beloved it's time for you to change and draw closer to God prioritize your relationship with God and make time for it to effectively maintain consistent you can set aside a fixed time daily for prayers reading and studying the Bible and just spending time with God to make it more effective have a designated place and be
willing to shut out every other thing that tries to get your attention at that time when you do this your spiritual altar will be on fire and you will remain connected to God make your Bible your best friend see it as the word of God and treat it as such be ready and open to hear from God whenever you pick it up that way God will open the truth of the scriptures to you and you will become scripturally sound so that you will not fall for the deceit of false teachers the Bible says Thy word
have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you keeping God's word in your heart keeps you always conscious of God making your heart reach out to him and maintain Purity so that he can stay close to you you know God hates iniquity and doesn't tolerate it anywhere he sees it iniquity is a significant factor that can separate a person from God watch against it keep your garments pure and God will keep you free and cleanse you from every filthiness so you can stay close to him everything will try to make you
feel like it is a waste of time to get closer to God in this end time friends family and loved ones may talk down on your commitment and even make you feel like you are wasting time just because you are praying and devoted to God to overcome this persecution you need to be able to shut your ears to all their comments and keep your focus on God make your convictions strong enough to withstand whatever opposition and discouraging comments you get for being devoted to God when you can shut down all these voices and focus on
God you will be among the few that God says will be saved let us pray Lord I'm grateful for your timely warning through this message you have made me see that there is no time to slack behind or grow cold and lukewarm because your coming is at hand the enemy is unrelenting and doing all he can to get many more people out of the Kingdom but in your infinite mercies you want me to be ready and prepared to reign with you eternally that is why you have shown me how to achieve this I ask that
you help me stay close to you at this end time I pray against every distraction and strategy of the enemy to get me away from you keep my focus on you and help me keep my desire for Heavenly things and not on the things of this world set my heart on you and help me not to allow whatever happens to tamper with my relationship with you I value my faith and will hold on to it until the end I will cherish it with all my heart so that nothing will make me lose it persecutions trials
and temptations are prevalent in this end time I ask that you prepare me to face every challenge obstacle and hardship that will come my way help me develop enough strength and stamina so that I will not faint in the days of adversity Paul said what shall separate us from the love of Christ I know that nothing will separate me from your love help me to keep loving you and growing closer to you daily help me to spend time with you in prayers not just praying religiously praying to feel spiritual or asking for things but praying
to fellowship with you build intimacy and get to know you as the deer pants for the water Brooks let my soul pant after you always so that I can shut out everything else and focus on spending time with you give me the grace to study the scriptures and hide the word in my heart so I will not sin against you when Temptations come I will remember your word and resist the devil with your word help me to understand your word and to grow deeper in my knowledge of the word so that I won't fall victim
to false teachers and their doctrines when I get to the place where I am unsure help me turn back to you and hold on to the Revelation through your word I will not allow loyalty to any man to make me drift into falsehood guard my heart and order my steps through your word help me not to walk away from your covering and guide my steps away from where you are not give me the grace to keep my garments of righteousness pure and free from all forms of sin as I prepare to spend eternity with you
help me me reach out to others as well I pray for the grace to be a faithful witness spreading the gospel of Hope and peace to everyone around me so that in the end many more people can come into your kingdom and receive transformation I pray that my words and lifestyle shall continue to draw many to you thank you Father for I pray in Jesus name I'm men if you're still watching you are part of the Christian family because of you I can create more videos and offer insightful Bible inspiration thank you for being part
of this family do have an amazing day God bless you
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