[Music] [Applause] [Music] don't have to chop hear about all your enemies so momma gaggi got this thing for me like the other day and it is a lifesaver in terms of like teeth and stuff like that these days I'm quite a fan of coffee so my teeth aren't looking too great because of it at least now I got that thing which helps a little bit anyways I spent the last like 15 minutes recording a video all about sales funnels which I think you probably would have seen by now I think that video came before this
one only to find out that I didn't turn the mic on on my rode videomic pro so I'm about to film that again but I woke up around 3 hours ago went through my normal routine popped into to work blocks now it's around 11 o'clock and I actually have quite a fun day it's a Tuesday and I think later today I might be seeing Georgia then after that I'm heading off to hit a workout with a marketer for thirdspace gyms now thirdspace is like a super luxury I think it might even be the most expensive
in London but like just really really nice gyms and he does all their marketing and he actually golfs me a free membership which is really cool cuz I think it costs like 250 a month so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and work out with him we're gonna catch up we haven't talked in a while then after that I'm seeing another friend and then tonight it's actually one of my close friends birthday so I think we're all going clubbing still yet to decide whether I want to join or not by the way I really wanted to
start off this video using my drone but the weather in London right now or just in general recently has not been too pretty that said I'm currently looking for places to go so I think I might be off to Maldives next month Maldives possibly because there's just a bit too many days of rain for me so yeah either Maldives or I'm also thinking Morocco apparently Morocco is really good in September and either gonna decide from an Airbnb or staying out like some some villas or a resort now if you haven't already seen my traveling CEO
video where I break down everything I've done to ensure that I can actually number one afford to travel and number two I'm not tied down to one place if you haven't seen that I think it's like two videos ago so just go look over my previous videos as I said I'm looking to spend probably half of September somewhere abroad somewhere sunny because things are not looking too pretty in London so I'm actually off to go see Georgia right now it's pretty cool she's actually a model signed with pretty big agency so that means she's connected
to an app which is called into now basically into means that you get a lot of stuff for free which is really cool so we see one of my favorite cold press places is actually down the road for me and she gets like two acai bowls and like goo green juices just completely free cuz model life I guess but yeah nonetheless that's super cool so wrapped up with work for this morning and early afternoon so so basically we walked into cold press and they kicked George around they basically claimed that she wasn't a model that
anyone that looks like that couldn't come close to being a model so basically that place was closed Suns dead she needed a little carwash so where did I recommend obviously my own client this place all this is actually there actually one of my clients so I'm work cell phone so super fun seeing Georgia it looks like we might actually be going to Portugal next month together which is gonna be fun it was also quite interesting actually going through the carwash considering that there my client very very very surprised to see me there now remember when
I told you about the gym and how I was getting a free membership will turns out unless it's part of a family pack they don't even accept people my age because I'm under 18 they won't accept me which is a bit unfortunate but nonetheless I actually just signed a huge branch of gyms like two weeks ago so I get a membership to them I have my own gym membership so really I can't imagine why I'd need a third one so because they were actually getting a cryotherapy chamber and I'm quite the fan of cryotherapy but
but that also leaves a little bit of time for me to do a bit of work now get a few little things done finish up some client work before heading out tonight and celebrating my friend's birthday so guys I'm on my way to the gym now to say it was a struggle to get to this point would be an understatement and I finished up all my work and I'll be honest in my head like I was just thinking I'm probably just gonna order in some like five guys or something like that and just stay in
and not really do much some very very interested to know like when you're really really struggling to when you're procrastinating you're really struggling for motivation but what's the one question you ask yourself or what's the one thing that gets you out of slump like that with me for whatever reason I just start to think about like my mom my future wife and my future kids as where does as weird as that sounds because I realized that even say for example my mom like little things like this satting to go to the gym and then getting
some good clean food after like all of this stuff attributes the fact that I can take care of her for example or I can take care of so my other friends etc etc so I said I'm just very interested like what is that thing for you guys because I think once you find that like there's a lot of personal power and freedom that comes from it yeah I'm gonna go hit this workout real quick I'm actually gonna try and train some legs and do a bit of cardio which I don't do much of we'll see
how that goes [Music] happy person money all around me I look like on the man [Music]