SEVEN CHRISTIANS WHO WILL BE THROWN INTO HELL || You must listen to these warnings!

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in this video we will discover the seven Christians who will not enter Heaven stay tuned and watch until the end of the video to make sure you are not making any of these mistakes the first Christian who will not enter Heaven a Christian who loves money and material possessions the terms Christianity and material Prosperity are so intertwined today that they are almost indistinguishable from each other it's not surprising that this is the case we know that God does not wish ruin or misery on anyone but you should know that according to the Bible Christianity and
wealth were not always common and Inseparable terms in fact Jesus himself made a highly controversial statement about wealth in Matthew 19: 23 and 24 then Jesus said to his disciples truly I tell you it is hard for someone who is Rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven Again I tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is Rich to enter the kingdom of God there are various interpretations of this passage the certain thing is that Jesus warns how terribly difficult it is to have
riches and enter the kingdom of heaven but is there something wrong with having riches and being a Christian in reality there is nothing wrong with this fact God has immense riches and owns all Treasures he owns gold and silver and can give them to whoever he wishes the big problem then lies in the love of money we cannot serve God and at the same time serve wealth according to Matthew 6:4 but then is it possible to be Christian and love money does not the bible say that the love of money is the same as idolatry
as incredible as it may seem it is possible to be Christian and love money let's see what the Apostle has to say about this in 1 Timothy 6:9 to1 those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction For the Love of Money is a root of all kinds of evil some people eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs In this passage not only is it stated that the love of money is the
worst of all evils but it also makes a surprising statement it is Poss possible to stray from the Christian faith because of greed the passage clearly warns about the destruction that the love of money can produce the word destruction is not very fashionable today in churches none of us would like to hear it much less experience it but unfortunately no one is exempt from experiencing it if they start chasing after money the sad part of all this is that the gospel being preached today is in many cases idolatrous the very leaders who should be guiding
the Sheep along the path of Truth and eternal life are taking it upon themselves through the misinterpreted doctrine of prosperity to seow in Believers the greed and love for material things you might be wondering how should a true Christian view Money the answer is quite simple we should see money the same way Christ saw it let's consider just three passages where Christ expresses his will in this respect Matthew 6: vers 25 do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink nor about your body what you will wear Luke 16:13 you cannot serve
both God and money Matthew 6:33 but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you in these and many other words of Jesus it is absolutely clear money and material Prosperity should in no way take center stage in our lives what a child of God should primarily seek is to please their father through love and Justice knowing that their father will never leave them nor forsake them a true child of God does not worry about acquiring wealth they know that God can provide it whenever he wishes
according to his eternal and perfect purposes in Christ Jesus the second Christian who will not enter Heaven a Christian who does not know how to forgive others offenses this is probably the most common sin among Christians today and the most serious according to the Bible let's see what Jesus has to say about this in Matthew 6:4 and 15 for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses notice how forceful Jesus is with that statement but
if you do not forgive men their tresp passes neither will your father forgive your trespasses forgiveness is the essence of the Gospel a person who does not understand how many sins they have been forgiven cannot forgive those who offend them every day we must learn to forgive those who offend us and cause us pain this is definitely one of the most difficult and painful exercises in Christian life but it is an absolutely necessary exercise in shaping our character if our Lord Jesus Christ despite being wounded slapped struck pierced unjustly accused and publicly stripped could say
father forgive them for they do not know what they do why can't we do the same with those who offend us every day in much less severe ways one thing is certain if we do not forgive those who offend us God will not forgive our offenses and if God does not forgive our offenses in no way will we enter Heaven the third Christian who will not enter Heaven a Christian who cares more about pleasing the world than God let's see what James 4:4 has to say about this adulterers and adulteresses do you not know that
friendship with the world is enmity with God whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God this passage of course does not mean that we cannot have friendships in the world or that we cannot occasionally share with unbelievers or those who do not share our faith Jesus was a friend of many Sinners and was even judged for eating and drinking with Sinners what this passage is talking about is loving worldly values above Christian values and trying to please the worldly system more than wanting to please God what is
extraordinary about this passage is the phrase become an enemy of God the letter of James was addressed to Believers around the world and the warning again is that it is possible to be Christian and try to please the world more than God himself Brothers in faith and in Christ let us be certain that God will not let any of his enemies enter Heaven anyone who wants to be a friend of the world and love values like lies hypocrisy and disloyalty will sadly end up outside the kingdom of heaven but this might again raise the question
how should we then view the world a true child of God sees this world as a place of Passage a place where we are mere strangers and pilgrims our citizenship is not of this world as apostle Paul clearly states in Philippians 3:20 but our citizenship is in heaven and from it we also await a savior the Lord Jesus Christ now while it's true that we cannot avoid contact with people of this world a child of God should not allow worldly values such as lies super superficiality and hypocrisy to shape their way of thinking as our
beloved Apostle Paul commanded in Romans 12:2 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God we must be careful the world will try every day to impose its temporary values on us we must cleanse and renew our minds through the work of the Holy Spirit and the word of God the fourth Christian who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven a Christian who sins daily voluntarily and consciously we know that Christ forgave all
our sins on the cross and that there is no sin past present or future that is not covered by the Precious Blood of the lamb but what happens if our actions deny the blood that redeemed us this is one of the most serious warnings in the Bible recorded in the letter to the Hebrew 10: 26- 29 let's see exactly what it says if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth no sacrifice for sins is left but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume
the enemies of God verse 29 how much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the son of God underfoot who has treated as an Unholy thing the blood of the Covenant that Sanctified them and who has insulted the spirit of Grace the warning is absolutely clear and forceful a person who after knowing Christ and being cleansed by his Precious Blood decides to continue in their old way of life is implicitly stating with their actions that the blood of Christ which cleansed them of their sins has no value do you
understand the gravity of this matter but what's really serious about this issue is that verse 27 clearly states that there is no longer any sacrifice for their sins Christ died once for all to forgive all our sins Christ's sacrifice cannot be repeated if a person denies with their actions the precious value of the blood of Christ they simply will not enter Heaven how should a child of God then view sin sin is something that can happen at any moment in our life Absol absolutely no one is exempt from sinning and offending our father but a
true child of God knows to recognize immediately when they have sinned will weep immediately after sinning asking our father to forgive us and he mercifully will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as stated in the first letter of John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness but if sin becomes the lifestyle of a Christian without causing them any pain or repentance their Destiny most certainly will not be Heaven the fifth Christian who will not enter Heaven a lukewarm
Christian who trusts more in themselves than in the Salvation that Christ offers them the clear warning is found in Revelation 3: 15 and 16 I know your Deeds that you are neither cold nor hot I wish you were either one or the other so because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I'm about to spit you out of my mouth many might wonder what exactly being lukewarm means it refers to nothing less than a Christian who has begun to trust more in themselves than in Christ a Christian who has started to think that their physical
possessions are more valuable than the spiritual treasures and gifts that God offers them consider verse 17 you say I am rich I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing but you do not realize that you are wretched pitiful poor blind and naked the passage is a direct rebuke to all those who trust in their money their possessions and believe that once they have reached a certain level of material Prosperity on Earth they no longer have anything to strive for day after day be careful the Christian life is not about how much money we
have on this Earth nor about how many material properties we have acquired but about striving every day to follow Christ adhering to his teachings renouncing our selfishness and arrogance but again there is a very serious warning for these types of Christians I'm about to spit you out of my mouth the passage clearly does not need further explanation a Christian who has been spat out of God's mouth will in no way enter Heaven the sixth Christian who will not enter Heaven a Christian who does not love their neighbor and does not practice kindness to the needy
Christianity and love for one's neighbor are inseparable a person who sincerely claims to follow Christ is necessarily A person who sacrifices for the well-being of others just as Christ sacrificed for our well-being it is absolutely contradictory to say that we are children of God and hate our neighbor but let's let the Bible itself clarify this wonderful point 1 John 4:20 if anyone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen verse 21 and
this commandment we have from him whoever loves God must also love his brother let us examine ourselves thoroughly so that we are not found lacking in love and mercy for the poor and needy the verse clearly states that anyone who says they love God but does not love their neighbor is a liar be certain that God will not let any liar enter Heaven this leads us directly to the last point to fully understand this matter the seventh Christian who will not enter Heaven a Christian who hates God's laws will not enter Heaven this is probably
one of the most challenging things that the Lord Jesus Christ himself pronounced in his famous Sermon on the Mount let's see what Jesus himself has to say about this in Matthew 5: 7 17 to 20 do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them for truly I say to you until Heaven and Earth pass away not an Iota not a DOT will pass from the law until all is accomplished therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these Commandments and
teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom om of Heaven for I tell you unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven the verse makes three things absolutely clear Christ did not come to abolish break or anull the law God's law is absolutely valid even today and our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven now we know that Christ is
our righteousness and that he fulfilled the law to justify us as stated in 2 Corinthians 5: 21 for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God however this does not mean in any way that we should hate God's law or despise it Christ himself said that anyone who teaches not to obey God's Commandments will be called very least in the Kingdom of Heaven anyone who wishes to go against Divine laws practicing everything that God's law prohibits such as Injustice lying and
immorality will in no way enter the Kingdom of Heaven sadly today there are many out there teaching that God's law is outdated and a thing of the past be very cautious of these types of teachings let's consider the warning that the Apostle Paul gives to all violators of God's law in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10 or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor revilers nor
swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God in this verse it is written that we should not lie commit adultery be idolatrous or steal but many May wonder how then should a Christian view God's law God's law is beautiful and complete although it was not made to save man its sole purpose is to show man what is right and wrong thus providing a clear reference point for what one should and should not do according to Psalm 19:7 the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy making wise the
simple it then dictates how we should conduct ourselves on this Earth with love God's law is summarized in love and the Apostle Paul himself States in Galatians 5:14 for the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command love your neighbor as yourself be certain that anyone who does not live according to the standard of love and kindness outlined in God's law will not see the face of God who is the father of all love and kindness these then are the Christians who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven this of course does not mean
that these are the only cases in the Bible where the danger of straying from the Faith of Christ is warned there are many other warnings in the Bible on this topic but we hope that one thing becomes absolutely clear today it is not making a prayer of faith nor attending a church nor even giving our tithes and offerings that make us truly Christians although we do not deny the importance of these things let us again remember the wise words of our Lord Jesus Christ not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom
of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven what then is the will of our father that we believe in the only begotten Son of God and Faithfully follow his example Until the End true faith will never reject the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ he commanded Us in Matthew 16:24 if anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me a true Christian who has believed in the Son of God will walk in the same manner as Christ walked on
this Earth without love for money without covetousness forgiving offenses pleasing the father rather than the world hating sin and loving righteousness loving and helping the poor but above all placing their entire Trust In Our Father only in this way will we be called true followers of Jesus and not have to turn away ashamed on the day when the glory glorious Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ is revealed let us remember the Glorious words recorded in 1 John 2 Verse 6 whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did the message of the text
emphasizes the importance of living a genuine and authentic Christian life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ in a world where being a Christian seems easy and accessible true faith is proven by actions and a transformed heart Jesus warned that not all who cry Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only those who do the will of the Father the text highlights seven types of Christians who will not enter Heaven each representing a significant failure in understanding and practicing the faith the emphasis is on the need to one love God above wealth and
material possessions two forgive the offenses of others three please God not the world four avoid deliberately sinning five be fervent in faith fully trusting in the Salvation offered by Christ six love one's neighbor and practice kindness seven respect and follow the laws of God this reflection leads us to deep self-examination questioning whether our lives are aligned with the teachings of Christ or if we are merely Christians in name it's a call for True Faith which manifests in concrete actions of Love forgiveness Justice and humility prayer dear heavenly father thank you for showing us the truth
through your word we recognize that being a Christian is more than just words or superficial actions it's a complete transformation of the heart and mind we ask Lord that you help us live an authentic and genuine faith that pleases you in every aspect of Our Lives father forgive us for all the times we placed wealth and possessions above you teach us to trust in you for all our needs and not to love money more than you give us generous Hearts ready to help and share with those in need help us to forgive those who offend
us just as you have forgiven us may we reflect the love and grace we have received from you in our relationships with others Lord let our hearts desire to please you and not the world strengthen us to resist the Temptations to conform to worldly values and to live according to your standards of righteousness and Holiness father do not allow us to continue sinning deliberately May the Holy Spirit convict us of our sins and lead us to sincere repentance help us to live a life of Holiness honoring Christ's sacrifice in our daily actions Lord free us
from spiritual lukewarmness may we be fervent in love and faith fully trusting in the Salvation that Christ offers us may our material possessions never replace our devotion to you help us to love our neighbor as ourselves May Our Lives be a reflection of Your Love practicing kindness and mercy with everyone around us finally father give us Hearts obedient to your laws may we see your law as a guide for our lives living in love and Justice according to your Commandments in Jesus's name we ask all these things trusting that you hear our prayers and enable
us to live according to your will amen I hope you enjoyed the video If this content was valuable to you I ask for your support with your subscription so that you don't miss any of our upcoming videos share this video with family and friends give a like and leave your opinion in the comments this helps the video reach more people together we can illuminate more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and may God bless you
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