Cheating Wife Got Caught Red-Handed w/ Best Friend. I Got Nuclear Revenge & Divorce. Sad Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita Real Cheating Story. Cheating Wife Got Caught Red-Handed...
Video Transcript:
[Music] life doesn't always go the way we expect I spent nearly 30 years climbing the corporate ladder in middle management feeling secure in my career but the economy proved far more unpredictable than I could have imagined the downturn came quickly and soon the company that seemed so stable was shrinking rapidly I could see what was coming but I felt powerless to stop it as my career unraveled I tried to keep things steady at home I didn't want to burden my second wife Cathy with my troubles especially since her real estate business was also suffering she
was barely scraping by closing only a few sales here and there both of us were struggling in our separate worlds not fully aware of the personal storms we were each dealing with at 50 I found myself back in school a path I never expected to take after nearly three decades with the same company I was blindsided by the sudden layoffs the severance I received wasn't much but it was better than nothing our house and cars were paid off so we weren't in terrible shape financially but it still felt like a huge shift in my life
Cathy was also struggling but she stayed hopeful things are getting better she'd say after finally Landing a few showings one day I decided to surprise her with lunch I checked her first appointment but didn't find her there I eventually spotted her car at her most expensive listing a huge estate that could have brought in a big commission when I walked in quietly I didn't want to disturb her with a client but then I found her in the kitchen with a man he had his pants down and she was on her knees they were laughing and
he was making crude comments while she smiled up at him I stood Frozen for a moment then pulled out my phone and started recording once I had enough I couldn't hold back my anger I confronted the man firmly grabbing his collar but quickly realized that aggression was not the answer and chose to walk away Cathy shocked ran out leaving her blouse open behind her the man was still moaning on the ground when I took his wallet got his name and told him I'd see him in court he begged me not to ruin his family admitting
he wasn't the first man Cathy had done this with he gave me a friend's name to back up his story after that I never spoke to Kathy again except during the divorce she sent me a long letter of apology claiming she had done it to save her business I didn't bother reading past the first page before throwing it away I tried to keep things civil during the divorce until Kathy realized I wasn't coming back that she turned difficult at our meeting with her lawyer I handed over the photos and said if she fights me these
go public I found two more men she's used her sales techniques on this is still an alienation of affection State and the lawsuits from their wives could ruin her she'll likely lose her real estate license and even if she keeps it no one around here will hire her I gave them an ultimatum this deal isn't bad and it's her only shot I want a decision by the end of the day her lawyer called just before the deadline she had no choice but to agree agree I wouldn't live in the house again so she had to
buy me out or sell it she was Furious when I told her she couldn't be the one to sell it to raise the money she had to sell her sailboat and Mustang rumors spread despite my efforts to keep things quiet and she started having trouble getting listings once the divorce was Final I moved away I found a great deal on a foreclosure thanks to what I'd learned from Kathy it was a three-bedroom house on 9 Acres with a barn and out buildings way more than I needed but I figured I could sell it for a
profit later when I met with an employment counselor they laid out the harsh reality the job market here is even tougher and not having a degree is holding you back you should consider going back to school you only need about a year and a half to finish your degree and we cover tuition in books with nothing to lose I enrolled in a community college that had a partnership with a university so I could eventually get a 4-year degree most of the students were older like me trying to improve their lives I even made some friends
and started dating some times women younger than my two sons from my first marriage my ex-wife had cheated too but the boys were older by then and we still had a good relationship in my last semester I took a workshop on starting small businesses the final project was to create and market a fake business our instructor paired Us in teams with people we had little in common with thinking it would spark creativity my partner Gail was a fashion major about 20 years younger than me she was smart but inexperienced I invited Gail and a few
other teams over to my place for for a brainstorming session after we hit a wall with ideas we stopped trying and started drinking I made sure everyone had a safe spot to sleep Gail and I ended up talking about fashion and branding she brought up how Brands like members only and isod made fortunes through smart marketing even when the products weren't that great we joked around looking at our friends on the couch what about redneck Chic I asked Gail laughed we'd have to Brand it looking at my friend's arop pastel sweatshirt I said how about
airx [ __ ] she burst out laughing and jeans lard as we joked back and forth until Gail headed to bed the next morning I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation that's when it hit me we had our fake business idea my administrative and marketing skills would pair perfectly with her fashion and production expertise I made coffee and Gail helped with breakfast as everyone else slowly woke up some ate While others just nursed their coffee and Juice I asked Gail to stay after everyone left and I shared my idea she grinned I was thinking the
same thing she designed a logo of a raccoon but something was missing then it came to me wings it's air raccoon after all she agreed and adjusted the design and it looked much better she also created the lard Das logo a cheeky design shaped like two bum cheeks for the rear pocket we now had a design business plan and marketing strategy time to move forward Gail didn't have money but had the talent for production I could handle the rest later I asked her wouldn't it be great to have real products not just graph what do
we need she explained we'd need a professional programmable monogram machine costing anywhere from $7,000 to $15,000 new or less if we found a used one that's more than I thought I said but it's doable Gail how about this I'll fund the startup you handle design and production and I'll take care of the rest she thought about it for just a moment and agreed I hired a lawyer to draw up a fair deal the company would be called redneck Chic clothing company and I own the trademarks for air raccoon while Gail would own the lard Das
trademark since I was funding everything I got 65% and Gail got 35% she wasn't thrilled with the split but eventually agreed knowing I could easily replace her we found a $12,000 machine for $4,000 from a seller desperate to unload it and had it delivered to my garage after some training Gail was thrilled and got to work we bought six dozen assorted t-shirts men's in black and dark red women's in pink yellow and gray plus black and white hats Gail programmed the machine and soon it was running stitching our logos in a blend of silver white
and black threads the wings on the Raccoon had a gossamer look exactly as we envisioned we had Alice Jamie and some friends model the clothes Gail insisted on getting an overlock machine to sew prototype jeans which wasn't as pricey as the monogrammer we even got help from some students in the TV and radio Department to make a commercial the ad featured Alice wearing our work jeans and air raccoon shirt helping Jamie on the farm later she wore the dressier version with a pink shirt confidently looking into the camera the tagline lard as jeans definitely not
for little girls the instructor was shocked by our success and we aced the course more importantly we started getting real product requests and built a strong local following Gail and I had different ideas about the business but we agreed on many key points I had a 48 x36 metal building on my property so we applied for a Zone waiver is a cottage industry got approved and remodeled it we added insulation a heat pump a two-stall bathroom and a break room we installed 12 new melcro machines and advertised for employees we were fortunate the area had
a history of textile work so there were many skilled sewers we received 900 applications for just 12 positions we tested each candidate uring they could handle the machines by the end of the week we had 11 hires the last hire came under expectedly a woman in her 60s named Mavis she didn't apply formally but showed up asking for a chance she had 50 years of experience sewing everything from shirts to sales and was in desperate need of work after her husband passed despite not knowing the machines she was confident she could figure it out I
gave her a shot and she teared up with gratitude Gail wasn't thrilled at first but was impressed by how quickly Mavis learned she mastered the basics in 3 hours we paid employees minimum wage plus a production bonus if they operated the machines at 80% efficiency averaging $9 an hour we couldn't offer full insurance but arranged a deal for four doctor visits a year for $20 and up to three free generic prescriptions it wasn't much but the workers appreciated the effort most of them were middle-aged with experience in the textile industry Mavis naturally became the floor
manager acting like a grandmother and motivator to the team we had each employee make a shirt in all five colors with their names monogrammed which became their uniforms they voted to work 9-hour days Monday through Thursday and 4 hours on Friday with overtime available if needed birthdays were celebrated with a party paid day off or extra pay and we always gave a nice gift Mavis got a 19-in flat screen a Blu-ray player and a year of Netflix as a birthday gift she cried for an hour before heading home Gail grumbled about the cost as money
was starting to become her Focus for a year we kept expanding adding a mini shift of college kids working night and Saturdays but still couldn't keep up eventually I told Gail we needed to find a bigger facility how big she asked trying to hide her excitement after reviewing projections for a month I replied big enough for at least 100 machines and space for your jeans line we might need two buildings Gail was thrilled we found a large facility and a smaller one nearby we planned to bring in 25 machines at a time with a full
setup in a year Gail began shopping for overlock sewing machines to start the jeans production the business had grown too big for us to handle alone we needed managers for the plant Production Office HR and accounting our original workers were nervous about the changes fearing the loss of the informal environment they liked I reassured them during a meeting we not moving you your jobs are safe I'll still be around and Mavis Turner will manage day-to-day operations starting Monday everyone cheered Mavis was a natural leader and had already been solving many floor problems she was hesitant
at first but accepted the role when I doubled her pay I also gave all the original workers a bonus of 2 weeks pay as a thank you Gail thought I was spoiling them but I believed in investing in loyalty the real branding breakthrough came from Mavis her great nephew a race car driver had just moved up to the bush series the equivalent of AAA in baseball he was one of the few black racers on the circuit Mavis asked for a day off to see him and I had an idea I'll give you the day off
with pay if you bring him by for lunch I'll treat everyone if I can have a few minutes alone with him she was thrilled and I saw a golden opportunity for our brand I did some research on mavis's nephew he had a solid racing record and was well-liked he was married with one child and his wife was on the plus side which aligned well with our brand when Mavis brought him in he was friendly posed for photos and made everyone laugh gaining some loyal fans that day later I got him alone in my office how'd
you get into racing I asked he explained his dad had been a mechanic who dabbled in dirt track racing he started with go-karts at age 10 and moved on to dirt track cars by 15 now he was set to race in the bush series I was impressed how do you think you'll do with the right sponsorship we're running on a tight budget but I should do all right I cut to the chase let's talk business my company's growing but we're not there yet send me some numbers to get a raccoon on your car in the
meantime how about doing some ads for us you and your wife we'll pay you the going rate and work sponsorship into the deal later think about it I knew I was in over my head I went to see my old Professor the one who'd helped me start this journey he was happy to see me and even introduced me to his class as a success story afterward over coffee I asked if he was really retiring yes after the semester he said I smiled no you're not you're going to be vice president of development at Redneck Chic
clothing he was stunned are you serious absolutely I need your Connections in the academic and business business World start building a team we'll discuss salary later I had already talked to Gail and she was so focused on setting up the jeans Factory she agreed without hesitation we also got lucky with new hires my oldest son had just been downsized so I hired him as our controller he and his pregnant wife moved into a house I leased as a signing bonus she became my personal assistant Gail then introduced me to her aunt amarillis who preferred to
be called Amy at 46 she was fit professional and very attractive acve without realizing it I had hired her as our office manager I figured even if she wasn't the best at the job it would be nice to have her around zeist I know finally my youngest son joined us as our materials manager we didn't need a warehouse yet but with bigger plans on the horizon it was only a matter of time we held a meeting with the key team Gail Amy Ralph my old Professor Barry our lawyer Greg my son Jerry and me we
needed to establish a chain of command to expand the company nationally I was named CEO Gail became VP of the jeans division Ralph would manage the T-shirt plant Greg and Amy would oversee the office and Jerry would focus on streamlining materials and potential Warehouse issues Debbie Greg's wife would help with expansion projects we set salaries and agreed on profit sharing though there were no ownership options yet our sales were booming and we struggled to keep up the first 25 machines were online and for a brief time we were ahead of schedule Betty one of the
original workers was promoted to manage the new section Barry suggested we incorporate and consider going public but I wasn't thrilled about it especially since we didn't manufacture our own shirts which were foreign made Jerry came to me with an idea why not make our own shirts in the US he explained there were plenty of empty factories and skilled workers plus government incentives to hire older workers after reviewing the costs we found it would add about 75 cents per shirt Gail and Barry weren't on board but both sons Amy and Ralph thought it was worth exploring
especially with the made in America appeal Debbie had just given birth to our first granddaughter so she couldn't travel I went with Jerry and Amy to visit potential locations we found a perfect midsize building in a rural area that used to be a shirt factory the local governments offered grants and incentives making it an attractive option however Gail strongly opposed it pushing for outsourcing to China for higher profits I refused saying this company will never move out of the country it's about Pride not just profit Jerry later pointed out that even if we made shirts
here the fabric would still come from China however he had a solution a nearby American fabric plant that could meet our needs adding about 50 cents per shirt but making the product 100% americanmade together these changes would increase costs by $1.25 per shirt Ralph and Amy supported raising prices to match the higher quality Gail continued to object as she sourced her denim cheaply from Malaysia boosting her division's profits we started to disagree more frequently at 24 Gail had changed she wore designer clothes expensive jewelry and drove Alexis her Focus had shifted and it was clear
that money was clouding her judgment since Debbie ran errands for me I gave her my company SUV and drove my truck to work Ralph got the same SUV model thinking we'd get a better deal buying too Amy called me for a meeting she had taken over HR after our original hire got caught in a pill sting which we didn't expect at 53 Amy had the right qualifications and was now managing HR for 225 hourly workers and 40 salaried employees across our operations it was time to implement a Health Plan Amy invited me to the sewing
plant where she had been Staffing the operation for 6 weeks the plant was almost ready to produce its first shirts though still not fully staffed I flew in on Friday to check on the progress Amy greeted me with a big hug at the airport and I realized how long it had been since my last relationship ship it had been 4 years since my split from Cathy and three since we started the company I hadn't dated in almost 2 years noticing me glance at her Amy teased what are you doing I blushed just enjoying the view
she laughed joking that some people thought I might be gay we arrived at the plant where I noticed tents and a crowd gathered it turned out to be our first annual company picnic Amy introduced me to the employees as the founder and CEO and and I was touched by the Applause I made sure to talk to each employee and their families the Highlight was when the oldest employee a 67-year-old grandmother presented me with the first shirt made at the plant I had it monogram by Mavis framed and hung in my office the company was thriving
Greg kept our finances stable and Mavis and her team worked on new product designs including a long tail line of collared shirts with a larger raccoon logo we were also developing jackets with an even bigger logo Mavis now 65 even made a stuffed raccoon toy for her granddaughter complete with wings during a rare halfday off I stopped by the SE Mavis who admitted she missed sewing but was proud of her work when I asked about her retirement plans she hugged me and said Not until you run me out I've never been happier and am so
grateful for this opportunity I smiled and replied Youk probably Outlast me I was captivated by the stuffed raccoon Mavis made so I had her make one for my granddaughter which became her favorite toy Mavis even made one for me that I kept on my desk after a year of seeing it I realized the potential no stuffed animals were made in the US anymore I put Jerry in charge and a month later he had a plan we set up a small Factory with 14 employees using older machines which produced high quality toys Gail opposed the idea
but I made the factory independent and owned solely by me under the redneck Chic license which appeased her since Mavis designed the raccoon I gave her 25 cents per toy sold and her quarterly checks rival her salary Gail now mostly at the jeans plant had a new boyfriend and Greg wasn't impressed with him meanwhile we signed Will Turner mavis's nephew and a rising race car driver and his wife Mary as endorsers initially hesitant Mary eventually embraced our brand modeling our jeans and shirts will promoted our products at the racetrack handing out hats and shirts and
even launched our longtail line when we raised prices after going all American Sales dipped briefly so I posted a video explaining the price hike and used the phrase how much is your country worth to you sales quickly rebounded the stuffed raccoons became a hit and we donated them to factory workers and local hospitals ESPN featured will handing out toys nicknaming him the raccoon fairy which caught on among his fans and fellow drivers his car even featured the raccoon logo boosting his popularity especially with kids as demand grew we doubled the toy production however the stress
of expanding the company and long work hours caught up to me and I collapsed from exhaustion my doctor warned me to start exercising and delegating more or I'd face serious health issues surrounded by my family and team in the hospital I realized it was time to make some changes Debbie and Maria gave me a hard time saying I needed to live long enough to meet my grandson due in 6 months Maria also revealed she was pregnant showing me her engagement ring and teasing you've got a lot to live for old man they joked that I
needed a wife to keep me alive long enough to nag me end of life Amy and others stopped by and Ralph and Barry teased me about taking it easy what surprised me most was Amy who was emotional and scolded me for not realizing how many people depended on me Mavis too hugged me tightly crying and making me promise to take care of myself after 3 days in the hospital I returned to the office where production stopped as everyone hugged me Amy and Mavis then set up a schedule where I would work until lunchtime then go
home to rest Amy often join me for lunch to ensure I ate healthy keeping me from indulging in fast food I came to enjoy these lunches especially since Amy and I hadn't spent much time together before we talked about our lives and I shared my experiences with failed marriages due to cheating Amy opened up about her own divorce 6 years ago sharing her hatred for cheaters and how she was glad to be rid of her ex-husband I asked if she was seeing anyone and she joked that her boss kept her too busy for a relationship
I laughed and admitted that while had once sworn off marriage I was rethinking it believing that I could eventually find the right woman the conversation shifted when Amy mentioned Gail's talk of moving the jeans operation to China Gail had been spending more time at the main office and was engaged to someone Amy didn't like Gail seemed frustrated with being a business owner instead of pursuing her original dream of being a fashion designer and she still resented not getting a 5050 split when we set up the business I was surprised as I had felt 35% was
generous considering I came up with the concept name and funding it made me think that perhaps it was time for us to part ways Amy seemed surprised especially since Gail was her niece I don't think that's a good idea Gail needs your guidance and she wouldn't do nearly as well on her own I grunted just talking but make sure she knows no part of my company is going to China we're making good money and 300 Americans depend on us not counting our suppliers Amy nodded I'll tell her but if she pushes do what's best for
the for the company I trust you to make the right call she held my hand for a moment before realizing and pulling back we promoted Jerry to help with daily operations and Ralph took on more of my duties since I was working half days Debbie became Ralph's assistant I knew something was up when Greg invited me to lunch on Sunday both Debbie and Maria were pregnant Debbie was 7 and 1/2 months along and Maria was 5 and 1/2 months during a quiet meal I finally asked what's going on the women left and the boys hesitated
before telling me the issue dad mom is in bad shape she lost her job caught her husband cheating and her house is in foreclosure can we help her Greg explained they had found her an apartment and would cover the first year's rent and utilities while Jerry would add her to his phone plan then Jerry added she needs a job Gail's assistant just quit and we think she'd be a good fit Gail might be more polite since she's our mom I didn't like the idea but reluctantly agreed fine but keep her away from me if she
call cuses problems she's out the boys were relieved thanks Pop you won't even know she's there Maria and Debbie hugged me clearly happy with my decision Maria said you're a good man papacita Debbie whispered her thanks adding that she'd been against letting Rosalyn move in with them I told Amy about it at lunch on Tuesday she wasn't thrilled are you sure you don't need more stress I'll manage she's their mother and Gail will keep her busy Amy laughed Gail wasn't happy but but I used all my HR skills to get her to accept it she's
calmed down a bit since Rosalind arrived the next week and immediately started complaining her apartment was too small the commute was too long and she didn't like Gail Greg and Jerry had a talk with her we're doing our best mom if you don't like the apartment you can move but you'll have to pay your own rent Gail can be tough but maybe you can be a good influence if you can't handle it we'll help you find another job that shut her up she knew she wouldn't find a better job and the thought of paying her
own way didn't appeal to her I saw her two weeks later at a meeting she'd gained some weight had shorter hair but still had those striking blue eyes she greeted me Zack how are you I'm fine Ros how have you been she didn't like being called Ros but she kept calm I've had better days thanks for your help it means a lot to me and the boys so how do you like being a rich business owner a bit different from what we imagined years ago I smiled didn't expect a crowd of grandkids either either can't
wait to meet our grandsons before I could say more Amy walked over and put her hand on my arm there was some silent tension between her and Rosalind like a mental standoff Amy then said time to start the meeting Zach let's keep it short I want to try that new Mexican place for lunch she addressed Roslin with a dismissive Rosland and I saw rosin tense up trying to lighten things I said let's get to business I'll see you at Jerry's house for lunch on Sunday Amy gripped my arm tighter when I mentioned it and I
began wondering was she jealous during lunch I caught Amy's eye a few times she asked what do I have food on my blouse no just a question do we still contribute to the Gil Center if so can you get me two tickets to Jersey Boys she nodded I'm sure I can arrange that great now a business question if I take an employee as a date would that be an issue she looked serious I wouldn't recommend it relationships with employees can lead to trouble especially if they end badly don't mix business and personal life Zach I
pretended to be disappointed too bad I was hoping you'd go with me I know you love musicals she nearly choked on her tea before recovering you'll pick me up at 6 we'll have dinner at a nice restaurant I choose and we'll attend the show as corporate officers supporting the center this is strictly a business event not a date clear so that's a yes I asked yes now finish your lunch and don't touch the salt shaker or you won't be able to applaud on Friday Friday I sent her flowers on Friday with a card reading in
appreciation of a loyal employee strictly business of course Debbie heard about the flowers and confronted me flowers for Amy you romantic I tried to downplay it just a gesture of appreciation before she could say more Maria burst in is it true she asked Debbie who nodded Maria grinned and said just so you know Amy took a halfday vacation so did we we going for a spa treatment and shopping you better appreciate this Maria cut me off off give it up pop she's been into you for about a year she nearly collapsed when you got sick
men are clueless I've seen how you look at her when she's not looking you want her just as much Debbie jumped in don't screw this up if you do Sunday lunches with your grandkids will be a thing of the past I leaned back and smiled what happened to my right to privacy long gone good luck papacita Maria laughed as she and Debbie left I sent Amy flowers Friday morning with a card that read in appreciation of a loyal employee strictly business of course within 45 minutes Debbie stormed into my office flowers for Amy you romantic
she teased I Shrugged just a gesture of appreciation no big deal Maria then charged in grinning she took a half day vacation pop so did we we're all going for a spa day followed by shopping you better appreciate it I tried to protest but Maria cut me off face it pop she's into you and you want her too Debbie added don't blow this you need her and she needs you plus we could use a better mother-in-law I gave in anything else Maria checked her watch yeah Greg and Jerry are coming to take you shopping for
a new suit you're not wearing that old stuff and forget your truck a limo will pick you up this Nate is going to cost you but you're rich you're welcome Greg and Jerry walked in just as she finished and everyone laughed except me let's get you a suit that's actually from this decade they said I sat in the limo feeling like a nervous teenager on a first date when I got got to Amy's house I admired her well-kept yard neat attractive and beautiful just like her when she opened the door I was speechless she wore
a perfect little black dress conservative yet zexy knee length and perfectly fitted to her curves her hair was styled in an elegant semi bun understated but alluring she let me squirm for a moment before saying for God's sake Zack say something I blurted out you're so beautiful she blushed and giggled thank you glad to know your daughters-in-laws efforts weren't wasted I feel like a princess I smiled they getting upgraded in the will and I mean it you're beautiful come princess your Carriage awaits she wrapped a shawl around her shoulders took my arm and we headed
out we went to a new Thai restaurant Amy loved spicy food but I couldn't handle it as well she ordered both spicy and Mild dishes feeding me small bites while I wipe my brow afterward we walked to the venue on the warm evening and I got used to the feel of her hand on my arm the performance was excellent and we had some of the best seats in the house she held my hand the entire time afterward she said thank you so much for tonight I loved it me too too bad it's over I replied
she stopped over who said that I'm keeping you up past your bedtime and if you're lucky I might tuck you in I blushed and she laughed we went to a club that catered to our age group with a Beatles tribute band playing she excused herself and when she returned her hair was down for the first time long and beautiful we sipped drinks and enjoyed the music she was itching to dance so I asked Wana and she dragged me onto the floor I wasn't great at dancing but the slow dances made up for it she pressed
close to me and we took breaks for me to catch my breath at one point her friends Jerry and Sky stopped by Sky's ankle heard so I asked Jerry to dance with Amy she looked at me and I nodded watching her dance happily after a few fast songs they returned when a slow one began thank you she said most men would be jealous I smiled they're your friends and I want you to have fun but if it were a stranger I'd expect you to say no if you're with me you're with me she giggled I'm
with you honey we had coffee with them afterward and they gave us a card for their dance studio before we left we signed up for lessons in the limo I told her you don't need lessons I used to teach part-time it'll be fun and dancing with the same partner makes you better plus it'll get you in shape better than bowling she said with a smile I didn't mess things up by trying to come in after walking Amy to her door I did get a few nice kisses which was enough for now on Sunday before Rosalind
arrived the girls teased me and the guys asked if I'd scored while their wives playfully scolded them when Rosalind arrived and saw the smiles she asked what's everyone so happy about Jerry grinned and said went on his first date in over 2 years and had a great time it wasn't entirely true but no one corrected him Rosalyn didn't seem amused which dampened the mood until Ashley their 2-year-old woke up and lightened the atmosphere Rosalyn noticed Ashley's raccoon toy and commented how cute it looks familiar Jerry explained it's from our company we make them near the
shirt factory and sell them online and in select stores we've sold quite a few Rosalind rolled her eyes great more money for you Jerry clearly offended explained actually it's a nonprofit Foundation every dollar after cost goes to the Wounded Warrior Foundation to help disabled veterans with things like ramps guide dogs and housing modifications I wished he hadn't mentioned it we didn't do it for the recognition it all started when Jerry's best friend who lost both legs in Afghanistan needed help we built ramps for his house and it led to the idea of creating the foundation
Gail insisted we keep it separate from the business so it wouldn't affect her earnings Bob Jerry's friend now works for us and overseas donations Rosalind apologized and the rest of the afternoon went smoothly on Monday I received an email outlining the events I'd be attending to represent the company Fridays and Saturdays would be busy for a while I was still working half days and considering making it permanent Amy joined me and Mavis for lunch but didn't bring up the weekend she asked if I'd seen the memo about more Community involvement which I had when Amy
kissed me goodbye and called me honey Mavis is eyes widened and she immediately pounced so you and Amy about time she loves you you know I raised my hands we're just friends no one's talking marriage Mavis gave me a look uh-huh well when that wedding happens I'll be sitting on the groom's side later Mavis hinted that she and the girls were working on something but wouldn't tell me what on Friday she made sure Amy was with me for lunch and I knew something was up after lunch Mavis invited me to the shop where the girls
were grinning you told us to experiment so we did Mavis said get ready for a fashion show the fashion show was mostly grandchildren ranging from 8 months to 6 years all wearing clothes with our logo I thought about a children's line before but never had time to develop it Mavis knocked me to it and I was impressed the designs were clever like a jumper on the 8-month-old with a raccoon in diapers and a dress on a six-year-old featuring a mother raccoon with her babies Debbie's daughter Ashley wore red overalls with raccoon heads on the bib
we introduced the baby raccoon line online and it sold out in 2 weeks everyone loved it except Gail who stormed into my house while Amy and I were having lunch Furious you a-hole I'm the designer she yelled we were stunned I tried to reason with her no one's undermining you I asked about a kids line two years ago and you focused on jeans now feel free to design as much as you want she ranted some more and left Amy sighed she's losing it her husband's spending money they don't have and she can't say no he
knows she has millions but doesn't understand the difference between working millions and spending Millions worse he talked her out of a prenup I was shocked there's a clause in our agreement that requires a prenup to protect the business what was she thinking meanwhile things between Amy and me progressed nicely we attended concerts plays and sporting events including races will was winning consistently and had a shot at rookie of the year in Nascar we expanded our monogramming and shirt factories to keep up with demand and Forbes featured us on the cover as a true American success
story as Amy and I grew closer Gail's marriage began to deteriorate I could sense trouble coming we attended the annual picnic at the shirt factory the food was great and the employees mostly women competed fiercely in the dessert contest prizes ranged from $50 to $250 and the winner was a coconut cake the local mayor and County Commissioners judged the contest and the event made the local papers along with a few photos of Amy and me goofing around one photo showed me smearing cake on her face and another caught her kissing me in Revenge the caption
identified us as the company's owner and his wife which the kids found amusing at the hotel afterward I was surprised when the clerk gave Amy and me key cards to the same room before I could protest she hurried me along I got tired of waiting if I left it to you we'd be in Walkers before anything happened now don't screw this up it had been a long dry spell and Amy made up for lost time that night I managed two performances and a third at 6:00 a.m. the dance lessons had definitely helped Amy outshone both
my Ex-Wives in every way throwing herself completely into our time together at 50 Amy was still trim and beautiful she made me wait in the living room while she changed and when she finally emerged she was wearing a sheer Teddy robe and high heels she twirled teasing me do you like this she asked once I regained my speech I saidou beautiful but it would look even better off you she giggled then it's only fair you take it off we made love again and afterward I held her until she fell asleep the next morning we showered
together and made it to breakfast with the family Debbie teased Amy saying she was glowing while Greg joked that I looked like I didn't get enough sleep they all laughed but I surprised them by announcing we were staying a few more days I wanted to visit the toy factory and spend more time with Amy mission accomplished on the flight home I asked how long until you move in Amy smiled taking my hand I plan to spend a lot of time in your bed but I'm not moving in right away we need to make sure everything's
right and just so you know I'm an old-fashioned marriage kind of woman does that scare you I replied the only thing that scares me is not being the one you want she held my hand for the rest of the flight the first night home without her was rough I kept waking up reaching for her the next day we struggled through lunch with Mavis who quickly caught on later Amy promised to bring a suitcase over just in case she decided to stay more often a week later Rosalyn unexpectedly showed up at my office she wanted to
talk but I told her to get to the point after some fidgeting she finally began reminiscing about our past and asked if we could start over I cut her off reminding her of her Affair the hurtful things she said and how she tried to screw me over in the divorce I told her that too much had happened and that we couldn't go back I advised her to be grateful for what she had before I could say more Amy walked in and coolly acknowledged Rosalind lunchtime honey should we have Mexican delivered to the house later so
we can relax Rosalyn sat speechless and I couldn't help but enjoy it taking amyk hand I said Ros and I were just talking about old times but I'll save the rest for another day see you Sunday we left before Roselyn could react at lunch Amy noticed the look on my face what's on your mind everyone knows we're together I knew she was in your office as soon as your door closed she needs to learn I don't share if she thinks otherwise she needs to find a new playground I protect what's mine I grinned so I'm
Yours her expression softened yes you've been mine since the hospital when I realized I was falling for you can you handle that I'm out of my league but I'll spend as long as it takes to make you happy she ran to the restroom in tears but her kiss when she returned told me I hadn't messed up I I started looking for a ring while she talked about redecorating I told her anything was fine as long as she left my office alone we were both happy two weeks later while I was browsing honeymoon brochures my secretary
called there's a woman here who says she's your wife I was confused everyone knew Rosalyn by now and Amy hadn't said yes yet I thought it was a joke until Kathy walked in hi Zach surprised she asked dressed to impress more like disappointed why are you here her smile faded I wanted to AP oliz remember my letter I never read past the first line why she asked trying to stay composed because I was in too much pain I loved you for 6 years but then I found out you've been sleeping with clients for commissions that's
what some people call being paid for Z she struggled to control her temper what do you want Cathy she admitted she was broke having sold her house to keep her business afloat but it failed anyway rumors about her spread and she lost clients now she had no money left and asked for help part of me felt some satisfaction but another part felt pity I wrote her a check this is for the good years we had but you need to leave town I'm proposing to my girlfriend today and I love her more than I thought possible
I'll try to remember our Good Times her eyes widened at the check but I cut her off when she tried to thank me just take it I wouldn't be here if you hadn't betrayed me your actions pushed me to find success she asked for a goodbye hug but I refused no don't ask why you won't like the answer just then Amy walked in hi honey I just need she saw Cathy sorry I'll come back I took her hand no need to wait Miss Myers was just leaving I guided Amy out of the room leaving Cathy
behind for good as soon as we turned the corner Amy pulled me against the wall kissing me passionately I know who she is she said I started to explain but she put her hand on my lips no need I can be jealous and you're mine no more Ex-Wives I don't know about I shook my head no good I trust you but you're too soft-hearted it's a good thing I'm here to keep you in line now don't you have something to ask me it didn't go exactly as I'd imagined but I got down on one knee
and took out the ring from my pocket people were passing by secretaries and assistants heading to lunch floor managers carrying paperwork they all stopped and stared as you said I'd be lost without you I think I need a little more supervision and the only way to get that is by having you with me forever Amy love of my life it took me two tries but I believe I found the woman I was meant to be with please baby marry me it wasn't the Romantic speech I had hoped for but I got my point across I
think everyone in the hall was holding their breath as she knelt to my level yes she said plain simple and exactly the word I wanted to hear more than anything in my life people clapped and cheered but neither of us noticed we stayed on the floor kissing for nearly 5 minutes long enough for the kids to come running down the hall Maria and Debbie pulled Amy up and the three of them hugged dancing in a circle the boys just stood there grinning stop smirking and help an old man up I told them they pulled me
to my feet and the girls grabbed me while Amy hugged Jerry and Greg within 40 minutes the news had spread across both plants an hour later Mavis called remember I sit on your side of the church she reminded me I wished I could have seen her face you won't be sitting much since my parents have passed you'll be the mother of the groom she couldn't speak so she hung up the date was set and Amy had moved into my house fulltime we had a long talk about the future I think I'm going to retire the
boys are doing well and Ralph will still be around to guide them I'll stay on as CEO but only step in if they hit a deadlock or need advice if you retire I retire she said all right please honey she teased like I'm going to let you wander around alone my new full-time job will be keeping an eye on you everyone was thrilled about the engagement except Gail she hadn't been happy about much lately she finally put an end to her husband's Reckless spending and told him to get a job if he wanted extra money
he had quit working the day after they got married he exploded in Anger withdrew as much as he could from their accounts and left then he sued for divorce asking for alimony and half of her share of the company Barry did his job he brought up up the partnership and Corporation papers that clearly excluded the business from being community property it was a gray area but Barry made it clear he could drag things out for years and her husband would be paying his own fees unless a lawyer took the case on contingency Barry had a
solid reputation and most lawyers were hesitant in the end Gail had to pay him a million and a half to make him go away Gail came out to our house for lunch with Amy and me she looked exhausted and frustrated I want out of the company she said bluntly I wanted take the genan business and the brand you can have the rest can we work something out that night Amy and I discussed it she said it wasn't her decision but I reminded her that we were going to be life partners and every choice from now
on would affect both of us we consulted bar who brought in an independent firm to appraise the business in the end we split it the way Gail proposed she took the genan company and kept the laric brand I had to pay her 2 million in cash to buy out her remaining Equity Amy tried to convince Gail to stay but Gail was determined I've learned a lot it's time for me to move on and follow my own Vision after the paperwork was signed Gail closed the factory and moved her business to China leaving the locals devastated
I was Furious but there was nothing I could do what I could do however was buy the equipment and restart under a new brand Amy came up with our new logo living large featuring two big red L's on the pocket we updated our website sent out memos and posted on YouTube YouTube to explain the change without badmouthing Gail though people figured it out Gail thrived for 3 years before selling her company to a Chinese Syndicate and opening a design House in La meanwhile innovation thrived in our company and Maria came up with a new idea
working with Mavis on the punk raccoon line instead of the familiar cute logo the raccoon had black bat-like wings and red eyes with skeletal outlines we launched hoodies and te's using kids from the community to spread the word Amy and I have eventually married and I met her son who had just graduated from college we brought him into the business with Greg and Jerry helping him along Roslin remarried and moved away which while unspoken brought relief to the boys Sunday dinners have become big family gatherings Amy and I are mostly retired attending only a monthly
board meeting our honeymoon was a world cruise and we loved it so much that it's now an annual tradition taking the grandkids along to give the parents a break life has been good as for Mavis she reti fired for 6 months then called me one day do you know who Azie Osborne is she asked yes Mavis good because I'm quoting him retirement sucks when can I come back I laughed and told her as soon as you can walk through the door she's still going strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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