before I reveal Florence Scoville Shin's most powerful secret the hidden principle that aligns you with Divine abundance I need you to do something for me pause for a moment because what I'm about to share with you isn't just another idea about faith or manifestation this is something Florence Scoville Shin understood deeply a spiritual law so powerful that when you live by it everything in your life begins to shift you may already know one of her most famous teachings your word is your wand but what if I told you that there is a specific way to
speak think and feel that unlocks the very forces that shape your reality a way of aligning yourself with the Divine flow of abundance love and success where obstacles disappear synchronicities increase and the things you once struggled for begin to find you now you might be wondering what is this hidden principle how do you access it and why did Florence Scoville Shin one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the early 20th century teach this truth so boldly yet so few truly apply it stay with me because in the next few minutes I'm going to break
it all down for you and once you step into this frequency everything in your life your relationships your opportunities your finances even your sense of Peace will begin to align in ways you never imagined before I tell you exactly how to align with this frequency I need you to understand something crucial Florence Scoville Shin knew something that most people still don't realize today she wasn't just a writer she wasn't just a spiritual teacher she was someone who understood the hidden mechanics of reality how the Unseen World responds to the words we speak the thoughts we
dwell on And the emotions we allow to dominate our being and she taught that every single person is constantly broadcasting a frequency whether they know it or not your words and thoughts are not just random they are commands to the universe this is why she emphasized man can only receive what he sees himself receiving now think about this for a second if you look at your life right now what are you unconsciously receiving are you constantly worrying about money are you telling yourself that things never work out for you are you believing in limitations more
than possibilities because whether you realize it or not your frequency is already creating your reality this is why Florence Scoville Shin was so adamant about one thing if you want to see a different life you must first speak a different reality into existence and here's the most overlooked part of her teachings you don't wait for external proof before you shift into Faith you shift first because the moment you step into that Faith before the evidence appears you align with the divine power that makes all things possible and once you do reality itself begins to shift
around you let's go into the steps the very first step Florence Scoville Shin taught that words are not just sounds they are spiritual decrees that shape your reality she often quoted scripture to explain this saying by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned what does this mean it means that what you consistently speak whether positive or negative becomes your lived experience your words are not random Expressions they carry vibrational power that sets spiritual laws into motion so here's the first thing I want you to do observe your words
take a moment and listen to yourself are you saying things like nothing ever works out for me I always struggle with money it's so hard to get ahead if so you've unknowingly been shaping your life through words of lack doubt and fear but here's the truth you do not have to live in struggle Florence Scoville Shin taught that when you change your words you change your life so here's what I want you to declare right now everything I seek is already seeking me what's Mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me I walk
in faith knowing that my path is unfolding perfectly I will repeat it again everything I seek is already seeking me what's Mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me I walk in faith knowing that my path is unfolding perfectly now say it out loud everything I seek is already seeking me what's Mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me I walk in faith knowing that my path is unfolding perfectly let the words settle in your spirit because the moment you declare it you activate it you are no longer just hoping for
change you are aligning with it you are stepping into the energy of certainty the moment you speak with faith and conviction you shift reality itself and this this is only the beginning now let's go even deeper the Second Step Florence Scoville Shin didn't just believe in wishful thinking she knew that your words thoughts and emotions act as a tuning Fork shaping the reality around you she often said man can only receive what he sees himself receiving this means before anything manifests in your external World it must first exist within you fully formed fully believed fully
accepted so take a deep breath now bring to mind the version of you that already has what you've been seeking not the version that's waiting not the version that's doubting not the version that's questioning when or how things will happen but the version of you that already knows it's done visualize this version of yourself clearly what do they think when they wake up in the morning how do they speak about their life and circumstances what kind of energy do they radiate how do they walk breathe and move through life with absolute certainty or hesitation now
take it a step further feel it as if it's real because to your subconscious mind it already is shin taught that Faith isn't about waiting it's about stepping into the reality of your desire before it manifests she said Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly that means you speak as if the door has already opened you move as as if the path has already been made clear you think as if the answer has already arrived because here's the secret reality is just a mirror what you accept internally the world reflects externally if you
hold on to doubt hesitation or disbelief the universe will show you situations that reinforce those doubts but the moment you shift when you truly see yourself as the person who already has what you seek everything around you begins to rearrange this is why those who understood Florence Scoville Shin's teachings effortlessly attracted success opportunities and breakthroughs they weren't lucky they were aligned they tuned into the frequency of already having rather than wanting now it's time for you to do the same lock this in hold this state the final step now that you've shifted into the frequency
of Faith here's where most people go wrong they feel it for a moment and then they start looking around for proof is it working where's the change maybe I need to do something else and the moment they do that they drop right back into resistance Florence Scoville Shin taught that Faith isn't about forcing it's about knowing the Divine doesn't respond to struggle it responds to alignment so how do you lock this in one stop trying to force it once you've shifted into Faith Let It Be You don't have to push you don't have to chase
you don't have to obsess over how or when Shin often said fear and impatience demagnetize Poise magnetizes this means when you truly know something is yours you move with peace not panic just St stay in the energy of it's already done because the moment you try to force it you signal to the universe that you don't yet believe it two watch for small signs but don't chase them at first your shifts may seem subtle a conversation that suddenly gives you Clarity an unexpected opportunity that nudges you in the right direction a moment of deep peace
where your mind stops worrying these are not coincidences they are the first signs that your reality is Shifting but here's where most people go wrong they get impatient they start testing the process instead of trusting it instead of seeing these small shifts as proof that the bigger manifestation is unfolding they ask why hasn't everything changed yet and that doubt it resets everything so here's what you do instead acknowledge the small signs smile at them then keep moving forward because the moment you relax into knowing bigger shifts will follow three keep declaring what's yours Florence scovel
Shin believed that your words hold creative power she said your word is your wand so every single day speak faith-filled words declare with confidence I now align with Divine abundance nothing is impossible for me for I walk in faith not fear speak it not to make it happen but because you know it already has this is how you stay in alignment this is how you keep the door open this is how you allow the Divine to work without interference and once you hold this energy long enough your reality has no choice but to match it
because once you do you're no longer wishing for change you've stepped into the energy where where change is inevitable now here's what I want you to do if you're ready to align with Divine favor type I walk in faith in the comments below because once you declare it the shift begins