How to get more done than 99% of people

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Dan Martell
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I'm going to share with you how I stay productive 99% of every day and make it feel easy this is what allowed me to become a millionaire by 27 sell multiple companies and actually learn to love my life even though I grew up with crippling ADHD and still deal with it today so if you feel lazy sometimes burnt out overwhelmed or stuck in a hamster wheel of work in life I was there too but the ideas I'm about to share with you are what got me out of it hopefully can get you out too so
without further explaining it this is how to actually get more done than 9 9% of people the first strategy is the drip Matrix in my book I talk about this simple framework that helps people understand where they can be more productive called the drip Matrix D rip p d stands for delegate you want to look at everything in your life that you're doing right now that other people can do at a very low cost those are things you want to ask somebody else to support you on you can ask an inter you can have a
family member or you can just decide to delete it or defer it most of you guys are doing you shouldn't do so just get rid of it or put it off to next year so once we get out of that quadrant we want to move up our stands for replace replace is understanding that at the lowest level there's administrative tasks then the level above that is things that are delivering the value that we sold to a customer above that is marketing then sales then leadership so I use this framework called the replacement ladder in the
our quadrant so that I can look at my calendar and figure out am I building the systems to get out of that type of work so I can create more money once I've got more money then I redeploy that into the I which is I for investment and what I want to do is invest in myself to become more valuable see the world doesn't reward who you are it rewards you for the value you create in it and the only way to make more money is to become more valuable to your customers to the marketplace
to the world once I've done that then I get to spend most of my time in the top right quadrant which is P for production in the production quadrant this is where you spend most of your time doing things that light you up that you enjoy that honestly you would do for free that make you the most money it could be your art it could be your writing it could be shooting videos and nothing else so for example if you're a YouTuber you're an influencer a mechanic you want to just do the work that you
love and everything else around the business gets done and supported by other people if you follow this process you will be not only more productive than everybody else you'll be richer than everybody else because you'll become more valuable and you will spend your time on things that actually make you the most money which brings us to number two which is time wasters most people are wasting their time because they don't know what to do next I see procrastinators some of them think I'm a perfectionist no you're a procrastinator you're just putting things off and most
of the time it's cuz they just don't have a clear next action item my friend Brandon calls it mins the most important next strategy he was telling this story about his friend that wanted to be in a relationship he said well what do you got to do to be in a Rel relip he's like well I need to find a woman well how do you find a woman well I've got to probably get back on the dating apps okay why don't you get signed up on the dating apps well I need to go get a
haircut so the next most important strategy is getting the haircut to enable everything else and most people spend more time trying to figure out what's the big Vision what's a big plan instead of just doing something that moves their dreams and goals forward which brings us to number three which is time versus money time's more important than money for a lot of people because time is constant for all people yet you can create more money and unfortunately a lot of people have never experienced this because they've always traded their time for dollars and they've never
traded their creativity their value their resourcefulness for payment and when you disconnect getting paid to your hour of doing work then the whole world opens up because then you can use that resource that money to buy more time and experiences to enjoy life and I'm not saying you shouldn't go and experience some tough challenging times because I think most people come from Pain and develop from challenges more so than they grow from pleasure but money buys time money buys Freedom being rich enables you to live a quality of life that you probably didn't growing up
it's why you have a desire to be more successful the whole point of being more productive is to create more per unit of time than other people and the way we do that is with leverage so you need the money to pour into the activity of time to create the leverage so you can be be more productive and that's why I think time is more important than money just most people waste a lot of time to save money when they should spend more money to buyb time which brings us to number four which is how
do you create leverage there's actually only four ways to create leverage in the world I learned this from one of my mentors this guy named Nal rant it's the four C so the first one is code code stands for automation software if I write some code and then I use it to automate a task I never have to do that thing again huge amount of leverage a little bit of time up front but then it always runs the way I want it it's a system the second C is content think about creating a standard operating
procedure A playbook for somebody else to follow I sit down and I spend a couple hours creating this checklist and then I can have that train thousands of people without my presence and get a result for the rest of my life huge amount of Leverage creating content like this training videos education videos any kind of content where I'm like capturing an idea that other people can consume without my time massive amounts of Leverage the third C is capital if I have dollars I can buy time to get leverage to create more value for the world
and I can keep making that trade of dollars for time if I can borrow money then I can FastTrack results faster in my life to generate profits to pay back some of the money I borrowed but then over time end up creating more value in that time frame so capital is a huge form of Leverage and the fourth C is collaboration it's people it's understanding how can I work with other people how can I lead them what is my communication style how do I get the most out of somebody how do I develop them and
most people don't spend enough time trying to learn how to work with a team so the four C's if you look at these four key skills from collaboration content code and capital you have the opportunity to create as much richness as you want in your life if you decide to master these four skills which brings us to number five which is productivity blockers the thing that stops people from getting things done is typically a lack of motivation to just do the work if anything what I've Gotten Good at over the years is just being willing
to do the boring work over and over and over and be consistent I mean if you think about what does it take to have a body with muscles it's doing the same thing every day for weeks months years to get results and I think often times I always say that one of the most valuable things I have is my ignorance not knowing how long something's going to take but being willing to commit to a process and showing up every day and focusing following one course until successful that's what Focus stands for that is what allows
a lot of people to get things done the first swing of the axe against a tree hardly makes a dent the second swing same thing what it takes is a thousand swings in the same spot to actually finally knock a tree down and what most people do is they change their mind every 3 months I got to do this this I got to do that I'm going to try this I'm going to try that and what it looks like is a side of a tree that's got axe marks all over it but it's like 30
ft dispersed it's not concentrated in one specific spot that would have got them the result so most people can't get things done because they don't Focus they also allow their feelings to dictate if they're going to get work done I've disconnected my personal feelings to doing the work a long time ago because if I wake up and I don't feel good it doesn't mean it's not important it doesn't mean that when I made the decision to do the work I didn't decide out of all the things I could be doing this is what needs to
be done most people underestimate the impact of productivity that is lost by not being in momentum when you are consistent over time you compound your growth so the more consistent you are it's not linear it actually is exponential because you start getting compounded results on top of compounding results if you allow your feelings to dictate if you're going to get something done then you're going to lose the momentum because you might take two or 3 days off from creating something really magical and that is lost the other thing from a productivity point of view is
the feeling you put into your work is felt by the customer and you'd be surprised how that impacts your life if you want to be productive care about the work I went to Japan recently and I watch people that cut fish to made ramen blls to worked on little wooden Trinkets and the level of intention they put into crafting the bowl of ramen or this wooden trinket was mindblowing it was as if they were doing it for the last time for somebody that they absolutely loved and it would never be done again and they put
that level of care into it and in today's world I walk around I see people that are literally slapping things around clicking things together getting stuff done just to get it off their to-do list with no intention of understanding who's going to benefit on the other side and how important it is and that is what's not felt by a product or a piece of work that somebody creates without that energy and that has nothing to do with how efficient you are with your calendar it has to do with the intention you put into the work
it's going to be felt by that customer by that user by that reader by that viewer which brings us to number six which is the topic of ADHD here's why I think so many people have ADHD these days I think it's used as a crutch I think anybody that is not able to be disciplined plan have a big why Focus they just default to I've got ADHD and then they start taking the pills the amount of people around me I see it cuz they tell me they're like I'm going to take some pill name your
ADHD pill and then just get cranking on your emails cranking on your sales stuff it's become an epidemic why cuz it's literally a pill I'd rather do that than just acknowledge that I need to create a better system for my life I need to wake up earlier I need to drink more water I need to have a timer on my desk I need to block time in my calendar I need to pre-negotiate all the things that I need to get the work done so that when I sit down and do the work I actually get
it done and I just think everybody that's not winning in life they just default to I have ADHD instead of I am not disciplined I am giving up too early I require a perfection in a scenario to be successful I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 11 I got put on riddlin I was on medication my whole life into my 30s and then I personally decided I didn't like who I was when I was on that medication and I had to actually detox I had to get off the medication I had to slowly reduce
the amount cuz I was on like 40 milligram slow release a day my body was so dependent on this that it was one of the hardest six months period of my life and on the other end of that I discovered my creativity I discovered my uniqueness I discovered my voice I discovered my Dan I discovered what lights me up and I would much rather re R structure my life to build the skill to not have to take a medication then to default to every time I have a problem I got to find the person who
made the pill for it which brings us to number seven which is ADHD hacks the top hacks for dealing with ADHD for me is having a routine for strategic planning for understanding here's what I want to get done in my life here's the why cuz I think the why is more important than the how so I focus on the why and the destination and then I work backwards and I start looking at what do I want to get done this this week that's aligned and on Sunday I sit there and I plan my week for
the most part I have the same Rhythm I've created a thing called the perfect week and I want to make sure that I have my workouts I have my family time I have my team time and I create a rhythm for my week then I take all the projects I'm working on and I plug them into my mornings because that's when I do my best creative work when I can sit down with a problem and really work through it or I can sit down with a prompt and really write against it or I can create
from this place connected to my Creator so that is the way I think at a high level is I use block time and I put everything into my calendar so everything I need to get a project done is in the calendar description and that's a separate piece of work than actually doing the work when I sit down I always play music so I put my headphones on and I have like EDM type music that's designed to help with focus and binural beats and there's no vocals in it and then I set a timer person I
like Pomodoro so I do 25 minutes on 5 minutes resets and I do that all morning long and I also have a journal next to me and anytime I have an idea and I don't want to get distracted I just write it down it's kind of like a parking lot and that way when I'm doing the work I'm not getting distracted so I can stay on task cuz my mind is still coming up with new ideas cool things hey you could do this but it's not focused on that specific project and then I just honor
the outcome now if I want to take it to another level like let's say I have to do some stuff I really don't want to do like create some Financial models that's when I'll schedule the meeting with somebody else and I'll have them on the call with me with the purpose of the meeting or the call to get get the thing done so if the 60-minute block or the 90-minute block they're expecting at the end of this is going to get done and it turns out most of the time I can get it done a
lot faster if I have the pressure of somebody being on the receiving end of this getting done I'm focused I do the timer and I do the music then I have the person also I can banter with and say like hey does this sound good does that sound good does this look good does this make sense boom boom boom boom get it done send it move next task so that's how I actually work but my mornings are designed to get ready for work which is I exhaust the body to tame the mind and I only
eat high protein Whole Foods in the morning no sugars no crazy stuff that's going to mess with my brain and then I attack the day so I get my sweat on and then I get my nutrition in my body and I focus my mind to get something done with a bigger vision for my life which brings us to number eight which is to find fun work I get asked all the time how does somebody find something they like doing first off I think you need to just try a lot of different things it would be
so sad to find out that you could have been a world class race car driver if you've never gotten into a vehicle it sounds crazy but I know a lot of people that have the aptitude and the character traits to be world class at a skill but they just never even tried it to even know that they could have been awesome at that so first off just like figuring out which kind of ice cream you like you should taste a lot of different flavors and try a lot of different things that's why I think if
you're a young person go travel the world go see how the rest of the world lives go spend some time by yourself in a hostel learning to navigate The Crazies the people trying to scam you the new friends the different languages the different cultures cuz that's going to just expose you to a lot of different things in a short period of time what should you do with your life I like looking at the icky guy it's i k i g AI so it goes through these four questions first one is what are you good at
above average than normal people look at that bucket of things then it's what do you love of the things you're good at what are things that you actually enjoy doing that you could spend hours getting lost on doing more of the third is what does the world need what are the problems out there in the world that you can solve with your skill that you enjoy doing and then the fourth area is what can you get paid for CU those things may not result in people wanting to pay you a lot of money to do
if you look at those four questions at the center of that is your purpose is your beingness is your uniqueness to bring unique value to this world and be hyper productive because Steve Jobs said it a long time ago he said the reason why we need to be passionate about our work isn't because it's required to do great work it's because if you want to do something big you will hit a plateau you will hit a wall and because you're passionate about solving that problem unlike everybody else that isn't they would have gave up you
keep going and passion is required to keep going when most people would have given up because it looked logical and to many people the fact that you keep going because all those four things are true is a reason why you're going to be successful because you're willing to do it for long periods of time which brings us to number nine which is a the number one productivity hack so this is the number one hack that I've seen every High performer do and that's building a foundation of habits and the reason why if you think about
it if you don't have these habits that are daily weekly monthly routines then as you add new things on top of your life that are supposed to make your life better if you don't lock in the habits of success then that new thing will be installed on top of quicksand there's no foundation and I see this all the time people they're like I want to go do this but they don't even have basic habits in their life they don't have a consistent time they wake up they don't have a consistent time they go to bed
most people's productivity problems would just be solved by going to bed on time most people don't have a routine for taking care of their body their energy their mindset and because of those habits not being in their life then every time they go try to do something new and cool it just falls apart oftentimes people ask me what do you do to be successful and it's not what I do it's actually what I don't do I don't have an addtion to drinking or vaping or gambling or watching video games or the news or sugar I've
taken things out of my life so it created space for me to move forward habits are my way to protect me against Me by being more productive by having those things in place so that I can keep stacking new productivity habits on top of so I can build a bigger life which brings us to number 10 which is learning to let go one of the biggest ways to grow is to learn to let go and that's skill that mindset that activity is probably the best way to become one of the most productive people in your
world by learning how to create a checklist have somebody else follow it coach them up and then you get working on yourself and being more productive in your hour which brings us to number 11 which is the resistance to letting go I think most people have a hard time letting go because there's all these fears right there's the fear that the person is going to cost them money there's the fear that the person is going to embarrass them and there there's the real fear that somebody could do something that could sacrifice their whole business their
whole livelihood which are all based on real potential situations somebody could say the wrong thing to the customer somebody could steal from you somebody could underd deliver and overpromise but what I've learned is those are all things that you can control cuz you can control who you hire you can control how you lead them you can control the systems you put in place the reporting you put in place the checks you put in place and your desire to control is actually keeping you small the more you learn to let go by developing those skills to
be more productive to reinvest money to buy back your time to become better that's where the real magic happens it's on the other side of learning to let go without going crazy that your future exists the longer you hold on that's the level you're going to meet which I call your complexity ceiling where the level of complexity in your life is all you can tolerate you'll keep bumping your head against that ceiling of complexity so you got got to learn to simplify remove things out of your life create systems that operate that are owned by
other people and then just keep trying to become better most people mess up delegating anything because they just tell the person hey go do this thing they didn't show them how it worked they didn't train them they didn't have them do it while they watched they just essentially assumed hey I said I wanted you to go do this thing you heard my words why didn't you do the thing transactional leadership is you tell them what to do you check that it got done and then you tell them what to do next it's the tell check
next Loop transformational leadership is completely different I spend more time upfront dictating the outcome the definition of done the visualization the feelings of how it's going to feel when it's completed showing them a picture giving them the training manual giving them some coaching on the front end of the outcome so that they've got a clear direction to aim for if I'm asking somebody to build a house and I don't give them a picture of what I want the house to look like I can't be upset if I I'm back in 6 months and the house
looks completely different than what I had in my mind yet on a simple level this is what most people do every day when they ask somebody to do something so I start with the outcome then I focus on the measurement the measurement is what's the one number that's going to tell you and I that you're making progress that you're being productive and it takes some work to try to figure out what that one number is but if you're creative enough you'll find it so for example when my brother is selling homes and he had other
people doing the weekend open houses we set up a counter on the door door to measure how many people walked through the front door we also set up pneumatic sensors in the streets to measure how many cars came into the neighborhood because we were running ads in that neighborhood he had these baselines for how many cars drove into the neighborhood based on the ads were they working or not working how many of those people ended up pulling into the driveway and walking through the front door and that way he had a report every Sunday that
he reviewed on Monday of how well the open houses did for his business now that takes creativity but that's measurement and then the Third is coach and Coach is very unique versus telling people what to do see most people criticize the action that was done hey you didn't do this right what I want you to ask yourself what was the principle the philosophy around the thing that they violated because it's not that they didn't close the door before they left the office it's that they didn't take care of their environment so let's talk about that
what does it mean to be accountable for your environment it means that when you're the last person to leave everything gets put back so that when the new person comes in the next day they see a fresh setup office environment and if everybody understands that principle then it's not just about the door it's not about the dishes it's not about the desk it's all of that and I think people need to learn how to coach up that concept so that you're not always trying to fix individual activities you're literally teaching the principle that takes care
of hundreds of activities within that concept and that is the massive difference between transactional leadership and transformational Leadership which brings us to number 12 which is leverage on a bu budget if you don't have the money then you just got to look at how efficient you're being with your own time I know some people that want to be more productive and they don't know how to type 80 90 100 words a minute they've never heard of automation tools for email notifications automation zapier or many of these other software tools that allow you to connect and
create systems and flows that it's almost like writing software code for your life they don't consider that instead of spending all this time driving around and picking things up and running errands they could use the apps right to have things brought to them to purchase things online to audit their calendar for where they're being inefficient with their time the same thing can be set for just planning and like sitting down and saying okay instead of spending money to hire somebody how about you plan your week so that every time you sit down to do work
you know it's having impact on your future goals you stop saying yes to things that you don't have a clear understanding of how it supports your dreams you don't allow for bleed time if a meeting is 30 minutes you don't go 47 minutes you stop at 30 and you drive towards an outcome at the end of 30 you demand from other people that you're interacting with that they show up prepared that you tell them before we meet this is the specific thing we're going to get done today and you drive towards that thing getting done
a lot of it is just basic productivity you might be doing 14 things when you really should be doing two and that's a decision on how much capacity you have how much energy you have is the work getting the attention it needs one of my favorite productivity tools ever I heard by a guy named Brian Tracy and he said take out a blank piece of paper and write down all of your goals on that piece of paper personal Professional Health Etc then he says if you've got a list of 14 things take out a new
piece of paper and take the one item the one goal from the previous piece of paper that would be the leading Domino for everything else being successful and write at the top of that new piece of paper and once you have that then I want you to make a list of all the activities all the projects all the actions that you could do to get that one goal completed and he said do nothing else but that and I just think that's a beautiful way to help people that don't have the money to hire other people
to be more productive by focusing on the leading Domino that allows them to make all their other dreams and goals a possibility which brings us to number 13 the bottom line here's what I hope you take away from this video is that you stop acting overwhelmed you stop acting out of emotion you stop doing it to yourself cuz I know there's a lot of really successful High performing people that they're like I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it what happens is you overwhelm yourself and then you can't work for 3 or 4 days
and you lose that momentum you create so much pressure on your need to perform at a high level that 80% performance over a 6-month period you just don't think that's enough and when you can actually design a life that is a rhythm that you never have to retire from that are you're consistent at that you every day follow that routine and it compounds over over time that's what I hope you get from this because I'm not impressed with the guy that goes to the gym for 3 days and lifts massive amounts of Weights I'm impressed
with the person who goes to the gym for 3 years every day consistently and focuses on getting results it's not what you do a little bit of the time that's going to get you some wins it's what you do consistently over time that's going to allow you to create a huge life that's how I get more done than 99% of people if you want to learn my 21 principles of success click the link and I'll see you on the other side
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