Top 3 AI Stocks I'm Buying to Make MILLIONS in 2025

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Video Transcript:
AI is creating a huge opportunity in the market for 2025 I've been covering for years now Nvidia Tesla I recently covered AMD but I have some massive stocks that I want to cover today which are going to put more money in your pocket because right now I'm telling you it's still the early innings for AI in this video I'm going to be breaking down using some research three different stocks that I think are going to continue to explode in 2025 and the fact is these stocks are not only a good buy but I'm also going
to give you several option plays on these stocks if you don't have any time here's The quick summary in 30 seconds all right so the first one is AMD is at a key support level this stock can't get any cheaper it's unlikely to go below $120 per share and I'm recommending the $100 call option the 100 leap option I should say for September 2025 next I am betting that there is more upside on Tesla Tesla has had some volatility I posted multiple Tesla videos I have over $1 million in Tesla and I think that they
data man Ag and their self-driving is going to make a lot of money in 2025 as well as the relationship between Elon and Trump so Tesla is going to perform extremely well I have a $500 price Target so I'm recommending that you buy Tesla as well as sell $400 put options I would sell put options for March expiration next is NVIDIA I see some short-term weakness but at the same time I personally believe that the short-term weakness might be a week two weeks 3 weeks but in the next quarter this stock is going to be
up and I'm all about the long term so I I wouldn't wait on Nvidia I would start purchasing Nvidia right now because what's happening is the reason why it's had weakness is because of rebalancing so the long-term trend is intact and I'm going to be showing you an option play on Nvidia stock and then to summarize the market I think that many stocks you know are between 32 35 forward price earnings ratio but you know that valuation is said to be expensive but I think it's well within a norm on a long-term basis technology companies
in the AI space are completely okay and this is not a shockingly high valuation by no means and I expect growth to continue and AI will be a big dominating factor in 2025 so that's my summary now if you do have some time let me go into the full detail by the way I want to let you know that I do have a webinar on January 9th this webinar is going to be very important I'm going to cover all my stocks and all my views and all my trades for 2025 in advance so if you
want to join that check out the first link in the description let's now not waste any time and let's jump into the first stock which is AMD so look this is a very well-managed company guys AMD has fantastic leadership very strong leadership in fact and that's what I look for when when I invest in a company AMD is actually at a very good uh support level as you can see AMD is $122 pre-market but when the Market opens up look I don't care what the short term is all right stop looking at the short term
this is going to be $160 to $180 stock in the next 12 to 18 months that's what matters 12 to 18 months okay if I look at the options I'm going to show you the $100 leap option that I'm recommending because I think you want exposure into AMD on a long-term basis without necessarily having to invest all the capital up into it right so let's go to the September expiration September 19 I'm telling you I'm really pumped up about this stop I'm buying it bicep over tricep as you guys know and I think you know
a $100 leap option is going to be a fantastic play it's going for $32 here if I expand the option you know it has a 77 Delta very high Delta the volume isn't as high as I usually like but this is a very good play specifically because I think now is the time to buy AMD there's a weird dynamic where basically AMD sells off whenever you see other Tech Giants doing well specifically Nvidia so the market is kind pinning Nvidia against AMD and as Nvidia experiences more success there's like this really weird Factor where people
are like okay AMD is going to zero well that's not really the case that's not reality and you see the same thing happening with Tesla and Uber the higher Tesla goes Uber goes down it's a disproportionate or should I say negative correlation negative correlation means one thing goes up other thing goes down right it seems like a zero sum game or a zero sum pie right one company captures the pie the other one declines it doesn't really make sense and I think amds has very strong support at 120 listen we can we can argue and
say you know this the real support is at 115 or 110 you know I don't know again I'm not a short-term investor guys all the clients I work with I always have a one-year goal a three-year goal and a five-year goal we're not really going quarter to quarter that's that's like some Wall Street short-term stuff that's short-term crap okay I'm not looking at let's oh let's predict a little day-to-day Future No on a long-term basis AMD is a no-brainer and if you invest in AMD you're going to have a piece of the aipi and they're
collecting a lot of revenues I mean look at the tech sector overall you know I'm estimating that we're going to get about 20% earnings growth in 2025 and AMD is going to continue to solidify its position as a leader as one of the leaders okay it's not the main leader but as one of the leaders in the semiconductor industry and they're going to be competing effectively and efficiently okay those are two different things effectively and efficiently versus uh you know the big guys Nvidia being this specific one and amd's valuation remains very attractive compared to
Nvidia so you know I realize that this you know they have some stiff competition but I also realize that the price earning is multiple the price of sales multiple the valuation the fundamentals the everything about AMD is is priced at a reasonable price okay this stock is going for a good value and that's why I think this $100 leap option is going to be a good investment now if you have the cash to do it and I do like to work with folks that have you know 50k 100K portfolios because they can afford my coaching
if you have the cash to do so sell puts just sell puts leaps are a great strategy for that upside at a cheaper cost right but if you have the cash to do so just keep it simple and run the wheel strategy I have a whole entire wheel course I'll pin it down in the description you guys know I've came out with several courses that have been really fantastic especially the selling puts course recently I mean just check it out it's was a couple days ago and look you want to just sell puts on AMD
at the you know 115 strike price is a easy no-brainer you know you go for the mar expiration now we're in January we're in 2025 which by the way will likely be my last year I'm going to be retiring as a coach I I won't be opening up any more spots for coaching because it's only there's only so much scale I can have as a one-on-one coach and I'll probably doing be doing other things but no I'm still here so take advantage let's make as much money as possible guys as much money as possible reap
all the rewards that the market has to offer and then also you can retire yourself and I think these three stocks that I'm going to cover AMD and we'll jump into the next one just a second will help you make millions if you have the size of portfolio where at least get a lot faster into retirement and again amd's valuation is fantastic $100 leap the demand is very clear and I think they're going to capture the demand so let's go into the next stock this is going to be Tesla let me actually open up my
Tesla position right now because I have a Tesla in both my portfolios I showed you in the other portfolio multiple multiple times I have a million dollars that I invested there I was up about 400,000 now I'm up about $270,000 in this portfolio I'm up 192,000 I was up a little bit over 200 but I have 1,000 shares here and 3,000 shares in my other portfolio obviously I'm very bullish on Tesla I have a huge position and Tesla was a big contributor in 2021 how I made uh 100K to 700k so I made a $600,000
profit a lot of that was Tesla not all of it and uh this year again or last year or whatever in the past quarter I made like at the peak about half a m and now I'm up 350k so look I don't even need the money that's how much money there is it's so easy to become a millionaire when you pick the right stocks and you have the right knowledge and my Tesla position is going to stay intact I'm not going to change my Tesla position I'm not going to sell I'm getting I'm getting dramatic
here because I think if you sell you straight up have to look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself a dumbass because this this stock clearly Elon and Trump have a good relationship Trump Trump didn't even enter the office and you're telling me you're selling Tesla before he enters you got to be out of your mind you have no common sense and I'm sorry to put it that way but that's my opinion I could be wrong right I haven't been wrong for many many years and my trading performance has been phenomenal but I could
be wrong I'm only human right so look why why am I so bullish well I think it's important to explain this full self-driving has the potential to transform Tesla into a $500 plus stock in 2025 this is going to be eventually baked into the valuation it's already kind of been baked in but at 4 $8 per share it was baked in like I won't lie to you at 480 I was getting a little bit nervous I'm like how much can this last but towards 400 now the stock is becoming cheap so the valuation of Tesla
is between 400 to 500 400 would be the really low end with a huge margin of safety where I'd be super comfortable buying hand over fist hand over fist this stock like over and over again it' be easy to buy and at 480 I was like n should probably be doing some covered calls here to generate some income I think Tesla's going to successfully deploy FSD and uh when they do so right when it's fully locked and loaded and they're at full scale okay they're going to unlock a high profit margin Revenue stream through SRA
subscriptions and onetime purchases this is going to significantly boost earnings and it's all about money it's all about money that's all people care about that's what everyone wants it's the most competitive game in the world I got tons of money and I'm just telling you my opinion not a financial adviser just a guy that has a lot of experience when Tesla has full self-driving the revenue will hit Tesla's bottom line like a freaking truck okay it's going to be hit like a truck okay and when that truck hits everyone's going to say wow I want
a piece of that good stuff I want a piece of that honey I want a piece of that chipotle freaking guacamole okay people are going to go wild and the stocks going to go about $500 per share and then people are going to be like Henry is it too late to buy listen before you ask me is it too late to buy can we just use some common sense and buy it before you ask me is it too late to buy let's make a deal just get rich okay by buying early and hanging on to
the trend stop jumping ship into what's the hottest shiniest object stop doing that just hold what makes sense hold what has Brand hold what has future cash flow that's going to be increasing hold where the economics make sense would you jump into an Uber okay fears aside okay I understand a test the vehicle that drives itself is a little bit scary but people will get used to it would you jump into an Uber with a person that's driving you from let's say uh from my hometown like Philadelphia from the center city to the Northeast Philadelphia
right where the Russian Community is and the ukrainians are would you go 45 minutes there for a $80 or would you take a Tesla full self-driving vehicle for uh $27 okay tell me the economics don't make sense they do make sense so obviously they're going to dominate they're going to take they're going to make tons of money hand over fist and it's going to be ridiculous all right so obvious play there and yeah well I told you what I'm doing with Tesla 400 sellp put and then uh I think right now 475 covered calls is
what I got going on let me scroll down here yeah I got 475 covered calls I made $112,000 and I'm holding shares and I did do some covered calls that expire in like you know two weeks from now so everything I do is posted on Discord and all my one-onone students get to see this live so obviously I can't make live updates on on YouTube it takes time to edit videos so yeah first link in description if you want coaching look next stock is NVIDIA nvidia's momentum is insane okay it's had a little bit of
a pullback which has made people all twisted and scared and running for the hills but honestly just understanding envidia future prospects if you have half of logic going on you'll understand that this is going to be a company that continues to dominate for every single reason you can imagine whether it's gaming whether it's Healthcare give me a second let me just stick to my notes Here Beyond traditional cloud computing AI adoption and autonomous vehicles Nvidia is going to be dominating Healthcare and it's going to have other sectors that they're going to grow in where the
demand for their Hardware is going to continue no matter what I've seen some some of my members by the way they've messaged me saying like listen sa Nadella the Microsoft you know CEO he said that we have enough chips we don't need any more chips we're not dependent on Nvidia no more we don't need chips not that they're super dependent but they were doing a lot of business with Nvidia and I want to address this as a real concern that I have had and I thought about you know it's the new year and I'm obviously
planning other things but I'm also looking at the market and I'm trying to understand where can I help my clients navigate the market and a lot of people have shares of Nvidia so this is nothing new I've been covering Nvidia so I was thinking is it time to sell covered calls is it time to go a little bit more aggressive with leaps what is it time for what can I recommend what kind of new plays can I have based on this new information coming into the market that we're going to have less demand from Microsoft
which is a pretty big deal because it's a hyperscaler right it's the mag 7 hyperscaler and they obviously spend millions and millions of dollars well even if Microsoft reduces his Nvidia GPU purchases demand from other hyperscalers you know like the small providers or The Meta or Tesla and basically every single other company except for Microsoft now is still going to have demand so let's think about if every other company still has demand but Microsoft doesn't how much of an impact will that have on Nvidia well it may have a small impact on Nvidia but overall
the supply from Nvidia will be absorbed by other Industries within the smaller cap the medium cap and obviously the hyperscalers minus Microsoft so is this new news a big deal well it is a big deal in the short term and it's going to affect the stock 2 to 3% because certain investors that got scared have sold off Nvidia but in the long term everyone who's already scared who is a scaredy-cat has already basically sold off Nvidia and that's why this stock is you know has a little bit of a negative performance here 2. negative 2.8%
for over 3 months we've had had some stagnant returns yet still 11% return I would say that this is a no-brainer to do a 140 covered call for March or you can sell 130 put options and I made that course you can look at what selling put options are and the optimal Delta and all that and why I'm doing this trying to keep this video short as possible otherwise it'll be too long listen let me wrap this video up while Microsoft is a key Nvidia customer it represents only a fraction of Nvidia shares so I'm
not concerned at all about about that and when looking at Nvidia I'm really really bullish personally about their gaming uh sector where they're going to just sell a lot of gpus and I think that that's demand is going to come from Esports I do watch Esports myself actually I watch League of Legends I used to play that back in college and if you look at uh you know viewership from Esports in general it's growing like crazy in the grand finale between T1 and Bill Billy gaming they achieved a peak an approximate a viewership of 7
million people roughly right 7 million people just watch watch this Esports event okay so people are watching Esports like real Sports and gaming really requires a lot of Nvidia okay so I actually that was actually my hypothesis and thesis back in college which was like back in 2017 now and I picked Nvidia as a company to invest then back when it was $120 per share before many splits so at this point it's probably had 1,000% return now I was brok in college so I couldn't invest in Nvidia because I had no money so I could
invest in it but you know now I'm investing hand over fist into Nidia I think this is the the top one of the top plays that I have and they have so many use cases not just gaming they have manufacturing Industrial Automation and financial services like you know all the finance financials need Nvidia they need it for risk modeling for fraud detection for algorithmic trading for data analytics the list of um applications goes on so I'm going to end this video right now and uh just tell you to invest in these three stocks be smart
about your Investments have a fantastic 2025 I'll keep making as much content as possible but this is probably the last year I'm going to be doing coaching so if you're interested in coaching go ahead click the the first l in the description subscribe to this channel I hope I can retire with uh 1 million subscribers I don't think we'll we'll hit that we'll hit that point this year but you know I make content because I love making content and uh have a happy healthy 2025 I'll see you guys in the next one
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