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My Story Time
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rich man abandons his girlfriend before the wedding and then sees her with triplets hello welcome enjoy subscribe and activate notifications in a large sweltering Greenhouse a young attractive woman was diligently working she was planting tomato seedlings carefully loosening the soil and then watering each planted Bush her shirt clung to her body due to the heat beads of sweat formed on her forehead and curls of hair escaped from from under a colorful damp head scarf the older women working with her praised her good job Sarah you do your work very well and responsibly you'll make a
good housewife it's time you got married have you noticed how David looks at you Sarah straightened her tired back rubbed her aching lower back and replied with a laugh why would I need David he always follows me around but he's a rude guy I don't like him at all besides I love someone else but it's a secret it's a secret that everyone in our small town knows the landowner's son is courting you when his parents aren't watching thought Martha to herself after finishing her work Sarah changed her clothes washed up took her bike and headed
to her grandmother's house she decided to take the route through the fields because it was the shortest path besides since childhood she loved the feeling of Freedom as she ran through the fields with her arms open now she was pedaling with a gentle breeze blowing on her face and and hair and there wasn't a soul in sight Sarah saw the land owner's Jeep driving across the field when they got closer the vehicle suddenly stopped and a tall slightly Stout man got out she left her bike by the roadside and hugged her beloved tightly he kissed
her passionately pulled her close and said hello my love here we are together finally admit that you missed me Sarah blushed and quietly replied yes I missed you a lot Ethan when are we going to stop hiding and tell everyone we love each other I can't keep doing this it feels like you don't love me or that you're ashamed of me Ethan began to evade the issue trying to change the subject and kissed her even more tenderly on the neck why would you say that don't you feel how much I love you the moment I
look at you I long for our Embrace we are happy together look I brought something for you from the city you need to try it Sarah took the bag from his hands opened it and pulled out a beautiful white lace blouse oh thank you Ethan it's so pretty Sarah exclaimed joyfully she put on the blouse and playfully asked does this blouse look good on me I need to wear it to a party I'm sure all the girls will be jealous let's go to the party this Saturday please Sarah I can't go this Saturday I promised
my father I would attend an important meeting with him you can go to the party alone and have some fun but not for too long or I'll get jealous said Ethan Sarah sighed but didn't argue with her beloved boyfriend she loved him so much and was afraid of losing him the couple embraced and kissed for a long time and at that moment Sarah was completely happy with Ethan she forgot about all the hardships of life she returned home in a good mood feeling as if she wasn't even tired from work her grandmother immediately noticed and
began speaking with disapproval oh Sarah you've been with Ethan again why you keep doing this you should be ashamed he hasn't proposed to you or introduced you to his family when he leaves you for another girl what are you going to do grandma don't say that I love Ethan so much and he loves me look what he gave me today isn't it lovely I've never had such a pretty blouse and you say he doesn't love me I'm sure he'll introduce me to his parents soon even though I already know them but not as his girlfriend
we'll get married definitely now let me help you with something let's water the flowers in the garden Sarah said with a laugh Grandma Mary never stayed angry with her granddaughter for long she hugged her and patted her head Mary was very worried about Sarah because she understood that Ethan's parents would never accept her granddaughter as their daughter-in-law unfortunately in their small town everyone would quickly find out and gossip about Sarah but the girl seemed not to listen to her grandmother she was eager for the next meeting with her beloved Sarah had fallen in love with
Ethan from the first meeting when she went to apply for a job at his parents estate at that time Ethan was bringing supplies from the city he looked at her intently raised an eyebrow and even whistled then winked and whispered hello beautiful what's your name I like you Sarah blushed a lot and said something incoherent her father shouted sternly son stop playing around like that or I won't have anyone to work for me don't pay attention to girls like her and you don't expect to socialize with my son give me your documents I'll put you
to work Sarah apologized and after that didn't even look at Ethan in public although she liked him a lot he was confident and carefree one day as she was walking home it started to rain heavily a car stopped beside her with Ethan at the wheel hey beautiful get in the car I'll drive you home so you don't get wet he shouted she accepted and got in Sarah was trembling and suddenly Ethan pulled her close whispered and kissed her passionately you will be mine I won't let anyone else have you Sarah was very surprised by his
actions but she relaxed in his strong arms from then on they began to see each other in secret Ethan was a passionate and bold guy who constantly said that he only loved her and she believed him because he was her first man and her first love Sarah dreamed that soon Ethan would tell his family about their relationship she worked worked diligently on the estate to earn the favor of his mother after some time Sarah discovered she was pregnant she was very scared that this would happen so she and Ethan were careful but it still happened
she wanted to have that baby because its father was the man she loved but she was afraid and wondered what would happen now what if Ethan's parents rejected their marriage her grandmother had asked her not to bring shame upon her she needed to tell Ethan everything that same day they needed to decide about the marriage and the baby Ethan reacted very calmly to the news what do you mean you're pregnant don't worry I won't leave you alone tomorrow will apply for a marriage license as for my parents don't worry I'm sure they'll yell at first
but then they'll understand Sarah sighed in relief and hugged her beloved tightly thank you Ethan I was so scared that you would stop talking to me because of this news you won't regret it I'll be the best wife ever the couple without telling anyone applied for a marriage license that night Ethan told his parents everything which led to a big argument at home his mother yelled so loudly that probably everyone in the small town could hear what did you do son why marry her she's a poor girl living with her grandmother they don't have any
money she's not suitable for our family we don't even know who the father of that child is maybe she's seeing another man don't be a fool well you'll have to earn your own money your father and I won't support you mom why do you say that I've already promised Sarah our wedding will be in a week I truly love her protested Ethan as for Sarah I'll take care of everything myself you don't need to do anything there will be no wedding and no baby either I've said everything his father said sternly Sarah was very happy
knowing that she would soon marry her beloved and have a real family the next day she arrived at work early but before she could change her clothes she saw Troy Ethan's father appear at the door he looked at her with anger and said sternly Sarah come to my office we need to talk Sarah wasn't surprised instead she felt almost Happy thinking that he was going to talk about the upcoming wedding but the conversation was about something entirely different Sarah Ethan told us everything even that you're pregnant don't think you can use that to become part
of our family that won't happen there will be no wedding and we will never acknowledge that child I'll give you money to have an abortion and leave this town as soon as possible the farther the better understand now get out of my office you no longer work here said the landowner sternly Sarah felt deeply hurt by these words she felt humiliated why Ethan promised me we love each other and we've already applied for the marriage license I've never been with any other man besides Ethan why are you doing this to me I'm not going to
kill my baby it's your grandchild and I don't want your money Troy became Furious and slammed his fist on the table if you don't do what I say you'll regret it tomorrow everyone in this small town will hear that you've been with several Men and don't even know who the father is it's your choice how you want to live but it won't be with Ethan we don't need poor relatives get out of here now or are you deaf and take your last paycheck Sarah began to cry took the money and documents and ran out of
the office the other workers looked at her with perplexity silently shaking their heads Sarah couldn't believe that Ethan had betrayed her she thought it wasn't his fault that his parents had made all the decisions for him she tried calling Ethan to talk but at first he didn't answer finally he picked up the phone nothing is going to work out for us you should consider leaving and moving on I'm sorry but I can't go against my father on this we both made mistakes Ethan said before abruptly hanging up leaving Sarah devastated her life had changed in
an instant she didn't tell her grandmother about the pregnancy fearing how she would react especially given her heart problems Sarah washed her face and quickly began packing her things forgive me grandma I need to move to another city it's necessary I'll find a job there and everything will be fine I promise I'll write and call you I have enough money for now I got my last last paycheck today please don't come to see me off I love you Grandma Sarah said they embraced and her grandmother crying asked what happened I feel like you're not telling
me something did you have a fight with Ethan why did you decide to leave so suddenly Sarah tried not to cry in front of her grandmother and replied with a smile yes I fought with Ethan we broke up I feel awful Grandma I don't even want to keep living here so I need to leave this small town everything will be fine I'm sure her grandmother understood what Sarah was saying and thought that maybe it was for the best those affairs with the landowner's son wouldn't have lasted long anyway in another city perhaps Sarah would find
a good decent man and everything would be all right for her the grandmother took a long time to say goodbye to her granddaughter at the door of their house Sarah boarded the train not knowing what to do next she couldn't hold back the tears she was scared and Unsure how she would manage alone in a big city or how she would handle her pregnancy why had Ethan betrayed her it seemed like her grandmother had been right all along and Ethan hadn't truly loved her on the train sitting across from her was a robust woman who
loved to chat she started telling stories about herself and her children and then asked Sarah why she was crying Sarah decided to tell her everything wiping the tears from her cheeks I'm heading to the city looking for work I work in the kitchen of a businessman's house they're good people and always pay on time they're looking for a housekeeper now if you want you can come with me maybe they'll hire you it's a long shot but you never know just be honest and tell them everything like you told me I can see you're a hard
worker they appreciate people who work well and aren't picky Elena suggested Sarah decided to try her luck as a housekeeper Elena seemed trustworthy and sincere an hour later they arrived at the businessman's house it was a comfortable two-story home with balconies the yard was beautifully landscaped with well-maintained paths in a fountain the owner greeted them at the door Elena gently pushed a nervous Sarah forward and said good afternoon Harold I brought a potential employee for you she's a responsible young woman from a small town she's not lazy and is looking for work maybe you could
give her a chance the last made from the agency only cared about her manicure and did nothing nothing around the house she even ruined your shirt and jacket while washing them the owner carefully examined Sarah and said come to my office for an interview we'll discuss what you can do around the house I usually hesitate to hire young women because they tend to be irresponsible we need dedicated workers here Sarah showed her documents and honestly said I can do any household chores and work in the garden I can even work without days off I promise
not to touch any expensive equipment without permission and I'll consult with Elena about everything but you probably won't hire me I can sense it from the way you look at me it's because I'm pregnant I'm in the early stages of pregnancy I know my chances of finding a job are slim since no one wants to hire a maid who won't be able to work in a few months but I don't want to lie that's why I left my small town my fiance rejected the baby and told me to leave but I can't abandon my child
Sarah closed her eyes expecting to be dismissed from the house after all who would want to hire a pregnant maid but to her surprise Harold said calmly Sarah you're in a tough situation right now but I admire that you've decided to keep the baby instead of abandoning it not every woman can have a child it will be very difficult for you in this big city you know what I'll hire you initially it will be for a trial period of 1 month and then we'll see how you perform you can stay here we have a guest
house for employees and it is everything you need Elena will show you around but I warn you if you steal or fail to fulfill your duties you'll be dismissed immediately thank you I won't disappoint you I'll work responsibly you won't regret hiring me Sarah said with a smile Sarah sincerely thanked Elena and the owner for their kindness and worked diligently on her first day in the evening she and Elena had tea in the guest house the boss agreed to hire you because of your pregnancy it's a very important matter for him he and his wife
have been trying to have children for many years they've tried all kinds of treatments at the most expensive clinics and even one of healers but nothing worked recently I heard that they decided to hire a surrogate mother to have a baby she will be living here in the house soon but to me it's a very strange decision just try not to get involved in their Affairs and above all don't say anything unnecessary to the boss's wife she's a very difficult woman and frequently criticizes us just agree with her and don't argue or she'll fire you
quickly she has a very strong temper Sarah received a uniform and began working for the businessman's family she worked hard to keep the house clean and the garden beautiful the boss was indeed a kind and well-mannered man but his wife was the opposite At first she constantly criticized Sarah seeming to test her inspecting every corner and surface for dust Sarah always accepted all the criticism without arguing fearing she might lose her job soon the surrogate mother a pretty young woman named Carla moved into the house at first Carla felt uncomfortable everyone treated her like she
was just an incubator she had to follow a special balanced diet even if she didn't like it take various vitamins be weighed daily and exercise in all weather conditions even the hospital doctor came to the house to examine her Sarah felt sorry for her her understanding how hard it was to force yourself to eat or drink when you felt sick one day Sarah heard Carla asking for pickles and Mara responded irritably Cravings the nutritionist doesn't approve of salty foods during pregnancy and there's no benefit for the baby in this kind of food Sarah felt sorry
for Carla and remembered that she had a small jar of homemade pickles from her grandmother seizing a moment when no one was around she gave the jar to Carla here you go enjoy them just don't tell anyone I gave them to you or Mara will skold me too I'm pregnant so I understand how you feel Carla smiled and thanked her thank you I have such a huge craving for something salty but they keep giving me fresh salads and fish I don't want to eat that anymore at first Carla tried to get what she wanted but
no one would listen to her so she decided to change her approach she dressed provocatively wearing short robes and giving seductive looks to Harold always paying him attention it seemed she did this intentionally to provoke his already tense wife even more when Mara saw Harold gently caressing Carla's rounded belly and smiling as he watched the baby's movements a terrible scene erupted what are you doing here Harold what do you think you're doing maybe you'll start sleeping with her right in front of me why did we let this Shameless girl into our house Mara screamed Harold
couldn't stay silent and replied sharply don't shout Mara it's bad for our babies they hear everything from inside I'm just talking to them you can also touch the belly and feel the movements it's an incredible sensation imagine soon our little ones will be born and that's a great joy Carla pretended not to understand why Mara was so angry though she was deliberately provoking Harold Sarah watched the whole situation feeling a Pang of Envy when Mara and Harold's children were born they would be loved pampered and cared for while her own baby would have no one
but her the future for them was uncertain Carla and Sarah's pregnancies were at similar stages so they sometimes talked about their fears related to pregnancy and childbirth but only when no one else was around about a month before the expected due dates a tragedy occurred in the businessman's family that day Harold left for business and returned home late Sarah heard Mara arguing with Carla for a long time that night following Elena's advice Sarah decided to go to the guest house to avoid hearing anything she shouldn't the next morning Elena prepared a special breakfast for Carla
as usual Sarah went to wake her but Carla wasn't in her room and her bed was made Sarah called the owners and they discovered that Carla had fled during the night she had taken only her documents and a few belongings no one knew where to find her Harold was very distressed and nervously said how could this happen where did it Carla go we only paid her half of the money she broke the contract and will be punished in court for that what if something happens to my children the due date is so close why did
this have to happen to our family how can someone be so irresponsible it seemed that Mara was also very upset but Sarah knew that the businessman's wife was pretending and was actually pleased with the news the atmosphere in the house was very tense and it was becoming increasingly difficult for Sarah to carry objects and do her job properly Sarah decided it was time to leave the job find a place to live and prepare for her baby's birth Harold compensated her generously allowing her to rent a small room when Sarah found herself alone in the tiny
suffocating room that felt more like a closet she thought about Ethan again and his betrayal feeling a deep sadness Sarah desperately wanted to go back home to her small town and her grandmother she was completely unsure of what she would do next a week later in the middle of the night Sarah began experiencing severe abdominal pain and started bleeding heavily she managed to call an ambulance opened the door and then lost Consciousness when she woke up in the hospital she learned that she had gone through a very difficult premature labor unfortunately her baby did not
survive and the doctors fought to save Sarah's life Sarah cried a lot feeling completely empty her breasts were full of milk causing her intense pain she wanted to escape from the hospital feeling as if everyone was pitying her she had failed to bring a healthy baby into the world however the doctors couldn't discharge her yet as she needed postpartum treatment hearing the cries of newborns around her seeing the happy faces of new mothers and knowing that she would never have that happiness again was incredibly difficult Sarah lay on her side facing the wall crying silently
that day an elderly nurse approached her and gently said Sarah at the same time you gave birth another young woman also gave birth she had triplets all healthy but underweight so they need to stay in the newborn unit to gain strength but that woman didn't even want to hold them or look at them she said she would give them up claiming they weren't hers and that she didn't want them then she fled from the hospital could you feed them you have milk and it's better for those babies to have breast milk than formula it will
help them grow faster Sarah lifted her tear swollen face and asked how is it that some people lose their Precious Child While others abandon Healthy Babies where is the Justice in this world what is the name of that woman I'll feed those babies it's not hard for me at least I can find some comfort in helping other children I need that right now you understand I can't hold my own baby kiss him or hug him I understand Sarah I'm a mother too and I see how much you're suffering the woman's name is Carla you might
know her perhaps she has relatives who would want to take the babies they need a home care and love not an orphanage the nurse said of course I know her the father of those babies is looking for his children I'll call Harold right away but first let me feed the babies where should I go Sarah exclaimed she carefully took a baby from its crib and began to nurse him incredibly the baby knew exactly what to do and started sucking eagerly the sensation was Indescribable for Sarah she felt both pain and happiness and couldn't hold back
her tears Sarah managed to feed all three babies which made her feel a little better she spent some more time with them and arranged with the doctor to come at specific times to feed them she couldn't stop admiring these babies enjoying holding them in her arms and stroking their tiny hands the other nurses scolded the kind elderly nurse Lydia why did you allow Sarah to feed those babies we understand is beneficial for them but did you think about her what will happen when she has to part with him her own baby just died it will
be very hard for her to deal with this the next day Sarah called Elena and told her everything asking her to inform Harold but specifically not Mara within half an hour Harold called Sarah Sarah you can't imagine what you've done for me where are you I'm heading to the hospital right now I couldn't believe I would find my children and then you shared this wonderful news with me don't worry your babies are fine I'm nursing them myself I have plenty of milk now and they're getting enough you're a lucky man and I'm a miserable girl
because I was expecting my baby's birth but he died and now I feel completely useless to anyone sorry for telling you all this I'm just very hurt Sarah said sadly Harold arrived at the hospital within an hour he talked with the hospital administrator for a long time showing the contract that stated Carlo was their surrogate mother and they agreed to hand over the children to him he decided to thank Sarah and support her Sarah I deeply sympathize with you for the loss of your child but now you need to calm down and think about the
future you're still young and there's so much ahead of you in life I have a proposal for you I suggest that you continue working for our family but now not as a housekeeper but as a wet nurse and nanny for my children I couldn't find a better candidate you're a reliable decent and non-confrontational person I'm sure you'll do an excellent job I'll pay you very well for this work but if this hurts you or it's difficult for you to interact with the children right now or if you don't want to you can Decline and I'll
understand no I accept on the contrary when I spend time with the babies I feel better I momentarily forget about my child's death and I have plenty of milk now so I can feed your children thank you for this offer but I also have a request can you help me with the burial I don't know where to go to handle this I'm very scared the businessman understood everything and agreed to the girl's request he arranged everything with the funeral agency and Sarah was able to say goodbye to her child which was very important to her
eventually Harold's babies grew and Sarah recovered her health after child birth on the day of her discharge from the hospital all the patients were looking out the window Harold arrived in a luxurious car with a huge bouquet of flowers and gifts for the doctors Sarah helped carry the children to the car and he proudly carried his daughter where is the Children's mother didn't she come to the hospital this is a very important day for your family Sarah asked Harold replied sadly unfortunately my wife had to go on an urgent business trip that couldn't be postponed
she'll be back tomorrow we'll prepare her room in the meantime come home with us you've become a guardian angel for our children it's so good that we found you when Mara returns we'll have a real strong family I'm sure during this time a woman who worked in a shop next to the hospital watched Sarah and Harold with interest her jaw dropped in amazement and she immediately called the landowner's wife her friend to gossip Elena you won't believe who I just saw I saw Sarah the one who used to love your son a handsome man was
looking for her in in the hospital she gave birth to triplets and that man is constantly smiling you were right to chase that daring girl away it seems those children weren't your sons she just wanted to marry Ethan and when it didn't work out with him she found a new man a businessman she's so cunning and always seemed like such a decent girl Elena was very angry and told Ethan everything he still couldn't forget his feelings for Sarah when they met in secret it seemed to him like just a fleeting Affair but after she left
he realized that he missed her other girls didn't make him happy he wanted to hear her laughter again to feel her love but now it was all over she was living with another man and her children would call another man dad he assumed that Sarah had given birth to the triplets and felt very guilty for how unjustly he had treated her meanwhile Sarah continued working for the businessman's family and spent all her time with the babies surprisingly she managed very well with the triplets taking care of everything caring for the babies truly brought her Joy
at night when the owners returned from work they would take the babies to their room for a while Harold enjoyed playing with them kissing their little feet and even bathing them however Mara on the other hand tried to spend as little time with them as possible and struggled to hide her irritation of course her husband noticed this behavior and felt very sad arguments arose between the couple Mara look at how baa makes spit bubbles so amusingly and Adam and Oliver are always holding hands sometimes it seems like they know their brothers do you notice how
different the children's personalities are berda is a very calm girl but the boys are always demanding something darling take baa in your arms don't you see she's crying why do you treat the babies like this don't you love them Harold said seriously the woman smiled slight L and casually picked up the girl but at that moment Bera started crying even louder and Mara immediately put her down on the sofa saying Harold why do you say that of course I love our children I just need time to get used to them I'm very tired from work
I have constant meetings and important negotiations and the nanny does an excellent job with them let them grow a bit and then I'll take care of their education Harold became nervous and started shouting I don't understand you Mara I thought that when the children were born you would immediately stop working and take care of them and now you say they have to grow up first no it shouldn't be like that don't you understand that the children need a mother not a nanny Sarah can only help us but she can't be the mother of our children
this is not the family I dreamed of the woman realized she was wrong and immediately responded you're right I'll take leave from work tomorrow and stay home for a few weeks to get used to the children everything will be fine fine don't worry we're a real family Mara did indeed take leave from work and began portraying herself as a responsible mother but that performance was only for her husband as the children grew Sarah continued nursing them but the pediatrician recommended the introduction of solid foods Mara said she would feed them herself she even started taking
the children for walks but always returned them to Sarah to nurse Mara frequently spoke on the phone with someone named Greg egg and before her husband returned from work she would go somewhere and always come back in a good mood lately Sarah had no strange behavior in the babies when they spent time with her they were always active cried loudly loved playing with toys and smiled but when Mara brought them back home the children were lethargic and slept for long periods this had never happened before Sarah was very worried about the baby's condition because she
genuinely loved them and couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them she thought for a long time remembering Elena's words about not interfering in the Affairs of the host family but she couldn't stay silent and one day she told Harold everything surprisingly he reacted calmly and didn't scold Sarah thank you Sarah for deciding to tell me everything I've noticed many strange things in Mara's Behavior lately myself I need to check everything myself you can go and take care of the children the businessman said gratefully Sarah calmed down but decided to be cautious when dealing
with Mara on a day off while his wife was out with the children Harold installed small cameras in the children's room and the kitchen he decided to check everything and find out how his wife spent time with the children while he was at work when he reviewed the footage from the cameras a few days later he was shocked to hear Mara's conversation with a man wait darling don't be mad I'll come over after I put these kids to bed you have no idea how tired I am of all this I don't love them they're strangers
to me I just can't get used to them it's good that my husband doesn't suspect anything can't you see I don't love him Mara laughed Harold was Furious and clenched his fists he realized that Mara was cheating on him but he also saw in the footage how his wife while in the kitchen opened a jar of baby food looked around as if afraid someone might see her then took another jar from the cupboard and poured some powder into the puree she carefully mixed it all and fed the children Harold saw where she hid the powder
jar and decided to have it analyzed the contents of the jar were quickly analyzed and it turned out to be a high dose of sedative upon learning this Harold couldn't contain his emotions he stormed into the room and began shouting at Mara despicable woman I know everything you have a lover how could you betray me you said you wanted children and now you've decided to harm the babies why are you putting sedatives in their food tell me we're getting a divorce Mara wasn't intimidated by her husband's shouting instead she stood up from the bed and
confidently replied well it's good that you found out on your own yes I love Greg I feel good with him unlike with you there are no crying children in his house I didn't want these three children it's unbearable they cry constantly one after another my head aches because of them is that happiness it's punishment I'm leaving you I wanted to do this a long time ago and I'm not a criminal I didn't put poison in their food they just slept a little longer and the house became much quieter during that time I'm not going to
waste my time taking care of these children I'm young and beautiful and if I stay with you I'll become a neglected and sad woman that same day Mara left the businessman's house Harold was very downhearted feeling terrible he filed for divorce however Sarah and the entire household felt a bit relieved because no one would scold him anymore months passed and during that time Sarah grew closer to Harold and the children always wanted to spend time with her reaching out to her and saying something that sounded like Mama Harold began to see Sarah in a completely
different light he saw how sincerely she loved the children how good a homemaker she was and he realized that he couldn't find a better mother for his children he decided to propose to the girl Sarah open this box and try on what's inside it's an engagement ring for you be my wife after divorcing Mara I re-evaluated my entire life and realized that I had lived with a cunning and dishonest person apparently I had chosen the wrong partner I thought a wife should be smart so as not to embarrass me at business dinners with her but
now that you're here I've realized that the true vocation of a woman is to be a good mother to be kind and devoted I didn't even realize how I fell in love with you and it's with you that I want to spend my life Sarah couldn't believe her happiness she even cried unexpectedly and said Harold is this not a joke I thought a common girl like me couldn't attract a successful man like you I can't imagine my life without berda Adam and Oliver I accept being your wife let's visit my grandmother with the children I
haven't been there in a long time I want to tell her everything and invite her to our wedding would mind she's the only close person I have she raised me alone and has been like a mother to me Harold timidly embraced her for the first time and replied of course we can go tomorrow I very much want to meet her and sincerely thank her for raising such a wonderful granddaughter if you wish not only can we invite her to the wedding but we can also ask her to live with us we have a big house
there's enough space for everyone it must be difficult for her to take care of everything alone now Sarah kissed the man and hugging him tightly said you're the best man I often wonder how she's doing there alone I live so far away now and she constantly has high blood pressure and diabetes problems I'm sure she'll be happy when we visit the next day Harold's entire family went to visit the grandmother as they entered the small town Sarah began to remember her childhood and youth realizing that she no longer thought of Ethan after all she now
loved Harold the Curious towns folk watched as the visitors arrived in a fancy car Sarah nervously opened the gates to her grandmother's house in the yard a dog recognized the girl and began jumping and wagging its tail in happiness the grandmother came out onto The Veranda dressed in Old warm clothes and upon seeing her granddaughter ran joyfully toward her Sarah I'm so happy to finally see you you came to visit me I always looked out the window waiting to see you how long has it been since you were home and whose are these children are
they my great-grandchildren how adorable and this is your husband you didn't tell me anything over the phone aren't you ashamed come in I got soup ready let's have lunch together you must be hungry after such a long trip the grandmother set the table and everyone sat down to eat and get to know each other Sarah was very worried that Harold wouldn't like the small house but he on the contrary saw this visit it as an adventure he ate enthusiastically talked for a long time with the grandmother and told her everything about his life and how
he fell in love with Sarah your story is very similar to the plot of my favorite soap opera my poor granddaughter how hard it was for her in this town and her little ones are so sweet I'm happy Harold that everything is fine with you now but I feel sorry for Sarah after all her child died when she moved to the city she didn't tell me anything about her pregnancy if I had known she was pregnant I wouldn't have let her go so she works as a nanny for you right Harold cleared his throat and
continued his story Mary we didn't come just to visit I want to ask for your blessing Sarah and I fell in love and want to get married to start a family would you agree to that she loves my children so much that she cares for them as if they were her own we're very happy together the grandmother said with some doubt I worry about you what if the woman who gave birth to the the children suddenly shows up at your house and wants to see the children or take them away or if your ex-wife who
is officially considered their mother wants to take them my Sarah will suffer again we need to resolve that don't worry that definitely won't happen Mara my ex-wife didn't love these children at all she didn't need them she herself said she was happy to get rid of them and the surate mother Carla turned out to be a strange girl when she was pregnant she ran away from from the house and broke the contract and when she gave birth to the children she wrote a renunciation in the hospital said Harold Mary turned pale did you say the
surrogate mother's name was Carla it can't be and then the grandmother fainted clutching her heart Sarah and Harold were frightened and began splashing water on her face Grandma what happened you shouldn't have told us everything you mustn't stress yourself you have a weak heart forgive me it's all my fault Sarah cried finally grandmother Mary opened her eyes drank water from the glass with trembling hands sighed and began to speak in a low voice it's not your fault Sarah it was my mistake in life I'll tell you everything now look that Carla is your maternal half
sister what an incredible coincidence your mother was a dishonest woman maybe I couldn't raise her properly she dated several men and left for the big city early she liked to drink alcohol and have fun at others expense she brought you to me when you were 3 months old she said she didn't know who your father was she promised to change her life and asked to come back home I forgave her and we started getting used to living together again but my daughter only stayed home for a week she asked me to take care of you
and said she needed to go to the city urgently for business fine I agreed to take care of you and she left leaving you with me forever I was very angry with her but Sarah I always loved you sincerely later acquaintances told me that my daughter started Living With Another Man again and gave birth to another girl Carla a year later then she started drinking even more and left the girl in an orphanage I felt very ashamed when I found out about this I couldn't understand how my daughter could treat a child like that at
first I wanted to take in my second granddaughter but then I got scared I realized I couldn't raise two children I was already old had almost no money or strength and I hated my daughter and still can't forgive her she lived five more years and then died she had liver problems I buried her but I still can't forgive myself for having raised such a person and I'm ashamed that I didn't take Carla back then I couldn't tell you all this before so I lied I said your mother loved you very much and that she died
of a serious illness I didn't want you to hate your biological mother and now when I heard from Harold who gave birth to his children I felt unwell how I wish I could see my granddaughter hug her and tell her everything Sarah was in shock she hugged her grandmother and said you're not to blame for anything Grandma every person is responsible for their actions and I'm not angry with my mother in any way because she gave me the chance to live your love and care help me become a good person thank you Grandma I'd also
like to find my biological sister it's incredible but we even talked a bit when she lived in Harold's house but where can I find her now I don't know anything about her Harold was silent for a moment then said with determination even though I'm angry with the surrogate mother of my children who is your sister I'd like to find her and ask why she ran away from my house before giving birth I thought I would go crazy with worry for the babies and she ended up doing the worst for herself she never received the money
for carrying the children I still don't understand why she decided to run away if she later rejected the children it's a senseless act you know what I'll hire detectives and have them find her maybe we'll succeed Sarah was moved thank you Harold then she turned to her grandmother Grandma we wanted to offer you to live with us we have a big house and I'll feel much more at ease knowing you're with us you won't have to worry about household chores oh thank you I won't refuse your offer I'm so tired of being alone in this
house I'll have more fun and I can help with the children I can't get used to living alone just don't leave the dog and cat here they've lived with me for many years the grandmother replied With Tears In Her Eyes Harold laughed and said great don't leave anyone behind we'll take everyone with us there's a big Garden there's enough space for everyone Mary we'll make sure you feel at home with us and I wanted to thank you very much for raising such a wonderful granddaughter as Sarah we're all a family now and we should be
together a week later the grandmother moved to Sarah and Harold's house Mary was content she constantly admired the beautiful house and the Cozy room where she now lived the children loved her too she told them stories and sang songs Sarah and Harold were preparing for their wedding they had already booked a restaurant and were discussing the menu at that moment the detectives called and informed them that they had found Carla she was currently at their age gency but she refused to meet with Harold she was very afraid that he wouldn't forgive her for running away
from home but she really wanted to see her sister and hope to find her Sarah was very happy with this news and said to Harold I'll go to the detective agency right away I'll convince Carla to come home with us she doesn't know that Grandma is also here I only ask one thing of you my love don't scold her too much I'm sure she ran away for a reason not just for the sake of it and anyway everything turned out fine we have a family now the children are with us nothing bad happened to them
let's forgive her after all she's my sister the closest relative I have I don't know we'll see Harold replied displeased Sarah went to the detective agency and saw a frightened Carla the girls hugged and cried like little children sister my dear sister I'm so glad the detectives managed to find you grandma told told me about you you know back then at Harold's house we didn't become friends by accident right at that time it seems strange to me because we didn't know each other but we started talking so easily tell me about yourself I want to
know everything did you grow up in an orphanage I can imagine how hard it was for you to live there do you remember our mother what was she like I don't remember her grandma raised me she wanted to take you in but was afraid she wouldn't be able to support both of us forgive me sister and don't be angry with Grandma she worried all her life that she couldn't take you in Carla sighed and replied I'm also very happy Sarah to have you now someone dear to me I don't remember mommy either but they told
me at the orphanage that she brought me and left me there she was drunk and cried for a long time but I was lucky I was adopted by very good people I consider them my real parents but that woman who gave birth to me and rejected me I can't call her mom sorry I'm not angry with Grandma and I really want to meet her a year ago my father was diagnosed with cancer my parents were simple people my mother worked as an accountant and my father as an electrician we were an ordinary family and we
didn't have money for expensive treatment the chemotherapy course my father was prescribed under Insurance didn't help at all so I decided to become a surrogate mother I thought I could earn a lot of money and help my father with with the treatment I successfully passed the exam at the hospital and was included in the database then that family of businessmen we know contacted me I probably didn't realize what I was agreeing to at the time it seems like everything is easy taking care of someone else's children and handing them over to their parents but it
turned out to be different being pregnant with three children at once is very difficult and realizing that you'll have to give birth to those babies and then hand them over is unbearable throughout the pregnancy you feel how the children move inside you you understand that they are one with you but they treat you like an incubator for some reason I felt offended being in that house everything seemed very unfair to me I even tried to seduce the children's father it seemed strange to me that I was carrying his children and he didn't even touch me
but Harold didn't seem to notice me he only talked to me about the children stroked my belly and dreamed about the day when he would finally see his little ones in general I wasn't ready for this then his wife started bullying me those children weren't needed by her she thought I was her rival she was afraid Harold would fall in love with me and that night I Disappeared Mara started yelling at me and throwing me out of the house threatening me Mara said that if I Disappeared voluntarily from their lives she would pay me a
good sum of money but if not she would kill me and the children so I got scared and ran away besides I really needed the money I decided to stay with a friend for a while my parents didn't know anything about this and I managed to save my father by transferring the money for his surgery in time he is now in remission and recovering but when I started giving birth my friend called emergency services and they took me to the hospital I realized that I couldn't show up at my parents house with three babies if
my father found out he would probably die of Shame that's why I renounced the children at the hospital I still feel like a horrible person first I broke the contract then I left the children at the hospital and I deceived Harold I just didn't know what to do that's why I don't want to go to Harold's house I don't know how to communicate with him Sarah were you pregnant too did you give birth to a boy or a girl Sarah couldn't hold back her tears as she remembered those dark days I have no one my
child died to birth but it turned out that I first became the wet nurse and Nanny of Harold's children and now I'm their mother and soon Harold will be my husband sister can I give you some advice you should apologize to Harold it's the right thing to do I'm sure he'll forgive you think about my advice and grandma is waiting for you at home so decide and come with us we're family now you can't hide from Harold forever we're all waiting for you Carla but now I have to go the children are waiting by the
way one important question do you regret giving up the children even though they're not biologically yours you gave birth to them Carla shook her head you're right they're not my children I realized that immediately after birth I didn't feel any maternal Instinct so don't worry I won't cause any problems I have no right to the children I renounced them at the hospital and I'm very happy that you've become their mother you're a kind and caring person I'm sure the children will be happy with you I also hope to find my own love someday but for
now I don't want children neither mine nor others I intend to focus on my education and find a good job two weeks passed and Sarah and Grandma were very worried because Carla still hadn't come Sarah was very upset she really wanted to connect with her and be friends with her I knew she wouldn't come she seemed very strange from the beginning she doesn't care about her sister or her grandmother Harold said but one day someone rang the doorbell Sarah opened the door and was surprised to see Carla they hugged and Sarah smiling said I'm so
happy you decided to come come on I'll introduce you to Grandma Carla looked around and noticed the three babies happily playing in a play pan they were babbling and absorbing their games Carla looked at the children and realized she didn't feel anything for them to her they were just adorable babies nothing more she said softly wait I want to talk to Harold first maybe he won't let me stay I'll understand his decision it's my fault Sarah led her sister to Harold's office he was reviewing Financial reports when he saw Carla he frowned and took off
his glasses Sarah left the office knowing they needed to talk Carla spoke sincerely and apologized I know it was my fault Herold I shouldn't have run away from that house but I didn't know what to do and your wife threatened me she said she would find a way to get rid of me and the children if I didn't disappear so I act out of fear please forgive me I know I was irresponsible Harold placed his glasses on the table and said I thought I would go mad I was so worried about the babies my God
Carla why didn't you tell me everything right away I would have dealt with my wife but it's too late to talk about that now I'm glad everything turned out well in the end Sarah asked me to forgive you so you can come whenever you want I don't mind and even though you broke the contract I got the children so I want pay you the remaining money I owe you under our agreement what account should I transfer the money to no I refuse the money I don't need it I agreed to your wife's deal she paid
me well to leave that night you don't owe me anything it wouldn't be fair I just hope you can forgive me someday that's the most important thing for me after everything that happened I don't want children for a long time and I'll never accept being a surrogate mother again it's a huge responsibility that I wasn't prepared for Carla said Harold saw that she was sincere he approached extended his hand and said I'm glad you understand that now I forgive you now go see Grandma she's eager to see you the reunion between the grandmother and her
granddaughter was warm and emotional they hugged and cried finally Mary stopped worrying about not being able to raise Carla then everyone had lunched together Sarah was glowing with happiness knowing she now had a big loving family I sincerely hope you enjoyed the story I'm sure the next video appearing on your screen will also move you don't forget to subscribe to the channel give it a like and activate the notification Bell so you don't miss our upcoming videos a big kiss and see you in the next story
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