Most People Will Ignore This Message, But It Could Change Everything – Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
In this groundbreaking talk, Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals the revolutionary science behind personal tran...
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stop whatever you're doing and pay close attention because the next few minutes could literally alter the course of your existence your brain is processing 11 million bits of information per second but you're only conscious of 40 bits that means 99. 9,996 per of your reality is happening outside your awareness think about that for a moment everything you believe about who you are what you're capable of and what's possible in your life is based on less than 0.4% of the information available to you you're making decisions feeling emotions and creating your entire life using a fraction
of a fraction of your actual potential this isn't speculation or philosophy it's cuttingedge neuroscience at this very moment in your brain there are neural networks that are literally preventing you from seeing opportunities possibilities and solutions that are right in front of you your Consciousness is trapped in what scientists call a reality tunnel a tiny slice of what's actually possible but here's the extraordinary part these neural networks can be rewired in a matter of hours using a specific method that combines quantum physics with Neuroscience a method that's already helped thousands of people break free from their
limited reality and step into what can only be described as supernatural abilities right now now in this exact moment your brain is firing off millions of neural connections creating patterns that will determine your entire future but here's what most people don't know those patterns are about to change forever scientists at the University of California recently proved something extraordinary your brain creates new neural Pathways in as little as 4 seconds when you focus your attention that's right 4 seconds to start rewiring your entire reality let me tell you about Sarah a woman who sat in one
of my workshops 3 years ago she walked in with chronic anxiety depression and a lifetime of limiting beliefs she sat there just like you're sitting now thinking this is just who I am but within 48 Hours of applying what I'm about to share with you her brain scans showed activity patterns identical to those of experienced meditation Masters 3 months later she had completely transformed her life no medication no therapy just pure Consciousness and intention you're reading these words right now because something inside you knows there's more your Consciousness has brought you to this precise moment
and it's not by accident the message I'm about to share could literally alter the course of your existence I don't say this lightly I say this as a scientist who has witnessed thousands of people completely rewrite their Futures using these exact principles every second you spend operating from your old programming is a second loss from your potential new reality the information you're about to receive isn't just another motivational speech it's a scientifically proven method to literally become Supernatural your future self is calling will you answer your life right now every thought every feeling every action
is the product of unconscious programs running in your brain these aren't random they're precise neural patterns created by every experience you've ever had think about this 95% of Who You Are are by the time you're 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors emotional reactions beliefs and attitudes that function like a computer program beneath your conscious awareness every morning you wake up in the first 20 minutes your brain shifts into the same neural patterns it activated yesterday and the day before and the year before that you brush your teeth the same way feel the
same emotions about your job react to your family members in the same patterns all while believing your making conscious choices but you're not you're running on automatic letting your past experiences determine your present reality here's the critical distinction you need to understand your brain is designed to function in one of two modes the first is survival mode where you're constantly scanning for danger living in stress and allowing your emotions to drive your thoughts this is where most people live they wake up check their phones and immediately trigger their stress response cortisol and adrenaline flood their
systems their hearts move out of coherence they're surviving not creating but there's another mode creation mode this is where true change happens when you step out of your emotional addiction to the past when you stop letting feelings of unworthiness anxiety or fear drive your actions you enter this elevated State your brain starts producing different chemicals instead of stress hormones you create hormones of Joy inspiration and possibility the secret most people never realize is that they're addicted to their emotions every feeling has a chemical signature in your body when you feel anger your body produces a
specific blend of chemicals feel anxiety different chemicals your cells become addicted to these emotional cocktails that's why change feels so uncomfortable at first you're literally going through chemical withdrawal from your old emotional states every but here's where Consciousness comes in your awareness that invisible force that can observe your thoughts and feelings is the key to Breaking these patterns when you become conscious of your unconscious programs they begin to lose their power it's like turning on a light in a dark room suddenly what was controlling you becomes visible and what's visible can be changed this isn't
just Theory we've measured this in the lab when people become conscious of their unconscious patterns and make different choices their brain waves change within minutes their heart rhythms shift their immune systems strengthen all because they made the choice to stop being a victim of their past programming and start becoming the creator of their future let me share something remarkable about your brain and quantum physics when scientists studied particles at the quantum level they made an astounding discovery that these particles exist as waves of possibility until they're observed your thoughts work the exact same way every
potential for your life exists as a wave of possibility in the quantum field Until You observe it with your attention and intention think about this your brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second but you're only aware of 2,000 of those bits that means most of your reality is happening beyond your conscious awareness but here's the exciting part when you learn to shift your brain waves through meditation you begin to access these deeper levels of consciousness where chain becomes not just possible but inevitable your brain operates in different frequencies throughout the day beta waves
dominate when you're in your normal thinking State analyzing judging comparing your present to your past but when you slow down your brain waves to Alpha and Theta States through meditation something extraordinary happens you start accessing the operating system of your subconscious mind it's like gaining access to the source code of your reality we've we measured this in thousands of people during our Advanced workshops participants wear brain mapping equipment while they meditate within minutes of entering these slower brain wave States their bodies start producing new chemicals their heart coherence increases their immune system strengthens but most
importantly they begin to move beyond the analytical mind that keeps them tied to the past and to the feelings it says the feelings will move to the senses that we enter into right now and life finally changes everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies your thoughts and emotions aren't just abstract Concepts they're electrical and magnetic signals that interact with the quantum field around you when you feel gratitude your heart generates a measurable magnetic field that extends several feet from your body this field affects everything around you including your own DNA let me
give you a practical example Maria one of our students had suffered from chronic pain for 12 years medical tests showed severe inflammation throughout her body during a week-long Meditation Retreat she learned to enter these deeper brainwave States while maintaining a clear intention of Health by the fourth day her inflammation markers had dropped by 47% by the end of the week her pain had virtually disappeared her doctors couldn't explain it but quantum physics can she had literally changed her body by changing her energy field your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your your
external world and what's happening in your internal world when you create a clear intention in meditation and combine it with elevated emotions like Joy gratitude or inspiration your brain and body begin to change before the actual experience happens you're literally installing the neurological Hardware of your new reality before it manifests this is why understanding brain wave States is so crucial when you're in beta you're thinking within the box of your past experiences but when you slow down to Alpha and data you begin to transcend those limitations you access what Quantum physicists call the unified field
where all possibilities exist this isn't mystical thinking it's supported by the most advanced research in quantum mechanics and Neuroscience the mechanism is process which moves energy from the lyic system into the cortex which is the center of our brain listen carefully because what I'm about to tell you might challenge everything you believe about who you are your personality creates your personal real ity every morning when you wake up you unconsciously recreate the same person you were yesterday you think the same thoughts feel the same emotions and make the same choices all while expecting different results
in your life but here's the truth that most people never understand your personality is nothing more than a series of memorized thoughts behaviors and emotional reactions it's not the real you it's just the you that you've become by unconsciously repeating patterns from your past think about this if you've been thinking the same thoughts for years those thoughts have created specific neural networks in your brain these networks are like well-worn paths in a forest your thoughts automatically follow them because it's the easiest route the chemistry of your emotions plays a crucial role here every time you
feel anxiety your body produces stress hormones every time you feel Joy different chemicals flood your system over time your cells become addicted to these emot chemicals when you try to change you're not just fighting against thoughts you're fighting against a chemical addiction at the cellular level this is why most people fail at creating lasting change they try to think positively while their bodies are still addicted to negative emotional states but here's the key when you understand this process you can use it to your advantage instead of letting your emotions create your thoughts you can use
your thoughts to create new emotions ah let me explain how this works in Practical terms every time you learn something new you create new neural connections but to make these connections stable you need to repeat the new thoughts and behaviors while maintaining an elevated emotional state this is why information alone isn't enough you need to combine knowledge with feeling to create change think of it like this your brain is like a circuit board every time you think of thought you fire a specific sequence of neurons when you combine that thought with an elevated emotion like
gratitude or Joy you're soldering those neural connections into place do this enough times and you literally create new neural networks new Pathways for your thoughts to follow the process of transformation requires you to become conscious of your unconscious States you must become aware of how you think how you act and most importantly how you feel this awareness alone begins to break the habit of being yourself when you notice yourself falling into Old patterns that noticing creates a space between stimulus and response in that space lies your power to change this but here's the most exciting
part as you create these new neural networks your brain starts to work differently you begin to see opportunities you never noticed before Solutions appear where you used to see only problems your energy changes and as a result you start attracting different experiences into your life this isn't magical thinking it's Neuroscience combined with quantum physics the key is consistency you can't create a new self by changing for a day or a week you must maintain these new thoughts and elevated emotional states until they become your new normal your new personality must become stronger than the old
one when this happens you literally break the habit of being your old self and step into a new version of you your power to change anything in your life exists in one place only this present moment moment most people miss this incredible truth because they're constantly living in memory of the past or anticipation of the future but the quantum field that invisible field of all possibilities can only be accessed now in this moment time isn't what you think it is neuroscience shows us that your brain combines memories of the past with expectations of the future
to create your experience of the present moment but here's what's fascinating when you learn to step out of linear time through meditation when you become pure Consciousness in the present moment you literally change how your genes Express themselves we've measured this in the lab when people enter a state of heart coherence where their heart rhythms become perfectly ordered their brain waves synchronize with their heart's magnetic field in this state something extraordinary happens their bodies begin producing new proteins their immune system strengthens and their brain starts creating new neural connections all this happens not through years
of therapy or medication but through the power of being fully present in the now but accessing this state requires more than just sitting quietly you must combine presence with elevated emotions when you generate feelings of gratitude Joy or inspiration while maintaining present moment awareness your heart's magnetic field expands this field becomes a bridge between your Consciousness and the quantum field of all possibility let me explain this practically think about the last time time you were completely absorbed in something you loved maybe playing music creating art or being in nature in that state you lost track
of time your inner critic went quiet you weren't thinking about your problems or your past you were purely present that state of presence combined with the elevated emotion of Joy or creativity literally change your brain chemistry this is why heart coherence is so crucial your heart generates a magnetic field 5,000 times stronger than your brains when you bring your attention to your heart center and generate positive emotions you create a coherent field that affects every cell in your body more importantly this field extends beyond your physical body and interacts with the the secret is learning
to maintain this state most people can access it briefly but they quickly fall back into their old emotional patterns but when you practice staying present while holding elevated emotions something remarkable happens your body begins to believe the future you're creating is happening right now your cells start receiving new signals your DNA begins expressing itself differently it's all because you learn to combine presence with elevated emotional states in the Eternal now now I'm going to share exactly how to put everything we've discussed into practice the most powerful time to reshape your brain and create your new
future is in the morning right after you wake up why because in those first moments of consciousness your brain is still in theta waves the same state you access in deep meditation you're more suggestible more connected to your subconscious mind start by waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual don't check your phone don't think about your to-do list find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted sit up straight with your eyes closed Begin by focusing on your breath slow steady inhales and exhales this simple act starts to shift your brain waves from beta to
Alpha State now bring your attention to your energy centers starting at the base of your spine as you breathe feel each Center activating warming expanding move your attention up through your body from survival to Creation to willpower to love to expression to Insight and finally to connection with something greater than yourself this process takes about 5 to 7 minutes and It prepares your body energetically for transformation here's where most people miss the opportunity they stop at relaxation but this is exactly when you need to introduce the emotions of your future self think about who you're
becoming feel the Gratitude of already being that person generate the emotions of Joy Freedom abundance whatever matches your desired future your body doesn't know the difference between a real experience and one you're creating in your mind with enough emotional intensity we've scanned people's brains during this process when they combine clear intention with elevated emotion their frontal lobe lights up like a Christmas tree this is crucial because your frontal lobe when fired in the right sequence begins to release specific chemicals that help create new neural networks you're literally installing the neurological Hardware of your future self
and this is driving the mind to be very aggressive meaning their critical imagination says maintain this state for at least 15 minutes if your mind wanders to problems or your present circumstances gently bring it back to your future feel it as if it's happening now see the details experience the sensations the more real you make it the more your brain and body will believe it's already happened throughout your day set reminders to check your emotional state most people let their environment trigger their old programs but you're going to do something different every hour takes 60
seconds to reconnect with the elevated emotions you generated in your morning practice this maintains the momentum of change remember transformation isn't the one-time event it's a practice your old self will try to pull you back into familiar patterns this is normal when this happens stop and ask yourself what would my future self do in this moment then act from that state of being each time you choose your future over your past you strengthen the neural network of your new self the key to maintaining elevated States is preparation create a playlist of music that shifts you
into positive emotional states keep inspiring content readily available set up your environment to support your transformation most importantly remember that every moment is a choice you can either reinforce your past self or step into your future self let's talk about what's really stopping you from creating lasting change you know those moments of doubt that creep in that voice that says this isn't working or who am I to think I can change that's not your voice it's the voice of your old self fighting for survival your old self has neuron networks emotional patterns and chemical addictions
that don't want to die here's what happens you start your morning meditation you're feeling great connected to your future then your phone rings your boss sends a stressful email your family member criticizes you suddenly you're right back in your old emotional path patterns this happens because your environment is filled with triggers designed to pull you back into your past self the solution isn't to change your entire environment overnight it's to change how you respond to it when triggers appear use them as opportunities to practice being your future self each trigger becomes a chance to rewire
your brain instead of reacting automatically pause take a breath ask yourself how would the person I'm becoming handle this situation many people get stuck in analysis paralysis they want to understand every aspect of the process before they begin they read more books watch more videos gather more information but never take action remember this your intellect will never be satisfied at some point you must move from knowledge to experience your body needs to learn this new way of being through direct experience the biggest challenge isn't starting it's staying consistent people often say I tried meditation for
a week but nothing nothing changed of course nothing changed you spent years creating your current neural networks creating new ones takes repeated practice but here's the good news we've seen people create significant changes in as little as 30 days of consistent practice the key is to make your commitment to change stronger than your attachment to comfort every morning when you wake up renew your commitment before your feet Hit the Floor don't wait to feel motivated create the elevated emotions that drive transformation your future self isn't waiting for perfect conditions they're creating them through consistent conscious
Choice remember in the quantum field possibility exists as a wave until it's observed into reality right now countless possible Futures are waiting for you to choose them which future will you collapse into reality which version of you will you become the answer lies in what you do next in the choices you make today in this moment the time for change isn't tomorrow it isn't next week it's now your future self is calling will you answer look around you right now everything you see everything you're experiencing was once just a possibility in the quantum field until
someone collapsed it into reality through their observation your phone your computer the chair you're sitting in all were once just waves of possibility now think about this your future self the one who's already healed already transformed already living as a supernatural being you're meant to become exists right now with the same certainty as this physical reality the only difference is your choice of where to place your attention your intention and your energy in the next 24 hours you will either reinforce the neural networks of your past or you will begin installing the neurological Hardware of
your future there is no middle ground your cells are eavesdropping on your thoughts your genes are listening to your emotions every atom of your being is waiting for a signal will you continue broadcasting the same limiting frequencies of your past or will you finally transmit the elevated emotions of your future
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