Hello, my name is Séverine Audinet, I am a nutritionist and today the subject of the video is about intestinal porosity. We talk a lot about this intestinal porosity and maybe some of you would like to know what it is exactly and if you suffer from it. This video will be done in two parts, I will start by describing what intestinal porosity is and its effects on health, then the second part of the video will be devoted to the 5 ways you can put in place to cure this intestinal porosity.
So let's start by describing intestinal porosity, it's actually damage to the lining of the small intestine. Understand that the small intestine is the main digestive organ. It is in its meanders that most of the digestion takes place and that practically all the absorption takes place.
The small intestine is like a tube with complicated shapes that measures 2 to 4 meters and has a diameter of 2. 5 to 4cm. It plays a vital role in our health and in maintaining it.
It is the key organ of the immunity of the digestive tract but also of our overall immune defense. It is thanks to him that the nutrients necessary for the functioning of our body are absorbed and redistributed where our body requires it. The intestinal mucosa is an immense filter, one of whose roles is to allow nutrients to pass (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.
) and to prevent the penetration of micro-organisms, macromolecules and toxic compounds. Let's go into the description of the wall of the small intestine: it is covered with a very thin epithelium, composed of villi and microvilli, very finely wrinkled. It consists mainly of a single layer of cells, the enterocytes which provide a mechanical barrier function vis-à-vis the contents of the intestine.
This barrier is obtained by the tight junctions which prevent the digestive enzymes and the microorganisms present in the intestine from passing into the blood. However, when the intestinal mucosa is altered and inflamed, the tight junctions become more distended and intestinal porosity sets in, this is the phenomenon of hyperpermeability / intestinal porosity. So what happens when toxins and foreign molecules pass through this intestinal barrier?
This causes inflammation, a cascading immune response, and this may be the starting point for multiple pathologies. What are the symptoms ? First of all, intestinal porosity leads to intestinal disorders , alternating diarrhea, loose stools or constipation, bloating, gas, and abdominal pain.
You suffer from persistent general fatigue, difficult to achieve your goals or even your tasks for the day without feeling the urge to rest. Intestinal porosity causes a chronic inflammatory process, an immune response which can, depending on the person's terrain, lead to immune system disorders, this can give rise to allergies in all their forms (asthma, eczema, rhinitis), either to food intolerances (gluten, milk, casein intolerance, etc. ) or autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease.
Now let me present an analogy : in fact imagine a football net, normally the football net stops the ball. But if the football net is damaged, the ball can pass through. In fact the football net is like your epithelium, that This is supposed to protect your body from toxins, like the soccer net preventing the ball from going through.
So intestinal porosity is like having a knife cutting through the soccer net. This knife is ultimately the origin of intestinal porosity. So let's see the possible causes of intestinal porosity: poor diet, stress, dysbiosis (imbalance of the intestinal flora by candida albicans for example), taking certain medications such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, corticosteroids, antacids, proton pump inhibitors, the contraceptive pill taken over the long term, an enzyme deficiency, food intolerances, consumption of toxic substances such as additives, preservatives, pesticides, SIBO SIFO… So how to diagnose intestinal porosity?
We cannot make a diagnosis by carrying out an endoscopy or gastroscopy, on the other hand, we can do it by carrying out a study of your stools. I like to use the LaboMgd tests, the Florinscan extra or the analysis of the microbiota by genetic sequencing. It is a certified laboratory which allows us to have precise results on your microbiota (intestinal flora), you receive documents presenting all the results.
In fact during the intestinal porosity, the tight junctions stretch, and this causes an elevation of the Zonulin protein, which we can test in the stool. A stool test also gives an excellent picture of the state of your microbiota. This allows us to know if you have dysbiosis, if you have a flora made up more of potentially pathogenic bacteria, fungi, yeasts such as candida albicans.
It also tells us your histamine level, indeed a high level may be associated with food allergies. We can also assess your ability to digest fat and protein, find out if you are deficient in certain digestive enzymes, if you produce enough butyrate which is the preferred source of energy for the epithelial cells of the colon, and which has a protective role. major and anti-inflammatory.
I am giving you only examples here, you of course have more information given to you, and at the end of the report of the analysis of the microbiota by genetic sequencing, a table is sent to you indicating your risks of developing or to have certain pathologies. Let's see the example of this person, on the table we see that in green that he has little risk of suffering from certain pathologies, in yellow there is a risk, and in red there is a high risk for this person, we thus see that this person has a high risk of intestinal porosity, histamine intolerance, food intolerances, SIBO, celiac disease, allergies, psoriasis , chronic fatigue syndrome. .
. all of the test results guide us to give personalized advice, and to carry out a suitable food plan. If you suffer from intestinal porosity, the good news is that we can treat it.
So we come to this second part of the video. I am now going to give you keys that you can already put in place: first advice: restore a balanced diet. To help you, you can make an appointment with a nutritionist near you, or follow the recommendations of the Swiss nutrition society which gives you advice on how to optimize your diet and make balanced menus, I put the link in the bar information.
Then avoid pesticides and limit sugar of any kind as much as possible (white, brown, agave, date and others, I know that some may seem more sympathetic such as coconut sugar, agave syrups, but no. . .
, and also avoid sweeteners Eliminate prepared meals that contain unnecessary additives, lots of bad fats, and very often sugar Avoid corn, canola and soybean oils, which are pro-inflammatory oils, as well as hydrogenated oils Avoid gluten and dairy products time to heal your intestinal porosity Alcohol should also be eliminated as it can cause inflammation in your microbiota and serve as food for pathogenic bacteria and yeasts An important point, it is important to know your food allergies if you want to cure your intestinal porosity. The most appropriate test is the immunoglobulin E (IgE) test. This tells us your allergies and the severity ity of these.
The allergies we see most often are related to gluten, dairy, eggs, oilseeds like nuts, almonds, and also soy. Second advice, one of the first things you can do to repair the epithelial cells of the villi (the enterocytes), is the addition of an amino acid, L-Glutamine. The ideal is to take it in the form of a powder that you can mix directly with water in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you can, bone broth is also a great way to provide L. glutamine. On the other hand, bone broth is rich in histamine, so if you are sensitive to histamine, have headaches, or are itchy after taking the broth, you should favor the powder.
Third tip: Increase the quality and diversity of your diet. This is where probiotics from food can help. You can therefore add miso, yogurts, tempeh, kimchi, kombucha, kefir, fermented vegetables to your diet.
But beware, precision that is important: avoid soy like tempeh or miso if you suffer from hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. And avoid dairy products even yogurts if you suffer from lactose intolerance. And fermented products are rich in histamine too, so beware if you have headaches or itching after eating fermented vegetables for example.
If you have a histamine reaction, choose probiotics as a dietary supplement . But a question that often comes up: which probiotic in capsule to choose? It is true that there are so many today that it is difficult to make an appropriate choice.
The stool test will allow me to know which probiotics will be most beneficial for you. But be aware that you can choose a probiotic that contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria which are good bacteria for your microbiota anyway. For example, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, I recommend these probiotics, I put the list on the screen.
And in the case of a woman who wants to prevent and treat vaginal disorders, I will advise her on other probiotics, I put these on your screen. Depending on the priorities and needs of the person, specific strains will be recommended. Then how much should you take?
It's a really delicate question, and there everything will depend on the person too. Sincerely in the cabinet I sometimes had to go up to doses of 60 billion to have a clear change by diversifying the strains. And for others a capsule of 10 billion of 2 strains already gives results.
Everything will depend on the symptoms and the results of the test of your microbiota. The quantity must be personalized and gradually integrated. In any case, the ideal is to take them on an empty stomach at the same time as L-Glutamine in a glass of water.
Fourth tip: bring pre-biotics. Prebiotics are usually substances that we don't digest directly but will be selectively fermented by our good bacteria, causing them to grow. By serving as food for our beneficial flora, prebiotics will lead to the formation of short-chain fatty acids (propionate, acetate, butyrate).
And I remind you that short chain fatty acids such as butyrate reduce inflammatory processes and support the function of the intestinal barrier, and therefore help you to heal your intestinal porosity. If your butyrate level is low in your stool test that I talked about before, in that case we can increase that by giving prebiotic supplements and also supplementing with butyrate. In any case, put on your plates according to the season: green asparagus, artichokes, onions, leeks, Jerusalem artichokes, salsify, turnips, fennel, spinach, red fruits, pears, apples and apricots.
. . Fifth tip: help your body to digest better, it is important to eat slowly, you can also add digestive enzymes before your meal, this will help you digest your food bowl better.
Then learning to manage your stress is also important. I show you this table which shows you all the enzymes that you can favor according to what you eat and your deficiencies. The ideal is to use a combination of enzymes to digest carbohydrates , proteins, and fats.
The better you digest, the less you risk creating inflammation in the intestine, and therefore intestinal porosity. We are coming to the end of the video, do not hesitate to let me know in the comments if you would like me to talk to you about other topics related to nutrition. And if you learned things, well thank you for liking this video.
See you soon.