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Jim Rohn Motivation™
your true potential with this powerful 39-minute motivational speech on achieving success independen...
Video Transcript:
picture this you are standing at the base of a mountain it's tall it's imposing and it seems impossible to climb but here's the kicker you are all alone no guides no equipment just you and your determination now most people would turn back they would say it's too hard I can't do it alone but not you you look at that mountain and say watch me that is the essence of true success it's not about having all the resources or support in the world it's about having the guts to start the perseverance to continue and The Willpower
to finish all on your own I have climbed my share of mountains in life metaphorical ones of course I'm not much of a hiker but I have faced challenges that seemed insurmountable obstacles that looked unbeatable and you know what I did it alone not because I had to but because I chose to because I knew that The Sweetest Victory is the one you achieve by yourself now do not get me wrong I am not saying you should push away help when it's offered that's foolish what I am saying is that you should not wait for
help to come you should not depend on others to achieve your dreams because at the end of the day it's your life your journey your mountain to climb let me tell you a story when I was young I worked as a stock clerk at a department store minimum wage long hours not much future but I had dreams Big Dreams I wanted to be successful to make something of myself everyone around me said kid you are dreaming too big know your place but I did not listen I could not afford to listen instead I started reading
every book I could get my hands on I would work my shift then head to the public library and read until they kick me out business philosophy psychology you name it I read it I was educating myself preparing myself for the success I knew was coming and you know what it was not easy there were nights when I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open days when I questioned if it was all worth it but I kept going cuz I knew that if I wanted to change my life I had to be
the one to do it fast forward a few years and I had started my own business it was not much at first just me working out of my tiny apartment but I had a vision and I was determined to make it reality I worked 16-hour days 7 days a week I made cold calls until my voice was horse I knocked on doors until my knuckles were sore and slowly bit by bit things started to change I got my first client then my second then my 10 before I knew it I had a thriving business and
you know what the best part was I did it alone every success every Milestone it was all mine now I'm not telling you this to brag I'm telling you this because I want you to understand something fundamental about success it's not about luck it's not about Connections it's not about having everything handed to you on a silver platter it's about having the courage to start the strength to continue in you and the determination to finish all by yourself when you depend on others for your success you're putting your dreams in their hands and that's a
dangerous game to play cuz no one and I mean no one cares about your dreams as much as you do no one will work as hard for your success as you will that's why I say do it alone Be Your Own motivator your own coach your own cheerleader because when you achieve success on your own turns by your own efforts there's no feeling like it in the world now I can almost hear some of you thinking but what if I fail what if I try and it does not work out well let me tell you
something about failure failure is not the opposite of success it's part of success every great achievement in history was preceded by countless failures Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he successfully created the light bulb but do you know what he said about those failures he said I have not failed I have just found 10,000 ways that will not work that's the mindset of a true achiever someone who sees failure not as an end but as a stepping stone to success when you're doing it alone you will face failure it's inevitable but here's the beautiful
thing when you are alone you get to Define what failure means you get to decide how long you will it holds you back you get to choose when to get back up and try again and let me tell you there's incredible power in that because when you're not depending on anyone else when you're not waiting for someone to pick you up or show you the way you become resilient you become Unstoppable think about it how many times have you heard someone say I would have succeeded but my partner let me down or I could have
made it but I didn't have the right connections those are excuses my friends and excuses are the nails used to build the house of failure when you do it alone you do not have the luxury of excuses it's all on you and while that might seem scary at first it's actually incredibly liberating because when you take full responsibility for your life for your success for your failures that's when you truly take control now I'm not saying it's going to be easy doing it alone is hard there will be days when you feel like giving up
days when the mountain seems too high the road too long but those are the days that Define you those are the days when you look in the mirror and say I'm not quitting I'm not giving up I'm going to keep pushing keep climbing keep moving forward because here's the truth success is not about never falling down it's about getting up one more time than you fall it's about having the courage to face your fears to confront your doubts and to push through your limitations and when you do it alone you develop a kind of inner
strength that nothing can shake you become the master of your fate the captain of your soul you become Unstoppable fear fear of failure fear of the unknown fear of not being good enough these fears are natural they are human but they are also the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dreams fear is like a prison it keeps you locked in your comfort zone prevents you from taking risks stops you from reaching your full potential but here's the thing about this prison you hold the key you have the power to unlock the door and step
into Freedom at any moment when you decide to do it alone you are making a powerful statement you are saying I refuse to let fear control me I refuse to let doubt Define me I'm taking charge of of my life and I'm going to create the future I want and let me tell you that's when the magic happens that's when you start to see opportunities where others see obstacles that's when you start to find Solutions where others see only problems that's when you start to achieve things that others thought were impossible I remember when I
first started giving speeches I was terrified my palms would sweat my heart would race and my voice would Shake but I knew that if I wanted to make an impact if I wanted to change lives I had to push through that so what did I do I practiced I practiced in front of the mirror I practiced in empty rooms I practiced until the words flowed naturally until the fear turned into excitement and you know what the first time I stepped onto a big stage in front of hundreds of people I was still scared but I
did it anyway cuz I knew that on the other side of that fear was growth was success was the life I'd always dreamed of and that's what I want for each and every one of you I want you to look your fears in the eye and say you do not control me I'm going to do this and I'm going to do it alone if I have to because when you conquer your fears when you push past your doubts when you prove to yourself that you can do it alone that's when you become truly Unstoppable when
you are working towards a goal on your own there's no boss looking over over your shoulder no team depending on you no external pressure pushing you forward it's all on you and that's where self-discipline comes in self-discipline is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets it's the ability to make yourself do what you know you should do even when you do not feel like it it's waking up early to work on your business when you would rather sleep in it's saying no to that night out with friends so you can
study for your degree it's putting in those extra hours making those extra calls going that extra mile even when no one's watching even when no one would know if you didn't success is not about what you do occasionally it's about what you do consistently and when you are doing it alone consistency is everything I learned this lesson early in my career when I was building my business there were plenty of days when I didn't feel motivated days when I wanted to sleep in take it easy maybe even give up but I knew that if I
gave into to those feelings if I let my discipline slip my dreams would slip away too so I made a decision I decided that I would show up every single day no matter what rain or shine feeling good or feeling bad I would put in the work and you know what that decision made all the difference because success does not care about your feelings it does does not care if you are tired or stressed or discouraged success only cares about what you do and when you have the self-discipline to do what needs to be done
day in and day out that's when you start to see real progress now I know that some of you might be thinking but it's hard to stay disciplined all the time it's hard to keep pushing when no one's watching and you are right it is hard but that's exactly why it's so valuable anyone can work card when they are feeling motivated anyone can put an effort when they have someone cheering them on but it's those who can stay disciplined who can keep pushing forward even when they do not feel like it those are the ones
who achieve greatness and here's the beautiful thing about self-discipline it compounds every time you choose to do the hard thing every time you choose to keep going when you want to quit you are not just making progress towards your goals you are also building character you are becoming stronger more resilient more capable and before you know what what once seemed impossible becomes routine the challenges that once seemed insurmountable become stepping stones and you you become Unstoppable but be real for a moment doing it alone is not always glamorous it's not always exciting there will be
times when you feel lonely times when you doubt yourself times when you wonder if it's all worth it and that's okay that's normal in fact if you are not experiencing those feelings sometimes you are probably not pushing yourself hard enough because growth real meaningful growth happens outside of your comfort zone the key is to remember why you started in the first place to keep your eyes on the prize even when the path gets tough to remind yourself that every challenge you face every obstacle you overcome is making you stronger better more capable and here's something
else to remember just because you are doing it alone does not mean you have to be alone in every aspect of your life surround yourself with positive influences read books that inspire you listen to podcasts that motivate you attend seminars that educate you doing it alone does not mean isolating yourself from the world it means taking full responsib ility for your success for your growth for your life it means not waiting for someone else to hand you opportunities but creating them for yourself and when you do that when you take that level of ownership over
your life something amazing happens you start to see possibilities where others see limitations you start to find ways where others see only roadblocks you start to achieve things that others thought were impossible the only limits that really matter are the ones you place on your yourself and when you decide to do it alone you are also deciding to break free from those self-imposed limitations you are deciding to believe in yourself even when no one else does you are deciding to keep going even when the path ahead seems unclear you are deciding to be the author
of your own story the master of your own fate there's no feeling quite like it the sense of accomplishment you get when you achieve something on your own when you overcome a challenge by yourself when you reach a goal through your own efforts it's Indescribable it's a feeling of pride of confidence of self assurance that no one can take away from you because you know deep in your bones that you did it you faced your fears you pushed through the doubts you overcame the obstacles and you did it all on your own That's The Power
of doing it alone that's the strength that comes from self Reliance that's the confidence that grows from self-sufficiency now I want to address something important when I say do it alone I am not suggesting that you should never accept help or support that would be foolish what I'm saying is that you shouldn't depend on that help or support you shouldn't wait for it to come before you start moving towards your goals the world is full of people waiting for their big break waiting for someone to give them a chance waiting for the perfect conditions before
they start but success does not come to those who wait it comes to those who act who take initiative who create their own opportunities when you adopt the mindset of doing it alone you become proactive rather than reactive you do not wait for things to happen you make them happen you do not hope for better circumstances you create better circumstances and that's when you truly become Unstoppable because no matter what life throws at you no matter what obstacles appear in your path you know that you have the strength the skills and the determination to overcome
them when you do it alone you develop a kind of resilience that's rare in today's world a resilience that allows you to bounce back from setbacks to learn from failures to keep pushing forward no matter what and in a world that's constantly changing in a market place that's increasingly competitive that kind of resilience is invaluable it's what separates the Achievers from the dreamers the successful from the mediocre when you are not relying on others when you are charting your own course you need to be constantly upgrading your skills expanding your knowledge improving yourself in today's
world if you are not growing you are falling behind the skills that got you where you are today won't necessarily get you where you want to go tomorrow the knowledge that served you well in the past might not be sufficient for the challenges of the future that's why I have always been a voracious reader that's why I've always sought out new experiences New Perspectives new ideas because I know that my growth is my responsibility no one else is going to expand my mind for me no one else is going to upgrade my skills for me
it's all me and the same is true for you if you want to succeed on your own terms if you want to achieve your dreams without depending on others you need to commit to lifelong learning you need to be constantly seeking out new knowledge new skills new ways of thinking read books attend seminars take online courses seek out mentors not because you are relying on them for your success but because you are using them as tools to enhance your own capabilities remember knowledge is power and when you are doing it alone you need all the
power you can get the more you know the more you can do the more skills you have the more value you can create the more perspectives you understand the more opportunities you can see now I want to talk about something that's often overlooked when discussing success the power of habits when you are doing it alone when you do not have external structures or systems to rely on your habits become incredibly important we are what we repeatedly do Excellence as Aristotle said is not an act but a habit and the same is true for Success it's
not about what you do once in a while it's about what you do consistently day in and day out that's why I have all always been a big believer in developing positive habits habits of productivity habits of learning habits of self-improvement because when you have the right habits in place success becomes almost inevitable if you have a habit of waking up early and working on your goals for an hour before the rest of the world is even awake how much progress do you think you will make over time if you have a habit of reading
for an hour every day how much knowledge do you think you will accumulate over a year if you have a habit of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone regularly how much do you think you will grow these habits might seem seem small on a day-to-day basis but over time they compound they create massive results they transform you from who you are into who you want to be and here's the beautiful thing about habits once they are established they do not require willpower they become automatic they become part of who you are and that's when
Real Change happens now I know what some of you might be thinking but it's hard to develop new habits it's hard hard to break old patterns and you are right it is hard but remember we are talking about doing it alone we are talking about taking control of your life your success your future and that's never going to be in but here's the thing it's worth it because when you develop the right habits when you create routines and systems that support your goals you are essentially putting your success on autopilot you are creating a foundation
for achievement that nothing can shake let me give you an example from my own life early in my career I developed a habit of setting aside time every Sunday to plan my week ahead I would review my goals set my priorities and schedule my most important task at first it felt like a chore but over time it became second nature and you know what that simple habit has been one of the biggest contributors to my success because when you plan your week you are not just reacting to what comes your way you are proactively shaping
your time your energy your focus you are ensuring that your most important goals do not get lost in the day-to-day hustle and bustle and that's the power of habits they allow you to make progress even when you do not feel motivated they keep you moving forward even when the path gets tough they ensure that you are always taking steps towards your goals even if those steps are small when you are not relying on others when you are charting your own course your mindset becomes your most valuable asset your mind is like a garden what you
plant in it will grow if you plant doubts fears and negative thoughts that's what will flourish but if you plant confidence determination and positive beliefs that's what will take root and grow and when you are doing it alone you need to be very careful about what you are planning in your mental Garden you need to be vigilant about the thoughts you allow to take up residence in your mind because those thoughts will shape your reality if you believe that success is possible you will find a way to make it happen if you believe that obstacles
are opportunities in Disguise you will approach challenges with enthusiasm rather than dread if you believe that you have what it takes to achieve your dreams you will find the strength to keep going even when things get tough that's why I have always been a big believer in positive selft talk in affirmations in visualizing success not because these things magically make your dreams come true but because they shape your mindset they program your brain for Success when you consistently tell yourself I can do this when you regularly visualize yourself achieving your goals when you maintain a
positive outlook even in the face of setbacks you are training your mind to focus on possibilities rather than limitation you are conditioning yourself to see opportunities where others see only obstacles and that's a superpower when you're going it alone because when you're not depending on others when you are creating your own path you need to be able to see possibilities that others miss you need to be able to find Solutions where others the only problem now I'm not talking about blind optimism here I'm not suggesting that you ignore reality or pretend that challenges do not
exist what I'm talking about is cultivating a growth mindset a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities to learn and grow a mindset that believes in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve your goal when you're doing it alone you're going to face setbacks you are going to encounter obstacles you are going to have moments of doubt and fear that's inevitable but it's your mindset that will determine whether these experiences defeat you or Propel you forward with the right mindset a setback becomes a setup for a comeback an obstacle becomes a chance to prove your resilience
a moment of Doubt becomes an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to your goals and that's when you become truly Unstoppable because no external circumstance can defeat someone who refuses to be defeated no obstacle can stop someone who sees every challenge as an opportunity to grow stronger something that's often overlooked when discussing success the importance of taking care of yourself when you are doing it alone when you are pushing hard towards your goals it's easy to fall into the Trap of working nonstop of sacrificing your health and well-being in pursuit of success you're your most valuable
asset your health your energy your mental Clarity these are the tools you need to achieve your goals and if you do not take care of these tools if you do not maintain them properly they'll fail you when you need them most that's why I've always been a big advocate for self-care for taking time to rest and recharge for maintaining a healthy balance between work and life because success is not just about achieving your goal goals it's about being able to enjoy that success when you achieve it what good is financial success if you have destroyed
your health to achieve it what good is professional success if you have sacrificed all your relationships along the way true success lasting success is holistic it encompasses all areas of your life so as you are pushing hard towards your goals as you are doing it alone make sure you are also taking care of yourself eat well exercise regularly get enough sleep take time for relaxation and fun nurture your relationships feed your soul when you take care of yourself you are not just maintaining your most valuable asset you are also increasing your capacity to achieve when
you are well rested well nourished and in a good mental state you are more creative more productive more resilient you are better equipped to handle challenges and seize opportunities and that's crucial when you are going it alone cuz you need to be operating at your best you need to be firing on all cylinders you need to be bringing your aame every single day now I know what some of you might be thinking but I do not have time for self-care I'm too busy working towards my goals and I get it I have been there but
here's the thing self-care is not a luxury it's not something you do when you have extra time it's a necessity it's an investment in your success think of it this way if you had a goose that laid golden eggs would you work that goose to death of course not you'd take care of it you'd make sure it was healthy and happy so it could keep producing those golden eggs well you are that goose your ability to work hard to think creatively to persevere in the face of challenges those are your golden eggs and you need
to take care of the goose so as you are pushing towards your goals as you are doing it alone make sure you are also taking time to recharge make sure you're giving yourself the care and attention you need to perform at your best because that's not just good for your health and happiness it's good for your success too the power focus in today's world we are bombarded with distractions social media emails notifications the there's always something vying for our attention and when you are working towards your goals on your own these distractions can be deadly
where your focus goes your energy flows and if your focus is scattered if you are constantly jumping from one thing to another you will never achieve the level of success you are capable of that's why I've always been a big believer in the power of deep work in the ability to focus intensely on one task for extended periods because that's where real progress happens that's where breakthroughs occur that's where you separate yourself from the pack anyone can work in short bursts anyone can put in a little effort here and there but it's those who can
maintain deep sustained Focus who achieve extraordinary results it's those who can shut out distractions and dive deep into their work who make real progress towards their goals and when you are doing it alone this ability to focus becomes even more critical because you do not have a team to pick up the slack you do not have others to handle different aspects of the work it's all on you and that means you need to make every minute count so how do you develop this ability to focus how do you cultivate the skill of deep work well
like any skill it takes practice it takes discipline it takes a commitment to Improvement start by creating a distraction free environment turn off your phone notifications close unnecessary browser tabs find a quiet space where you can work without interruptions then set clear goals for your work sessions what do you want to accomplish what progress do you want to make having a clear objective helps you maintain focus and gives you a sense of purpose next use techniques like the pomoto method working and focused bursts with short breaks in between this helps you maintain high levels of
concentration without burning out and most importantly make deep work a habit schedule regular times for Focus uninterrupted work treat these times as sacred do not let anything or anyone interfere with them when you develop the ability to focus deeply you are not just working more efficiently you are also producing higher quality work you are coming up with better ideas you are solving problems more effectively you are taking your performance to a whole new level and that's what sets apart those who achieve extraordinary success that's what allows you to accomplish in a few hours what others
might take days to do that's what gives you the edge when you're going it alone something that's often overlooked when discussing success the importance of Celebration when you are doing it alone when you are pushing hard towards your goals it's easy to get so focused on the end result that you forget to celebrate the small victories along the way success is a journey not a destination and if you are not taking time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress you are missing out on a powerful source of motivation and satisfaction if you are always focused on
how far you still have to go if you are always thinking about what you have not achieved yet it's easy to get to discouraged it's easy to lose sight of how far you've come and that can lead to burnout and demotivation that's why I have always been a big believer in celebrating Milestones no matter how small finish the difficult task celebrate it made progress on a long-term goal celebrate it overcame a challenge definitely celebrate that these celebrations do not have to be big or elaborate they can be a simple as taking a moment to acknowledge
your achievement treating yourself to something you enjoy sharing your success with a friend or loved one the important thing is that you are recognizing your progress and giving yourself credit for your hard work when you celebrate your victories you are not just making yourself feel good in the moment you are also reinforcing positive behaviors you are creating a connection in your brain between hard work and reward and that makes you more likely to continue putting in the effort even when things get tough moreover celebrating your progress helps you maintain perspective it reminds you that you
are making Headway even if it sometimes feels slow it helps you see the bigger picture of your journey towards success and when you were doing it alone this kind of perspective is crucial because there's no one else there to remind you of how far you've come there's no team to share your victories are boost your morale when you're feeling down it's up to you to be your own cheerleader your own source of encouragement and motivation so as you are pushing towards your goals as you are doing it alone make sure you are taking time to
celebrate your progress make sure you are acknowledging your achievements no matter how small they might seem because those small Victors add up they build momentum they fuel your motivation and drive you forward and before you know it those small celebrations will lead to big ones those minor Milestones will turn into major achievements and you will find yourself not just achieving your goals but surpassing them in today's world of instant gratification we often expect quick results we want success and we want it now but the reality is true success lasting success takes time it takes persistence
it takes the ability to keep going even when results aren't immediate success is not a Sprint it's a marathon and when you are doing it alone when you do not have others to lean on or to keep you accountable your ability to persist becomes your most valuable asset think about any great achievement in history the invention of the light bulb the creation a personal computer the building of great Empires none of these happened overnight they were the result of persistent effort of refusing to give up in the face of setbacks and failures that's why I've
always been a big believer in the power of persistence and the ability to keep going even when the path ahead seems unclear even when progress seems slow even when others might be telling you to give up persistence is what separates the Achievers from the dreamers it's what allows you to turn obstacles into opportunities it's what enables you to learn from your failures and use them as stepping stones to success and when you are doing it alone this persistence becomes even more critical because there's no one else there to pick you up when you fall there's
no team to share the burden when things get tough it's all on you so how do you develop this kind of persistence how do you cultivate the ability to keep going even when the going gets tough first you need to have a clear vision of what you are working towards a goal that's so comp ing so inspiring that it pulls you forward even when you feel like giving up because when you have a strong enough why you can endure almost anyhow second you need to develop a growth mindset to see challenges not as roadblocks but
as opportunities to learn and grow to understand that every setback every failure is just a lesson in Disguise third you need to break your big goals down into smaller manageable steps because persistence is not about making huge leaps forward every day it's about making consistent progress no matter how small and finally you need to cultivate resilience the ability to bounce back from setbacks to pick yourself up after a fall to keep moving forward even when the path ahead seems difficult or unclear because here's the thing when you are doing it alone there will be times
when you want to give up times when the challenges seem too great the obstacles too numerous but it's in these moments that persistence becomes most crucial it's in these moments that your ability to keep going to keep pushing forward will determine your ultimate success remember every great achievement in history was once thought impossible every successful person was once a beginner facing the same doubts and challenges that you face now the differ is they persisted they kept going even when others might have given up and that's what I want for each and every one of you
to develop that kind of persistence to cultivate that ability to keep going no matter what because when you combine persistence with the other principles we've discussed Focus self-care celebration continuous learning that's when you become truly unstoppable that's when you start to achieve things that thought were impossible that's when you start to create a level of success that goes beyond what you might have initially imagined for yourself and the best part when you achieve that Success Through Your Own persistent efforts when you do it alone the victory is that much sweeter the sense of accomplishment is
that much greater because you know deep in your heart that you earned it that you persisted when others might have quitt that you kept going when the path was difficult so as you are pushing towards your goals as you're doing it alone remember the power of persistence remember that every step forward no matter how small is progress remember that every obstacle overcome every challenge faced is making you stronger more capable more resilient and most importantly remember this nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped nothing can defeat someone who persists in the face
of adversity nothing can hold back an individual who is determined to succeed no matter what you have that power within you the power to persist the power to keep going even when things get tough the power to achieve your dreams to create the life you want to become the person you are meant to be and when you tap into that power when you combine it and when you tap into that power when you combine it with everything else we've discussed today the focus the self-discipline The Continuous learning the self-care the celebration of small victories that's
when you truly become unstoppable that's when you start to see the fruits of your labor the results of your persistence the rewards of doing it alone remember my friends Success is Not handed to you on a silver platter it's not something you can borrow or steal it's something you build day by day step by step through your own efforts and determination and when you achieve it on your own terms by your own efforts there's no feeling quite like it in the world you have everything you need within you to achieve your dreams you have the
power the potential the ability to create the life you want do not wait for someone else to make it happen do not depend on others for your success take charge of your life your future your destiny because when you do it alone when you push through the challenges overcome the obstacles and achieve your goals through your own efforts that's when you truly understand what you are capable of that's when you discover the Incredible strength that lies within you
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