ARIES FULL MOON | There's no pretending anymore. IT'S TIME | October 17, 2024

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Sarah Vrba
Get my full moon practice and my journey through the Minor Arcana over on my cozy Patreon: www.patre...
Video Transcript:
Well, hello, my beautiful friends, my fellow space blobs and sparkly blobs! Whatever form you’re coming into this space in here today, I’m so happy that you are here at whatever point in your journey you are at. You could be falling apart today or feeling like you’re not doing enough, or like you need to be striving for more in life, or like you don’t know exactly where you’re going, or maybe you’re feeling very empowered and very clear or a whole mix of those emotions.
That would honestly make so much sense because we’re just moving through a very complex time in the world on a practical level, but also an energetic level. I think many of us in this space have been feeling that really profoundly over these last several months and definitely over these last several weeks. We’re sitting down today to talk about the upcoming Aries full moon that is going to close out our eclipse season energetics.
We’ve really been working with quite powerful waves of collective shift, grieving, release, opening, re-envisioning, reimagining, changing, and shifting kind of the frequency of our energies and what that feels like physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It has been a lot of work behind the scenes, and I just want to acknowledge that right up front here before we get into some of the deeper themes of this Aries full moon because sometimes it just helps to hear out loud, “No, you’re not imagining it,” if you’ve been feeling a little bit overwhelmed and also a little less inspired at times, or a little bit foggy, or a little bit like, “What am I supposed to do with all these ingredients? ” It just makes sense.
I know I have been feeling that way. In fact, even today, coming in to sit here and chat about something that I really love to chat about, I really had to sit with myself for a second, just to find my center point because there was a big part of me that just wanted to go lay down for the rest of the day and just call it a day. Working with where I am physically and emotionally, as we’ve just moved through these huge waves and just feeling through this world right now, it’s a lot.
So, I wanted to put that out there right away. But I’m also really excited to talk about this full moon and some of the medicine and the power, and really come home to what happens when we’re working with Aries energetics. We’re working with the archetype of Aries.
There’s a really powerful thematic core to working with this archetype that I’m very excited to dive into today. So, let’s get into our conversation about this Aries full moon. [Music] I already mentioned this briefly in the few minutes we’ve been together, but this full moon does close out our eclipse season energetics.
It’s not an eclipse itself, but that moon that follows up after our two eclipses often is considered a point of coming full circle and moving out of that world between worlds and energies that eclipse season tends to bring up as we open up a new six-month cycle. This full moon brings a lot of things full circle. It might help us incorporate messages we’ve been getting over the last two moons and those eclipses.
It can help us to maybe see with a little bit more clarity, come back a little bit more into the body, and feel like we’re moving out of that phase energetically. As a full moon, of course, there’s this sense of catharsis and release, and really this full moon is quite an emotionally rich full moon. I have to say, when I felt through the energies here and what’s going on with this full moon, it’s very much about feeling and witnessing how we are changing, what we have lost along the way, what we have needed to release, and then also kind of turning our face toward the sunrise.
I think it’s really helpful to know that this can be quite a cathartic, emotionally releasing full moon because we can go into it then, giving ourselves that softness to allow it to move through. I wanted to just talk a little bit about this Aries archetype because, of course, an Aries full moon is going to be lighting up our Aries-Libra axis here, with the moon in Aries and the sun in Libra opposing each other, creating that full moon energetic. One thing that’s so fascinating to me about the kind of circular nature of our universe, the Zodiac, and all the signs and all the archetypes and all the storytelling that we ever tell is that, you know, Aries is about birthing into the world.
Aries is this initiating energy, the first sign that’s very tied to coming into the world, a flame being lit in the world, our energetic spark coming into this life. That also means that we are intuitively linked to Pisces and the dissolving, the release, and the death. I’ve always said that with Aries, this is one of the most vulnerable and emotionally raw archetypes and energies we will ever work with.
It is extremely vulnerable! We are coming into the world without a shell, without protection, and we are open to the world. Aries really brings that energy into the fold.
I think it’s really fascinating; every year when I work with the Aries full moon, I almost always feel like I can feel these new ideas coming out and wanting expression. I can feel their vulnerability, and I can feel the vulnerability of wanting new things. I can feel the vulnerability of myself changing and leaving behind old versions of myself.
So, some of the questions that come up just. . .
Immediately, just the fact that we're having this Aries full moon at the end of eclipse season is what has changed or been lost this year so far. You know, what have you noticed has changed for you since the beginning of the year, since last autumn, since the last Aries full moon? What identities have been shed?
You know, what projects, expectations, and performances—or maybe what you thought the year was going to be—what has been different? What has been lost? What has been shed?
What has been let go of? And what can you no longer bring forward with you? Full moons often do the work of helping us release all the expectations of the last month; in this case, this full moon closing out an eclipse season is helping us to release expectations over the last six months, for sure, and possibly longer.
Just because of the emotional state that we are in the world right now, this full moon is really helping us to do that and just acknowledge and witness that, and take care of the vulnerability of knowing that we're changing beings that are constantly rebirthing into the world, and that requires a really deep tenderness. I know people love to be like, "Oh, Aries full moon! What are you passionate about?
What are you forging forward on? What are you making happen? " But this Aries full moon is about the vulnerability that exists in our longings and in our desire to initiate and to exist and be birthed into the world over and over again.
It's very powerful. That leads me into the next theme here: because what is this moon conversing with? There's a couple of really prominent conversations that stand out for me that I really wanted to take a moment to dive into, and the first one is that this full moon is quite close to Chiron in Aries.
We've been working with Chiron in Aries since 2018, and I was thinking about this the other day. The themes that have been running through for me since 2018 have had so much to do with home—finding home, finding what it means to have roots, losing those roots, figuring out what the roots are. That personally has been a really, really deep place of looking inward and feeling through.
Maybe you want to think about what have been some themes for you around Chiron since 2018. This full moon working with Chiron here is really bringing us back to themes around our self-expression: questions around how do we get to know ourselves, uncover ourselves, express it, and share it in the world, and use it as a point of connection rather than retraction? I think that this conjunction is really highlighting those themes, and some of the questions that came up for me in thinking about this conversation with Chiron are: What expressions have been disallowed in culture?
What expressions can no longer be repressed? I love that question. What creations need to come out?
So, I think for me, this conjunction in Chiron is really leaning toward the direction of what can just no longer be suppressed, oppressed, or pushed down. What needs expression? What needs feeling?
What needs emoting? What needs to be felt, seen, known, witnessed, said out loud—even just to ourselves or in the pages of our journal, or our art, or whatever we do in life? There is this cathartic coming up and out of what we need to let be in our lives and in our existence, and I just love that that can be quite powerful.
We might even feel a little bit intimidated to begin that or to let that longing out and acknowledge it, but also, there's so much liberation on the other side of that. Because Chiron is about our wounds, but also those wounds are deeply connected to our gifted places, often those that have been shut down, you know, or told can't exist. Those wounds are developed right next door to the things we really long to express.
So, that's why I think this full moon is going to have such a strong theme around that. The final thing I really wanted to get into before we get into our cards and our intuitive moment here is that this full moon is squaring Mars in Cancer. Mars rules Aries, and so it's over in a sign that is often considered one of its weakest positions: Cancer.
A lot of times when you hear about Mars in Cancer in just kind of the general pop astrology descriptions, you'll hear the phrase "passive-aggressive," "frustrated," and "not able to express needs. " That's what is often talked about when Mars in Cancer is brought up. I was just thinking about this, though, because I find it so fascinating that Cancer, this great mother energy—mother moon wisdom, emotive wisdom—gets put in this camp of repression in our culture.
Isn't that fascinating? Because Cancer in and of itself is not repression; it's not passive aggression. It's not, "Oh, I can't get what I need in any direct manner, so I'm going to weave around here and not communicate it.
" That archetype and that energetic are none of those things. That's the way our culture has interpreted it; that's the way it treats mothering energy; that's the way it treats intuitive energy; that's the way it treats energy that is wise in these other formats of intuition, of noticing, of emoting, of feeling. And so, I think sometimes there's this really big sign over Mars in Cancer discussions where I'm like, "Where is our culture talking right now?
" So, I want to take all of that off the table and think about what it means to have Mars. In Cancer right now, and we're doing a really long journey because we're coming up on a Mars retrograde, uh, very soon—in a couple of months. So, we're going to start; we're going to be working with Mars, and Mars in Cancer specifically a lot.
I will come back around to this topic specifically; however, Mars in Cancer asks us truly, what actually gives us life? What is emotionally true—and not what we say is true, not what our cover story of what makes us feel good? I was thinking about this recently because there's that show, "Love Is Blind," and intellectually, philosophically, there are so many problems with that show.
I think we all agree; we all know it's entertainment. But one of the things I find fascinating is that there is this excitement about who we think we need to be in the world. You know, this "Oh, I'm just a fun, adventurous person that loves to do this and loves to do that.
" Parts of those might be true in the way people describe themselves, but there are going to be parts of that that we may not even allow ourselves to see in ourselves when it comes to what actually brings us to life. It might be something that just doesn't look that good—it's like, "I like sitting on the sofa and talking out loud to myself and bouncing a ball. " That brings me to life; that makes me feel like I'm centered, like I'm grounded, and like I'm ready for the rest of my day.
Nobody's going to be saying that on a first date, you know? Most of the time. But this is a really great opportunity during this full moon.
While we're thinking about the longings that want to be expressed, while we're thinking about the things that just want out, this square is asking us, "What actually brings me to life? What have I disallowed? What have I repressed?
What have I said isn't good enough? What have I said doesn't fit into the cultural expectations of my achievements, of my performance, of this world? And what actually brings me to life?
" There is such a deep honesty to Mars in Cancer and a square off here with this particular full moon. I am going to be doing a practice over on Patreon for my patrons there—my Magic Seekers and Magic Makers—where we're going to feel through witnessing all of these things and then binding our wounds and feeling the safety of healing and recovery and thinking about what's next. So, if you are looking for just a little practice, I always make these practices very gentle, as simple as possible, but also a really great guidance point for working with a full moon.
If you are looking for a little bit of comfort and guidance, I would highly recommend joining me over there for that. Regardless, this is a really potent full moon. I would say I've been just feeling it really, really strongly.
A card already wanted to come out in our intuitive reading—it's the Eight of Pentacles. This card's been quite strong; I feel like the last couple of months, it's shown up a few times in readings. I love that energy.
There is a very grounded, centered, slow medicine to the Eight of Pentacles. But yeah, I've been feeling this full moon really deeply over the last couple of days as I've been thinking about it, preparing to sit down for this chat, and it brings up a lot of emotion already as I kind of tap into what's there and how much we're just needing this kind of deep honesty with ourselves and in the world. It helps the world so much more than you probably ever know.
The Seven of Pentacles is really fitting as well. Let's pull one more card and then let's talk through very grounded, earthy energy despite the fact that we are working with not a ton of Earth energy at the moment, and definitely not during this full moon—and the Ten of Wands. Wow.
Okay, I love this. I love that we get to work with the Minor Arcana and feel through these because these are really, really helpful guidance points, and it brings us back to the power of the small quiet moments of our lives—not always just the big signpost moments, but the small quiet moments. So the first message that comes through right away is there are things we are slowly, steadily working on, and we might feel impatient.
You might feel like, "I already need to have this skill. I already need to have this process done. It shouldn't have taken me two extra years to figure out this thing; it shouldn't take me all this time.
" But this is a card that reminds us that many of the most powerful things we ever create in life are things that really build slowly. We may not even consciously be building some of them; they are just happening as we slowly develop these skills. So when this card shows up, it's a reminder: One, you are already doing so much more than you probably give yourself credit for, and you have probably gained skills and developed skills over the last six months that you can witness now and acknowledge.
And that there are things we are dreaming of that are going to take time, and that is okay. Allowing for that process to unfold is really, really important now. I think sometimes with these big cathartic moons where we have big emotions come up, we can also feel some impatience to already be there, to already be doing it.
And that's a reminder that many of these longings need a home to go to every single day for a while so they can come into. . .
Being, and then we have two very reflective cards because the Seven of Pentacles—I love the Seven of Pentacles! It's this figure of a person that's standing in the midst of a big gardening day with his garden hoe, probably a little tired, a little sweaty, and really considering: Am I going to keep cultivating this thing here? Do I want to keep putting in all of that effort, all of that care, all of that sowing and trimming, or am I going to let it go?
I think this is a full moon at the end of eclipse season, as we're feeling through our feelings and having maybe some moments of clarity. What do we want to keep cultivating with that Eight of Pentacles energy, and what do we just say, "No, I'm not doing that anymore"? I just cannot carry that anymore.
And then that's the same with the Two of Wands here. It's a slightly different feeling, though, because what's so fascinating about this card (if you look up just a general description of this card) is that, a lot of times, especially in American writings about tarot, you'll hear this description of this card as being, you know, you just, like, temporarily have to make a whole bunch of sacrifices so you can get to your goal and so you can achieve things. I find that fascinating because, of course, sometimes that's true.
It's like if we have a really deep, profound goal, we might have to make a choice, prioritize something over something else, and realize we won't get to go to that gathering, we won't get to do that extra travel, whatever it might be. However, that I think misses the point so much because this card is also an image of somebody who is struggling by themselves, who is carrying a load that they can't actually carry by themselves, and is expecting themselves to achieve all of these heavy things. And it's not working.
It's not the lesson. The Two of Wands says you got to put some of this down because it's not all meant to be carried by you. So it's a reminder that, like many of us, we are carrying around expectations, goals, identities, and achievements that we think we need to just keep pursuing forever and ever and ever—carrying it, and carrying it, and carrying it.
And this is a full moon that's like: Do you really have to carry all of that? Do you really have to cultivate every single plant in the garden? Do you really have to achieve all of those things?
Is there really meaning in forcing that through? There's a calling going on here where it's like there are things that are worth cultivating and sacrificing for and moving through and taking the time to do. And there is a lot of noise—there is a lot of noise—that acts like it's achievement and all this great stuff, and it is a lot of noise.
I think it's so beautiful to have these moments of catharsis and realization where it's like, "Oh yeah, I can take a lot of these things off the list. " I think that's what this full moon is really going to help so many of us do. Like I said, I'm going to be walking us through a really gentle practice for this full moon over on my Patreon.
Also, we are in the midst of moving through our beautiful Minor Arcana tarot journey, where I'm really illuminating these minor arcana archetypes and energetics and recognizing that we each have our own innate rhythms of the way we create and move through life—getting to know them and rearranging the pieces in our unique ways. That's what the goal of this journey is. It's also, of course, going to help us deepen our relationship to tarot and any practices we might do around our intuition and get to know our intuition better.
But at the core, it's really about releasing judgment around the different rhythms each of us takes—physically, mentally, emotionally—and how we create our lives in the day-to-day. So I'd love to see you over on my Patreon! We also have monthly Zoom gatherings where I help people illuminate archetypes and energetics in their lives so that they feel empowered to move forward with them.
I’d love to see you there. I love it when you're here; I love this space; I love reading your comments. How are you feeling, truly?
I want to know. How has this eclipse season been feeling for you that we've just been moving through this last month? Are you doing all right?
What's coming up? Are you also feeling the heaviness right now? I want us all to keep taking care of ourselves.
I know it can feel selfish; it can feel banal; it can feel meaningless, like we're not doing enough. But that is part of this whole system of feeling really disempowered and shamed because we're not doing enough to heal the world. It’s important that we find moments of peace and just existing so that we can keep being here and use the gifts each of us has in a meaningful way.
So leave me a comment! Let me know where you're at in this whole process and how you’re feeling as we move into this Aries full moon. I really look forward to reading and learning, and I will see you back here very soon.
It's almost square season, and you know we're going to get into that. See you soon!
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