The Cosmic Hierarchy of Marvel | Cosmic Entities By POWER LEVEL

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The rules that define a cosmic entity, like most things in comics, are vague and ill-defined. It lar...
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the cosmic hierarchy of Marvel part one by power level the rules that Define a cosmic entity like most things in comics are vague and poorly defined largely dependent on who is writing the story generally a cosmic entity is any being that wields immense power on a scale of notoriety to other Cosmic beings or beings that serve a higher plan on the multiversal scale beings that are in fact concepts of existence representing death life forgetfulness destruction and so on depending on the script or the story some characters become more or less important moving up or down
this Cosmic hierarchy others are so powerful and important that they remain at the top of this hierarchy regardless of changes let's then understand how Cosmic entities work in Marvel according to Marvel itself but also according to my opinion as I see this entire structure as it keeps changing and requires a bit of interpretation who is more powerful who commands whom come with me it All Began in Marvel with the cosmic being called the one above all he sits at the top of the hierarchy the one who created everything and everyone the Supreme Creator God of
Marvel he also represents the writers the script writers and all the artists of Marvel the one above all is the embodiment of Marvel itself he exists as long as Marvel exists and as the publisher itself No One commands more than him no one is more powerful than him some say that the above all is the representation of Stan Lee himself who is the father of Marvel creating most of the characters and Concepts within the comics there is no being more powerful than the one above of all and there is nothing he cannot do he is
the true omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent being but alongside Stan Lee there was another person as important as him who also created various Concepts stories and characters in Marvel called Jack Kirby he was a writer artist and comic book script writer so he and Stan Lee were the main responsible for the creation of Marvel in the comics there is a character called fulcrum sometimes also called Jack the bartender because he has a cosmic bar but he is also said to be one of the most powerful Cosmic entities of all fans believe that fulcrum is the manifestation
of Jack Kirby himself within the comics and that fulcrum is a part of the one above all so much so that fulcrum is said to be omnipotent and omniscient the celestials obey him and the multiverses Watchers also do to be considered omnipotent it has to be the one above all omnipotence is the ultimate power of all things capable of doing everything there is no omnipotence greater than another so if fulcrum and the one above all possess this omnipotence or are the same person fulcrum should not be the bearer of omnipotence there is a page in
the comics that says everything existing in the Multiverse is meant to serve fulum on that same page it is said that reality only stays in place by fulcrum's Will showing that he may be a part or the very the one above all as he being Jack Kirby would also be part of Marvel's existence concept and the one above all represents that on the other hand there is a being that is the opposite of the one above all who is the creator of everything the cosmic entity that represents the concept of total Destruction of everything that
exists or will exist the one below all the end of Marvel Comics the worst case scenario for the publisher without writers without script writers and so on the end of everything the one above all is the god who represents the creation of the Marvel universe as I said and the one below all is the total end of this universe in the comics although that above all represents good and life throughout creation ation he also has the power to destroy everything after all he is the most powerful of all so this side of Destruction manifests as
the one below all he is the true demon the true Satan or devil as you may call it he is the most powerful demonic being of all he is the true demon the true Satan or devil as you may call it he is the most powerful demonic being of all as a part of the one above all he has the same level of power but he is trapped in his Dimension Bellow place the hell below all Hells his ultimate goal is to destroy the entire Multiverse until he becomes the only being there are some theories
explored in Marvel Comics by Bruce Banner and doctor strange that creatures wanting to cause destruction throughout the Multiverse like kull the god of Symbiotes and the void or some demonic beings may also be created or influenced by the one below all following the cosmic hierarchy we have other lesser beings like the Living Tribunal the multiverses judge who answers to the one above all his function is to protect the Multiverse and prevent the imbalance of cosmic forces preventing a specific Universe from becoming much more powerful than another and preventing these universes from disturbing Cosmic balance he
acts more when a universe is is threatening several others usually when threatening only one or a few smaller universes The Living Tribunal leaves the work to other smaller Cosmic entities in the cosmic hierarchy in short he has more to do the guy is the judge of an entire Multiverse he is authorized to create or destroy and possesses the greatest power among Cosmic entities second only to fulcrum one below all and the one above all the cool thing thing about the Living Tribunal is that he has three faces and three consciences in one all three faces
need to agree on an action for him to start acting and intervening in something with just the force of his thought he can destroy create manipulate reality transmute or recreate anything in existence regardless of time location or distance The Living Tribunal is always aware of everything that happens in every part of the Multiverse truly being one of the most powerful Cosmic entities in Marvel an important thing for you to better understand the appearances of the Living Tribunal he exists outside the Marvel Multiverse controlling everything still in each reality he puts an avatar of himself so
there are several avatars of the living tribunals scattered across the universes but outside the Multiverse there is only one so when you see a character killing the Living Tribunal the one dying there is one of the avatars of the Living Tribunal there are practically infinite avatars and if one day they all join then we will have the real power of the tribunal this is important to move on to the next Cosmic entity I have never seen anyone gathering this information and organizing Marvel's hierarchy I don't think it even exists so I thought about bringing this
to you here on the channel this video was a lot of work to make if you can at least leave a like and also comment on your opinion about this video and the positions of the cosmic entities it will help a lot below the Living Tribunal we have four Cosmic entities with the same power level and are considered primordial entities eternity Infinity death and Oblivion also called forgetfulness I will explain each of them eternity is the cosmic entity that is the personification of the Multiverse which is infinite and extends throughout eternity alongside eternity is his
sister Infinity as she is called eternity is also the personification of all time and his sister Infinity is the personification of space together these entities form the SpaceTime of the Multiverse infinity and Eternity normally Act only when the time and space of universes are at risk for those who saw Thor love and thunder there was eternity there who was more like an entity of wish fulfillment it was a bit strange but along with eternity and infinity at the same power level we have death who represents the Decay and destruction of the entire universe the origins
of death are uncertain but it is known that she was born along with the ENT entire Marvel Universe and along with these four Cosmic entities death is a physical representation of Devastation destruction and ruin she is never seen as an evil or villainous figure but rather as something necessary for the survival of the universe as a fundamental Force she does not have a real physical form but she usually appears as a human or a human skeleton death lives in the Marvel Realm an alternative Dimension where only the dead have access in this realm there is
also The Well of infinity which can answer any question and possibly provide access to the accumulated wisdom of the Dead with this part of Destruction that death brings we also have Oblivion forgetfulness another Cosmic entity that is part of the four pillars of reality Oblivion is the true God of chaos of the Void of darkness and destruction he represents non-existence the primordial void that existed before the creation of the Multiverse itself he sees his Cosmic entity companions eternity infinity and death who emerged when the universe was created as siblings all of them have practically the
same level of power and Cosmic influence in the comics it was said that kull the god of Symbiotes was not the true lord of the primordial Abyss but Oblivion null could only manipulate these forces that came from Oblivion n is like one of the avatars of Oblivion just like the chaos King mikaboshi they are beings that draw powers from Oblivion the cosmic powers of Oblivion are almost unlimited including omniscience near omnipotence and omnipresence in my opinion among these sibling entities I mentioned Oblivion is the most powerful more powerful than eternity infinity and death here is
where things get a bit controversial we have the beyonders or the beyonder which is an entire race of ultra powerful Cosmic beings it is worth noting that the beyonders are different from the beyonder beyonder is that guy who looks like a human but is one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel responsible for the secret Wars the Beyond ERS on the other hand are an entire race of beings with different appearances and a power level lower than that of beyonder it is not known exactly if beyonder is part of the Beyond's race or
if he is an isolated being the name ends up confusing everything and his appearance does too due to insufficient information I put them together as if they were all the same even though beyonder alone proved to be more powerful but talking about the beyonders as a race they came from outside our Multiverse probably being the most powerful gods of their own Multiverse and decided to visit our Multiverse I understand the beyonders as follows imagine that the DC Comics Multiverse with the justice league dark side the presence who is the supreme god of DC and all
those Cosmic entities went to visit the Marvel Multiverse it would be a mess right several DC enti versus Marvel Cosmic entities well the beyonders were those Cosmic entities from another Multiverse outside of Marvel so that's why they are so powerful in the comics they appeared destroying all the cosmic entities of Marvel itself they are stronger than the avatars of Eternity Infinity death and so on in the comics the most famous beyonder was able to destroy death itself and then bring her back all the powerful Cosmic entities of the Multiverse were unable to stop him including
the Living Tribunal eternity or death but remember these were avatars of these entities another time three beyonders went to an avatar of the Living Tribunal and killed him without further Ado so they are frightening beings even beyonder is responsible for the Marvel reboot Secret Wars but I put them below these entities because they don't command when it comes to Cosmic hierarchy they don't fit well here because they are part of another Multiverse so the Avatar of the Living Tribunal lost to three beyonders if it were against only one he could have won and imagine if
it were the complete Living Tribunal of the Multiverse without being an avatar then the beyonders wouldn't stand a chance the same goes for Oblivion death eternity and INF the beyonders would not be able to destroy these entities only the avatars that do not possess the total power of these entities but then going back to the cosmic hierarchy below these four fundamental Cosmic entities Oblivion eternity infinity and death we have some other Cosmic entities that are also necessary for the cosmos to function perfectly queen of nothing or queen of of never she exists outside of space
and time in a plane of non-existence an alternate Dimension known as the land of cannot be should not be the queen of never is a romantic partner with eternity another Cosmic being and has the same power level as these main entities since eternity represents the Multiverse and the queen of never represents all possibilities existing in this Multiverse she can see all Futures know and change what will happen altering realities and creating new universes the way to kill her is to end possibilities or end the future so she will disappear and die however the Multiverse would
need to be destroyed forever and no more stories would exist in Marvel because if there are stories that take place within the Multiverse she would come back to existence in the comics the queen of nothing explained to Silver Surfer what her role as a cosmic entity meant she said that without her and her heart with each passing moment an infinite number of Futures and realities died within her other entities are Master order and Lord Chaos these two represent two fundamental things Order and Chaos and the Multiverse unfolds within them experiencing Chao itic events often but
ultimately returning to order where everything stabilizes together they ensure and represent the balance of the universe the two are constantly in conflict with each other but whenever something interferes with this balance the powers of Order and Chaos come into action they are even capable of manipulating other entities to achieve a state of neutrality and have often intervened in major events without anyone being aware that they were acting under the influence of something greater and more powerful but even with all of this they lived in constant conflict and couldn't find many solutions to the problems so
Master order and Lord Chaos decided to divide their powers in a certain way and create another Cosmic being thus in betweener the one who can balance things between Order and Chaos ineter is a cosmic entity that exists as the synthesis of the main concepts of the universe life and death reality and illusion good and evil logic and emotion existence and nothingness with this he assists in the decision- making of cosmic entities and in maintaining balance as well now representing life we also have the Phoenix or Phoenix force it is one of the oldest Cosmic entities
in the Marvel Universe representing life that has not yet been generated as well as the forces of creation and destruction it is said that she is the fire from which all things were born the core from which the cosmos was created the Phoenix force can also manipulate the past future and present we don't exactly know her origin but it is said that she was created along with the Multiverse all that is known is that she serves as a maintainer of the universe's order just like Galactus and the celestials the Phoenix is a force of nature
that seeks balance her work of Destruction and reconstruction is supported and determined by even more primordial beings such as the Living Tribunal as I said at the beginning to understand the Phoenix force it is the force of all creation you can interpret it as the Big Bang in all universes which allowed the creation of everything sometimes the Phoenix force is nerfed when it is in a host but the Phoenix entity itself remains in that position abraxis is the next entity in our video very close in power level to the Phoenix as well while eternity is
the physical embodiment of the Marvel Multiverse abraxis is the opposite he is the personification of the Multiverse is destruction and was born when the Multiverse was created abraxis was born within eternity itself and it was said that a being was responsible for not letting a brais be released this being was Galactus however the Galactus from the primordial reality died and thus abraxis was freed he soon began causing destruction across various alternative realities including murdering other versions of Galactus he was only stopped when Franklin Richards allied with Galactus and used the ultimate nullifier to destroy abraxis
and restore balance abraxis has been shown killing Galactus and other versions of the world Devourer as he is the counterpart of Eternity making him very powerful and deserving of this position after that Things become somewhat uncertain but from what we know with the force of creation following the logic the first Universe was created from a big bang and this universe took its own form and was called the first firmament another super powerful Cosmic entity the story we know is as follows one of the first creations of the supreme god of Marvel the one above all
was the first firmament considered as the first Cosmos to be created the first Universe this Cosmic entity then takes on the responsibility of creating other Cosmos and alien races as its helpers the task of creating life to be more precise and that's what the first firmament does it creates two incredibly powerful races known as the celestials and the aspirants but we'll talk about them in the next video the part two of The Cosmic hierarchy of Marvel yes there are several other cos Cosmic entities that belong to the Marvel hierarchy such as galatis the infernal Lords
Sky fathers like Odin Nemesis the Watchers and so on all of them will be in part two of this video which is already recorded it was divided into two parts for better understanding subscribe to the channel and I'll release the second video soon
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