Top 5 Peptides You Need to Know with Jim LaValle

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IPS | International Peptide Society
From sports medicine to novel treatments for Metabolic Syndrome and all its co-morbid facets, the us...
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[Music] i want to welcome everyone to our webinar today top five peptides you need to know this evening's webinar is co-sponsored by the international peptide society in the american academy of anti-aging medicine um if you haven't heard uh real quick i wanted to let everybody know that a4m is doing a black friday sale it's running this week from monday to monday uh with 50 all of the educational opportunities that a4m offers so it's a really great time if you've been considering any of the educational courses the fellowship any of the online education any of the
upcoming events such as the world congress great time to take advantage of this 50 off sale so i encourage you to visit a forum's website or to call your educational advisor i also wanted to let everyone know that we are recording this webinar we will send it out to everyone approximately 24 to 48 hours post webinar you'll get the on-demand replay so if you have to leave early or you want to re-listen to something you will get the recording so let's get to some introductions i want to introduce uh our presenter tonight jim lavelle uh
no stranger most of you who are probably logged on know jim so i'm just going to go through a few highlights some fast facts about jim jim's from the great state of ohio i say that because i am as well he's a graduate of the university of cincinnati college of pharmacy where he served for over 16 years as an associate professor at uc college of pharmacy jim also serves as a clinical instructor in the masters of integrative medicine program for george washington university he was also awarded faculty of the year in 2017 for a4m he
wears several hats uh very important hats with abram he's he teaches literally in every single fellowship module he's also on the steering committee that oversees all of aprilm education and he's also now the co-chair or actually the chair of the new launched peptide therapy certification program so just a little bit more i'm almost done here he's the founder of the metabolic code enterprise which helps practitioners and patients identify new metabotite type theory labs subjective surveys evaluation of drug induced nutrient depletion and biometrics jim is off authored 16 e-books and 20 books in prints including cracking
the metabolic code and his most recent your blood never lies he was named one of the 50 most influential pharmacists by american college druggus magazine and was one of nine americans selected to serve under senator harkin to participate in the inaugural dietary supplement education alliance and dietary supplement information bureau finally he was selected recently and i know this is he's very proud of this but doesn't talk about a lot he was selected recently to be the integrative medicine program director for the nfl hall of fame and performance program was uh selected as that in uh
2019 so i'm going to turn uh turn it over to jim i think this is going to be a great webinar fast-paced um and everybody's going to learn a lot it's going to be super informative thanks jim for being with us tonight great thanks amy and uh yeah tonight we're just going to rip through that give you a little bit of introduction to some peptides if you haven't had much exposure to it or maybe you'll pick up some value i do want to talk about the new international peptide society is the chair of the steering
committee you know what i'm you know attempting to do is bring together a family of great doctors who can share and participate and educate those that are looking for information on peptides you know my experience in writing databases and writing books that have been published for you know in the medical literature i i think it's important that we create as accurate of information as we can i just want to show you guys real fast the way we're doing the monographs or the education for each of the peptides where we're really going to rely on the
most accurate information possible so for example bpc157 otherwise known as body protection compound will go through all of the following things you know sequence molecular weight formula most frequent use dosage safety potential side effects contraindications description clinical research and and uh the levels what's the levels mean well we'll get to that in just a minute i'm just kind of showing you the the writing that we've we've been putting together so that you can quickly get information on each of the peptides we're reformatting not only the 85 monographs that were was in the former library uh
but we're obviously we're going to be writing new ones as new peptides are evolved but here's one of the things that we're doing we're evaluating the evidence and we're rating the level of the evidence for each of the of the peptides so when you check the box that is where a study has been performed and where the evidence is at for the individuals so uh it it helps us to kind of create i think an accurate profile of what we know about a peptide and then we're also going to have a forum to be able
to uh report any kind of successes so case studies but also if there's an adverse event so really important uh and obviously fully researched with all the references as well and then of course you can look at you can get the abstract for the the particular studies there's a community i already mentioned that the reason for the community is simply like this it's a directory of memberships that you can connect with and be able to have a conversation with and to really share experience and then you can add your clinic in for practitioner search so
um i just wanted to highlight that because we're really revamping it and really creating kind of a collegial effect um with the society myself being a clinical pharmacist i think it's important that we get these mechanisms and pharmacology down and of course surrounded by some fantastic uh physicians as well that have got extensive experience in the area so peptides um what's the current use well you know the current use is everything you can think of uh everything from antimicrobial to uh you know antioxidant to anti-obesity to go net the gonadal axis you know re stimulating
testosterone regulating hormones for women dyslipidemias metabolic inflammation digestion in gut blood sugar cognitive function performance uh ace inhibition coagulant activity virtually you can think of every function because that's how our body works is through the signaling of peptides so we're identifying new ones and looking at all the peptides that are in the pipeline and you know so these i'll get to shrink this thing down here guys excuse me one second there we go so i can get me off there we go now i can see everything so um percent use of therapeutics so if you
look for metabolic disorders a lot of it a lot of peptides now focusing obviously you're going to see i think a plethora of research on the immunologic side um hormonal diseases infection cardiac i mean as you can tell 2016 uh there's a pretty across-the-board coverage of peptides so why we came here tonight the top five peptides to consider but i put a list together the other ones that you should know i actually even did an extra one or two here so even though it's the top five you're gonna get a bonus so the these are
the five that i think are commonly used i'd also say that i asked different practitioners that are on our steering committee what they use and so i added the other ones because that incorporates all of the top peptides that they recommend so uh cjc with hippomoreland probably by far the most important or the one that's uh utilized the most uh thymulin and thymic peptide uh abc modest c mitochondrial derived peptide bpc157 and then of course the other ones like kispeptin epitalon pt141 uh ghkcu uh kpv c-max cell link all different peptides that especially if you
come to the course you get to learn about all these and how they're applied from our different experts on on the panels so cjc 1295 um is with or without that usually you don't you see it without dac what is dac that just increases the half-life of it it's a growth hormone releasing factor i use this a lot i i'll tell you i have a got a case just literally two weeks ago now three weeks ago now uh 62 year old was on growth hormone really wasn't getting that great of results now i'm going to
give you an opinion of that he was still drinking too much alcohol and eating the wrong foods so you know if we're expecting to inject things and not help people live better lifestyles and clean up their metabolic disturbances you're just not going to get the same benefit so getting people to you know adopt a lifestyle that will allow these peptides to work i think is key and we talk a lot about that actually in the first module as we talked about uh you know in the first part of the certification course so so the you
can get a measurable concentration after 10 to 13 days 90 of it's bound to serum albumin uh and it seems to to be able to elevate growth hormone uh for several days after a single dose that's journal clinical endocrinology back in 2006 and so in my gentleman um he was already weaning down off of his growth hormone he wasn't that you know wasn't that thrilled with it uh we started him here i explained to him this is going to help him to release his own growth hormone we changed his diet up you know got him
on he also was in need of some testosterone and uh and you know three and a half weeks later he's down 11 pounds and he feels great his energy's back his stamina is good and i'm sure that this is just starting to work on him now but i mean it's going to take a period of you know six weeks before he really feels the difference what are the uses for ipramarelan and cjc physical performance caution if you're a water trained athlete if you have a patient that's a that's an athlete that's being tested you cannot
use it for more organ with cjc 1295 it's banned so you know if it's i'm an amateur i'm just like in a train to perform i'm training because i want my body composition better i'm training and i'm you know wanting to age more gracefully i'm doing yoga i'm doing pilates um you know whatever it is now if that is okay uh it absolutely if you're using it for weight loss support typically the dose uh will be you know twice a day five to ten units um it's a thermogenic i mean it definitely helps lean people
out and as i said my this latest case of the 62 year old is a prime example uh improving recovery from exercise and injury uh has been shown to increase bone density uh improves sex drive i think part of the improvement in sex drive is because if it's not just sex hormones that are dipping if your cortisol levels are high and you shut down your testosterone and you shut down your growth hormone releasing hormone i this really helps to reset the hpa axis that's been stressed under allostatic load uh it does have neuroprotective benefit i
would say that there are probably peptides that are directly effective for neuroprotective benefit but you know this has some neural protection and it also has some improvement in cognition and memory hippomorelan is a third generation uh growth hormone releasing peptides it's a it's a grelin uh growth hormone secretog so it doesn't raise uh any other hormones so cortisol prolactin or ghrelin doesn't go up uh cjc 1295 is an amplifier of the growth hormone releasing hormone and then ipramuralan is for ghrelin and the combo provides pulses of growth hormone and increases the number of secreting uh
growth hormone cells so it helps to make your body release the growth hormone that you're making so if you look here um you know as you can see you have the growth hormone secrete guy get the muralin and then the uh which is up regulating ghrelin and then you've got the growth hormone releasing hormone that is helping to induce growth hormone release so both of these are working together acting on the pituitary to improve nat your natural growth hormone release instead of an exogenous source 2006 study igf levels increased within eight hours post-injection now i'm
just going to say even though they they showed this everybody i've talked to said they stopped measuring igf-1 levels because it's so spotty on when you can you know when you get them because they're so um fleeting so even though i know in the studies it showed igf-1 i we just have obviously haven't talked to practitioners or using igf-1 as a as a guide post to the administration of their ipramarela and cjc and this is just kind of more that growth hormone release with uh different moreland and cjc and of course cjc 1295 i think
which is really interesting there's a lot of people who will take their hepa moreland and cjc at bedtime which is typically where you'll that'll be the first like if you're doing one dose a day you do that and that's reported to promote rem sleep and slow wave sleep independent of age so this is great so in people that are you know above the age of 60 all of a sudden they're sleeping better and sleeping deeper you also get better better retention of muscle and and when it says inhibits cortisol release as i said earlier it's
more about regulation of allostasis for normal diurnal patterning of cortisol so you know if you've got people with flattened cortisol curves most of the time you'll see that oh my gosh they're you know they're gaining weight they're gaining fat their energies down you they start on something like ipramuralan and cjc and then they start to notice that they're they're uh their energy's coming around and they're leaning out uh you know dosing i i would say you know check with depending on what the concentrations are uh check with your um compounding pharmacy but typically it's five
units to one unit at bedtime five days a week uh there are some uh folks that'll do it twice a day for body composition you know meaning that they just want to lean out more they'll do it in the morning at night ideally what you'll do is that um you'll be on an empty stomach for at least 30 minutes after um ideally it'll be a high protein you know food after you take it in so carbs will inhibit it fat inhibits it so just you know what i tell people is don't eat anything for a
good 30 to 45 minutes after you have your after you do your injection i mean there is the the thought that it might be mitogenic so if they have cancer i would be careful and then gh could mask the symptoms of hypothyroidism so just check your thyroid hormone levels probably by far the the number one thing that we get at that we get questions about is the use of ipo moreland and cjc1295 and it and it doesn't seem to disappoint people do really well on it uh thymulin if you remember right the thymus and alpha
and thymus and beta are now kind of by the wayside now per fda so thymulin extract is a immune modulator so this is a thymic factor it's zinc dependent it also helps to stimulate release of growth hormone and luteinizing hormone a little bit of prolactin not a lot uh but prolactin can also stimulate thymum synthesis and secretion typically where you'll see thomulin applied is an immunodeficiency or low people that you know have worn their immune systems down or getting a lot of colds and flus or in autoimmune disorders so if you look at it and
if you're you know when i think of metabolic inflammation or metaformation one of the key characteristics of it is that you know people are in sympathetic overdrive so they lose their allostatic balance and when their central nervous system is up regulated significantly it starts to put pressure on the immune system right so it so it acts as an anti-inflammatory through regulation or counter-regulation of chronic inflammation signaling and what that does is that helps the central nervous system to kind of come back in balance because if you if you have a sympathetic dominance sympathetic dominance parasympathetic
tone is low that's going to trigger pro-inflammatory chemistry so if we can get that modulating effect if you're going to use a nutrient with this you use something like magic hair right because magic hair plant sterol a known amino modulator so if you're really working at trying to immunomodulate someone you know fabulon extract plus you know something like magic care makes a lot of sense um because remember what once you're out of allostasis you start to push towards inflammatory chemistry and you start to lose the vigilance of your t killer cells so it supports that
balance of th one and two it helps differentiation of t cells so it's helping to mature t cells uh and helps to prevent overproduction of inflammatory cytokines so it's you know an interesting compound right especially today and and the more we are finding out about metabolic inflammation and inflammation we know that you know it's key for us to try to push back that chronic cycle of inflammation we know people are supposed to have an inflammation response it's just supposed to get turned off when it doesn't get turned off it creates everything from anemias to dyslipidemias
to insulin resistance to mitochondrial disruption to loss of neuroplasticity so it acts directly on the nerve terminals through prostaglandin e2 why is that important that's going to help to to regulate thromboxanes uh studies in the 80s showed that it was used in rheumatoid arthritis multiple sclerosis nephrotic syndromes immunodeficiencies lupus so interesting and now this was a great journal of advanced healthcare research 2020 thimulent a hope out of the box and the kobit 19 disaster so think about all your folks that you've they're chronically in an inflamed state maybe even think about if you're working with
a lot of the sears patients and you know their mmp9 is elevated their tgf beta 1 is elevated they're you know they got high anti-cardio wipe and antibodies think of this as something that's like putting a wet blanket on a fire right but it's going to keep that immune system still able to respond this was a 1987 study i know this is an old study but you know it goes to show you that these um you know peptides have been studied for a long time uh this was a double blind randomized placebo control trials two
of them on uh nona thymulin for rheumatoid arthritis uh dosing one five and ten milligrams a day subcutaneous for six months significant clinical improvement is evaluated by the global assessment of all patients who entered the trials t cell improvement uh the five milligram dose seemed to be the most uh efficacious two patients had side effects receiving five milligrams daily one had a peripheral thrombocytopenia in three months one patient vasculitis at five um some malaise and pain at the injection site but in general significant clinical improvement in the study of basically 79 patients short half-life 30
to 60 minutes but it has a longer duration on its effect on t lymphocyte so you know even though it you know it goes in and you know has a half-life of 30 to 60 minutes you get about 24 to 48 hours effect on t lymphocytes and you want to think of you know your t lymphocytes is ready to be active right dosing on thymulin um subcu daily for two weeks and one milligram three times weekly for four months you can increase the dose up to five milligram as needed on your clinical judgment no real
documented side effects have been seen other than in that study so um pretty interesting uh this has kind of gained a lot of popularity now with the advent of the removal of uh thymus and alpha one and and uh tb4 uh ab7 uh is the next peptide and you know guys i picked because it's cold and flu season i picked a couple of top five peptides you need to know that we're you know immune friendly this is a fragment of thymus and beta4 i believe it's seven uh it's a seven amino acid sequence uh supports
immune function it has some antimicrobial activity it does improve t cell maturation uh you could use it with um thymulin uh it helps with modulation of the mucosal immune system so all your folks that you're having trouble with their gut reactivity because they've got gut permeability problems and you don't seem to be able to get them over the hump think of ab7 uh it's nefer protective um and i got to tell you i mean i'm dealing with more and more people with gfr's in the 50s and and low 60s when they're 50 years old so
i'm you know and of course the big aspect of that is oxidative stress uh but important to keep in mind anything you can do that can get you know can protect the kidneys uh helps decrease scar tissue formation reduces level of uh myofibroblasts and it's neuroprotective scar tissue as well the fibrosis think of it not just for um cardiac but also for kidneys and for liver for the summary of ab7 this was a new york academy of science 2007 so hair growth stem cells uh regulating vegf because in a lot of your serous patients i
had one the other day their their veggies are very low so when they're very low it shows the immune system's really been compromised when it's really high then you know it's in a very inflammatory state right and we go through we actually were doing a lab talk during the at the conference in in december all on these types of findings so that you can find your way through when do i want to use this peptide or that peptide uh you know helps to regulate metalloproteinases tgf beta [Applause] decreases nf kappa b d and the big
one of decreasing endotoxin lethality so important because what they're finding out is circulating endotoxin and basically the death of bacteria in the gut the cell wall then breaks down and circulates circulating endotoxin is that every cell in your body's got lipopolysaccharide receptors and you can really create an inflammatory storm so reducing the endotoxin load is incredibly important and of course this down regulates a lot of the common inflammatory cytokines and compounds uh and and that are were tracked towards disease states and conditions so where's the applications uh and so immune support of course um soft
tissue repair think of kidney support venostasis ulcers conditions requiring immune modulation you know i find that a lot i think especially today with everything going on with covered long-haulers and and people really just not rebounding they seem to have kind of a chronic inflammatory response uh it would you know i think this could be really beneficial uh dosage 300 micrograms to up to one gram sub q that's one milligram sub q sorry um depending on presentation you don't dose it for more than three months you can go on three months off one month you could
use it with ppc concurrently for healing the gut if you want um abc ab7 is banned by wata so i'm just keep that in mind before you apply any peptide to a patient look at the water rules because they do test for them i've had athletes that have come to me that were already you know dinged for it uh and you know we have obviously had to clean them up this is after not not from me giving peptides to them but from other practitioners and they think that because it's got a short half-life that you
can't pick it up but the problem is there's metabolites so they've got intelligence with the testing to pick up peptides this is probably if if i had to say what my favorite peptide is it's modest c mitochondrial derived protein um it's an age-related mitokine so it's released as a response to cellular stress and its purpose is to preserve mitochondrial function and then improve cell viability under stress so why do i like this so much because with metabolic inflammation or meta formation one of the end points is you know mitophagy you lose mitochondrial function you lose
mitochondria so all the pre-diabetics and diabetics that don't have energy and are getting you know gaining weight you know they're laying fat down in their muscle you can think of mot c as a as a really good option and i mean i've i've yet to have somebody not respond positively to this to improve their energy and their mitochondrial output and help their blood sugars i mean i've got people with that we've put on modesty that they've they've you know went from an 8-1 a1c to a 6-2 a1c and and these were people that were fairly
well managed when they first came to us i mean they were already doing kind of anti-aging integrative strategies so it can really have a big impact and then of course increasing cellular nad you could do nad subcutaneous right you could add 50 milligrams of nad subcutaneous to this uh suppresses inflammatory cytokines uh so once again to me this is the superstar for people that are in that meta-inflammatory state where you know they're just they're at the cellular level have broken down their energy capacity so it it really does target meta formation and metabolic signaling issues
and anti-aging metabolic signaling issues are simple more mitochondria the more efficient the cell is the more nad the more energetics the cell has and then you know what else can it do regulating nuclear genes related to metabolism and proteostasis helps with skeletal muscle metabolism and helps with myoblast adaptation under metabolic stress and a lot of people under metabolic stress these days these are brand new studies by the way this is a 2001 study on mod sc is an exercise induced mitochondrial encoded regulator of age dependent physical decline and muscle homeostasis in nature so brand new
but that's kind of what we'll be posting uh within the peptide society cider is all of these types of things so once again um just to kind of beat the dead horse is that with with modesty we up regulate the ability to efficiently burn uh sugars we oxidize fats and we create mitochondrial biogenesis so for your folks that are you know pre-diabetics diabetics people with sirs if you listen to dr hayman's talks he talks about how they turn into glute one transport patients meaning that they're no longer utilizing uh aerobic glycolysis so it's really i
am i think this is one of the more important peptides dosage 10 milligrams three times a week for four weeks i mean honestly that's in some of the clinical literature for me what what uh we have done is done um five milligrams twice a week or 10 milligrams once a week um i haven't had anybody where they've had adverse events yet i mean i'm sure somebody will come up with a rash somewhere redness and painted site of injection could happen um you may see depletion of of folic acid from the use of modesty so you
should at least check uh homocysteine levels check folate levels uh that'd be a good way to to uh you know just kind of monitor this and then of course add phallinic or or 5mthf up to 1200 mics a daily should should take care of it if you're prone to it i haven't seen this yet but it's in the literature next is bpc157 um another one that i can't tell you how many people have benefited from this over the last four years of learning about bpc157 both orally and subcutaneously and now even topically on wounds right
known as body protection compound it's derived from human gastric juice it's a gut immune brain axis remedy uh it has anti-inflammatory effects supports the mucosal lining i'll bet many of you that have um given bpc 157 capsules to people uh for their gut health you've seen some improvement in them as is it and everyone know but in most people they definitely notice a difference uh that you know they're you know they're not having as many gi symptoms they're not as bloated they're not feeling as acidic they're not having reactions as much uh so it really
helps to heal gut mucosa down regulates inflammatory cytokine signaling now look you you'll have somebody say but i thought inflammation was great after training it is but you have to remember the person supposed to recover so if they don't recover um then that means they're over trained and they're going to be in a chronic inflammatory signaling event and then improve cell survival under oxidative stress and then decreases neural inflammation so you do see people in protocols using bpc157 uh for improving cognition and helping to restore uh neuronal butting or then dendritic pruning helps with wound
healing you can obviously put this topically on a wound helps with bone repair supports nitric oxide although i think i'd probably use some other things other than that and that helps with vegf so once again vegf down regulated in your your chronic inflammation response syndrome cases and we've kind of already went through these is it's uh improving granulation so that you know people heal from their wounds quicker a lot of tears or strains or inflammation connective tissue fantastic and i already went through kind of the the gut piece um by improving nitric oxide you actually
end up improving healing in the gut so it does act as an kind of an anti-ulcer agent um what that's why i give arginine when people have ulcers right i'm trying to improve nitric oxide release uh and you could use beet now whether you decide to use you know any of the beat products but beverly life you know for example in lab studies it's been effective in ulcerative colitis decreases nsaid and alcohol gastric side effect so if you've got people who are on a fair amount of nsaids think about one bpc capsule a day 500
micrograms maybe five days a week and you and the origin 8 is the you know the bpc that is considered to be the most effective so if you're doing this typically you'll see 300 micrograms once or twice a day in order to heal an area you may inject it close to the injury as possible subcutaneously you can also just inject it for general support uh and in some cases used for two to four weeks you can cease for a week or two and then restart as needed but i i mean i in many situations we
see great improvement over four weeks when people utilize bpc it's uh once again even though it's angiomodulatory uh we gotta you know because these cautions are out there theoretically use with caution and conditions where angiogenesis might be a problem like tumors although it's an immuno module it's it is an angiomodulator copper peptides so i got a little bit for everyone you know bpc connective tissue gut health thymulin ab7 immune regulation and you know supporting just general immune function in addition to amino modulatory effects the impromeryl and cjc in terms of you know release of growth
hormone and then now so copper peptides like ghk so gh kcu uh used in skin care i think that in module two you will see a hyaluronic acid bonded to ghk cu that will be used in the demos for the skin for improving collagen synthesis in the skin so that's brand new you know hyaluronic acid and copper peptide for injection interesting right um so it's obviously it's a part of the cytochrome c oxidase and sod system a lot of people don't think of copper as something for the immune system but it's really important for viruses
in managing fungus and it's also important in order to activate sod which everybody's so focused on glutathione we forget about that catalase and sod are really important antioxidants that you need as well in order to reduce oxidative burden so uh ghk with and without copper affects a bunch of different genes related to the you know the response to injury so it helps with tissue remodeling uh it has antioxidant anti-inflammatory effects anti-anxiety i haven't seen a lot of anti-anxiety effects from gh kcu but helps with nerve outgrowth does seem to have some anti-cancer action and then
of course blood vessel growth so this is just rejuvenation of you know the you know endothelium uh the uh cartilage and ligaments and collagen of course what breaks down your blood vessels collagenase right so using ghkcu will help to reduce that metabolic effect of collagenase on collagen tissues uh anything important here yeah supports you know once again helping the gut lining it's used a lot and you're gonna see another presenter and module in module two if you do it demonstrating so we've got somebody demonstrating face use of peptides and related compounds and then we've also
got dr joe cleaver and dr mercado teaching on the use of peptides for hair so ghkcu used a lot can be used topically as well as uh when they're doing their micro needling accelerates wound healing helps with collagen deposition so you can think of any time after you know someone's surgery can really help in terms of healing tissues and helps with you know an appropriate inflammation response and improving collagen deposition uh trying to think there's anything else here that's really important the cognitive and neuroprotective effects i'm a big believer in in uh copper you know
ghk for that and then the summary on skin and wound i think i've went through all these already but you know helps with crepey skin and aging skin uh helps to prepare uh skin barrier proteins improve skin firmness and elasticity i mean i think people that are in for a treat when they see the injections in the face and almost how much different someone looks relatively quickly reduces fine lines depth of wrinkles uh smooths rough skin helps to reduce photo damage pigmentation skin spots uh just overall skin appearance and then the big one of course
i think is stimulating wound healing so if you know for me i got a lot of athletes and that that makes sense and then of course it's used for enlarging hair follicle size and improving hair growth so in this this was with led light there was an increase in skin cell viability and increase in fibroblast growth factor 70 increase in collagen synthesis when used with led lights so if you think of photo irrigation like the red light blue light effect uh with ghk actually stimulated collagen already went kind of through this this was a 12-week
program in 71 women and what they showed was an improved skin density thickness reduced laxity improved clarity and reduced fine lines and wrinkles this was a way back in 2002 american academy and dermatology kind of went through this already where might the other uses be um that have been at least been suggested in the in the literature um for transplanted skin and hair outcomes uh lung copd and acute lung injury and uh reported to be effective in healing diabetic ulceration so big you know really really big categories where it can be a benefit uh the
for hair growth topically it's point zero five to point one five percent uh it's made in gels foams creams nano particles you name it they'll micro needle it you apply it topically typically that'll be 1.5 milligrams that'll be about 10 units i usually do it have people we have people do it sub q does sting a little bit copper is one of those ones that'll hurt a little bit the following day so i promised you five and i think i gave you six so i'll look at your questions my interest is in creating a ckd
peptide guideline your kidney sense is fantastic oh there we go yeah sure robin i'll uh i'll i'll be glad to uh connect with you on this because as if anybody's been listening to me talk for a long time you guys know um how passionate i am about trying to spare people's kidneys um how long can you use it so pep it's different i mean we go through pretty significant dosing guidelines um but you know in in many instances we'll have people take these for several months at a time and then can you talk about the
difference yeah can you talk about the difference between thymu lin and taking thymus gland well the only difference is you're you're you're getting first pass effect i mean i do both i love thymus gland extract especially if it's freeze-dried lyophilized i mean you know you get active transport of peptides through the gi tract but you do get a little bit of a boost an extra fragment with you know with using the thymulin so i wouldn't call it either or i would say that you're that it would be more an additive effect uh snowy tan um
what are your what are your thoughts about orally active peptides compounding pharmacies are selling into california wow great question um i think that they're we're finding out more and more that some of the peptides are orally active and then there are some innovations like nanoparticlized liposphered uh peptides that i think are going to be coming on the market so it's going to you're going to be able to deliver i think more and more of these peptides uh for um you know for for the ability to use them so i do think it's going to happen
i'm seeing a lot of interesting things uh on the on the monetization front and kind of pharmaceutical side in the pharmaceutical science side um i mean any of the any of the um any of the bpc's uh manufacturers of bcpc are doing a good job so reach out to the compounding pharmacies see if they're using the arginates because that's the one that's really good um and then you can also get the beat now bpc is being sold you know there's different ways you can get bpc early now and it's quality um can you use bpc
without taking a break um i mean you can uh i would say that hopefully you're healing somebody with it and they don't need to be on it for a long period of time i'd give them a break there's another peptide called kpv that you can use with ppc or use it to alternate with bpc uh and that works really well uh the difference between thymu lin and thymus and alpha one are the the peptides the thymic peptides so they're not exactly the same uh [Music] aware of a troche formula of cjc employment any experience with
that i do not have any experience with the troche of ipra moroni and cjc so i cannot provide you any insight to that clinically um and then uh you know you think of early dementia patients you know would ab7 be of benefit i'd say yeah probably and then but you know we gotta you gotta try it and see how you do the other one i would say is obviously we didn't get to talk about them tonight but c-max and cell line could be also very good with that as well um please remind us how to
access peptide monographs you mentioned at the start never mind amy you got that covered well i do i know i know i i was kind of um oh what are the age ranges you see for peptides well i'm like i mean look there are some docs that will apply these at younger and younger ages what i presented for you today adults um how long should patients be on sirmoreland i mean if if they're older patients you know and your goal is is for them to help secrete growth hormone as they're aging right i just like
rotating it so if i use sermorelin then i'll flip the ipamarelin then i'll give them a break for a period of a month to a month and a half then i'll get them back on it just depends if they're feeling great if they're feeling great it's basically as people get older they don't release growth hormone as well and you're just helping them to release their growth hormone what is the source of peptides i am new to peptides well peptides are manufactured so peptides are amino acids that get combined to create a um a bioequivalent of
what's made in your body because your body makes peptides i think i got all the answers would you recommend bpc for migraines i would probably try kispeptin for migraines because because peptin is really good especially if it's in a woman and helping to normalize hormonal signaling not as i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't think of bpc for migraines i think i got them all i do i think you got them all too great questions fantastic well i hope i piqued your guys interest in peptides amy told me to take it you know shoot it from
the from the fire hose you know the top five peptides and i couldn't i mean we could have kept going but then i couldn't entice you to come to the peptide conference and here let me uh type this answer here [Music] okay got it oh dihexa for cognition absolutely love dihexa just need to know peptide for weight loss and where to buy it from well if you're going to do just people are asking amy you mind if i answer a couple more yeah sure go ahead i'm fine thanks um i'll tell you what's really hot
for for weight loss now modest c five milligrams twice a week five milligrams twice a week okay and using aod 9064 aod's a growth hormone fragment peptide 25 units twice a day and then put put them on obviously the right diet right they've got to eat and you will uh see an amazing uh amazing weight loss it really does help i put people on modified low carb diets and put them on on you know low lectin diets so we get them off gluten off of dairy don't have meat grains the first four weeks and allow
them a serving if they're starving after that and we we dial them in they lose weight so mod sc five milligrams twice a week aod 9064 uh 25 units twice a day do you need to follow any specific lab while on those well i would do if i'm doing weight loss and you're and you're really trying to get people that they'll lose weight relatively quick you're just going to watch for you know liver enzymes and and you know kidney function and just the traditional things you do for weight loss but it's not like medical weight
loss where you're using a stimulant right but you i would just track like what we do is we do a very comprehensive lab work up at the very beginning you know i mean i'll use our metabolic code platform and print that report out and then we track them eight weeks later and and you know make sure we're checking them but there's nothing that you would worry about with those two um i got that and could could gh kvc be used for postcode hair loss yes absolutely think about using the phone get one of the compounding
pharmacies to make the phone how many peptides can you combine together boy now you're asking the big questions um here's what i would say i'm not a big fan like there are people that like i just had a person come to me came to me parkinsonism all right and he went to a practitioner who was using peptides and had the practitioner all they did was use peptides and they put 10 peptides this person on 10 different peptides they're injecting three times a day i typically don't think of doing more than three or maybe a fourth
at a time if depending on what the case is so i i tend to and plus they're pricey so depending on whether it's somebody who can afford it or i'm trying to choose the best things for them so i usually go with two or three maybe four i think people get burned out when you start asking them to inject five or six three times a day or one in the morning one in the afternoon different one at night they just get they get burned out on all the sub-q injections and somebody asked how long does
it take for the cjc promotion to work i i start people start feeling better within a week or two man they start sleeping better and then all of a sudden they start noticing their body comp starts to change a bit it works out really well i think i got them all now i do i think you got them all too yeah so i want to thank every everybody for being with us and thank you jim and just real quick i know uh one of the questions asked if you're interested in becoming a member of the
international peptide society you can do that through uh the peptides website membership is 495. you can use the code a4m new and receive a hundred dollar discount and you would have access to the monograph library the community forum that we have as jim said we want to collect successful patient outcomes that will all be done through the member site in addition i just want to re-remind everybody as i did at the opening a4m is having a black friday sale going from uh from this past monday to next monday 50 off all educational offerings so
if you've been uh considering doing any of the the great courses that a4m offers this is a great time to take advantage and pull the trigger and register for the course that you're interested in and uh obviously we would love to see you come through the peptide certification thera therapy peptide therapy certification course as well which module one is offered online and we've got module two coming up live at uh in december in las vegas uh during the world congress event that april m is offering so again amy one more thing guys the the monographs
we've rewritten them completely um we have 13 and you know and we're going to be adding them every month so you're going to really have uh and i'm you know an amazing resource i mean i've as many of you know i've written you know database and textbooks for for you know lexicomp it's that level of commitment so you know i'm back to doing edit editor-in-chief work it i don't i do not think you'll be it'll be invaluable if you're doing peptides as a source of uh of information for you and it's because of my crew
it's not all gym it's our crew and our team effort that's doing it yeah jim has an amazing group of scientific writers that have um are doing just an awesome job in helping us rewrite this library um and it's very comprehensive one of the questions that came in uh teresa a4m is managing the international peptide society we began doing that as of august of 2021. if you were a previous member you probably uh saw that the society was there was no activity for a good 18 months and we had an opportunity to begin managing it
and took that opportunity and with that comes rebuilding a lot of the content which is what jim and his team have been working so diligently on um but we're excited because uh we just we realize how valuable of information it's gonna be for all of you when we get that monograph library fully up and running but uh and again the community forum is a great place for all of you to mentor each other our steering committee will be active on there to help as well but we really want to build this community uh to to
mentor each other and to share each other's problems uh uh cases and and um you know success stories with your patients absolutely we're excited yep we are so hopefully we'll see a lot of you in december all right all right everybody yup everyone have a pleasant evening
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