hello i'm paul mckenna and i'd like to reveal to you my revolutionary weight loss system a lot of people think that losing weight is all about having certain foods and not others or portion control you see all your decisions about what you eat when you eat and how much you eat take place in the mind so i want to share with you some ways to program your mind to slim your body to change your behaviors in the way you think about food so that you transform your relationship with food forever [Music] here are the four
golden rules of weight loss if you follow these you'll not only be able to lose weight but maintain a healthy weight as well number one when you're hungry go and eat you see if you starve yourself your body thinks there's a famine on so it gets good at storing fat plus if you starve yourself you will binge also i should point out that real physical hunger is different to emotional hunger physical hunger comes on gradually oh i feel a bit peckish maybe i'll have something for lunch a bit later emotional hunger is sudden you feel
upset or maybe bored and you want to change your feelings with food so when you feel genuinely hungry go and eat rule number two eat what you want not what you think you should one of the things that i've noticed about all naturally thin people is they eat chocolate cheese pizza chips all the forbidden foods but they don't eat them to excess far too many people these days go on diets and they eat food that they don't like and they feel like they're missing out because as soon as you make a food forbidden it becomes
all you can think about so eat what you want not what you think you should number three this is the most important rule of them all whenever you eat anything eat it consciously mindfully one of the things i've noticed about people that are overweight is they think about food all day long except when they're actually eating it and then they shovel the food in as fast as they can now research study after research study has shown that when we eat slowly mindfully and consciously we eat less so in future when you eat cut the food
put it into your mouth put the knife and fork down and chew the food slowly about 20 times savor it like a gourmet if you're eating a sandwich prize your fingers off the sandwich and put it down as you slowly eat your food chewing it 20 times and also being conscious when you're eating conscious of your food means free from distractions again the scientific research shows that if you watch tv while you're eating your food you'll eat more if you listen to the radio or if you're online or reading a magazine whilst you're eating you
will eat more so focus on the food and nothing else rule number four when you think you're full stop now some people say well why would i not stop yes if you're shoveling the food really really fast you can't tell that you're satiated that you're full and so you eat past that signal until you feel bloated when you eat slowly and consciously when you think you're full you can stop because if you're hungry a bit later you can go back to rule number one which is when you're genuinely hungry go eat right now we're going
to do the craving buster technique if there's a food that you're out of control around i'm going to show you how to knock out that craving in moments so i'd like you to think about whatever food it is that you feel out of control around maybe it's chocolate or cheese or cakes or bread or something like that and what i mean by craving is that you feel like you've got to have it or you can't have one piece of chocolate you've got to demolish the whole bar in which case the chocolate's in charge and not
you i want to give you your power back so what i'd like you to do is think about the food that you're out of control around and think of the desire you have and rate your desire on a scale of one to ten so ten would be the most one is the least okay next i need you to think about a food that you really are disgusted by i don't mean you don't like don't really like that i want yuck right oh if i ate that i'd feel awful so it might be anchovies it might
be chopped liver it might be broccoli i know what it is but a food that really disgusts you now what we're going to do is we're going to take the compulsion that you have for the food that you crave and the repulsion that you have for the few that you just discussed to you and we're going to put them together and one will cancel out the other so i'd like you to if it's safe and appropriate to do so close your eyes and imagine biting into that food that you really like the craving food chew
it in your mouth but as you chew it notice that you've got the food that disgusts you in there so if it's chocolate you bite into the chocolate and maybe you taste anchovies that's right so mix the two tastes together in your mind the food that you're compelled to eat and the food that you're disgusted by that's it mix the two of them and i'll tell you what put some hair from a barber shop floor in there as well carry on chewing that food that you really feel compelled to eat with the food that you're
disgusted by make sure the taste of the disgusting food is strong taste the texture of it taste the hairs oh that's right oh that's it mix them together and this is really important now swallow the both of them down now now i'd like you to think about the food that you felt compelled to eat and rate your desire on a scale of one to ten it should be a lot lower by now if you want it to be even lower just go back and repeat this exercise again [Music] this technique is called your perfect body
and it's to help you train your brain to get the results that you want just like an athlete focuses on winning in their mind over and over again they call it mental rehearsal we can apply the same process to weight loss so what i'd like you to do if it's safe and appropriate to do right now is close your eyes and get comfortable next i want you to imagine a you in front of you that's just a little bit lighter than you are right now a few pounds lighter and when you can see that you
close just a little bit looser float into that you that's a little bit lighter see through the eyes of your lighter slightly thinner self hear through the ears and feel that slight lightness that you feel inside your self now from this point i'd like you to imagine in front of you a you that's a few pounds lighter even thinner take a moment to imagine that you look how you move how your clothes are even lighter and looser on you and then float over and into that thinner you feel how it feels to be even lighter
and thinner how your clothes feel differently and how you feel in yourself having lost some more weight and then from this place i'd like you to imagine an even thinner lighter you look how you move look how your posture is how your clothes hang even more loosely on you and then float over and into the thinner you see through the eyes of your thinner self hear through the ears and feel how good it feels to have lost even more weight how your clothes feel looser how you've got even more energy and you feel good about
yourself because things are going in the direction that you want them to go and next i'd like you to imagine an even thinner you are you that's lost even more weight you can really see the clothes hanging loosely on you now that's right and then float over and into the thinner you feel how good it feels to feel this light to have lost even more weight and to feel more in control of your life see through the eyes of your thinner self hear through the ears and feel how good it feels in your body to
be even lighter than you were before let that encode into your unconscious mind so that your unconscious mind knows that you want to gradually incrementally lose weight and keep the weight off and then from this place i'd like you to imagine an even lighter you that's right a you that's lost even more weight and look how that use stands breathes smiles how the clothes fit really loosely now and float over and into that thinner you see through the eyes of your thinner self hear through the ears and feel how good it feels to have lost
this much weight how good do you feel in yourself right now how much energy have you got how good do you feel about yourself having achieved this much weight loss as you practice doing this regularly you will encode a new way of thinking about yourself into your unconscious mind to help your weight loss dreams come true if you'd like to discover even more of my techniques to help you easily lose weight i'd like to recommend the i can make you thin app also my hypnotic gastric band app where you get hypnotized and convinced that your
stomach has shrunk from the size of a melon to the size of a tennis ball so you feel fuller faster without feeling like you're missing out