does your child or student have an IEP or need one then you've come to the right place in this video I'm going to talk about the four must know parts of an IEP specifically when it comes to when they happen in a meeting and what they look like so you can Advocate like a pro hey what's up I'm April rarig your special education Advocate and this is my cat Mrs Capricorn we are here to make your IEPs and 504 plans so much easier if you're new here go ahead and click on that subscribe button and
make sure to follow us on Instagram at rise Ed advocacy here's what you need to know about IEP meetings IEPs also known as individual education plans are regulated under idida law the problem is schools don't give you the instructions or the directions when it comes to understanding what all the paperwork means let's change that right now make sure to watch our video what is an IEP that spells out the five-part definition so you know exactly what to expect before your next IEP meeting make sure to get the link to our video in the description below
the truth is pro tip IEPs involve a ton of federal state and local Provisions that your school must follow this is exactly why you need to keep watching this video where I'm going to reveal all my tips and resources that I use with my families every single day so you can Advocate like a pro okay so now we've talked about what is an IEP it's time to dive into our topic IEP flow and sequence I want you to think back if you've been into an IEP meeting before there's always going to be a first part
a second part a third part and something happens at the very end the problem is pro tip is that most the time they're not going to tell you exactly why all these things happen that's exactly why I want you to check out our next video what does an IEP look like that lays out the seven components yep that's right there's seven parts of an IEP so that you know exactly what to expect before your next meeting make sure to check in the links below for a video link are you a parent with an IEP meeting
coming up or you want to request one then I've got the best resource that I want to share with you it's called the IEP meeting request template inside our fillable template it shows you exact exactly what you need to write in your parent request letter it shows you exactly how to attach your parent request letter to your child's educational record yep you can do that and gives you a fillable template that talks about who you want at your meeting what you want to talk about what concerns you want to have even if you want to
request for draft so that you can review and preview the information before it even happens make sure to check in the link below for our fillable template all right let's get into those four parts of an IEP so you can make sense of your iep's flow and sequence when we talk about how to build a better IEP we always need to start with a foundation and the foundation or step one the first thing that your team always needs to talk about is present levels of academic achievement and functional performance inside the present level section there
needs to be a narrative that talks about what your child can do what they can't do also known as their unique learning needs what they need to learn and what are the barriers to their learning also known as the impact of their disability it needs to be clear it needs to be specific and it needs to be relevant so that the team can build upon that in order to craft an IEP that's built with Fidelity so make sure to check inside the present Level side so that you understand what it looks like and it makes
sense I've got a guide called my progress report worksheet and the reason why you want to check it out is your child is going to be getting goals we're going to talk about that in a minute and inside the goals they're going to get a progress report every single time they get a report card did you know that so in order to determine if they are making progress on the goals that we're going to talk about in a minute make sure to check in our links below for the free guide to determine on those progress
reports if your child is making the progress that they're supposed to be making based on those IEP team recommendations okay so now your team has already talked about the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance let's talk about step two developing goals now the truth is pro tip most of the time when teams develop goals they're missing something super important what is it it's the instructions and the directions in terms of all the how to when it comes to the underlying and the performance conditions that your child needs to do and that the team
needs to follow what does this look like this looks like a goal that starts with when given blank underlying and blank performance conditions your child will be able to do you see how that looks different it doesn't base the goal on a time or base the goal on a set number of things it's actually talking about something that we tend to miss in goals and that has to do with your child's strengths and their unique learning needs so make sure to check in your child's goal if they have all the setups and the howtos I've
got something that's an amazing resource that I want to share with you called the smarter goals guide and specifically it lays out the seven parts that you need to have in your child's goals that make it relevant that make it useful and that make it meaningful and give all the setups and how-tos so your child can achieve the goals that are based on the present level and the assessment findings and that finally make sense so your child can Thrive make sure to check in the link below for a free guide so now you know step
one has to do with present levels step two has to do with goals it's time to move on to step three services here's the deal Pro tip when you look at your child's Services you need to look for frequency intens it and duration on the services page what does this look like this looks like spelling out when the service is going to start when it's going to end who is going to deliver the service and how it's going to look in terms of direct indirect the intensity and the methodology that's going to be used in
the instruction it needs to be spelled out in crystal clear and Pro tip services cannot have to do with What's called the standard Fair what is the standard Fair the standard fair is if your school tells you well if you need to be in special day class in order to get that placement or your child needs social skills if they have autism or oh well we don't have that service here that has to do with standard fair and that is not according to Ida law your child services are going to be based on the assessment
in the present levels and based on the goals and based on your child's unique learning not what the standard fair is and not what's available at your school at the time I've got a workshop called the IEP meetings workshop and the reason why I want to tell you about it is it lays out all the different components of an IEP talks about all the different pages and goes into so much more detail that I'm doing with you today and the cool thing about the workshop is it gives you everything that you need to know about
IEPs it's almost like working with an advocate because it lays out all the different parts what you need to prepare how you need to prepare gives you even more fillable templates and guides and makes your next meeting so much easier make sure to check in the links below for the guide to all the workshop information and here we are at step four placement notice that I talked about placement at the very end what does this mean this means Pro tip that your team in order to build a better IEP they first need to talk about
step one present levels of performance step two goals step three services and then step four placement what does this look like placement has to do with where where is everything going to take place that the team has developed so far based on your child's unique learning needs and also has to do with something very important 100% of what you need to know and it has to do with something called free appropriate public education also known as the offer of fape here's the deal fape has so much more to do than what your team might be
talking to you about so I've done a complete video on what is fape that lays out all the parts of fape so that your child can get the best services in What's called the least restrictive environment make sure to check in the link below to get the free video so now you know the four parts to an IEP when it comes to flow in sequence specifically when things in happen in the meeting and what they look like here's the challenge what do you want to do differently for your child's or students next IEP meeting yep
that's a really good one so do you have a question put it in the comments below want me to do another video yep put it there too I'm April Ric your special education Advocate make sure to check the links below for our guides and templates and workshops make sure to subscribe and follow follow us on Instagram I can't wait to see you for our next video [Music]