God's Chosen Ones, This Action Will Lead You to Spiritual Death. DON’T DO IT! | GRATEFUL TO GOD

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#gratefultogod #god #chosenone #prayer God's Chosen Ones, This Action Will Lead You to Spiritual De...
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you might think you know where this message is headed but I assure you what I'm about to share will shake the very core of your spirit it's a message you can't afford to ignore if you're truly among God's chosen ones this video is not for everyone it's a Divine call meant for those with ears to hear and hearts ready to receive if you're not a believer in Christ you may find this message unsettling or even incomprehensible if that's the case feel free to leave because what's about to be revealed is for those whose Spirits are
aligned with the heartbeat of God but if you are a true follower of Christ if your soul has been crying out for clarity and Truth in these confusing times stay with me you were meant to hear this I'm not here as just another voice on the internet I come before you as someone carrying the weight of Heaven's urgency my spirit is a flame and I cannot remain silent any longer the message I bring today is not my own it comes from the Throne of God it's a truth that has been hidden twisted and outright denied
by this world but it must be proclaimed are you ready to hear it are you ready to have your spirit ignited with God's purpose here is the truth your body doesn't belong to you it was never designed to be used for fleeting Pleasures or worldly lusts your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit a sacred vessel entrusted to you by God yet this Temple is under constant attack a war waged through the deception of sexual sin a sin that doesn't just affect your body but infiltrates Your Soul and Spirit it destroys the Covenant God
established with you leaving spiritual Devastation in its wake but let me ask you this this what lies have you believed what chains have bound you keeping you from living in the Purity God has called you to this isn't just a message of warning it's also a message of Hope the God we serve is a god of restoration a God who can take your Brokenness and make it whole he is ready to heal to cleanse and to restore all that has been lost to sin are you ready to break free are you ready to rise above
the lies of this world world and walk in the Purity and power of Christ then let's step into the truth together before we continue I want to invite you to join this community by subscribing to this channel like this video and if this message is stirring something within you comment 77 below as a declaration of your faith and Readiness to receive God's truth to those who've supported this ministry through super thanks thank you your generosity helps spread the word of God and reach more souls who desperately need his light now let's Dive Into the Heart
of the matter what is this action that could lead to your spiritual death and why is it so dangerous for those chosen by God stay with me because the answers might surprise you and the truth will set you [Applause] free God's chosen ones this action will lead you to spiritual death don't do [Music] it beloved consider this profound truth your body is a temple not just any Temple but the Sanctified Dwelling Place of the Holy Spirit the spirit of the Living God who breathed life into you this reality is far from trivial it is a
Divine calling that demands reverence and Care in 1 Corinthians 619 to 20 the Apostle Paul reminds us do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your bodies these words reveal the magnitude of our responsibility to treat what God has made holy as sacred not something to be defiled imagine the grand temples of ancient times crafted with intricate detail adorned with gold and reserved for the worship of
the most high now picture the outrage and sorrow that would ensue if such sacred spaces were desecrated would you not grieve at the sight of something so holy being treated with contempt yet the truth is this your body is far more sacred than any temple built by human hands why because it is the chosen Dwelling Place of God himself the Holy Spirit resides within you empowering you guiding you and marking you as his own when we fall into sexual sin it is not merely a personal failing it is an act of defilement against this holy
dwelling do we realize the gravity of such actions it is akin to trampling on the Holy Ground of God's presence let us pause PA and reflect how would you respond if someone defiled a place of worship would you not feel an instinct to defend its sanctity now ask yourself this are you protecting the sanctity of your own body with the same fervor the Bible is clear if anyone destroys God's Temple God will destroy him for God's Temple is sacred and you are that Temple 1 Corinthians 3 317 these words are not meant to condemn but
to awaken they call us to see ourselves as God sees us beloved set apart and created with Divine Purpose perhaps you've struggled with viewing your body as holy maybe the world has convinced you otherwise Whispering lies that you are not enough that your actions do not matter but here is the question that should resonate within your heart if God paid the ultimate Christ to redeem you shouldn't you treat yourself with the value he has placed on you Jesus's sacrifice was not made lightly and neither should we take lightly the responsibility of honoring him through our
actions to honor God with your body is to resist the enemy's schemes who seeks to destroy what God has declared holy will you rise to this Divine calling to protect the Sacred Space that is your life will you stand firm refusing to desecrate what God has purified beloved understand this your body is not just yours it belongs to the Creator who loves you deeply carry this truth with you and let it transform how you view yourself and your choices you are the Temple of the Living God live in a way that reflects his glory when
you engage in sexual sin you are not merely sinning against your own body you are committing an offense against the very temple of God this is no small matter for you are inviting impurity into a space consecrated for Holiness reflect on this God has chosen to make his dwelling within you marking you with his divine presence to indulge in sexual sin is to profane that sacred Sanctuary trampling upon his glory this act is not simply a viol of human ethics or social expectations it is a direct affront to the honor of the almighty consider the
weight of God's declaration you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession uh 1 Peter 2:9 you were not created for lust or fleeting gratification you were designed to be a vessel of Divine Purpose to carry the presence of the most high yet when you allow sexual sin to enter it defiles that purpose leaving your soul vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy do you see the danger of trading Your Divine inheritance for something so temporary the enemy thrives on moments like these sexual sin does not simply disrupt your relationship
with God it strips you of the Holiness that acts as your Spiritual armor in Ephesians 6:16 we are reminded to take up the shield of Faith to extinguish the fiery arrows of the evil one but how can you hold your Shield High When sin has eroded the spiritual fortitude needed to stand firm every compromise weakens your defenses leaving you exposed to the schemes of Darkness moreover sin stains the Purity to which God has called you his word declares but just as he who called you is Holy so be holy in all you do 1 Peter
1:15 to walk in Holiness is not an impossible standard it is your Divine Birthright yet sexual sin clouds that Purity robbing you of the closeness with God that you were designed to enjoy it separates you from his presence not because his love for you diminishes but because sin creates a Chasm that only repentance can Bridge can you imagine wiping your feet on the glory of God this is the gravity of indulging in sin you are taking the mark of Divine honor that he has placed upon you and treating it as though it were meaningless why
exchange the Eternal for the temporary why trade the blessings of a holy life for the fleeting gratification of a sinful Act is the cost truly worth it but there is hope God is not a god of condemnation but of restoration his word assures us if we confess our sins he's faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9 the covering of Holiness that sin strips away can be restored the stains of impurity can be cleansed by the blood of Jesus will you turn back to him will
you reclaim the Holiness that was always meant to be yours beloved your body is sacred and your calling is Holy guard this truth with all diligence do not allow the enemy to rob you of the joy and strength that come from living in Purity before God you were created for more you were created to reflect his glory will you rise to the standard he has set for you and honor him with your life sexual sin does not only corrupt the physical body it fundamentally severs your sacred connection with God this kind of sin is far
more than a fleeting moral failing it is a direct attack on the Holy Covenant God designed within the institution of marriage when God created marriage he didn't just unite two people in a temporary Arrangement he established it as a Divine Covenant a Triune bond between himself the husband and the wife marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and the church one that is intimate exclusive and founded on unwavering love and devotion yet when sexual sin such as adultery fornication or any other form of immorality is introduced it doesn't simply wound Human Relationships it shatters the Divine
Covenant it tears apart what God has lovingly joined together dismantling the trust and Purity that mirror his own faithfulness the gravity of this spiritual violation is vividly Illustrated in the Malachi 2114 2-16 where God expresses his disdain for betrayal and unfaithfulness in marriage declaring his hatred for divorce because it undermines the Covenant he ordained sexual sin operates as a form of spiritual divorce a deliberate departure from the Purity and sanctity God designed to Shield you guide you and keep you within his perfect will have you considered how this act not only separates you from others
but distances you from the Creator who formed In His Image the Bible warns us repeatedly about the dangers of sexual immorality because it isn't just a personal transgression it is a disruption of divine order 1 Corinthians 6:18 to20 reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit emphasizing that we were bought with a price and are called to honor God with our bodies when you engage in sexual sin you are defiling this sacred Temple turn turning away from the one who ordained your path before you were born moreover the consequences of such sin
are not limited to the Physical Realm they extend deeply into your spiritual life fracturing your connection to God and his plans for your future how can we expect to walk in his Divine Purpose if we choose to defy the Covenant he has designed for our protection and blessing sexual sin creates a spiritual chasm a gap that unless repented of can lead to a state of spiritual death so what should we do God calls us to guard our hearts our minds and our bodies keeping them pure and aligned with his will Hebrews 13:4 States marriage should
be onor by all and the marriage bed kept pure for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral reflect on this are you honoring the sacred Covenant God has established or are you risking Eternal separation from him by indulging in fleeting Pleasures understanding the weight of this sin isn't meant to condemn it is meant to awaken us to the seriousness of maintaining our covenant with God he is merciful and through repentance he offers forgiveness but the first step is recognizing the profound impact of these actions on our relationship with him how will you
choose to protect the sacred Bond he entrusted to you will you walk in obedience and faithfulness or allow sin to sever the most important relationship of all the choice is yours but so are the Eternal consequences sexual sin may seem like a private choice but its consequences extend far beyond the moment what begins in secrecy will not remain hidden for sin has a way of exposing itself in time the Bible explicitly warns us in Galatians 678 do not be deceived God cannot be mocked a man reaps what he SWS whoever SWS to please their flesh
from the flesh will reap destruction whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life this truth is both sobering and Illuminating sexual sin is not just an act it is a seed a seed of Destruction planted deep within your soul where it takes root and spreads its entangling vines into every aspect of your life the Ripple effects of this sin are undeniable they do not stop with the individual but extend into relationships families and Futures have you ever considered how a single moment of sin could reshape the trajectory of your life
and the lives of those closest to you the damage is not confined to the spiritual Realm it touches your emotional health your connection with God and even your physical well-being First Corinthians 6:18 warns us to flee from sexual immorality because it is a sin against our own body yet so many believe the lie that their sin is isolated affecting no one but themselves but this is one of the enemy's greatest deceptions sexual sin creates a ripple effect that fr actes relationships meant to reflect God's love and Purity instead of trust it brings betrayal instead of
Joy it brings guilt and shame how can you stand in the presence of a holy God when burdened by the weight of unrepented sin Isaiah 59:2 tells us but your iniquities have separated you from your God your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear this separation is not God turning away from you but the natural outcome of sin distancing you from his Holiness but the consequences don't end there sexual sin often sews seeds of Destruction that impact future Generations the Brokenness caused by immorality doesn't just fade it leaves scars
that children inherit scars that shape how they perceive relationships and love Exodus 347 speaks of how the sins of one generation can affect the next warning us of the lasting impact of our actions have you reflected on how your choices today might shape the lives of those who come after you this is why God's call to Purity is so urgent and so clear it is not just for your own sake but for the sake of those you influence and those who will follow in your footsteps Proverbs 22 taunt 6 encourages us to train up a
child in the way he should go and when is old he will not depart from it but how can we lead others to a path of Purity and righteousness if we ourselves are Tangled in sin God's commands are not restrictions meant to limit us they are safeguards meant to protect us sexual Purity preserves not only your relationship with him but also the relationships he has blessed you with in this life how can you cultivate a legacy of faithfulness and love if you allow sin to break the Foundation of your life yet even in the weight
of this truth God's mercy shines brightly while the consequences of sin are real so is the promise of redemption for those who turn back to him are you ready to uproot the seeds of Destruction and plant seeds of life and obedience instead the choice is yours and it's one that carries Eternal significance how will you choose to respond to God's call today will you allow his grace to heal the Ripple effects of sin and restore what was broken the enemy's greatest deception is dressing destruction as fulfillment sexual sin is one of his most cunning traps
offering Promises of pleasure that lead only to Devastation it Whispers seductively telling you that a fleeting moment of indulgence will fill the void in your heart but it is all a lie a carefully crafted deception designed to ens snare you the Bible warns us in Proverbs 1412 there is a way that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death sexual sin is that way it may seem harmless even enticing but its end is spiritual ruin consider the counterfeit nature of what sexual sin offers it presents itself as a shortcut to Joy
and satisfaction but it delivers emptiness instead God In His Infinite Wisdom created sexual intimacy as a sacred and fulfilling gift to be enjoyed within the Covenant of marriage a place of trust love and divine blessing yet the enemy distorts this good gift offering a counterfeit version that promises pleasure but leaves behind guilt shame and Brokenness have you ever wondered why something something that seems so appealing in the moment can leave such deep wounds afterward the temporary nature of sexual sins Pleasures is one of its most devastating aspects it entices you with the idea of immediate
gratification but conceals its long-term consequences Romans 6:23 reminds us for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord sexual sin pays its wages in regret relational Discord and spiritual separation from God what good is fleeting pleasure if it cost you the peace and joy that come from living in alignment with God's will beyond the personal consequences sexual sin also erodes your spiritual connection the intimacy you share with God is disrupted because sin creates a barrier between you and him Isaiah 59:2 says but your iniquity
I ities have separated you from your God your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear when you choose to chase the counterfeit Promises of sin you move further away from the true fulfillment found in God but here's the truth that the enemy doesn't want you to know the longing in your heart the one that makes you vulnerable to these lies can only be satisfied by God Psalm 16:11 declares you make known to me me the path of life you will fill me with joy in your presence with eternal Pleasures
at your right hand only in his presence can you experience the lasting joy and fulfillment that sexual sin falsely promises so the question is this will you trade Eternal joy for temporary pleasure will you settle for a counterfeit when God offers you the real thing take a moment to reflect on what drives you toward these Temptations are you seeking love validation or Escape whatever the answer know that God has already provided what you're searching for through Christ you have access to a love that satisfies a purpose that fulfills and a peace that surpasses all understanding
Choose Wisely for the stakes are Eternal will you believe the enemy's lies or will you trust in the promises of a faithful God who longs to give you far more than you could ever imagine sexual sin is like a drug it promises an exhilarating high but leaves you to endure the devastating crash the momentary pleasure it offers is followed by a wave of guilt shame and regret that weighs down your soul why because sexual sin was never designed to fulfill you it is a counterfeit a shallow imitation of the deep intimacy and connection that God
intended for marriage the enemy knows this truth and exploits it aggressively pushing sexual immorality as harmless natural and even desirable but the reality is Stark this sin doesn't just harm your relationships or tarnish your conscience it leads to spiritual death emotional emptiness and in some cases even physical destruction Proverbs 14:12 reminds us there is a way that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death God is the creator of sex and he intended it to be a holy and beautiful gift within the Covenant of marriage it was meant to be a
reflection of his love an expression of intimacy and unity between husband and wife and a means of bringing life into the world Genesis 2:24 declares that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is United to his wife and they become one flesh this sacred Union mirrors the Oneness God desires with his people yet outside of its intended boundaries sexual sin corrupts this design twisting what was meant for good into a source of pain and destruction the enemy weaponizes this Distortion turning intimacy into shame and love into regret have you noticed how the
world glorifies what God warns against the media advertisements and culture bombard us with images and messages designed to normalize and celebrate sexual immorality these influences try to convince you that indulging in these sins is harmless or even empowering but God's word paints a different picture 1 Corinthians 6:18 warns flee from sexual immorality all other sins a person commits are outside the body but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body sexual sin scars not only your relationships but also your very soul leaving wounds that only God can heal sexual immorality is not just a personal
struggle it's a spiritual battle field the enemy wants you to feel trapped ashamed and too broken to return to God but here's the truth God's design for sex was never meant to harm you it was created as a blessing a gift within the sanctity of marriage where two Souls unite in love trust and mutual commitment outside this Covenant it becomes distorted selfish and harmful it steals what was meant to bring life and turns it into a tool of death we live in a world drowning in sexual immorality but as God's chosen ones you are called
to Rise Above It 1 Peter 1:16 urges us be holy because I'm holy Holiness is not simply about abstaining from sin it's about choosing daily to reflect God's character in every aspect of your life Purity is not passive it is an active ongoing battle every day you must fight against The Temptations of the flesh stand firm in God's truth and protect the Temple of your body which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit are you willing to fight this battle Purity may seem like a struggle but the reward is eternal God promises blessings for
those who honor him with their lives Matthew 58 says blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God this Purity brings Clarity freedom and the Deep intimacy with God that your soul craves so what will you choose will you surrender to the world's empty promises or will you stand firm in God's unchanging truth let this be your reminder God's standard has never changed and his love for you remains steadfast he calls you to be set apart to reflect his Holiness in a world desperate for Hope Purity is not about perfection but about surrender
surrendering your desires struggles and choices to him when you trust God with your heart he equips you with the strength to resist temptation and walk in Victory will you answer his call today will you fight for the Purity that leads to True freedom and eternal Joy Purity is not merely about avoiding sin it's about embracing Your Divine identity and becoming who God created you to be when you choose to walk in Purity your life transforms into a living testimony of God's grace power and Holiness you shine as a light in a world overwhelmed by Darkness
demonstrating through your actions and choices that God's ways are infinitely better than the fleeting Pleasures the world World offers Purity is not just a discipline it is a calling it aligns your heart with God's Will and allows you to reflect his character in every facet of your life sexual sin on the other hand is more than a physical act it is spiritual adultery James 4:4 warns us you adulterous people don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God therefore anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of
God just as infidelity and marriage shatters the trust and bond between two people sexual sin violates the sacred trust and Covenant between you and God it is an act of unfaithfulness to the one who loves you with an everlasting unfailing love God's love for you is not casual it is deeply covenantal Jeremiah 313 declares I have loved you with an everlasting love I have drawn you with with unfailing kindness yet when you engage in sexual sin you turn away from that love chasing after a counterfeit that cannot satisfy have you considered how heartbreaking it is
to betray the one who gave his life to redeem you when we choose sin over Purity we diminish the bond that God desires to nurture with us a bond of trust intimacy and eternal love walking in Purity is not about perfection but about priority izing your relationship with God above all else it's about striving to reflect his Holiness in a culture that celebrates immorality Matthew 5:14 reminds us you are the light of the world a town built on a hill cannot be hidden by choosing Purity you become a Beacon of Hope and an example of
what it means to live a life surrendered to God are you willing to let your life testify to the transformative power of His grace the world may mock the concept of Purity portraying it as outdated or restrictive but God sees it as a reflection of his Holiness in you Purity is not about deprivation it is about Liberation it frees you from the chains of guilt shame and regret allowing you to live fully in God's love and purpose Psalm 1199 asks how can a young person stay on the path of purity and answers by living according
to your word walking in Purity is a daily Choice rooted in a deep commitment to honor God With Your Body Mind and Spirit so what will you choose will you surrender to the temporary Allure of sin or will you embrace the Eternal reward of living in obedience to God's call sexual sin May promise satisfaction but it delivers destruction purity on the other hand offers a deeper connection with God a sense of purpose and the ability to reflect his love to the world the choice is not just about your actions it's about your identity will you
choose to become a reflection of God's holiness a living example of his grace and Power in a broken world the decision is yours and the impact of that decision will resonate for eternity in the book of Hosea God powerfully illustrates the Heartbreak of unfaithfulness by comparing Israel's betrayal to that of an Unfaithful spouse he declares in Hosea 4:12 my people consult a wooden Idol and a divine's rod speaks to them a spirit of prostitution leads them astray they are unfaithful to their God this profound metaphor reminds us that when we engage in sexual sin we
are not merely succumbing to Temptation we are are actively allowing other gods or Idols to take the place of our devotion to God sexual sin therefore is not just a personal failing but a betrayal of the Sacred Covenant we share with our creator this betrayal runs deep revealing that our hearts have turned away from the one who loves us most when we allow the lust of the flesh to take precedence over our love for God we mirror the spiritual infidelity of Israel in Hosea time God who Longs for an intimate relationship with us Grieves when
we choose fleeting Pleasures over Eternal devotion have you ever paused to consider how much it pains God when we prioritize temporary desires over his Everlasting Love 1 John 2:16 warns us for everything in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life comes not from the father but from the world sexual sin is is a stark indicator of where our hearts truly lie it is a sign that we have allowed ourselves to be led astray placing our desires above our relationship with God the Covenant we have with
him is not just a set of rules it is a profound Bond of love trust and mutual faithfulness Exodus 34:14 declares do not worship any other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God God God's jealousy is not rooted in insecurity but in his deep unwavering love for us when we betray that love we not only separate ourselves from him but also invite spiritual destruction into our lives the parallels between Israel's unfaithfulness and sexual sin are striking both represent a turning away from God's perfect plan in pursuit of worldly gratification yet
the story of Hosea also holds message of Hope and Redemption despite Israel's repeated betrayal God continually calls his people back to him offering forgiveness and restoration similarly no matter how far we stray God's arms remain open to those who repent Joel 213 encourages Us return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and abounding in love are you willing to turn your heart back to him leaving behind the idols of lust and sin that have taken his place sexual sin is more than a moral misstep it is a reflection
of where we place our Allegiance will you allow the fleeting desires of the flesh to dictate your life or will you choose to honor the Covenant you have with God by recognizing the gravity of this sin and turning back to him in Repentance you can restore the intimacy of your relationship with the Lord the question is not just what you are turning from but who you are turning toward Will you return to the God who loves you with an everlasting love or will you continue to be led astray by the false promises of the world
the choice is yours and its impact Echoes not only in this life but for eternity just as God called Israel to repentance he is calling you back to him today the beauty of the Gospel lies in this profound truth though God abhors sin he is infinitely ready to forgive his heart is not to condemn you but to restore you he does not desire to see you burdened by the chains of guilt and shame instead he longs to set you free and bring you into the fullness of his grace 1 John 1:9 assures us if we
confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness this promise reveals the depth of God's love and his unwavering commitment to Redemption no matter how far you've strayed God is ready to cleanse you of every stain to wipe away the guilt that weighs on your heart and to restore the Purity that sin has tried to steal have you ever considered that repentance is not about judgment but about Liberation it is God's invitation to to Freedom are called to break free from the chains of sexual
sin and step into a life of Purity and Holiness God's forgiveness is not passive it is transformational when you confess your sins you are not simply acknowledging your mistakes you are stepping into his cleansing power allowing him to restore what was broken imagine the weight of guilt and shame being lifted from your shoulders as God washes you clean and makes you whole again Psalm 51-7 pleads cleanse me with hup and I will be clean wash me and I will be whiter than snow this is the heart of repentance not just to turn away from sin
but to be renewed by God's grace God's call to repentance is not about restriction it is about Redemption sexual sin may have promised freedom but it delivered bondage repentance on the other hand is a path to True Freedom when you lay down the chains of s and take up the mantle of Purity you are choosing to walk in the identity God designed for you 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old has gone the new is here do you realize the transformative power of this truth in
Christ you are no longer defined by your past sins but by his righteousness the call to Purity is not just a call to abstain from sin it is a call to embrace Holiness to reflect God's character in every part of your life it is an invitation to live in a way that honors him and testifies to his grace 1 Peter 1:15-16 commands but just as he who called you is Holy so be holy in all you do for it is written be holy because I am Holy when you respond to this call you are choosing
to align your life with God's perfect will and to experience the peace and joy that come from walking in obedience will you answer his call today will you lay down the burdens of guilt and shame and allow God to restore your soul repentance is not a one-time act it is a daily choice to turn away from sin and toward the one who loves you unconditionally through repentance God offers you a fresh start a new beginning and a life filled with his presence and purpose are you ready to step into the freedom and wholeness that only
he can provide God's hatred for sexual sin is not rooted in cruelty but in his profound understanding of its devastating consequences he despises sin because he sees the destruction it leaves in its wake the broken relationships the shattered trust the spiritual distance it creates between you and him yet even in his hatred for sin his love for you shines brighter his love reaches beyond the depths of your mistakes offering Redemption forgiveness and the opportunity for a fresh start chosen one one hear this truth you are not of this world you have been called by God
set apart to live a life of Purity and Holiness first Peter 2:9 declares but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness into his wonderful light the world may glorify sin and encourage Indulgence but you are not bound by its standards you belong to God and he has equipped you to Rise Above The Temptations of the Flesh and live a life that reflects his glory the battle against sexual sin is real but the victory has already
been secured through Christ Roman 8:37 assures Us in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us you are not fighting alone God has given you his Spirit to empower you to guide you and to strengthen you in moments of weakness have you ever considered that your struggles are not just battles but opportunities for God to demonstrate his power in your life each step you take toward Purity is a step toward the Abundant Life God has planned for you it's time to rise up it's time to recognize the sacredness of your
body which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:1 19-20 reminds us do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your bodies honoring your body is not just a physical act it is a spiritual Declaration of your commitment to God it is a way of saying Lord I belong to you and I choose to live in a way that pleases you walking in Holiness
is not easy but it is worth it the world will try to lure you back with its empty promises but God's promises are Eternal he calls you to cast off the chains of sexual sin to let go of the guilt and shame that have held you captive and to step into the freedom he offers Isaiah 61:1 proclaims he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim freedom for the captives and release from Darkness for the prisoners God's plan is not for you to live in bondage but to walk in Victory to experience the
fullness of his grace and love so will you answer his call will you take up the mantle of Purity and live as the chosen one God has declared you to be the path may be challenging but the reward is eternal Holiness is not a burden it is a gift a way of living that aligns you with God's perfect will and brings you closer to his heart the time to act is now rise up chosen one and walk in the freedom Purity and purpose that God has destined for you the victory is already yours through Christ
will you claim it will you answer the call will you step into the Purity and power that God has destined for you the decision lies before you and it holds Eternal significance as you take in this message don't let it merely touch your heart and Fade Into the background of your life let it ignite a fire within you a fire that moves you to action to transformation to purpose this is not just a message for you it is a commission there are countless souls in this world who are burdened by the weight of their calling
silently battling Temptations doubts and the overwhelming pressures of Life many are questioning if their faith is enough if their struggle is worth it or if God truly sees them in their pain Isaiah 40 29-31 assures us he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength you can be the voice that reminds them of this truth God is calling you not only to rise up but to bring others along with
you share this message with those who need it be the light in someone's Darkness the voice that Whispers hope into a weary heart Galatians 6:9 encourages us let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up there are lives waiting to be touched by your obedience Souls longing for the reassurance that God sees them that he honors their faith and that their reward is nearer than they think this is your opportunity to step into your role as a chosen one not just
for your own Journey but for the countless others who are struggling to hold on will you be the one to remind them that God's promise are true will you share the hope and love that have been poured into you the time is now to move Beyond hearing and into action to take this message and plant seeds of hope faith and encouragement in the hearts of those around you Matthew 5:116 urges us let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify Your Father in heaven will you let your light shine
will you remind others of the reward that God has promised to those who remain faithful the battle may be intense but Victory is certain for those who trust in the Lord the choice is yours rise up take hold of the Purity and power God has destined for you and step boldly into the calling he has placed on your life not just for yourself but for the souls waiting for the light you carry if this message has stirred your heart take a moment to declare your faith by commenting amen this simple yet powerful Act is more
than just words it is a statement of agreement with God's word a public acknowledgement that you are standing firm in his truth Let It Be Your Declaration of Faith a bold Proclamation that you are embracing God's call and trusting him for the victory he has promised each amen is not just a comment it is a testimony it says I am chosen by God I believe in his word I am ready to walk in his power and purpose it is a step of obedience a tangible expression of your trust in the one who has called you
by name Romans 1010 reminds us for it is with your heart that you believe and are Justified and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved your amen is is a profession of Faith a commitment to walk in the fullness of God's plan for your life by commenting M men you're not only affirming your faith but also encouraging others who may be silently battling their own struggles your declaration could be the spark that inspires someone else to take their own bold step toward God so will you stand in agreement today
will you let your amen be a proclamation of your faith and your Readiness to embrace all that God has for you let it be a marker of the moment you chose to step into the Purity purpose and Power Of Your Divine calling go forth today with confidence knowing that you are chosen called and uniquely set apart by God no matter how small or fragile your faith may feel right now it holds immense power far greater than you can comprehend Matthew 17:20 reminds us if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say
to this mountain move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you even the tiniest faith when placed in the hands of An Almighty God has the power to accomplish The Impossible stay connected to God for it is through him that your strength is renewed and your path illuminated trust him in every situation both the joyful and the challenging and watch as he transforms your Mustard Seed Faith into a towering tree of unshakable confidence and purpose Proverbs 3 mat 5 T6 urges us trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight are you ready to let go of your doubts and lean fully on his promises you are on the brink of witnessing God's Mighty hand move in your life in extraordinary ways Miracles that once seem distant are now Drawing Near breakthroughs you've been praying for are aligning with God's perfect timing can you sense it God is working even now preparing blessings and victories beyond anything you've imagined Ephesians 3:20 assures us now to him who is able
to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us let this be the day you choose to trust fully to surrender completely and to walk boldly in the knowledge that nothing is impossible with God your faith is growing your purpose is unfolding and God's promises are being fulfilled in your life Isaiah 41:10 declares do not fear for for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
hold on to this truth you are chosen you are loved and you are called to Greatness in God's kingdom step forward with unwavering faith and prepare to see the miraculous unfold in your life the mountains will move the doors will open and your testimony will inspire others to trust in the same God who is transforming you go forth with boldness your Journey of Faith is just beginning and nothing is impossible for you let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family heavenly father in The Mighty and Powerful name of Jesus Christ I come before
you right now standing in the authority of your word and the power of the Holy Spirit Lord You Are Holy you are righteous and you are the consuming fire that burns away all impurity you alone are worthy of all honor glory and praise I call upon you today Lord to release the fire of Heaven upon this message and upon every person under the sound of my voice let your word go forth like a hammer smashing every stronghold of sexual sin every lie of the enemy and every chain that has held your people captive father I
declare right now in jesus' name that every Spirit of sexual immorality every Spirit of lust every demonic stronghold that has kept your chosen ones bound is broken in the name of Jesus your word declares in Isaiah 10:27 that the Yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing so I speak to every yoke of bondage every generational curse every soul tie that has been forged through sexual sin let it be destroyed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit Let the Fire of God burn through every chain every lie and every deception of the enemy Lord I
declare Freedom over your people whom the sun sets free is free indeed I pray that every person hearing this message will be convicted by the Holy Spirit and brought to a place of true repentance of Godly sorrow that leads to Salvation break the chains Lord and bring them into the light of your truth I declare he in over their hearts over their minds and over their bodies for every person who has felt shame guilt and condemnation because of their past I declare the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ over them wash them clean O Lord and
make them new father let the Holy Spirit rise up in your people stir up a passion for Purity a hunger for Holiness I pray for the grace to resist the The Temptations of this world the power to walk in the light of your truth and the courage to stand firm in the face of a world that celebrates sin Lord raise up a generation that will walk in Purity that will honor you with their bodies and that will be a witness to the power of your transforming Grace and father I pray for every person who will
share this message for those who will subscribe like comment and say Amen to the word Lord bless them abundantly let them not just be hearers of the word but doers of the word I pray that as they share this message it would ignite a Revival of Holiness a fire of repentance and a movement of Purity that sweeps across nations may they be a light in the darkness standing boldly for your truth and may they reap a harvest of righteousness for their faithfulness Lord I ask for divine protection over their lives guard their hearts and Minds
in Christ Jesus surround them with your angels and let no weapon formed against them Prosper every attack of the enemy is rendered powerless and void in the name of Jesus father I seal this prayer in the name of Jesus with the authority of the blood of Christ I declare that every chain of sexual sin every bondage every Spirit of immorality has no place in their lives I declare Freedom Purity and victory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Let the Fire of God fall upon every listener right now burn away everything that is not of
you and purify them as gold refined in the fire let them be a living testimony of your grace and your power let your will be done in their lives and may they rise up as Warriors of Purity shining brightly in this Dark World in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen as we come to the close of this message let's take a moment to fully embrace the truth of who you are in Christ chosen set apart and deeply loved by God you were not created to follow the patterns of this world but to walk
in the Purity purpose and power that God has destined for you the journey may be challenging but you are not alone God's spirit empowers you strengthens you and equips you for victory in every battle remember even the smallest step of faith can open the door to extraordinary blessings the message of walking in Purity and trusting God is not just about avoiding sin it is about embracing the Abundant Life God has promised you John 10:10 reminds us I have come that they may have life and have it to the full this is his desire for you
to live a life of Freedom joy and deep connection with him each day is an opportunity to grow in faith to walk closer with God and to reflect his light in a world that desperately needs hope as you step into this calling remember that your journey impacts more than just yourself you are a light to those around you a living testimony of God's grace and faithfulness by choosing to walk in obedience you inspire others to trust God to turn from sin and to embrace his love the ripple effect of your faithfulness can touch countless lives
leading them closer to Christ if this message is spoken to your heart we invite you to support this ministry through super thanks your contributions help us to continue sharing the gospel and reaching those who need to hear God's word whether you give or not we are so grateful for your presence your engagement and your faithfulness you're a vital part of this community and your encouragement fuels this Mission we would love for you to like this video subscribe to the channel and share it with someone who needs to hear this message of Hope and Truth every
like share and subscription helps us expand this ministry and bring God's word to more people and please take a moment to comment amen below as your Declaration of faith and agreement with God's promises your words can Inspire someone else to take their own step of Faith as you go about your day hold on to the assurance that God is with you guiding your steps and blessing your faithfulness Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us trust
in his timing stand firm in his word and expect to see his hand move mightily in your life we are praying for you praying that God fills you with peace strengthens you for the journey ahead and blesses you beyond measure may his favor rest upon you may his spirit guide you and may his love surround you in all that you do go forth chosen ones with confidence joy and the knowledge that you are deeply loved by the creator of the universe stay blessed and thank you for being part of this journey with us [Music] [Laughter]
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
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