Dear Earth, It Has Begun!

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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse riters of judgment and harbingers of the end are among the most terrifying and awe inspiring figures in biblical prophecy described vividly in Revelation 6: 1 to8 these Horsemen Are Not Mere characters in a distant Legend they are the embodiment of forces that will one day unleash unimaginable chaos upon the Earth during the end times we are not talking about an Airy fairy invention we are talking about beings that will literally commence the Great Tribulation though their arrival has not yet come we can already see glimpses of their coming wrath
it is as though their Shadows are cast Over the Earth and we are witnessing the precursors of their arrival signs that foreshadow the devastating events to come the first of these Horsemen rides a white horse traditionally interpreted as a symbol of Conquest he holds a bow and a crown is given to him signaling his authority and power this riter represents the force of domination symbolizing a global ruler that will sweep across the Nations bringing false peace deception and tyranny this writer is commonly believed to be the Antichrist himself while this writer has not yet made
his appearance we can see hints of his future reign in the growing movements for power and control that Ripple through our world the second Horseman appears on a fiery red horse and to him is granted the power to take peace from the earth he carries a great sword a symbol of war and bloodshed this writer represents the outbreak of global conflict and violence wars and rumors of wars on an unprecedented scale while this Horseman has yet to arrive in full force we can see a world increasingly Rife with conflict unrest and division a chilling Prelude
to the chaos that will eventually come with his ride the third Horseman rides a black horse and in his hand he holds a pair of scales he represents famine and economic collapse conditions so dire that the basic necessities of life will become luxuries while this Horseman has not yet arrived in his ultimate form we are already seeing the precursors of his work inflation is rising across the globe and economic instability is becoming a daily reality for many scarcity and disparity are emerging and the foreshadowing of his coming judgment is becoming ever clearer the fourth and
final Horseman rides a Pale Horse and his name is death followed closely by Hades together they are given power over a quarter of the earth to kill by sword famine plague and wild beasts although this Horsemen has not yet begun his catastrophic work we see a world increasingly vulnerable to disease disaster and violence what is most amazing or perhaps terrifying is that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are just precursors of even worse judgments that come later in the tribulation Revelation chapters 8 9 and 16 for all the horror that the four horsemen will bring
there is much more to come their arrival will Mark the beginning of a series of divine judgments that will shake the Earth to its core today we will focus specifically on the Black Rider the harbinger of famine economic collapse and inflation the shadows of his coming are already falling across our world warning us of the greater tribulation yet to come during his olivit discourse Jesus described what will occur during the end times prior to his return to Earth Matthew 24: 21 and22 for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of
the world to this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened these are the words of our Lord and savior these are the words of our King the words of the judge and King of the universe so let us open up the word of God and see what the Bible says will take place during the Great Tribulation [Music] we will read a few verses in Revelation chapter 6 however before we do that allow me
to set the scene in chapter 5 we see at the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back sealed with Seven Seals this is almighty God holding a scroll in his hand can you imagine that the creator of all Heaven and Earth holding something in his hand and we see that no one in heaven or on the earth or under the Earth is able to open the scroll or to look at it when John saw that he began to weep and cry because no one was worthy
to open it but then there was one who was worthy to open the scroll and it is none other than the lamb and the lamb is none other than Jesus Christ the only one that has the authority to open it is the Lamb the only one that has the power to open it is the Lamb the only one that has the ability to open it is the Lamb who else has the right to open up the seals except the lamb who shed his blood before the foundation of the world and then we see the lamb
take the book from the one who sits on the throne the one who is none other than God Almighty now let us see the judgments that come upon this [Music] Earth Revelation 6 verse1 to8 and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of Thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer and when
he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and Power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword and when he had opened the third seal I heard the third Beast say come and see and I beheld and L a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and I Heard a Voice in
the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and through three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine and when he had opened the for SE I heard the voice of the fourth Beast say come and see and I looked and behold a Pale Horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him you know what the opening of the seals tell me is that there is a Time coming that the world has never seen before there
is a Time coming on this Earth that this world is not ready for such will be the sight of those great days of tribulation and moror men in the end will led to surrender their own might and acknowledge the greatness of Jesus Christ we live in times of profound change where the prophetic words of scripture seem to leap off the pages and into our daily lives as Believers it is vital that we keep our eyes open to the signs around us for the Prophecies of the end times are not only looming on the horizon they
are unfolding before our very eyes yet there is one particular sign a marker of the times that many are overlooking it is hidden in plain sight operating subtly but with undeniable Force pushing us closer to the conclusion of the Book of Revelation this sign brothers and sisters is inflation it is an economic reality that is gripping our world suffocating economies and silently fulfilling the prophecy found in the Book of Revelation particularly in the opening of the third seal while many are fixated on other events or signs inflation stands as a prophetic marker quietly moving us
further into the last days let us turn to scripture to the words of John as he saw the future unfold in the opening of the seals in Revelation 6: 5-6 we read when the lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say come I looked and there before me was a black horse its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures saying 2 lb of wheat for a day's wages and 6 lb of barley for a day's wages
and do not damage the oil and the wine the imagery here is striking a black horse a symbol of famine and economic hardship emerges as the third seal is opened its Rider holds scales a symbol of measuring out food an indicator of scarcity and inflation The Voice proclaims that basic food stuffs such as as wheat and barley will cost an entire day's wages reflecting an exorbitant inflationary rise meanwhile luxuries such as oil and wine remain available but only to those who can afford them in our world today we are seeing inflation take a hold of
economies across the globe prices are rising rapidly and the value of money is diminishing but what many fail to realize is that this economic trend is not merely a result of flawed policies or pandemics though these factors May contribute it is a precursor of the prophecy we see in Revelation inflation at its core refers to the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time in simple terms it means that the money in your pocket buys less than it did before as prices for goods and services increase the value of the currency decreases it
is a subtle form of economic strain but one that has far-reaching consequences especially for those who are already struggling to make ends meet in recent news the United States Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has offered an explicit endorsement of interest rate Cuts saying further Cooling in the job market would be unwelcome and expressing confidence that inflation is Within Reach of the central bank's two % Target inflation has dropped significantly over the last 2 years however it is important to note that although inflation has dropped it does not mean its effects are not still taking place
this is a crucial distinction that many people Overlook when they hear that inflation is dropping they assume that the prices of goods and services are becoming cheaper but this is not the case the prices are still Rising just not as quickly as they were previously for example if the price of groceries went up by 10% last year and only increased by 5% this year that doesn't mean groceries are cheaper they are still more expensive than they were 2 years ago this is a critical point that many fail to grasp as we reflect on the black
Horsemen of Revelation it is vital to emphasize that he has not yet arrived in full yet it is almost as if we are witnessing the shadows of his coming cast across the earth a precursor of what is to come the current inflationary Trends we see across the globe serve as a foreshadowing a warning of the dark days ahead when this Black Rider will make his terrible entrance the worst period of inflation in the United States in the 21st century occurred during 2021 to 2022 during this time inflation reached levels not seen in over 40 years
in June 2022 inflation peaked at a staggering 99.1% the highest rate since 1981 food prices surged with the cost of groceries Rising by over 10% while gasoline prices jumped by more than 48% in just a single year rent and housing prices soared leaving many struggling to keep a roof over their heads for millions of families basic necessities like food Fuel and shelter became more expensive than ever stretching household budgets to the breaking point but what we have witnessed so far is only a glimpse of what will happen in the Great Tribulation while these periods of
economic instability are painful they pale in comparison to the cataclysmic economic hardships that the black Horsemen will unleash the inflation waves we have experienced in recent years are a warning sign a Prelude to the Fulfillment of the prophecy that John saw in his vision the prophecy in Revelation 6: 5 and 6 tells us that when the Black Horsemen arrives scarcity and economic turmoil will reach levels previously unimaginable the imagery of Wheat and barley costing an entire day's wages paints a bleak picture of life and under this Rider's influence in today's terms imagine working for an
entire day just to afford a small loaf of bread or a handful of basic grains while the wealthy continue to indulge in luxuries like oil and wine this level of economic disparity and Devastation will be unlike anything the world has ever seen there is a profound lesson for us here brothers and sisters because for some people around the world this is already their daily reality the scarcity and hardship that the prophecy foretells is not a distant future for them it is their present struggle in many parts of the world people already work tirelessly not for
luxuries but simply to provide a meager meal for their families they labor all day just to afford the most basic necessities While others in more fortunate circumstances enjoy the abundance of resources and wealth even in the midst of our own economic challenges we have a reason to thank God if you are able to put food on your table if you have shelter and the means to provide for your loved ones then you are already more blessed than countless others let us not take these blessings for granted let us be thankful for for what we have
and recognize that God is still providing for us even in difficult times gratitude in the face of hardship strengthens our faith and it is a reminder that God's grace is sufficient for all of our needs although inflation has dropped in the recent months there is a common misconception that a lot of people have a vast majority of people when they hear inflation has dropped have the misconception that this means the prices of goods and services are now dropping or getting cheaper that is not correct that is called deflation when we hear that the rate of
inflation is dropping it essentially means the prices of goods and services are still Rising but not at the same speed as they once were so essentially prices are still Rising just not at the same speed as they were previously therefore in this year we can still see the warning signs of the arrival of the black horse we can see the prophetic event happening and the rider with a black horse slowly arriving onto the world stage but I want to encourage you today do not be disheartened do not live in fear you need to remember this
although you are living living in an everchanging world a world that is dealing with inflation the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is bigger than inflation you don't have to stay up at night worried and concerned about the future this world will do that to you this world will make you stress and worry and stress some more and add a little anxiety on top of all of that stress and worry what you need to remember is that you have a God who is still in control God Is Watching Over You in all my years I
have never seen a Christian that God has abandoned God Is Watching Over You the rate of inflation going up should not surprise us I believe what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg the Black Rider will eventually come with all his Force but as a child of God you don't have to live in fear now I want to read you a chapter in the book of Psalms it is arguably one of the most known chapters in The Bible but I want to read it for you like you have never had it read
before notice the change in Psalms 23 David goes from talking about God in the third person to talking to God directly the Lord is my shepherd I shall not war want he maketh me lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake now here in verse 4 the change from he to thou but then in the shadows of the Valley of Death a transformation occurs within the song the voice changes from he to thou it's here in
the proximity of peril and Shadow that David's talk becomes a direct communion a personal conversation with god yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me my brother my sister God is with you never forget that I will fear no evil I will not fear the future I will not fear the present I will not fear the economy I will not fear policy change for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in
the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over David's shift from speaking about God to speaking directly to God reveals a profound intimacy and Reliance on the Lord Matthew 10: 29-31 are not Two Sparrows sold for a penny yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your father's care and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered so don't be afraid you are worth more than many sparrows if God cares for The Sparrows and numbers the very hairs of our head then he will also
pay careful attention to our needs God cares about you so much he will not abandon you regardless of what the government does in whatever country you live in hold on to Matthew 10: 29-31 and Psalms 23 God is with you
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