A Detective Realizes The Suspect Is Dying

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This is the TWISTED case of Ryan Waller where Detectives would only realize what had been done to Ry...
Video Transcript:
you're telling me they shot you with a revolver in your eye yes is it a BB gun no it was a real gun man it was just a relationship you and the eye you want to be was most likely you be dead but little did police officers know he was actually telling the truth as well 18 year old Ryan was being mocked by detectives he was suffering from a gunshot to the head and experiencing a brain bleed that could end his life at any moment you're not going back to bed on the 23rd of December
2006 two men broke into Ryan Waller's house looking for revenge for a past argument Ryan heard the noise at the door but when he went to investigate a hand reached inside and shot him twice in the eye the two men Richie and Larry Carver then entered his house and shot Ryan's girlfriend Heather killing her instantly by some miracle 18 year old Ryan survived and was able to talk to police when they arrived hours later given he'd just been shot in the head he told them he had no idea what happened but instead of being taken
straight to the hospital he was taken to the police station and interrogate dated for the longest hour of his life before the interview started Ryan was left in the room alone he squirmed in pain for 20 minutes straight and worse yet he was handcuffed to the desk and unable to scream for help Ryan is obviously not okay but the detectives begin the interrogation anyway you know why you're down here Ryan you have no idea why you're down here okay okay I don't know what happened okay so I'll read you something to make sure you understand
your rights okay ever seen that TV show Cops or CSI or anything like that okay you ever seen that no you've never seen any kind of optional lawyers you know any kind of show yeah okay I want to listen up real close okay you have the right to remain silent making you say can't be used against in a court of law what's the highest grade you went through school I don't know I don't know okay I don't know what the highest grade you went through eight grade did you graduate yeah did you do you have
a GED I don't know you don't know what I don't know I don't know I just want to go home oh you're not going to go home right now what's the highest grade that you completed B no not not grade as in letter grade I'm asking did you graduate high school no and the highest you went was eighth grade yep do you know how to read and write Ryan yeah the way the detective is talking to Ryan implies that he knows something is wrong he's raising his voice slightly slowing down and talking in very simplified
language just as you would a child yet even with the massive red mark around Ryan's face and the day's responses he's giving the detective still decides that nothing is wrong and continues questioning him do you have a girlfriend um no you're not you know a girl named Heather what is Heather's last name um the one that lives there right now I guess I don't know her name's Heather what's her last name I don't know which name she's trying to use the last one she's trying to have a real mask as her nicknames I don't know
what nickname does she goodbye probably wants the last name Carmen kaiman how old is Heather 16-17 if you're a white girl you know how did you meet another in school I don't know Jesus known her from school she used to be a business name excuse me in the class your business class all right what happened to your face I don't know you told the officer just a few minutes ago that someone hit you do you remember who hit you I think it was Heather why would Heather hit you it was an accident I forgot why
what was an accident others last name no what was an accident how they're hitting me what did she hit you with her and the eye did you guys have an argument I don't really know not really oh what happened for her to hit you in the eye like that she just hit me in an accident she was giving Christina I had she was what she was having Christina with her hair or something I don't know who's Christine she's on the couch Christina's on the couch Ryan and Heather lived with another person whose name isn't public
there's a possibility that it's the Christina he's referring to here but either way nobody else was home at any point of the night of the attack Ryan is clearly suffering traumatic brain injury and it's astonishing that the detective isn't connecting the dots even if it was just blunt force like Ryan is telling him he still should be checked out by a doctor given how he's acting but of course that's not how it happens instead it somehow gets even more messed up what happened last night I don't know you don't know I really don't I just
want to go to sleep and go to sleep well you remembered how they're hitting you in the eye right I don't know what anybody is doing I really don't who was in the house when you went to sleep Christina another Christine and Heather um Christina was on the couch oh there was Heather was on the couch you told me Christina was on the couch just a minute ago I don't know man I really don't I really don't you just don't know I really don't man I just want to go and go to sleep man you're
not gonna go anywhere you know what happened in your house last night is that house yours yours or your parents nine all right what happened I don't know what happened you're all beat up so tell me what happened I don't know I just want to go to sleep man that's it there's a dead girl in your living room he's dead yes Heather I don't know I want to know what happened in your house last night the girl on the couch is dead I don't know if she's on the couch she's dead well these people came
over Richie and his dad was shooting arrow blowing darts you know what I'm talking about yeah that me and her with those that's it and the Heather wasn't there and Eric wasn't there it was just me and Heather over there you and Heather were there and then what happened and that's it regime's Dad tried to break in to the back Richie and Dad his dad who's Richie I don't know well you obviously know him you know his name he used to live there was he a roommate of yours he used to be they hit you
yeah now it's Richie that hit you not Heather no Richie and his dad Regina's dad they hit you yes why because they're trying to get their stuff I don't know why and they had some kind of bow and arrows they each had two revolvers and they didn't laugh any shelves okay you just said they had bow and arrows now they have revolvers that's something that they have revolvers they have revolvers yes and then what happened and then they shot us those foreign both of you yeah where'd they shoot you at yeah and I you're getting
shot in the eye I think so with the revolver man I don't know then what happened I don't know you don't know a lot right I don't and I really don't I'd like to see this detective try and articulate himself anywhere near as Ryan is in this situation he's to recount the exact sequence of events as well as the perpetrators names with the revolver bullet still in his brain it does sound like an unbelievable story and that's probably why the cop is is essentially laughing at him by now but that still doesn't excuse any part
of what's going on he's obviously distressed in pain and needs to go to the hospital but he's still more than a half an hour away from any form of Salvation Brian why don't you tell me what really happened there because I don't believe I really don't know man I really don't I don't know I can tell you anything I swear I want you to tell me the truth that's all I want Richie and his dad came there and I don't know why I don't know why I don't know why but they put me in sleeping
holes and like you put me in Steven hole with the arrows and [ __ ] like I lived through this that crap okay they put you in a sleeping hold yeah what is that I don't know I don't know I really don't I don't know man you're telling me they put you into sleep what is a sleeping hole I don't know I'll explain it out of your mouth explain that to me what's a sleepy Bowl I really don't know man okay you're telling me you're all over the board here number one you're saying bows and
arrows you're seeing revolvers and you're saying that some other thing and they they're saying they shot you in the eye okay they shot you with a revolver in your eye yes with a revolver you wouldn't be talking to me right now it was most likely you be dead that's what I thought too man I really don't know I really don't know and I just want to go back to sleep and try to go back to bed you're not going back to bed okay that's not gonna happen what happened to Heather Heather got shot where did
she get shot inside the face once she got shot inside of the face how close were you to her when she got shot in the face it was after I got shirts I didn't even hear anything so you got shot first and what happened did you follow the ground yeah I was trying to get up and [ __ ] and I couldn't and then she got shot what what did you do did you call 9-1-1 did you see if she was alive she was sleeping still and that's it I just let her sleep she got
shot in the side of the face and you let her sleep yes this does not make sense Ryan I know I didn't mean to man I'm sorry I didn't know if she was passed now that's because I got shot wrong ones too and I was gonna pass out okay this is now not before you're saying right now you've been shot yes in the eye yes with the revolver yes all right Ryan you need to start telling me the truth but your story doesn't make sense I'm trying man I don't know just ask me anything I'll
tell you the truth just ask me or I'm trying to and you're not even coming close to the truth don't ask me what happened with you and Heather last night her dad came outside the house and shot her her dad shot her all right and then leaves and what did you do I try to go back to sleep after you've been shot in the eye you didn't know enough to call 9-1-1 why did you call 9-1-1 because I was just trying to go to sleep that's it you just saw Richie's and his dad shoot your
girlfriend and you just felt like you needed to go to sleep Ryan look at me Ryan yes I don't know man I really don't know why did you shoot Heather Ryan I didn't shoot Heather she was already shot once by her brother I swear Richie yes Richie shot his own sister yes I swear that's it not me and you've been shot in the eye yes my feet hurt man I don't know why get them off my table let me see the mouse I'm gonna put your put your legs put your legs down put your legs
down bring your face closer oh my head hurts yeah be right back finally the detective at least considers the fact that Ryan might be in some form of physical distress he leaves the room to ask for an ambulance and returns momentarily to try and get a few more details about the shooting Ryan clarifies that Heather isn't related to Richie or his dad and that he's got no idea why they attacked him that evening 10 minutes later the fire department arrives to take a look at Ryan's injury he's acting uh like he has a service head
injury which would make sense yeah we'll take them I don't know if we can tell they got all has it been like that before it just happened to nine or so I wonder so it happened on the other night I don't know you don't know what happened were there guns around could Eric did it I don't know how he did it exactly I might have been shot I don't know why are you waiting on me it looks like it went right through huh yeah it might have one now Ryan gets his blood pressure taken and
finally after 56 minutes of unnecessary and ultimately deadly interrogation he's taken to the hospital upon inspection at the hospital doctors immediately realized his status was critical and that he also had indeed been shot in the eye they also told his father that he'd contracted an infection that could have been prevented had he received proper care Ryan stayed at the hospital for 35 days and lost part of his brain and his left eye worst of all though he experienced regular seizures from the day he left the hospital until 2016 when one finally took his life Richie
and Larry were both given life in prison without the possibility of parole
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