have you ever wondered how far the limits of sin go and what does God really condemn what is written in the Bible can be more shocking and revealing than you imagine throughout history many have tried to hide certain teachings but the truth is there clear and direct for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear and when it comes to sexuality the word of God makes no concessions what many ignore are the sexual sins that are among the most terrible that he condemns and that for many can be quite a surprise did you
know that the Bible talks about Divine wrath directed at certain sexual behaviors if you thought that the condemnations only referred to adultery or fornication you are about to discover something much deeper and terrifying in this video we are going to reveal the seven most terrible sexual sins in the Bible which God abhor and which many prefer to ignore get ready for a dark journey through what is really written in the Bible scriptures but before we begin if you are a person who seeks to understand the mysteries of scripture and explore the deepest enigmas of Faith
subscribe to our Channel now here we reveal what many avoid all to bring the true truth to light don't forget to activate the Bell to receive notifications of the next revealing videos let's go We Begin our list with a sexual sin that has been debated for centuries in Leviticus 18:22 we find a clear condemnation of homosexual practice you shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman it is an Abomination the word Abomination is strong and makes it clear that this sin is not only frowned upon but is something that God deeply
despises often the historical and cultural context is ignored but the message is clear this practice is seen as a transgression against the natural order established by God however the implications of this condemnation go far beyond what it seems the sin of sexual inversion is related to the destruction of God's created Harmony creating an imbalance in one of the most fundamental aspects of human life the next sexual sin we address is fornication mentions in 1 Corinthians 6:8 flee fornication every sin that a man commits is outside the body but he who commits fornication sins against his
own body what does this mean fornication or sex outside of marriage is a violation of the Sacred purpose of the marriage Union God established marriage as a space of Purity love and commitment by fleeing from Chastity and giving into the temptation of the flesh humans are destroying the very essence of what God intended for our lives adultery is undoubtedly one of the most condemned sins in scripture in Matthew 5: 27-28 Jesus says you have heard that it was said You shall not commit adultery but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman
with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart the sin of adultery goes beyond the physical act it reaches the heart and soul infidelity destroys what is most sacred in the eyes of God the union of a man and a woman in marriage but what many people do not realize is that this sin is not only related to the body but to the loss of trust the breaking of a promise and the profound disregard for divine love the sin of prostitution is something that the Bible vehemently condemns in Proverbs 11: 10 to
12 we find the image of a seductive and Reckless woman and behold there met him a woman dressed as a harlot and crafty in heart prostitution is not only the physical act but a symbol of betrayal of human Purity and dignity by selling their body the woman or man who gives into the sin is denying the very image and likeness of God in themselves this is not only a violation of moral laws but an act of spiritual subversion where the body becomes a commodity one of the most repugnant and deeply condemned sins in the Bible
is incest in Leviticus 18: 6 to8 God is emphatic no man shall approach any near relative to uncover his nakedness incest is a distortion of family love and the punishment for this sin in many ancient cultures was severe but why does God condemn incest so harshly in addition to being a sin against morality and the sanctity of the family incest represents a distortion of the purpose of creation where the relationship between family members is to be pure protective and holy the sin of sacred prostitution is something that few understand in Ezekiel 16: 32-34 God condemns
those who indulge in Pagan work wor ship and engage in sexual practices within temples this sin is particularly Grievous because it involves the corruption of faith and spiritual prostitution the idea of exchanging the love of God for sexual rituals and empty promises from false gods is an abomination in the eyes of the Creator sexual sin when coupled with wrong worship creates deep spiritual desolation a true betay betrayal of the true God lastly we have the sin of sexual covetousness or lust as it is known in scripture in Matthew 5:28 Jesus declares anyone who looks at
a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart this shows us that sin is not limited to the physical act but begins within the heart and mind sexual greed is dangerous because it destroys the human being From the Inside Out making him a slave to impure desires and separating him from the Holiness of God it is a path that leads to spiritual and moral Decay these seven sins many of which are directly related to sexual behavior are just the tip of the iceberg of what the Bible reveals about human nature and its
deviations but the great lesson we can draw from these texts is not only the fear of divine punishment but the need for reflection repentance and change God offers us every day the opportunity to purify ourselves to draw closer to him and restore our Holiness he does not condemn Us only for our human weakness but calls us to a path of redemption and transformation sin whatever it may be distances us from God and destroys the peace he desires for all of us now you know what is is really at stake what will you do with this
revelation will you continue on your path of ignorance or will you seek the True Light and understanding that the Bible offers us the choice is yours if you want to continue exploring the Mysteries and hidden teachings of the Bible don't forget to subscribe to our channel here we reveal the deepest truths for those who seek a more complete and revealing knowledge leave your comment below on what you think about these sins and don't miss the next video see you soon