The 7 WORST Purchases To Make In Your 20s

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Iman Gadzhi
The best purchase you can make in your 20s? Investing in yourself. Here I explain how I did it throu...
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when you see videos like this online it is from people who are Frugal Penny Pinchers trying to shame you for spending money when the honest truth is if they had money they would buy the exact same things that they're advising you not to buy oh don't spend five dollars a day on your Starbucks Coffee dumb anyways I am making this video because a lot of you guys know I budget 2.5 million dollars a year to just spend I have a rule that I have to spend 20 to 30 of my income and that percentage will
go up as I actually get older more in my late 20s early 30s because I feel as if I'm not going to spend money then well then when am I going to spend money and at least get that level of enjoyment from it because I'm only 22 you know I'm still relatively young I try to be a little bit more on the safe side but my safe side still means that I spend millions and millions of dollars a year so I'm making this video as someone who has pretty much bought everything and can buy anything
so when I tell you to avoid these seven things listen to me okay now there will be some things on this list where it doesn't matter how much money you make you can make 300 million a year you should still never ever do it just out of principle and because it just bad things to buy but a lot of people who are even broke still buy these things then there are a few things on this list where if you make over a million dollars a year in your 20s and 30s then honestly just spending the
money like it it doesn't matter you have enough financial abundance in your life congratulations you're not only financially free you're financially abundant so just spend that money for the other 99 of people watching this that don't make a million dollars a year avoid these things so let's get into it now the first thing to avoid buying in your 20s are business class and first class flights now before you crucify me listen business class and first class tickets really are one of the best things to spend money on when you have real Financial abundance and let's
say you're traveling for business or for an event you know something where you need to be sharp you know you need to be performing well the day or the day after you land well then for sure fly Long Haul business or even first class 100 but the thing is especially when you're flying for personal use that means you can't write it off as a business expense and then the next question you need to ask yourself is you got to start comparing let's say you're flying to Bali and you spend six thousand dollars on a return
business class tickets and it's twelve hundred dollars for economy tickets for the extra four thousand eight hundred dollars that you're saving what amazing beautiful experiences could you have in Bali I mean for forty eight hundred dollars that pretty much you can live a pretty good life for a month even two months in Bali you're spending money on business and first class tickets is totally worth it until you compare the benefit from that compared to the benefit that you could get when you actually arrive at your destination you know all the extra money you could spend
there I mean let's say you're doing a six hour flight from London to Dubai and you save 3 500 by going in economy instead well then the first thing that you do when you arrive back in London is you go to the Apple Store and you buy yourself thirty five hundred dollars worth or pounds worth of you know a new computer maybe a new phone maybe some air like whatever you want so when you kind of imagine that because I know you know you think about a long-haul economy and you know how nice it is
to get the little amenity kid in business class and coming from someone who spends a lot a lot of money I can tell you it does make sense but not when you compare it to what you could spend that money on instead and the last thing that I will say about this is I know I have a very successful audience so a lot of you might be making 300 Grand a year 400 Grand a year and you want to fly business class just to get that first experience and that first taste of it be very
careful this is a word of caution because once you fly business Long Haul once you can't go back that's it that is an expense for the rest of your life it is almost impossible to go back to economy after that so just bear that in mind try to extend your first business or first class long-haul flight as long as you humanly can because as I said there's much better ways to spend your money the next thing to avoid in your 20s is bottle service ladies and gentlemen some of my good friends either own or run
some of the best clubs in the world so I know the back end of the business and it's just it's so hilarious for a bottle that you could get for 150 you're spending 800 just because it comes with a couple sparklers and to get the sparklers you can't just buy one bottle you need to buy like five bottles but it all comes down to psychology clubs would go bankrupt if guys didn't hold the belief when they walked in if I buy enough bottles girls will come to my table and then maybe I'll get laid this
is the intention of 98 of guys who buy bottles at the club and I'm telling you that not only is it a waste of money it's also just a horrible strategy what will happen is girls will come to your table they'll talk to you for two minutes they'll take your drinks and then they'll go back to the table with the guy that they actually want to sleep with so every once in a while you know you may bag a drunk seven in the club but is that something that you really want to be proud of
now look I'm not saying don't go to clubs because I go to clubs maybe seven eight times a year but the difference is I don't go there to meet women in fact my security I specifically tell them don't let I don't care if they're a guy if they're a girl don't let anyone near our table and that's because usually I come with you know 10 15 of my girlfriends and my guy friends like I'm just there to have fun relax blow off some steam just be a little stupid but I'm going there with a full
understanding that this is a waste of money you know it's kind of like casinos you know you're wasting money but you know it's kind of the fun of knowing that you can waste money but at least you're not expecting anything from it you know I think casinos can be totally fine as long as you go in there realizing you're paying for an experience it becomes dangerous casinos become dangerous when you go in thinking oh I'm gonna get a desired result from this I'm gonna make some money that's when casinos become a little bit more dark
and as I said a little bit more dangerous to a person I think clubs are the same way I think if you want to go and buy some bottles and you know just have fun with your friends and just be a little stupid go and that's fun if that's your psychology but going there specifically for the purpose that you know guys usually buy bottles I think that's where it becomes just really stupid because you're wasting so much money and it's just not even a good method or a good tactic ladies and gentlemen I can't tell
you the amount of times that guys go back home in the back of an Uber with cranberry juice on their feet a six thousand dollar charge on their Amex ordering a shawarma on ubereats thinking what the hell have I just done and yet they still do it the next month because yeah they think it's a good strategy to find uh you know a potential Suitor for that night so as I said stay away from nightclubs unless you're really just there just be a bit stupid with your friends and you know you're there to blow the
money and you actually have the money and it's sensible the next thing you want to avoid is a super expensive TV now this is stupid for two reasons number one you know every two three years a new curved zled 40 popcorn making new I don't know anything about TV it's like comes out right so every two three years like there's the new event invention Gadget you know sometimes I see them in specific stores that I have to walk through so as I said every two three years you're gonna feel like you need the new tech
or the new version but that's not really why it's stupid the reason it's stupid is because you're spending a lot of money on something that actively drains you of the ability to make money or live life to its fullest when you buy things you can't just think of the cost you have to think of the second order consequence so yes you spent the money on the TV but the second order consequence is now you feel obliged to use it you know you've got this flashy thing that makes it easier to binge watch Netflix or binge
watch YouTube and look let's be honest with each other Netflix or YouTube majority of the time people are just there to keep themselves entertained they're not actually getting anything useful or meaningful out of it so the first thing I do whenever I go into like a villa rental or you know even this apartment I live on a serviced apartment side of a hotel so this place came fully furnished there are one two four four TVs I unplugged every single one of the TVs because even that little red dot annoyed me so I just turned all
of them off look when I'm 50 or 60 years old and I've lived my life I've had my experience and I'll have time to sit back and relax and you know maybe watch some more movies but for now there's a beautiful life out there and I need to capture it and so do you the next thing you should never I don't care how much money you make should never spend money on is only fans I mean look there are so many things that are wrong with this but first of all it's so funny the guys
who will refuse to spend 20 on skillshare because they think it's a scam you know to have infinite amounts of courses that they can learn from they won't spend that twenty dollars on skillshare but they will more than happily spend that on some girls only fan subscription and the other part of it is only fans is reaffirming to the person that they have no abundance with women in their life so they need to resort to literally paying a girl for access to a part of her body you know I have a few acquaintances and people
that I know that have explained the inside of the industry to me very well and in great detail who actually run only fans agencies and from what I understand the monthly subscription is only like the hook like it's like the teaser and then from there the girls well that's the funny thing it's not even the girls you are literally chatting to a dude these dudes all run these only fan agencies so when and you think you're flirting with a girl it's just a guy like you're literally paying another guy for access to a video or
photo from a girl that doesn't even know your name she doesn't even know your existence you're funding her life and getting nothing in return dumb so look no matter what financial situation you are in we live in an unfortunate world where this becoming more and more common do not pay for only fans the next thing you want to avoid in your 20s is jewelry you need to understand the second that you buy it the value of it drops by 40 to 80 percent so please avoid jewelry unless you you know you're treating your mom treating
your girlfriend maybe your wife you know that's a different story but if you're trying to buy jewelry let's say for example for yourself you are really just pissing away the value of it you know there and then and that's why I made a similar video to this and I said watches are great you know when I get allocated a watch it takes me 15 seconds to decide like for example a couple days ago I got allocated a Patek Philippe Celestial that is a 250 000 pound watch so around like 300 000 watch from the boutique
but I don't really need to think about it because it is a hobby that I can enjoy I can park my money A lot of times even make money I mean for example this watch is worth nearly half a million dollars most people would never know that it is a platinum green dial Royal Oak you won't find many of this in the world purchases like this I don't really need to think about whereas you know so I'll gladly spend a quarter million dollars on a watch because for me I'm enjoying my hobby but then also
keeping my money safe whereas a ten thousand dollar piece of jewelry I'm like is that necessary is you know do I really need it because just remember it's not how much money you spend on something it's how much money you lose because if you spend a lot of money on something but you're just parking money there you know that your money is safe you know with watches a lot of cars you know a lot of collectible items if you know that your money is safe then you're not spending money or losing money you're just parking
money whereas with jewelry you really are just you know wasting money away so that's another thing I see a lot of people in their 20s especially a lot of people who listen to like a lot of rappers and want different chains and custom pieces and you know this and that I would avoid it and by the way I have some very cool pieces I mean it's nothing crazy but like maybe fifty thousand dollars worth of jewelry from Van Cleef Cartier a couple other uh smaller Brands and I can tell you honestly 360 days they year
I wear just a watch or maybe a lot of times no watch with how crazy watch crime is getting these days and a little string here and that's it really these days especially less is more now the next thing to avoid and I see a lot of people doing this and it makes me really sad honestly are any sort of crypto or gambling signal groups here's my issue in life people usually tend to only look at the upside when it comes to Opportunities or Investments and they never really think about just how much money they
could lose and by the way this is why through all of these years I've still stayed very passionate about helping people with their agency or service based business because they could not get a client for six months and it doesn't matter because their running costs are maybe 15 you know 30 maximum 50 a month whereas you know if you get into a crypto or gambling Trading Group and and you're putting two thousand dollars into that investment you could literally lose one thousand eight hundred one thousand nine hundred dollars worth of that so I would always
recommend stay away from any sort of you know gambling or crypto signals group and by the way there is a person I subscribe to their private gated crypto information but this person doesn't do signals they don't wake up and they're like okay Tuesday's call we're gonna do this and sell it at this and blah blah you know they talk about things from a macro perspective using risk levels never talk about a low-cap altcoin or anything like that you know it's all really about market conditions as a whole and studying that so the other thing that
I would say is if you get these subscriptions the issue is let's say you know this person is lucky that day and they do happen to make the right call okay you've made some money but you've trained yourself that the only way that you can make money is by copying someone else's trade using you know none of that beautiful brain of yours to actually bring value to the world provide value to a person or a business or whatever it may be an in return get money so please stay away from any specifically short-term speculative a
crypto or gambling signal groups now last purchase to stay away from in your 20s is any sort of strip clubs or casinos once again I think both by the way I will say I have never been to strip club and I've never been to casino and I don't say that to try to be on my high horse I want to at one point in my life like I know I'm the type of person I did LSD for the first time when I was 15 and I tried basically everything on the Sun by the time that
was 17 or 18. I think that's one of the reasons why as I've made all this money over the years I've stayed pretty grounded because I don't I've you know kind of been there done that and experienced it whenever it's you know whatever so as I said when I tell you to not go to the casino or strip club I don't mean that from a high horse position because I definitely do want to go at some point just to try it is that for me I can go in and spend 10 you know if I
lost twenty thousand dollars I wouldn't even blink twice it you know to me that's just some funny money for the day if you're making a hundred thousand dollars a year and you go in and you blow 3K like that's stupid and I see a lot a lot of people who go into casinos and spend money going casinos or strip clubs and spend money willy-nilly or once again they go in with the wrong intentions they go into Casino thinking oh I've got my 5K and you know maybe I can triple it okay cool maybe you could
also lose it all you're only thinking about the positives or they go into some of these adult clubs and end up you know Falling in Love With a Stripper and thinking that you know they actually care about them those things aren't necessarily bad if you go in with the right intention and you actually have the money just to spend and you know you don't even need to think twice about it but in your 20s avoid it just spend money in better ways please so they ladies and gentlemen there is a list of seven purchases to
avoid that you've probably never heard anywhere else because as I said I have spent millions and millions and millions here and by the way the reason I say that I've done all the stupid stuff you know there's a couple of things in here that I haven't done but like I've done all the stupid stuff I've spent money on about anything you can ever imagine all the things that people put on their wallpaper dream them I've done it all so I brought you a list today that is honest truthful transparent I'm not here to tell you
don't buy your five dollar coffee I'm not here to tell you you know don't go out and enjoy nice expensive restaurants with your friends but the things on this list specifically please please please think twice so now you know what not to spend your money on now I'm gonna give you a list of side hustles to actually get your money up this year so you 100 should check out this video on the best five side hustles to start this year
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