How DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE Sets Up X-FORCE in the MCU - Mutant Saga Explained!

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from now on we'll be known as xforce hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so Deadpool 4 is going to happen it's pretty much a done deal after the massive success of Deadpool and Wolverine and we believe that Deadpool 4 will finally be an exforce movie A BlackOps team of the most skilled mutants in the world working in secret to eliminate threats to their kind we're going to explain the X and how the movie is going to work after Secret Wars and how the story will connect to the next chapter of the MCU
and that is the mutant Saga because we think the X-Force movie will bring back cable and time travel and this will connect to an X-Men villain that we've never seen before on the big screen and also the big bat of the mutant Saga apocalypse and our idea will even include the Phoenix Force so this is how and why Deadpool 4 needs to be the xforce movie you're a goddamn superhero you X force x Force okay so Deadpool and Wolverine is breaking all kinds of Records it's one of the best and most successful MCU movies since
endgame now at some point when the MCU reboots the X-Men we will get a new Wolverine actor but that does not mean that it's all over for Hugh Jackman according to Kevin feige Hugh will be sticking around as Wolverine for a while possibly even after Avengers doomsday in secret Wars they're going to make him do this till he's 90 and while Ryan Reynolds hinted that he doesn't want to make another Deadpool movie who are we kidding here they're both going to be doing this till their 90 suck it [ __ ] I'm going to Disneyland
so when Deadpool 4 happens it's going to need something new for Wade and Logan and xforce is the best direction to go and yes they already kind of did xforce in Deadpool 2 I know that but that version of xforce was more of a gag and I'm talking about the badass xforce team from the comics the team was created by Rob lield in the early 1990s originally they were a team of young mutants who were led by the time traveling cable you time sliding son of a [ __ ] he trained and transformed these young
mutants into a militaristic strike for Force called the xforce the xforce has had many incarnations since the 1990s and not all of them were great but in 2008 Craig Kyle and Christopher yoast reinvented the team as a Black Ops operation led by Wolverine and this happened in the Messiah complex storyline remember that for later and finally we have one of the all-time best versions of the team The Uncanny xforce by Rick Remer Wolverine assembles a Black Ops Team of the best killers and damaged anti-heroes and all of them are mutants and they're going to do
some really terrible things but for the greater good I'd got International taking out Mass murderers gangsters unspeakable monsters people nobody would touch except me I'm going to touch them all over and this is what works so well about Deadpool and Wolverine when they're together each of them are trying to get away from the life of a killer but it's just like a bad habit that they can't quite quit and I mean and we can all relate to this we've all got some kind of bad habit we would like to break I know I do I
am still not welcom in St Louis well for instance whenever I get like super stressed out I want to squeeze my face really hard or clench my jaw on one side so I needed something to help me forget those bad oral fixation habits and replace them with a positive habit and that is why I started using fume they're the sponsor of this video hold on now person is that a vape no Doug this is not a vape it's not electronic and it does not have pods filled with potentially harmful chemicals instead it has these little
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for those who love to fidget and it's reusable so head to trium.vira your journey pack today so if the MCU actually makes an X-Force movie it will probably be the Black Ops team that kills anyone who endangers their kind so the MCU version of xforce could include Deadpool Wolverine x23 and cable we could also see The Return of domino and shatter star maybe Colossus joins despite him being more of a pure heart X-Men but there's also a deleted scene that shows that Gambit survived the battle in the void wo I'm about to make a name
for myself here and we could get some new characters in Deadpool 4 to kind of round out the team so here's we think xforce could work in Deadpool 4 and more importantly we're going to talk about how the xforce will connect to the mutant Saga but first we have to address what happens after Deadpool and Wolverine because Logan sticks around in the fox Universe alongside x23 and according to the TVA Wade has an important role to play in the future of the Multiverse one that could save the entire sacred timeline from a possibly Grizzly fate
sometime in the future this role will likely be revealed in Avengers doomsday in secret Wars why start crying but afterward Deadpool 4 could go either one of two ways it looks like the MCU is going to do a soft reboot after Seeker Wars and that will mean that the Multiverse will be reshuffled and all the heroes will be part of the same continuity but wait if old Wolverine is in this universe then what happens to new Wolverine well if you mean the Hugh Jackman version from Deadpool and Wolverine he could stick around because in the
mutant Saga there can be room for two Wolverines but how would they do that well the very nature of the xforce is to be this super secret X-Men black Force Strike Team no one is supposed to know about their existence and they deal with threats to mutant kind by killing them but in secret there is no such thing so this Wolverine will stay hidden and work from the Shadows but in this rebooted Earth 616 there will be a new Wolverine played by a new actor maybe it's going to be Henry caval or someone new and
this Logan will be part of the main X-Men stories two Wolverines two Batman two jokers three spider Peters two fast two furious person this is all just too much yeah I know this this might be a little too convoluted but we think it could work or maybe Deadpool stays in his own separate thing even after the soft reboot and he will exist in a different universe but sometimes he will cross over with the new MCU so this brings us to xforce and why the team will be assembled in Deadpool 4 so regardless of Deadpool joins
the MCU universe or stays in his own separate Universe Wolverine will stay with Wade for a while he's got no reason to go back to his original Universe I told you you're not welcome here you're not welcome anywhere and now that he has a new home and an adopted daughter he could get a second chance at life after the ending of Deadpool and Wolverine Wade will probably focus on his life with Vanessa possibly even retiring from that anti-hero life but Wolverine will not be able to move on from his past sure he found some semblance
of inner peace at the end of the movie I am wearing this suit and that means a lot of things but most of all it means I'm an X-Man but don't forget that he's dealing with tremendous trauma the X-Men of his Universe were massacred by humans he blames himself for their deaths because he wasn't around to save them in the whole world against the X-Men they died while he was on a bender their deaths unleashed the animal inside so all that trauma rage and pain doesn't just vanish overnight I started killing and I couldn't stop
I didn't want to stop all those bad men it's not just the bad ones so what happens when Wolverine faces humans who seek to hurt his kind because no matter what happens to Deadpool's Universe after Secret Wars there will still be Prejudice and hatred toward mutants Some Humans will always hunt down kill and exploit mutant kind and don't forget in Logan most mutants had already been exterminated and this is still technically the future of Deadpool's timeline unless of course Wade and Logan change the future which seems to be very likely based on the ending of
this movie you not only saved your world you spared your timeline from Extinction still in most X-Men Stories the dark future has a tendency of repeating itself and mutants always find themselves at the point of Extinction so Wolverine will do anything in his power to stop what happened on his world from happening again especially since he must protect Laura now this will drive him to go after Anyone who puts mutant kind in danger and that involves killing those threats Wolverine's actions will lead him to a big conspiracy against mutants and this is where he meets
cable the name's cable from the future the same cable from Deadpool 2 yes and no Cable's timeline was changed after Wade stops Russell from becoming an evil mutant in case you forgot in the future Russell goes on to become a serial killer who wiped out Cable's family so based on the rules of time travel in Deadpool 2 Cable's future would now be different and like most X-Men time travel Stories the future is going to be like even worse now Marty you've got to come back with me where Back to the Future and cable himself is
influenced by these changes in the time stream so what happened why is the future all sucking now in the comics Wolverine's Black Ops X force was formed during the Messiah complex storyline so in our story cable goes back into time to achieve a mission in the present day but unlike Deadpool 2 this time he isn't there to kill a child but to save one cable is after a teenager named Hope and she looks a lot like the woman Logan loved Jean Gray so when cable meets Wolverine he explains that hope is the key to the
future of mutant kind and there are some really bad people after her so right here's hope I'm getting there hang on so Wolverine agrees to help him and this is where he convinces way to come out of retirement and the three of them assemble xforce and they are going to be going against one of the best X-Men villains who never appeared in an X-Men movie and that's Mr Sinister my name is Sinister Mr Sinister xforce is the perfect movie for sinister to finally show up in live action because he's connected to cable and the other
major X-Men big bad and savenor AKA apocalypse and we think that apocalypse is going to be the main villain of the mutant Saga oh my God okay it's happening now before we get even deeper into this I want to let you guys know that we are about to go on tour and you can see screen Crush Live starting on November 14th in Boston we're going to meet you guys face to face nerd out about Star Wars and Marvel have heated discussions on these topics it's going to be a lot of fun the links for that
and our new Discord server are below also we have some sweet new designs at our merch store like this Joker Monday's parody shirt we also have Agatha parody merch like it'll be a gas and tons of dead por and Wolverine parody merch like the oo I'm about to make a name for myself shirt the links for everything are below thanks for watching and helping us out so here's how it all connects you see originally sinister was a scientist from the 19th century named Nathaniel Essex he had some extreme ideas about Evolution and the mutants would
become the superior race and this is why apocalypse recruited him and he turned Sinister into this Immortal vampiric mutant hybrid why because apocalypse's whole thing is survival of the fittest he wants to create a world with the most powerful beings alive and mutants just happen to fit that description we're the next stage of human evolution so he gets Sinister to start doing all kinds of evil experiments to achieve his perfect race but Sinister ends up working against his master and he believes that the only way to defeat apocalypse is with The Offspring of Scott Summers
and Jean Gray and through some convoluted means and some clones Nathan Summers AKA cable is born but Nathan is sent to the Future because he's infected with the deadly virus and that's how he became cable the time traveling badass mercenary who is obsessed with killing in saor perfectly not confusing and this is why Hope Summers is going to fit into the story so that's the kid of Cyclops and Jun no but her grandpa's Palpatine somehow Palpatine returned well look actually no kiding but it's a little bit confusing she's not Scott and Jean's daughter Hope was
conceived with the Phoenix force and Jean was the host of The Phoenix Force so the short version is that Jean by proxy of the Phoenix is kind of Hope's mom and her dad yeah okay I'm really sorry I asked now in the comics Hope was so special because she was the mutant Messiah the mutant population almost went extinct after the josha massacre and then Wanda went kind of crazy and changed reality with three simple words no more mutants almost all the mutants in the world lost their power rendering their race to only a handful but
a while later the Phoenix Force allowed the first mutant birth since Wanda's decimation and that child was named Hope Hope's birth led to the events of the Messiah complex where everyone wanted to get their hands on Hope and this is where Wolverine's ex force was formed now in the end cable took the baby hope into the future to raise her as his own so then they could restore and protect mutant kind so they basically became like Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us or I guess more like Logan and Laura these two [Applause] not
okay so how's all that relevant to this video person okay so the next MCU Saga is going to be the mutant Saga apocalypse and the Phoenix should be at the center of this story and hope could be how we get to that epic story in fact this could also give us Avengers versus X-men yes let this man cook because Hope's connection to the Phoenix is the reason why the Avengers and X-Men fight in the comics but here's the thing the mutants won't be on the edge of Extinction in the next Saga so hope being the
first Mutant baby doesn't really work unless they figure out a story where it makes sense this is where the fun begins the Phoenix represents the spark of life in the Multiverse it is one of the most powerful forces in existence so when the Multiverse is Reborn the Phoenix will choose a mutant child as its future host and that will be hope so one day the Phoenix will bond with hope a force that could bring order to the Multiverse or it could burn all of reality in our story cable already took hope into the future to
protect her from everyone and also to keep the Phoenix from finding her hope discovers her destiny after she and cable are hunted by another time traveling badass Bishop now in the comics Bishop wanted to kill hope because that was the only way to stop the mutant genocide in his timeline so in our story this future is wrecked because in the past apocalypse harnessed the Phoenix Force to become a god Bishop goes after hope because killing her will prevent apocalypse from being able to use the Phoenix Force we've got to find a way nobody gets in
my way I got a job to do and I can't let you do it now sure this is a little similar to the plot of Deadpool 2 that's just lazy writing a time traveler who goes back in time to kill a teenager to prevent a bad future and I'm sure that when they adapted Deadpool 2 they did use this story as an inspiration so doing this again with Bishop might be a repeat but hey this worked for Terminator 2 so why not go for it in the Marvel Cinematic Universe anyways hope decides to stop all
these terrible futures from happening and she travels to the present to stop Sinister now because in the present day he will discover her importance and that's how apocalypse ends up getting her powers but this is exactly what triggers Sinister to discover Hope's importance in the present which is how that dark future happens wa which came first it's like a sck eating its own tail and hope went back in time without cable because she doesn't want to stay put while the fate of the world hinges on her so she basically runs off on her overprotective dad
cable travels to the present to find Hope and he gets help from exforce to stop Sinister from weaponizing Hope and triggering the Very future she's trying to prevent but the exforce must keep Hope's importance a secret so that's why they operate like a Black Ops Team they go after Sinister and his goons but they also end up clashing with bad humans and of course Bishop who travels to the present day to kill hope urer save the teenager save the world right yes but it's a bit more complicated than that Bishop's addition adds a lot of
conflicts to the team because when Wolverine fights Bishop Logan discovers what happened in Bishop's future and this throws him off because he will do anything to prevent another buttin Massacre so what if a similar event triggered the genocide of the X-Men in his universe so now he must face a terrible Choice save hope and risk apocalypse gaining the powers of the Phoenix or kill her in the present to save countless mutants in the future we are who we choose to be now choose and this is why The Uncanny X Force story was so brilliant because
in that story The exforce faced a similar dilemma when they had to kill a child version of ins saavor a choice that led to a great story why not travel back to when he was a baby kill him then or better yet head back a little further kill Baby Hitler and to add more drama here's a cool twist what if in Wolverine's Universe Nathan was never taken into the future and he never became cable instead Nathan was raised by his parents with the X-Men Logan was an outsider in his family and he was jealous of
Scott being with Jean however he had a soft spot for Lil Nathan so Logan was like this Uncle to Young Nate when the humans massacred the X-Men Nathan was among the dead but now Wolverine reunites with Nathan but he's a completely different person so this creates this really interesting story where Wolverine and cable just can't get along and they always fight but at the same time Logan has this need to protect Scott's son because he blames himself for what happened to his X-Men and both of them adopted two girls who they swore to protect who
represent Redemption for all the bad stuff they did they will be this dysfunctional group of people who all share a connection with each other but those people aren't actually the ones that they know so what does that mean well for example Wade is a wolverine Fanboy but not of this version I waited a long time for this team up Laura is Logan's daughter but not this Logan Wolverine remembers cable as a child but this adult soldier from the future is not the boy he knew and with everything that Wade has been through previously he could
be the glue that holds this team together and even Inspire them to be better and to not let a possible future dictate their actions in the present the future's not set there's no fi about what we make for ourselves but this movie will also establish the larger scale plot for the mutant Saga so if the xforce movie takes place on Earth 616 then this directly leads into the story of the mutant Saga because there's the looming thread of Phoenix and apocalypse with the Phoenix on its way this could be how we get Avengers versus X-men
because when the Avengers discover that hope is the host of The Phoenix they will try to contain her putting them in direct conflict with the X-Men but if Deadpool and X Force takes place in Another Universe then the plot could still lead into the mutant Saga at large because the Phoenix is a multiversal reality changing force and it is coming and hope isn't the only host there's also Jean Gray so where down the line the xforce could hop into Earth 616 and help the Avengers and the X-Men deal with apocalypse and the Phoenix in fact
here's an idea at the end of X Force Bishop is convinced not to kill hope and he helps the teams to stop Sinister but then Bishop travels back to his time and it turns out that his home timeline was actually Earth 616 and he sees that his future has gone all wrong and his world is ruled by apocalypse who took over with the help of Jean Gray after she became dark Phoenix one thing has become clear this is the darkest most terrible timeline which will set the dark Phoenix story line for the mutant Saga Phoenix
Saga but Fox did that twice already and it was really bad birth times but this is a story that needs to be done right and the mutant Saga is the perfect opportunity to do it and when the heroes battle the dark Phoenix hope will arrive with exforce after she has merged with the Phoenix force of her Universe xforce has so much potential and just the idea of Deadpool Wolverine and cable teaming up killing bad guys and going on secret Black Ops missions should be enough to get this movie going so what do you guys think
the MCU should do with xforce do you want the Phoenix to have a big role in the mutant Saga and who should be part of the xforce team big shout out to Pavel T who made this video you can find his links below let us know your ideal xforce lineup down in the comments or at me on Twitter and if you're new here welcome to the Channel Please Subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
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