Prayer Code Mysteries | Gregg Braden

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What is Prayer Code and how does it work? Join Gregg Braden in this Gaia's Missing Links Series comp...
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a new physics is emerging to reflect the new discoveries regarding the Divine Matrix and we need a new physics because the conventional physics of the past simply cannot explain what the experiments are showing us and what we now know to be true about the universe in just a few short decades our view of physical matter shifted from thinking of the atom for example as a discret thing of electrons and protons and neutrons that look like a tiny solar system with planets orbiting a sun well we've gone from that View to a new view of pulsing
fields of energy where electrons are places of probabilities rather than things in space and time well it's this shift that's led to the acceptance of the idea that the atom itself is about 99.999999999% empty space there is no empty space nature doesn't like empty so what appears as the empty is actually filled to the brim with the energy of the field the higs field The Divine Matrix and all the potential that that Matrix holds well when we think about this it's actually really good news for you and me because what it means is that most
of the stuff that makes the universe as well as the stuff that makes your body and my body that stuff beyond the 4% that we know is matter it's the Matrix and we we now know that the Matrix is a malleable field of energy it's a field of energy that changes in response to what we feed that field and that we have direct access to that field through our user interface of codes like language and emotion now once again I know this is a very very different way of thinking about the world and about our
bodies on the one hand because we are steeped in the story of physical matter and separation but on the other hand what I'm sharing with you right now it is where the Leading Edge discoveries are taking us right now so while these discoveries may sound complex the whole process is actually very simple the process of how we interact with this Matrix and I want to say to you in my years my Decades of exploration uh of the universe and the world and my body as a scientist uh I found that nature is actually very simple
nature is simple nature works upon simple principles and it only becomes complex when we make it complex through the words that we use to describe it or the mathematics that we use to describe it if you consider the image that you're seeing on your screen right now on the left hand side what you're seeing is a representation of a field of energy that's in motion now in the quantum world this represents potential but you can see that the motion is behaving in a very specific way can you see on the screen how the energy seems
to be imploding okay the moving is the energy is moving from outward and it's being directed inward toward the center if that's not clear to you the second image on your screen may help to see by comparison this is also representing energy in the matrix it's representing Quantum possibilities but can you see what's happening can you see how the energy appears to be emerging from a central source and moving outward and when you look at these two images together they are a very good very accurate representation of precisely what's happening in The Divine Matrix all
around us in our lives all the time in the field that surrounds us the field that we are part of remember every atom of your body every atom of my body it's not like we're in the field we are emerging constantly from this field it's a dynamic state all right so if you consider this field that we are emerging from that we're interacting with from the perspective of what I'm saying to you right now all possibilities already exist in this field all possibilities already exist as Quantum potential it's kind of like saying there really isn't
anything new it's all already been created as potential in the field all right so here's what happens you and I when we choose to create something new in our lives we choose to heal our bodies when we hold the image in our mind of what it is that we choose to create the act of holding the image in our minds is the act of us reaching into the potential of this field of the Divine Matrix we're literally reaching in on an energetic level in the presence of all of these possibilities and we're finding the one
that we now have created the focus upon all right and once we find that I want to show you what happens the next image that you see on your screen is also a field of energy all right but can you see how this field is different than the other two the one in the left the energy is imploding inward the one on in the center now the energy is emerging from the center I'm going to ask you to ask yourself what's happening to the one you see on the far right is it imploding inward no
is it is it emerging from the center no it's pulsing in place that is the secret to creating in The Divine Matrix that's the secret to reaching in to the potential grabbing that potential in your life and isolating that potential and making it into something that is real because what you're seeing right now the energy that is pulsing in place that is the energy of an atom so an atom is a field of energy it's not imploding inward it's not emerging out uh from within it is vibrating it's pulsing in place that is the energy
that is represented as physical matter in our world so now we've gone from Quantum potential to physical reality in our world and in our lives so when we have in our imagination and there are different ways that we're condition to imagine prayer is a form of imagination when we are asking for a possibility to be fulfilled in our lives what we're asking is for the ability to reach into that field of quantum potential isolate that possibility our healing or the healing of our loved ones or our perfect relationship or uh the abundance or success or
whatever it is in our lives what we're doing is we're reaching into that field of potential where all things are in motion all those possibilities it's like oh there's my perfect relationship oh well there it goes because because look at what's happening it's in motion or there there's my healing but oh look well it's it's fleeting it's where did it go because it's in motion we are the only form of life that we're aware of right now that are given the gift of consciously in a moment in time choosing to reach into to this state
of energetic potential to collapse the waves of what is possible into something that is real and it's represented by the atom in our lives so another way of saying this there are different ways of of looking at what we're doing if you're a scientist what you would say is that in the field are the scalar potentials scalar waves and it's when we reach in and isolate those they become the vector reality of Our Lives or if that sounds too complicated what you say is we reach in with the possibility of a wish or a prayer
and the reality is the outcome of that wish or that prayer when we create in the field in The Matrix either consciously or subconsciously what we think of as making something happen is better described as us choosing an outcome that already exist in a field of many possible outcomes by collapsing the infinite possibility of the Matrix into the finite experience of a single choice and that choice becomes part of the 4% of the universe that we see as physical matter this is where language comes in the words that we choose are the codes that direct
our neurons to reach into the field of all possibilities into the quantum Matrix into the Divine Matrix and once again to collapse those many potentials into the single discrete experience that we have chosen in our our lives so the question becomes what language are you using what language are you using to direct your relationship with the Divine Matrix what words do you use in your conversations in your interactions with people day in and day out do you use your words consciously or are they unconscious are you saying things subconsciously to the field that you would
never intentionally say in a million years and you know when you hear things like this uh there was a brilliant man that I studied with years ago Robert Tennison Stevens who uh brought the ideas of conscious languaging forward in in the 20th century in a way that had not been done since the time of Benjamin Lee Warf uh and I remember some of the examples uh that Robert Stevens gave to us and and things that we say every day what if everything that you speak with your words is actually a command to the field what
if every word is a command even the things that we say oh we're just kidding or we're just joking how many times do we say oh that really cracks me up when you're laughing about something do you really want to be saying that to the field how many times do people say oh this is to die for I would die for this is that really what you want to be saying to the field I could give you examples uh and I do in in the books and in a lot of our our live interactions and
in our workshops that people who have experienced precisely what it is that they're saying into the field it's very common in the entertainment industry before someone goes on stage for the people behind you to say break a leg I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to people and as they're walking onto the stage or in one case actually already on the stage and the speaker literally walked off of the back of the stage what he thought was was Solid Ground and I I can't scientifically connect that experience of him literally walking off
the stage and breaking a leg to what happened behind the stage but the parallels the are are so close so what I have learned to do now when I'm backstage with myself and my friends and someone comes up and says to us break a leg I'll say no heal a heart and we'll walk out on the stage and now I'm going to stages where I've never been and the people backstage are saying to me hey heal a heart so it's making the rounds it's having an effect and it's a very very conscious way of thinking
about ourselves but let me invite you to think about this affirmations are very popular in our culture right now and the idea of an affirmation I I think it can be potentially useful however to Simply say the same thing a bajillion times in a day uh may not always have the impact if we're not saying it within the brain State and the Heart state that allows what we're saying to be interpreted in a meaningful way Way by The Matrix in next episode we're going to talk about this but I want to give you some examples
these are are common affirmations and not criticizing the authors I'm not criticizing the affirmation these people were very well-intentioned but based upon what you and I are doing right now and what you now know to be true I'm going to invite you to to listen to these affirmations and see where they could be stronger now I've chosen you're seeing them on the screen these are some cards popular cards from an affirmation deck look at what the first one is saying New Balance is coming to my body Now new balance is coming to my body now
the second one I'm ready to enjoy perfect health or the third one I am willing to release old patterns and negative beliefs let's start with that third one I'm willing to release old patterns negative beliefs if the if the universe if the field if the Matrix is hearing that what is the Matrix hearing Matrix is hearing okay you're ready and you're ready and you're ready but there is no outcome when is it actually going to happen so the universe says okay you can be ready and you can be ready and you can be ready doesn't
mean that it's going to happen I am ready to enjoy perfect health the same thing the universe says wow we're really glad you're ready that's a good that's a good place to be let us know when you want it to happen because it's not in the affirmation the first one new balance is coming to my body if you stopped there it would be open-ended the first one says new new balance is coming to my body now so there's an outcome it's happening in the moment now you might say the these are subtle uh and that
I'm uh I'm dividing hairs what I want to say to you is that our words are powerful and our words as you saw in a previous episode are the result of the compression of the air within our bodies to create the acoustic waveforms that we emit into the Divine Matrix and they have an effect so I'm going to invite you to think about what you're saying to the field what are you saying to The Matrix and where it makes sense maybe change up that communication change up that code just a little bit I know what
I'm saying to you is a very different way of thinking once again it's it's very different from the way you and I have been led to think about ourselves and our relationship to the world it's a very different way for science to think about us and our reality but I also know this what I'm saying to you what I'm sharing with you the Leading Edge discoveries the Leading Edge research the Rock Solid science it's also the key to the next step in human evolution we're moving from powerless victims of Life circumstances to self-empowered Masters of
our own internal technology so what I'd like to do is share an example this is a story it's a true story that happened to me when I left the corporations in the early 1990s and I moved uh to a piece of land in the high desert of Northern New Mexico and those of you that live in that part of the world you may remember the 1990s was one of the worst droughts in recorded history it was terrible cattle were dying crops were dying uh people were selling their Farms because they could no longer support themselves
on the land and it was during this time that a native friend of mine called me one morning uh and to honor his privacy I'm going to call him David even though David is is not really his name but David called me one morning and he asked me he said Greg would you like to meet me and accompany me to a place place that is so old no one even knows who built this place it was built by the hands of our ancestors it is a wheel it is a circle of stone where we offer
our prayers because in this place the skin between the worlds is very thin I love that terminology so he said would you like to join me to offer a prayer of rain and I didn't have to think twice I said you bet and I met David and we hiked into this place I wasn't prepared for what I saw as as an Anglo as a Westerner I expected to see some chanting some kind of ceremony uh maybe some dancing what I saw was David he sat in the ground he took off his old work boots he
unlaced them and put them outside the circle he stepped into the circle with his his naked feet on the ground he closed his eyes he honored all of his ancestors he honored the directions all six of them and then he closed his eyes with his hands in a prayer mudra over his heart just for a few seconds this is outside of the town of ta New Mexico it's the nearest city of any size and he looked at me he opened his eyes he looked and he said um he said I'm hungry you want to get
a bite to eat and he was inside the circle and I said well yes I said but I thought you were going to pray for rain and he looked at me and what he said has stayed with me so powerfully for so long and it's helped so many people when they think about how this prayer Works he looked at me said no he said if I prayed for rain rain could never happen he said because the moment I Pray For Rain I have just told the universe that rain does not exist here the moment I
pray for it to happen I'm acknowledging that it's not here now and I said well if you didn't Pray For Rain just now I said when you close your eyes what you what did you just do and he said when I Clos my eyes he said I felt the feeling of what it feels like when it rains in my Pueblo Village he say I felt the feeling of what it feels like to stand with my naked feet in the mud and the mud is there because there's been so much rain he said I smelled the
smells of what the rain smells like when it rolls off the Earth and walls from our poblo and I felt what it would feel like to walk through the corn that's this High against my naked chest and it's this High because there's been so much rain to grow the corn and then I give thanks of gratitude and appreciation for the rain that has already happened he's brought together so many of the concepts he's acknowledging that there's a field out there number one that he's communicating with that field he's acknowledging that the feeling is the language
that the field recognizes it's not so much about the words the words can be spoken however if the words are spoken the goal is to create the feeling all right and he's acknowledging that he has the potential as a man a human in the presence of this field to reach inside of the field into the realm of all things that are possible and isolate the possibility of his choice and collapse that potential into something real in our world and he's doing it through a very sophisticated internal technology that we call the Lost mode of prayer
it is a feeling based prayer the key feeling as if the prayer is already answered David and I went in the tal New Mexico we had lunch about an hour south of where this prayer was was uh offered by the time I got back onto my land something began to happen that we hadn't seen in a long time big black clouds came in over the Sanger de Cristo mountains it started to rain and it rained and it rained and rained and rained it rained all that night it rained the next morning it rained the next
afternoon it rained and rained it rained so much the ground was so dry it couldn't absorb the rain and everything began to flood Fields were flooded cattle were stranded roads were washed out and I called my friend on the phone I'm I'm just going to share this with you I called my friend friend on the phone and I said David man this is a mess I said what is happening and he was quiet just for a moment and he said Greg that's the part of the prayer Our Ancestors could never figure out he said they
could tell it to rain but they couldn't tell it how much to rain so I cannot prove to you scientifically that David's prayer had anything to do with the rain that came in that afternoon I cannot prove that to you as a scientist as a scientist what I have to say is there's a high correlation between the rain that appeared that hadn't been seen in a long time and what David had just done hours earlier when we talk about these things some of these are anecdotal stories but they're illustrating from an indigenous perspective a very
powerful concept look at what David did he Incorporated all of his senses he didn't ask for something to happen he felt it had already happened he smelled what it smells like when it happens he heard the sounds of the rain I didn't even tell you about that part but he heard the sounds of the rain and he felt as if that rain is already there I'm going to invite you to think about this as we go into this this modality of prayer that I'm going to share with you so the principles that I'm sharing this
mode are very simple they're also very ancient and everything I'm saying to you we see the instructions for this kind of prayer for this code that allows us to speak directly to the Matrix we see these principles uh recorded in some of our most ancient cherished spiritual traditions and I'm talking about lost biblical books that I described earlier in this program these are the books that were discovered in the mid 20th century as the NOG hamadi library in Egypt remember the the Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest records of the Old Testament the Nadi Library
are the oldest records of the New Testament both of them found on the mid 20th century the 1940s and in that nagadi Library the 43 plus books that were completely removed from the biblical cannon in the 4th Century by the emperor Constantine were intact in the Nadi Library including the Gospel of Thomas that we've spoken about earlier Thomas the Scribe that followed the master Jesus the teacher not a religious man from this perspective but he followed the teacher and he recorded the words the exact words of the teacher and this is important because there is
a place in the Gospel of Thomas where his students asked the teacher how to communicate with the field they didn't use those terms they asked how to communicate with God and it's in the Gospel of Thomas that we find the instructions for the fifth mode the Lost mode of prayer so it's in the Gospel of Thomas that we actually find the instructions for this fifth or this L mode of prayers as I mentioned so let me first read to you the translation in the authorized version of the King James Bible as we see it today
if you'd like to see this for yourself it's in King James version of The Book of John John 16-23 is where you would find this I know you've heard this before how many of you have heard uh ask and you shall receive that's where this comes from let me read you the translation the translation goes like this whatsoever ye ask the father in my name he will give it to you ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full okay and that's the end of the translation I don't know about you when I
was a kid I would ask and ask and ask and not much would happen and I became very frustrated many people do and we feel powerless we feel that our prayers really aren't making any any difference because we're not seeing uh any way to reinforce that our prayers have actually done something they've made a difference I to go back into the original Aramaic translation uh and Greek and Aramaic both but this is going to be from the original Aramaic in the Gospel of Thomas you see Greek and Aramaic is why I'm clarifying this and I
want to read you and it's very close but there is a powerful and subtle difference that was left out in the translation and it may very well be because the translators did not understand what you and I are exploring right now because they didn't understand it they simply streamlined the languaging so in the translated version uh and if you'd like to see this for yourself it comes from Neil Douglas CLS is the the name of the translator there a little book called prayers of the cosmos it is a beautiful beautiful book where he rates so
many of of the very powerful prayers and this is one of them now listen to the difference in the original text it begins a very similar way quote all things that you ask straightly directly from inside my name you'll be given okay now here comes the translation that was in error this is the original ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer be enveloped by what you desire that your gladness be full that is a single very powerful statement I'm going to break this down ask without hidden motive that is inviting you to
ask without attachment to the outcome it's actually a very Buddhist concept ask without attachment to the rightness the wrongness the goodness the Badness or the Joy or the disappointment is as to whether or not your prayer is answered without attachment to the outcome okay be be surrounded by your answer be enveloped by what you desire the only way to be is if those things are already present your prayer is already answered you're coming from the place that the prayer has already been answered so the key to what we're saying here feel the feeling feel as
if the prayer is already answered with as many senses as you can smell touch taste hearing feel as if your body is already healed feel as if your perfect relationship is already present feel as if your abundance is already present invoke all of those senses earlier in this series I suggested a new model for creation in the way that it works and a new philosophy that says that our creation that Consciousness is constantly informing us of ourselves through our Creations the things that we create art music books the things that we create that we believe
are entertainment or creative EXP expression in addition to those things that they are actually us informing us of ourselves informing us of our relationship to the field so that we can remind ourselves of this very powerful internal technology prayer is a perfect example of what I'm talking about here now I'm going to do this in a very condensed format to give you the sense for what I'm saying and then you can take this idea and you can apply it in your own prayers I'm going to give you a template to do just that I worked
in the corporations and as a scientist as a senior computer systems designer during the Cold War years I understand computer systems really well and one of the things that amazed me is no matter how complex or how simple they are whether we're writing 3 million lines of code which happens with some of the systems that are being used uh in the in the research industry or or just a couple of lines of code the programs will always follow the same template here's the template there is always an introduction that tells the program what is about
to happen they're called declaration statements then following the Declaration there is the work the body of the program that's actually doing the calculations and then there is a close something to bring the program to closure all right that is the way the most sophisticated computer systems in our world work today if we are building in our world if Consciousness is informing us in our world something we know and need to know about ourselves then the question is is it possible that those most sophisticated computers can be telling us something about the way we communicate with
the Matrix the answer is yes the template that allows the most sophisticated computers and the way to work the way it works is precisely the template that allows your prayers to work the way they work and your prayers when you build your prayers I'm going to invite you to do precisely this the first statement of your prayer a declaration statement tell the field tell the Matrix tell Consciousness tell God what it is that you're about to do in a single phrase or a brief sentence be be concise you can simply say this is a Prayer
of Healing for my body or a Prayer of Healing uh regarding my loved ones and then in the code what is it that you want to happen but come from the place that it's already happened give thanks for what is already already occurred I give thanks for the Perfection of my body for the healing of my body for the healing of my loved ones for the the healing of my relationship all right this is the the body of the code the closure so beautiful and so powerful in the closure we're telling the field that it's
already done and for the closure the texts invite us to use the original Aramaic the original arama there's something about these words let me share them with you the words La Alam am amen aan amen at the end of your prayer what does that mean it means I seal this prayer in trust and faith and Truth amen I can't think of a more powerful more sophisticated more beautiful technology that has been left to us than our ability to communicate with this field in a meaningful way and I've just shared with you one template there may
be others this is a very powerful template that was left to us 2500 years ago that allows us to do just that that the bottom line of everything I'm saying to you is through the fifth mode of prayer Our feeling based prayer we are given the ability to communicate directly with the possibilities exist in the Universal field in this Divine Matrix and to do so in a language that the Matrix recognizes our most ancient and cherished spiritual Traditions have preserved the knowledge and the technique to interact with the Divine Matrix and for us to rewrite
our our personal as well as the global reality code if an elevated magnetic field can bring about peace and cooperation in response to a tragedy can we do it without the tragedy and the answer is yes we're doing it all the time now what I want to show you right now this is a snapshot of the random number generator right now I think there are 21 random number generators live and at lunch I was able to link into the server at Princeton and if it is still running I've got it in the tray if it's
still running we can see this live you want to see it let's see what this looks like so here here's the static image and what you're seeing is as they become less random you're going to see these things Spike let's see let's see if I can get this up here so right now there are um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 uh 21 of the random number generators They al right now they're sending back information they're picking this information up they're in Residence with the field in the field of our planet
there is apparently no big one thing happening and everybody's kind of doing their own thing if a spaceship landed on the lawn of the US White House just saying or maybe a spaceship landed on the lawn of every capital of every nation simultaneously and it was televised and the whole world saw it what you would see is the randomness would go away and it would become more ordered because we are focused on this event it's showing that Consciousness is literally not a metaphor it's literally linked to the the field of the planet that we live
on the magnetic field this opened up a whole new new Arena of research now this is Princeton University it's called the global uh Consciousness project all right so I'm going to go back Isn't that cool to see this yeah it's absolutely amazing we just got access to the server so we can see so each one of these is numbered and that number links to a location I don't know where the locations are and these are readings that are coming up. 5.3.2 there was a spike something happened right there so there are locations where where people
are becoming more ordered less random there are experiments that are done where we I've actually participated in experiments where we've LED Global meditations or Global prayers and it's been reflected on on what you see right here The Institute of heart math now that you're experts and familiar with heart math took that information that took that data and asked a question and formed a hypothesis here's the hypothesis the thinking is that strong Collective human emotion you're the only form of life that can consciously influence the magnetics of the planet you live on to create peace and
cooperation when you needed the most no other form of life can do that here's the hypothesis strong Collective emotion has a measurable impact on the geomagnetic field of the earth it does that hypothesis led to this project the project is called now the global coherence initiative so it's gone from a project to an initiative I'm proud to say I'm on the steering committee of this project I support it I believe in it uh it's under the radar so it's not regulated by any government organization the military is fascinated but it they are not being given
they're given the data but we want to keep this independent we don't want this under the offices of a federal organization or anything else it's an independent firstof its kind study let me show you the statement of purpose the global coherence initiative or GC I for short it is the first science-based initiative ever designed for this sole purpose the only purpose is to unite millions of people from vared beliefs and cultures and backgrounds and religions and spiritual Traditions to shift Global Consciousness from instability and chaos to balance and cooperation never has a science project they've
done it as a as a side never has the money been spent and the energy and the time and the technology and the expertise to develop a system to facilitate cooperation on a global level isn't that beautiful I mean I can can you feel that I can feel it when I say it now here's how it's happened it's a two-phase program the thinking is very simple and this is why what you did is so powerful beyond your body Glo Global coherence so personal Co is it right there personal coherence leads to social coherence it does
when you become coherent within your being you influence people in the boardroom I've done experiments it's a hoot to see how people in the boardroom re now I'm not saying you walk into the boardroom and say hey I'm a coherent being and I expect coherence I would never do that but when you carry yourself incoherence into a a meeting the meeting changes people respond and usually in a positive way more willing to work together better listeners more willing to cooperate happens in the family experiments have shown in cities over 10,000 people hospital room visits emergency
hospital room visits will decline violent crimes against people will decline uh crimes will decline while the coherence is in place and when it stops all those statistics reverse so we know that there is an effect it leads to social coherence leads to Global coherence boy if we ever needed coherence I can't think of a better time than right now so look at what's happening look at the Symmetry it's only now when we've reached the close of a cycle of time that was described in our most ancient and cherished spiritual Traditions when the science is telling
us that we are more polarized as a planet than we have ever ever been when there is a movement and a struggle for power and control of our thoughts our beliefs our history and our very humanness and the technology is now available to impose other people's ideas of life upon our bodies only now do we have the ability to influence the field that connects all of that thinking and the way that we do it is by following our most ancient and cherished spiritual principles of returning to our heart in a precise way isn't that beautiful
I mean you can't make this stuff up now if you don't know that if you're stuck in this little box the world looks really scary but I want to tell you I've never been more optimistic I'm a realist we're going to go through some tough times before we get to wherever it is that we're leading ourselves but we now have the tools and we're empowered to do it in a healthy way we don't have to hurt one another we don't have to lie we don't have to create fear in young people to get them to
think and act and believe in a certain way we can we're doing it it's happening now and you're seeing what the results are there's another way now let me show you how this works this project Global coherence initiative two phases first phase is we need to measure the fields those random number generators aren't the way to measure the fields there's something else and number two we need to feed the field we need to positively influence those fields and we know how by creating coherence so here's phase one listening to the magnetic fields of the earth
could do it with satellites they're very expensive a lot of Technology heartmath decided to use groundbased sensors this is very cool here's what the first sensor looked like all right you can see the people stand by look how big this thing is it's like almost 5T tall but you know what happens with technology as soon as it's developed it's improved usually miniaturized and we went from this as the first sensor if you like blueprints there there's what it looked like these are measuring magnetic fields of the planet if you like blueprints here's what the new
sensor looks like and when you install it it went from this to this who wouldn't want one of those in your yard but they can't go in every yard they're very specific places on Earth they have to be very quiet places geomagnetically quiet tectonically quiet electromagnetic field influence quiet not a lot of traffic whole lot of parameters groundwater a lot of things this is the first sensor and this is at harmath headquarters right now these are the active sensors the ones I've Circle there is one in New Zealand that's active one in Saudi Arabia the
Saudis the medical community in Saudi Arabia sponsored to site they wanted to be in on this from the very beginning and they've been really good partners the medical community one in South Africa one in uh northern Europe there is one in in Canada and there is heart maath in the United States the ones that are not circled are sites that are potential sites all of this is funded only through personal contributions no grants nothing is because we don't want to be beholden to anybody for anything keeping it independent keeping it honest and that's exactly what's
happening so phase one is listening to the Earth the system works this is what one day worth of data is showing the bands that you see are the different striations of the magnetic fields of the Earth the brightness is when it's active here is a whole month of data this is the month of December uh the system took Christmas day off the system was down for some reason a couple of other days but this is a month of data phase two is feeding the field in a positive way human emotion influences the field and what
we just did in here is how you feed the field the field Only Knows chaos or coherence here's why this is important if you want social change and you Riot angrily in the streets are you creating chaos in the field or are you creating coherence in the field yeah people asked me and they said Greg why aren't you out there supporting all of the protests and I said because if you understand the principles of cooperation and coherence that is not the way to do it buckminister Fuller told us that you find the better way there
are ways to protest but it's heart-based protest now I'm not saying that there aren't times when you know World War II was a perfect example of fighting tyranny that had been allowed to reach such a point it had to be met with that Force but we now know we don't have to allow it to go there that far in the presence of cooperation phase two this was when Barack Obama was elected the whole world was watching when that happened and what you saw was the randomness become much more ordered and I'm not going to spend
a lot of time on this but you can see the red you can see it the randomness disappeared because people were watching what was happening here is the uh the information here are the days Jan the inauguration it was on the 20th so here you can see from in the upper left 16 17 18 19 there's 20 the Red Arrows inauguration look how quiet the field got in the next day right after that people were in shock they said my God Obama is in and the field became very quiet now scientists are really cautious they
don't say it's because of this they say there's a correlation they don't like to to say this made this happen so as a scientist I have to say to you there's a high correlation between the time Obama was inaugurated and the way the field responded and it's worth exploring and that's what we're doing right now all right uh here you can see this was actually on February 14th 2009 World sound healing day facilitated by my dear dear brother and his wife right here in Boulder Colorado Jonathan Goldman and his wife and Goldman Andrea Goldman facilitate
world sound healing day every Valentine's Day and they teamed up with Princeton to see if there was an effect and there is and here it is the world during the time of world sound healing day became I'm just going to give up on the laser I'm pointing and nothing's happening uh became more coherent more ordered now the question is is it the sound maybe or or is it the Consciousness and the sound is facilitating that in other words would it happen even if there was no sound if everyone were praying at the same time that's
worth study that's what we're doing right now here it is so you can see what happened and you can see the correlations random random random and this is over the days February 11th 12th 13th and now we come to February 14 14th the randomness begins to go away becomes more ordered because millions of people are focused on world sound healing day and look how quiet the field becomes compared the bright the bright is the noise and look how quiet it becomes and it lasts and then it begins to change and go back to to whatever
is happening all this to say that we have the potential to influence the field that connects all life the field that can create peace cooperation and love in our communities in our Societies in our nation and between nations on this planet through our soft technology of being pure human you don't need transhumanism to do that you're not imposing a field you you could build a machine and you could impose 01 Hertz in the field and be just like using chemicals in the body people aren't ready to accept that it's going to be very very irritating
to their system they'll resist that but when it comes from within us and we have become that field we become that 0.1 Hertz it's a whole whole different story so right now the global coherence initiative GCI it is made of people right now in over 104 countries and that number is probably outdated every place you see a heart on this map is a global coherence initiative uh site where people are feeding the field coherence now one heart does not necessarily mean one person so in Japan for example they have groups that wake up they you
know they work a lot in Japan they're usually at work by or 7 in the morning at 4:00 a.m. they go into a theater 3 to 400 people in the theater taking the time to feed the field and love Mother Earth so people ask all the time what can I do to create a better world rather than Reinventing the wheel on your own if you'd like to join a science-based project that is really well established and well underway this might be the answer so I wanted to share this with you in closing today because what
you're now discovering if you didn't know already is that while personal coherence is good for you Global coherence is really good for the planet and every time you create that personal coherence you are feeding the field and so one of my practices at the end of every day before I go to bed I ask the question what did I feed the field today and if my answer is not the answer I would like I don't judge myself I say tomorrow let's do a better job because when we feed that field we're loving ourselves loving the
people of this planet even those that don't know they're being loved there's a battle playing out for our story you know what that is all about but there's a a deeper battle the ultimate battle for our very humanness and I made the statement I said I'm not against the technology but once we embrace it we can't go back because we will lose the biology that gives us our uniqueness so before we give ourselves to the technology how do we know how much of ourselves to give away until we know who we are and my goal
my prayer my dream and sharing this with you today is that hopefully you have a little bit better sense of what it means to be pure human it may become a rare a rare aspect of our species if we choose this transhuman path it maybe that the pureness of who we are becomes something that becomes scarce but I think it's worth preserving it's worth honoring it's worth understanding and if we have to it's worth fighting for because we are the only ones of Our Kind known to exist and there's something so precious and unique about
us that cannot be replicated through a machine so this is the ultimate battle I hope that you felt that this two days it's a celebration of our humanness it is a love story because we're loving ourselves in new and exciting ways and it's a celebration of the most radical Act of power that I could ever invite you to share with me the radical Act of changing the way you think about yourself and your relationship to the world
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