Essa é e sempre será a humanidade | Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
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come on, good evening everyone, welcome, today I'm going to address a subject that is not exactly a continuation of the classes I was giving on the issue of the method because it is a much later stage in the explanation of the method, I'm skipping several chapters, so to speak, to get something that would ideally be at the conclusion of the book, and it's also not a continuation of the previous class on astroc theology, although there's a lot to be seen, as you will understand during the course of the class, and it's a subject which for me is very expensive because it is an object of speculation that I have discussed with myself for many years and about which I don't believe I have explained much to date and it is something that will help you a lot to organize your his ideas and the broader philosophical frame of reference this refers to there is a series of conditions to which we humans are subjected and that comes to us from the structure of the external universe of the surrounding physical universe and which has absolutely nothing to do with our subjective life, that is, our brain, our thoughts do not contribute to this in the slightest, the most we can do is perceive these conditions and adapt to them in the best possible way, they are absolutely universal, that is to say, all human beings are subject to them and I very much doubt that there is any element in the structure of Human Reason or of the human condition that is not entirely determined by these conditions. I think one of the strangest things that happened in the history of philosophy was that around the time of the Renaissance the axis of philosophical attention deviated from the objective universe and turned towards the subject, seeking to find in the subject the explanation and all our ideas about the external universe, later with the development, let's say, of anatomy and physiology, begins to seek these explanations in the human brain, now the brain is nothing more than one material object among others and it is therefore subject to the very same external conditions to which I'm referring to eh so I suggest that you even write down the name write down the name of each of these elements so that you always remember to take into account this list that I made is not exhaustive there are others I'm just giving a brief sampling eh The first of these conditions is the existence of cycles, that's not what we can exemplify, there are so many cycles to which we are subject that we cannot escape in any way, let's say this idea from Cico, it ends up permeating in some way in human intelligence and determining a series of our cognitive operations, including extrapolating to areas where Cico's idea does not work at all, for example, everyone knows the idea of ​​historical cycles, which is one of the most dubious things that exist, but cycles can apply to story in a metaphorical or metonymic way not in a literal way but there is a we can do this because there are areas of existence where cycles are a reality a material reality In fact a brutal reality that we cannot escape in any way in the first place in your body itself you have the cycle of ingestion, digestion and excretion, that's not it, I just call it a cycle, that which is the series of events that repeats itself in a mechanical way and that happens to a subject that remains the same, that's why I think that idea of historical cycles is a bit metaphorical just because the subjects that never remain when the cycle closes are other people, so it's not exactly a cycle but the cycle I'm talking about of ingestion, digestion and excretion happens for the same person every day You have no way for you to escape this in the same way that the sleep vigil cycle has no absolutely no escape all human beings since they are born until they die are subject to these cycles so it is impossible for the deny don't notice the cyclicality of this something more day Men days Okay, so for example small children sometimes they hate sleeping they believe they can continue being awake indefinitely then the catapimba falls on the carpet and wakes up in the bed that someone took, that's not it, eh So no matter how much you resist, this cycle ends up imposing itself on you, that's right, it's like the simple daily cycle of days and nights with dawn after a half - day one dusk with dusk and that 's it and it comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes okay no there is no escape okay you also have let's say the cycle of production and consumption which for example in agriculture you see you plant things you you'll have to wait a while to harvest after the harvest you'll have to plant again and next year you'll have to do the same thing, right ? How long did it take human beings to realize that the moon formed a cycle because the moon does not appear in the sky with the same appearance it appears in such different ways, one of which is not an appearance it is invisible, that 's not it, so how do you you know that these various different objects that appear are the same you cannot perceive this at an intuitive glance just as you perceive sunlight It is not that you have to observe and write it down and keep it in memory And in the end you by abstraction you understand that that It's a cycle, okay, but although you need abstractive intelligence for this, it's clear that this cycle is not born from your abstractive intelligence, it imposes itself on it as an external reality and so on, there are, to say, innumerable cycles that you can observe in more or in at least some of them you are subjected to without even realizing it, that's right, but they are there in the same way, so let's say this idea of ​​the cycle, meaning something that takes place over time but that, in a way, returns to a previous stage without the meeting point with the stage is the same as the previous one Okay, that will be one of the fundamental structures of human Intelligence , for example, the cycles show us that firstly there is no absolute continuity for us , right, all the temporal processes that we observe are hidden in those that we observe what happens to ourselves Okay, so there is no absolute linearity, although you don't escape linearity either.
Okay, so what to say about this idea of ​​stages or how in a book there are chapters, okay, it's something that is also inherent to human condition and to which intelligence Hum can only adapt Okay, so if you ask when did human beings invent the division of history into episodes, they didn't invent it, they found it like that, that's not it, that is, no human being has ever observed a continuous process. whatever it is, right? At the very least, when you're looking you blink and when you blink, things become invisible, isn't that what we're going to say, what is your capacity for continuous attention to a flow, any CTO, the attention flies to one side for the other, there is no other way, okay, so this idea of ​​the stages of the entire temporal process is also something that is imposed on us by the terrestrial physical condition to which we are subjected And of course, from there we take mental structures, we take categories by so to say, but we didn't invent any of this, all of this was imposed on us, well , the whole idea of ​​narrative and temporal process is divided into stages, so the idea of ​​stages is inescapable.
Okay, there is another idea that is inescapable, which is of invisible continuity Um so if the entire temporal process that I observe It is hidden it is cut into pieces so it is necessarily a piece of it that I don't see um so the invisible continuity is also imposed on us doesn't that mean you uh if you observe by example the movement of the Sun during the day is right no how do you know it is the same sun you didn't look continuously in fact you can't even look at it you can look at it indirectly so the idea of ​​an invisible continuity without it being it human wouldn't have left the caves he wouldn't have even entered the caves Elia died before that's it so if he doesn't know that behind the separate discrete stages that he sees there is a thread of continuity he won't know anything he will be totally disoriented in the world, so let's say this idea of ​​the Stage and therefore of the narrative hence comes a third third idea you have the hidden temporal continuity you have invisible or inaccessible continuity and therefore you have the narrative the possibility of narrating because whatever you narrate you will do with words that are separate, it is not this, that is, the words are separate but are trying to reflect another continuity that is also separate but is not separated in the same way that words do not correspond to stages, that is not the case with temporal succession, so you necessarily have the idea that it is possible to narrate as long as you divide the stages of the process in a different way than the Natural separation of the stages which is verbal separation separation in words is not that then it is every language is an articulated language made up of separate units no there is no other way That's right Now behind this unit separate when you hear the subject speak you understand that he is not referring to different bits of the event but there is an invisible continuity that he mentions and that you apprehend in some way This is universal no human being has ever escaped from this so if you heard a cicho here is Pedro who is translating for a friend of ours, he's here, so with these two notions, let's say that of cycles and the notion of stages, therefore of invisible continuity and narrative, a third imposition appears, which is the idea of ​​scale and proportion absolutely everything we do implies some type of proportion and scale for example if I want to lift a stone I have to exert a force that is proportional to the weight of the stone and queer super a little yes or no no that's it that's it until A cat knows that for it to jump a mule it needs to exert a proportional force, so in all human actions in all situations we are faced with this reality of certain scales and proportions that are, so to speak, invincible, you have no way of escaping it, right? So, even for you to stand, it means you need to exert a force that is proportional to the weight of your body and remember that this is not easy because a baby doesn't know how to do it from the beginning because he gets up and falls, gets up and He falls We have to adjust the effort of the leg with the weight of the body and he doesn't know this so this is another condition that is imposed on us now when we say proportion proportion is the basic structure of human reason reason actually means proportion Okay OK, so if you understand what is the origin of Human Reason, well it was imposed on us, OK, it was imposed on us, and on the other hand, we have, through our physiological anatomical structure, the ability to perceive it, record it in our memory, OK, and express it. say it verbally then you need to bring these two together, that is, there is a set of cosmic conditions that are imposed on us, there is on our part, our body, our brain, etc.
, an ability to grasp and retain these things, that's right, so this is the same thing as saying that let's say the structure of the Reason of human Intelligence of knowledge does not derive from the structure of the brain no you can unravel the structure of the brain as much as you want because the brain is not in the air it is in the precise place of the of a universe where all these conditions impose themselves on him, so that means he doesn't need to aggravate all this in the brain to function, right? For example, you know that when you wake up the next day after having slept, you are the same person and your mother who is there is the same mother as Eve , you know all this, it wasn't your brain that invented this, no, it's imposed, it's an external condition. Okay, so I believe that the entire study, let's say of cerebral neurophysiology, is very interesting, but it will be useless if it isn't.
combined with the study of the vand structure of the surrounding space-time, there is no way to escape this and I have never actually seen a study of this type HUM H let's say some people almost arrived at this idea, one of them was Ervin Panofsky, but studying in the part, let's to say about the aesthetics of the philosophy of art, it's right to say as a study, let's say gnosiological, I've never seen this before, you can explore it in the depth it deserves, with the attention it deserves. In fact, I myself If I'm talking about this for the first time, that means I should have already talked about it before, I should have addressed this subject in much more depth and I never even had the chance to write something, the only thing I wrote about it was the triple intuition thing, which would be an introduction to this here it's right in the triple intuition eh I tried to demonstrate and answer the following question how did people realize the existence of the Sun um the sun is always there but one day they have to touch it Oh there's something there That's it , so one thing is the mere sensation that you receive, another thing is the perception, so it 's also a question when they realized the existence of the Light, I think it's when the light disappears and then it returns, so the perception of the light is simultaneous, it coexists with the perception of the difference between seeing and not seeing it is not possible for you to perceive light except for the fact that when it is present you see it and when it goes away you no longer see it therefore this connection, let's say the direct connection between the light and the structure of Human Consciousness is one of the most primitive elements of the structure of our presence in the world and our cognition. Okay, so I see that this ancient symbolism of the Sun as a symbol, let's say of the intelligence of knowledge, is a natural thing.
it is not a natural symbolism it is not an invented thing of course there is a lot of cultural symbolism created on top of this but it has to have a basis in natural perception very well insofar as you have not to say the scales and proportions and that you you cannot escape it you will necessarily have the difference between quantity and quality because all the qualities that you observe exist in a certain quantity um for example a sound is loud as it is loud, right a sound is Acute as Acute, right This is also imposed on us by by external conditions, for example, are you cold, how cold are you hot, how hot is this present in absolutely everything, when you identify a quality there is a quantity in it, that is to say, all qualities in principle correspond to quantities That's right, although you don't identify with them, I Saying heat is not the same thing as the degree of heat, it's not that if it's say 32 G it's hot and if it's 45 it's also hot the heat is the same it just increased the intensity So you understand that the heat has a gradation but it is not a gradation, it is not that, it is also imposed on us, we have no way of escaping that, in other words, it is a mere gradation, a mere quantitative increase does not generate a quality, right, and quality itself is impossible to exist without some quantity that is not enough in turn to determine it, this is not so, so you see that long after the first men had experienced these things, the discussion of the primary and secondary qualities of objects arises, primary qualities being those that can be immediately measured, which would be the weight. size and movement That was it, I don't know , John Lock who invented that or John Lock or Isaac Newton or Galileo one of them or all together and the secondary qualities would be those that are only perceived as a function of human physiology, such as color, flavor etc. It turns out that today we have the means to measure all of this, so the field of ability of the so-called primary qualities has increased dramatically and this distinction is evidently no longer valid, that's right, in fact it was adopted just for the sake of ease, but it created a tremendous prejudice against the secondary qualities that were considered merely subjective Aha but if they were merely subjective they wouldn't need the external exciting I could feel the flavor just because I want to feel the flavor doesn't mean the idea that the secondary qualities are subjective eh it is absolutely untenable That's right, they're not imposed in some way, that's right, you say this food is as salty as salty, uh, it's salty like, I don't know, a chicken drumstick, it's salty like a bag of salt, it's not the same thing, so this accumulation of conditions that will be imposing on human beings, they give them a vision of their earthly condition, their condition of existence, where they are and who they are in the midst of it.
That's right, without these conditions we wouldn't understand absolutely nothing, you need to see these conditions on the one hand, on the other hand you need to see a psychophysical apparatus capable of not only apprehending them, not only of feeling them as the animal also feels, but of retaining them in memory and symbolizing them . I say retend in memory, symbolizing is an almost instantaneous act because when you record something in memory, you only record a couple, a part of it that functions as a symbol for the rest, that's it, for example, you have an image of a cow, it symbolizes a lot of cows or symbolizes the same cow the other day and yet it's just a cow that you see, right, so that 's another thing that imposes itself on us in an absolutely inescapable way, which is the sign, right? We can't do anything without signs and everything that appears to us is a sign of something Sometimes the same thing taken in its entirety when you only see it for example I'm seeing Carla here I say but what I'm seeing is Carla fal no This is the momentary aspect that Carla has here Carla Estela Edson, right, that's not it, so this presence, they are real But they are symbols of the whole thing that is behind, that's not it, we can't escape that, why Because we have no perception of absolute continuity of material continuity, no is ISO so any step that you perceive is a symbol of the invisible continuity that is underneath and the invisible continuity cannot be a conclusion that you drew from the various separate things because for it to be a conclusion it means a product of our mere abstraction It would be best for you to first see the separate stages in a totally unconnected way Um and then you put them together if not H continuity is it possible that's not the case um for example I'm here Carlo blinked I'm already seeing one having a new perception this person is totally separate from the interior of the previous one, no, so the invisible continuity is present, right, it imposes itself on us, um, it's not a conclusion that we draw, that's right, it's not a creation of our mind, as cant said, we only perceive separate points and then we join ours head, you can't do this, these things already come together in a way that shows their presence in the structure of the universe, we don't contribute to this in any way, so much so that our understanding of this is problematic and progressive, you start to notice these things little by little and when you You see, well, your neighbor also noticed many things, that's not it, so I believe the structure of our reason, of our understanding, it is the structure of the universe, it is not identical, obviously, but it is as if it were, let's say imposed, this is not going back, let's say the theory.
of the naive Realism that the things that are perceived stick, so to speak, to our memory as if it were on a piece of paper, that's not what I'm talking about, I 'm not talking about objects but about structures Um, I mean these structures impose themselves on us not as objects of our perception but as conditions of our perception they determine the possibility that we have of having perceptions of being right, having memory etc etc etc. So it is not our Memory either that is stitching in reverse, right if the Unity of the objects that I 'm perceiving, if it depended on my memory, I could make and undo them as I please, but here I'm looking at Edson Close the Oros AB, it's the same Edson, I'm the one who created it, not if it were me, I created it. I could put another one there, I'll put Pedro there as long as I want, so the continuity of objects What is the continuity that is beyond our sensitive perception, it also imposes itself on us as an inescapable reality, isn't that, if it weren't for that, we would be totally disoriented and if this depended exclusively on our subjectivity or our brain it would be the same thing, that is, we are creating the brain and all objects and the unity of all objects at each one, which is obviously a mathematical impossibility, so with all of this We also have another thing that imposes itself on us which is the distinction between the possible and the impossible we are surrounded by impossibilities um they demarcate our possibilities of action within a Very narrow Horizon, very defined and absolutely insurmountable n so for example if a stone is greater than your strength you can't lift it that 's not it if an animal attacks you it is stronger than you it will kill you and so on if you are stronger you will kill it there's no way to escape that, but then, if you don't plant seeds, nothing will be born, that is, you can't escape that, so all the time the notion of the possibility of impossibility is also imposed on us by the physical condition in around, it is clear that then we can say, obtain by abstraction more general ideas about the possibility of impossibility and arrive at calculating possibilities of things that we will never see .
impossible that are Given to us by the material reality around us, we would have absolutely none of that um then there is another structure that is also put to us which is the famous apyron of anaximander um absolutely everything that we know forms a circle beyond which something that we we don't know, so the idea of ​​the known forms for us a Horizon beyond which there is a question mark, no matter how big our Universe of acquired knowledge is and our sphere of action there is always one beyond there is someone who isn't like that I just say God for God does not exist there, right, but for human beings, let's say, apon, which means the existence of this Indefinite circle, let's say, it's not an assumption of our mind, it's where we really are, right, so we always exist within a relatively known Horizon beyond of which there is the unknown, both in the spatial sense and even in the temporal sense, for example, how much can I predict of what will happen next , for example, I predict that the people who are here will not fly away, they never left, nor should they leave now. that's right, I predict that tomorrow maybe it will rain, right ? blurring, right, so my ability to predict is as limited in terms of time as my vision is in space and this is how it is, it's not for me, it's for everyone, it's not like this, for example, the guy can predict, it's good if I plant such things here, this here business takes so long to germinate so long to grow in months I'll get it well and if there's a frost If there's a snowstorm if there's a bunch of grasshoppers attacking that you don't know so let's say the sphere of the predictable is placed within a larger sphere of the unpredictable um this is because of our mind speaking no no no the reality around it is like that it is not that and it imposes itself on us of course our ability to perceive retain in memory make abstraction and be able to use these circuits right , how can you close the learning circuit to predict what comes next, it's limited and it varies from person to person, there are people who go through the same experience 500 times, they don't learn anything, others already understand it the first time, OK, so this variety is also imposed on us um because when I apprehend something it doesn't mean that the neighbor has apprehended the same Um so these individual differences there is the difference in time, age of experience etc etc it imposes itself on us or why does it impose itself why do I realize that a human being for example he takes longer to learn than me um or that he knows less than me or that he knows more than me um all of this I can only understand If I understand that I belong to the same species as him therefore the difference the differences between individuals are only noticeable depending on the species identity why Because no one will measure this difference in relation to an armadillo Oh the armadillo knows less than me, right you won't do that in fact you have no idea what the armadillo knows or stops knowing, that's not it, so that means that the division of beings into individuals, species and genera is also imposed on us, that's not it, so for example, I know that a bear is not a tomato, I can't plant a bear to for another iso to be born is absolutely impossible, that doesn't apply to this bear, it applies to any bear, right?
Eh, too I can't hunt the tomatoes, I can't run after the tomatoes, they don't run, so this leads us to understand the set of what is accessible to us as a network of individuals, species and genera, um, we weren't the ones who created this notion, right? we create the notion from what of an experience that is imposed on us and that there is absolutely no escape Right you can't you can't confuse the species when you confuse you you made a mistake and this error can be Fatal, that's not it then I don't know, you expect a bear to behave like a tomato. I don't think that's ever happened , no one was so stupid .
goat ate bear So all this means the structures that form the species that differentiate one species from another that within the species manage the various individuals all of this is imposed on us from the outside um there isn't And we learn these things because they are repeated in the external universe they don't change, right? If they changed all the time, we would be finished, regardless of our structuring and organizing capacity, we would be lost in this battle without Dog for a long time, isn't that so, so that also brings us another notion, which is the notion of hierarchy um everything that comes to us comes within some hierarchical order um for example one animal is more dangerous than another I go back to the example the bear eats the goat the goat doesn't eat the bear So you have a hierarchical relationship of domination Isn't that also among human beings you clearly see a hierarchy of power from the beginning an adult man has more power than a baby yes or no a fully developed man has more power than a woman yes or no the woman has more power than the baby, right, or than another younger woman and so on, escape from that if you can, so let's say measuring strength, that is to say, one of the most basic experiences of the human being already reveals to him that there is not only 2 degrees the strongest the least Strong, no, the thing is enormously complicated, isn't it, for example, strength, the hierarchy of strength is one of dangerousness, another, a snake is much less strong than you, it can kill you, no, a spider So you have these various hierarchies composing a set if you get lost inside it you are finished and everything ISO also tells us the time it takes us to realize this may vary from person to person, ok but the structures are always the same and when people realize they always notice these things in the same way this is not the case, so here comes an element that I consider to be the fundamental data of Political Science and political philosophy, the difference in power between human beings. Forget the others, the bear, the spider, etc.
etc. I wish this has always been and always will be between beings humans a difference in power that becomes immeasurable um for example a father who gets angry can throw the baby out the window the baby can't do the same thing to the father isn't that so we all hear about societies that kill their babies not from Xingu and from doing this, right now you never hear otherwise, the baby is killing its father and mother, so it starts with this difference that is determined by age and that you observe the same in the Animal Kingdom when two dogs fight or when the bear never eats the cub, the bear never eats the cub, the cub never eats an adult bear Okay, so this difference in power is great among animals, but among human beings it becomes immeasurable, um, for example, if you have a tribe of Indian You have the chief, the chief You can order anyone to kill anyone and the others cannot do the same thing to him, these differences in power are enormously varied because the factors that give power to human beings change according to time, okay? right and if you add there are new forms of power that you couldn't imagine before so for example let's say weapons isn't that Carol Quigley in the book Tragedy and Hope which is a great book after all, right He says the following he says that do you see periods of greater equality democracy or periods of greater tyranny AND government dominance depending on the type of weapons that are available and if the weapons are simple and cheap everyone has them then it tends to equalize but if the weapons become very expensive or difficult to use then centralizing power is the most obvious thing in the world, isn't it?
So, for example, you can see that the expansion of Democracy in the United States in the 19th century was due to the cheapening of firearms, a revolver cost 10 D, 12 dollars, everyone could have it. That's right, and it was a weapon that was more or less the same, that's right, eh, but then when they invent more complicated weapons that are enormously expensive and that's when things change, only a few can have them, right, so those from the government on the population are much greater, right? R Spencer, who shot the guys from the South, had never seen anything like that Car come to an end, so we're screwed, right?
And there wasn't time for them to make an equivalent weapon, right? So these things, let's say, they change the fate of entire nations I mean, the introduction of Gunpowder, for example, was an extraordinary thing, wasn't it , and in the same way, to these means of power you have to add the means of information, isn't that what today V say, they are very small on one side and are monstrously large on the other hand, that's not what we're talking about here, the FBI can record our conversation 2 km away and we don't even know that the FBI is there, so also see what we call power, it's the ability with a human being to determine the actions of others are not that if no one obeys the guy he has no power if a lot of people obey he has some power and among those who obey there is also a hierarchy this one commands this one who commands the one who commands the one who commands that one and so on and this network can become so immensely complicated that it in itself is inarc, right, that happens in society today, I mean you don't know exactly what the hierarchy is, that's not it, there are so many agencies working for the Central power that you don't know where it's going to get you isn't that, so let's say, let's say the difference in power is also a constant, right, it's part of the conditions in which we are, the first guy who realized that there was an animal stronger than him, he already understood this and relationship So Di The Hierarchy, especially hierarchy of power, is another thing that is imposed on us by the earthly condition and it is not created by our mind none of this was created by our mind absolutely nothing and our brain our brain Poor thing it records sensitive impressions Guard a piece is right and tries to operate some abstraction on top of that That's the most he can do he's not creating anything, right? So due to this hierarchical thing you'll see that the idea of ​​family and community is also imposed on human beings from the beginning How do you impose it on a dog?
Doesn't that mean we have a family? It's not because someone invented the family structure, right? It's because if you have babies and you don't eliminate them, they die.
from which we cannot escape we reproduce, right? I heard about a tribe I don't know where that hadn't yet made the connection between the sexual act and procreation, they had sex and then the children came from I don't know where and I also saw a German couple This became famous, it's a video, right? The couple went to the doctor and said, we've been trying to have children for so many years, we haven't been able to, and then the doctor asked how your sex life is.
from Germany they hadn't touched each other so in the meantime explain to him how it's done then Of course if you have children all this can happen but the condition is there and it's imposed Huh you may know you may not know you may understand or not understand but you You're living within that same framework, okay, well, another thing that is imposed on us, let's say is dangerousness, um, there are dangers in the world, isn't that the case, it may take a while to realize it, but they exist, and therefore, let's say, the need to seek safety is something else that is imposed on us is imposed on us as it is imposed on all animals. Okay, let's say it is imposed on us in a different way than it is imposed on animals. because we have a greater capacity for prediction, that is, we can think of dangers that don't exist yet but that could come to exist, so the animal doesn't conceive it, it only conceives the danger when it receives some sign of the presence of the danger.
We don't need that for example, I say good, well, now we're fishing, there's a lot of fish, we're going to eat and if there's no fish next month, we have this fear, isn't that it, and then let's say the need for forecasting is another thing, that's it. imposed on human beings, the human being cannot live without foresight, of course, in modern society, the previve activity is to take care of certain people and not others; Because there's, I don't know, there's the weather service, the police, the doctor, the father, the mother, there are a lot of people who are worried about the forecast so that nothing happens to that bastard and he doesn't need to do it personally, that's right, but if by chance it happens that he is deprived of this network of assistants he is chipped But then all these are elements let's say that they form the structure of our intelligence and all of them are not imposed by the earthly condition in which we live and the role of our brain within It's minimal, um, it's just the role of recording, keeping it in memory, making abstraction, that's not it, if it says, ah, we keep all this in the brain, all the information in our memory is in the brain, it's in the brain, a bit of a joke, right? For example, so that the We have libraries, right?
Because you won't keep everything in your head, you go back to the book And look again. And besides, the book You have your own universe is a mnemonic resource, the things that are happening remind you of those that happened the day before That's not it, so I don't know, when it rains, it rained Ah, last month it also rained, so the entire universe is a mnemonic system, it's a system of signs. That's right, it supports the operation of our memory in order to reduce the work of our poor brain to a minimum.
If everything depended on him, we wouldn't have died by now, right? Another thing that imposes itself on everyone is the directions of space, we have no way of escaping that, there is an up and down, right, left, forward, backward, these are the maximum directions, you don't have how to change that then you can go to the side you want, that's right, but it will always be a certain distance from right to left, top to bottom, you see this is immediately reflected in the structure of our body, where your feet are returning to. backwards to the sides, not forwards Hmm, and your legs are separated laterally, right?
Look , what does this mean that the structure of space is engraved here in our body ? because of that, because you have these feet forward and your legs to the sides, that's right, you can also do something else, which is lowering and lifting, that's not what it 's not easy either, ask the baby how many times he tries these rubbers on the floor, okay , so he knows that he is having to adapt to an external condition that he cannot change, my God, right, if he could change, he would just imagine that he is standing up, he stays standing up, and the guys talk about thinking. positive, you do it like this with your fingers and you change it, it doesn't change anything [ __ ] uh, that means the power of positive thinking is practically zero we are surrounded by absolutely immutable determining conditions Invincible to which we can adapt with great work Um so there is another element that is also imposed on us which is our capacity for prediction and improvidence everyone has some Um you can see without any no so some you will have to have because you want it no because this is also imposed on you This is part of your structure, right, and naturally there exists, together with the prediction in social security, possibility and impossibility, there is the notion of success and failure, whether it was successful or not that you are trying to learn to walk you already know that it worked or it didn't work, therefore we are within a comprehensive complex condition, Okay, in which the condition of success and failure also develops for us as a Universal ISO reality and finally there is to finish this list, which is an example, it's just one list of examples, right, there is another element that we do not run away from, it is called subjectivity, which is subjectivity, our Sensations and thoughts are not transmitted automatically, right, they are not shareable in themselves, um, if I eat it, that's not why you Are you fed?
If I have a toothache, your tooth doesn't need to hurt, and there is separation, the bodies are discretely separate, right, and therefore everything that happens, no, no, if there is no direct correspondence in what is going on, that means that we are like this. say trapped inside ourselves hmm, but that's just one of the conditions, subjectivity doesn't free us from any of the other conditions, but the temptation is great to see this set of conditions as it is reflected in subjectivity, right?
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